コード例 #1
        private void AddButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                int    id      = Convert.ToInt32(ID_tb.Text);
                string date    = Date_tb.Text;
                string start   = Start_tb.Text;
                string end     = End_tb.Text;
                int    clas    = Convert.ToInt32(Class_tb.Text);
                int    room    = Convert.ToInt32(Room_tb.Text);
                int    trainer = Convert.ToInt32(Trainer_tb.Text);
                string info    = Info_tb.Text;

                string        connectionString = @"Data Source =.\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog = FitnessCenter; Integrated Security = True";
                SqlConnection connection       = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
                string     cmdTxt  = $"INSERT INTO Schedule (ID_lesson, Date, StartTime, EndTime, ID_class, ID_room, ID_trainer, Information) VALUES ('{id}', '{date}', '{start}',  '{end}',  '{clas}',  '{room}',  '{trainer}',  '{info}')";
                SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(cmdTxt, connection);
                int        number  = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
                MessageBox.Show("Изменения сохранены успешно!\nВставлено объектов: " + number, "Статус действия", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

                ID_tb.Clear(); Date_tb.Clear(); Start_tb.Clear(); End_tb.Clear(); Class_tb.Clear(); Room_tb.Clear(); Trainer_tb.Clear(); Info_tb.Clear();
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "ERROR!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
コード例 #2
        private void ChangeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                int    id      = Convert.ToInt32(ID_tb.Text);
                string date    = Date_tb.Text;
                string start   = Start_tb.Text;
                string end     = End_tb.Text;
                int    clas    = Convert.ToInt32(Class_tb.Text);
                int    room    = Convert.ToInt32(Room_tb.Text);
                int    trainer = Convert.ToInt32(Trainer_tb.Text);
                string info    = Info_tb.Text;

                int    newid      = Convert.ToInt32(NewID_tb.Text);
                string newdate    = NewDate_tb.Text;
                string newstart   = NewStart_tb.Text;
                string newend     = NewEnd_tb.Text;
                int    newclas    = Convert.ToInt32(NewClass_tb.Text);
                int    newroom    = Convert.ToInt32(NewRoom_tb.Text);
                int    newtrainer = Convert.ToInt32(NewTrainer_tb.Text);
                string newinfo    = NewInfo_tb.Text;

                string        connectionString = @"Data Source =.\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog = FitnessCenter; Integrated Security = True";
                SqlConnection connection       = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

                string     cmdTxt1  = $"UPDATE Schedule SET Date = '{newdate}'  WHERE ID_lesson = '{id}'";
                SqlCommand command1 = new SqlCommand(cmdTxt1, connection);
                string     cmdTxt2  = $"UPDATE Schedule SET StartTime = '{newstart}'  WHERE ID_lesson = '{id}'";
                SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand(cmdTxt2, connection);
                string     cmdTxt3  = $"UPDATE Schedule SET EndTime = '{newend}'  WHERE ID_lesson = '{id}'";
                SqlCommand command3 = new SqlCommand(cmdTxt3, connection);
                string     cmdTxt4  = $"UPDATE Schedule SET ID_class = '{newclas}'  WHERE ID_lesson = '{id}'";
                SqlCommand command4 = new SqlCommand(cmdTxt4, connection);
                string     cmdTxt5  = $"UPDATE Schedule SET ID_class = '{newclas}'  WHERE ID_lesson = '{id}'";
                SqlCommand command5 = new SqlCommand(cmdTxt5, connection);
                string     cmdTxt6  = $"UPDATE Schedule SET ID_class = '{newclas}'  WHERE ID_lesson = '{id}'";
                SqlCommand command6 = new SqlCommand(cmdTxt6, connection);
                string     cmdTxt7  = $"UPDATE Schedule SET ID_class = '{newclas}'  WHERE ID_lesson = '{id}'";
                SqlCommand command7 = new SqlCommand(cmdTxt7, connection);

                command1.ExecuteNonQuery(); command2.ExecuteNonQuery(); command3.ExecuteNonQuery(); command4.ExecuteNonQuery();
                command5.ExecuteNonQuery(); command6.ExecuteNonQuery(); command7.ExecuteNonQuery();
                MessageBox.Show("Изменения сохранены успешно!", "Статус действия", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

                ID_tb.Clear(); Date_tb.Clear(); Start_tb.Clear(); End_tb.Clear(); Class_tb.Clear(); Room_tb.Clear(); Trainer_tb.Clear(); Info_tb.Clear();
                NewID_tb.Clear(); NewDate_tb.Clear(); NewStart_tb.Clear(); NewEnd_tb.Clear(); NewClass_tb.Clear(); NewRoom_tb.Clear(); NewTrainer_tb.Clear(); NewInfo_tb.Clear();
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "ERROR!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Used for clearing the textbox of text when application is opened
        /// </summary>
        private void clear()

コード例 #4
        private void DeleteButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                int id = Convert.ToInt32(ID_tb.Text);

                string        connectionString = @"Data Source =.\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog = FitnessCenter; Integrated Security = True";
                SqlConnection connection       = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
                string     cmdTxt  = $"DELETE FROM Schedule WHERE ID_lesson = '{id}'";
                SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(cmdTxt, connection);
                int        number  = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
                MessageBox.Show("Изменения сохранены успешно!\nУдалено объектов: " + number, "Статус действия", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

                ID_tb.Clear(); Date_tb.Clear(); Start_tb.Clear(); End_tb.Clear(); Class_tb.Clear(); Room_tb.Clear(); Trainer_tb.Clear(); Info_tb.Clear();
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "ERROR!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);