public void _SetForm() { if (Code > 0) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase db = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); db.setQuery(@"select Code,Text from entSharePriceText where Code = " + Code); System.Data.DataTable Dt = new System.Data.DataTable(); Dt = db.Query_DataTable(); if (Dt.Rows.Count > 0) { txtText.Text = Dt.Rows[0]["Text"].ToString(); } } }
public static void DeleteByGroupName(int pPostCode, string pGroupName) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { DB.setQuery("delete from refGroupname where postCode=" + pPostCode + " and Groupname=N'" + pGroupName + "'"); DB.Query_Execute(); } catch { } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public bool Save() { ClassLibrary.JDataBase db = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); db.setQuery(@"insert into ShareMessage([Code] ,[SenderCode] ,[ReceiverCode] ,[sDate] ,[Title] ,[Body] ,[Type]) values((select max(code)+1 from ShareMessage)," + WebClassLibrary.SessionManager.Current.MainFrame.CurrentPersonCode + @", " + ((WebControllers.MainControls.JCustomListSelectorControl)JSearchPersonControlInstaller).Code + @" ,'" + ClassLibrary.JDateTime.FarsiDate(DateTime.Now).ToString() + @"' ,'" + txtSubject.Text + @"' ,'" + txtBody.Text + @"',2)"); return(db.Query_Execute() >= 0 ? true : false); }
public bool Proceced(int Code) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase db = ClassLibrary.JGlobal.MainFrame.GetDBO(); try { db.setQuery("UPDATE [AVLArea] SET [IsProceced]='true' WHERE [Code] = " + Code); if (db.Query_Execute() >= 0) { return(true); } return(false); } finally { db.Dispose(); } }
public JFactorItem(int pFactorCode) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { DB.setQuery("select top 1 * from AccFactorItem where Factorcode=" + pFactorCode); DB.Query_DataReader(); if (DB.DataReader.Read()) { ClassLibrary.JTable.SetToClassProperty(this, DB.DataReader); } } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public static System.Data.DataTable GetDataTablePoints(string devicecode = "0", string fromDate = "1/1/1", string toDate = "1/1/1", string StartRow = "0", string LastRow = "", bool checkPermission = true) { bool haspermission = true; if (checkPermission) { haspermission = (ClassLibrary.JPermission.CheckPermission("AVL.Coordinate.Traditional.JTransactionCars.GetDataTablePoints")); } if (!haspermission) { return(null); } ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { string query = @"select * from (SELECT row_number() over(order by [DeviceSendDateTime] ) as Row, * FROM [AVLCoordinate] where lat IS NOT NULL AND lng IS NOT NULL AND DeviceSendDateTime BETWEEN '" + fromDate + "' AND '" + toDate + "' AND DeviceCode = " + devicecode; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastRow)) { query += string.Format(" ) a WHERE a.Row BETWEEN {0} AND {1}", StartRow, LastRow); } else { query += ") a"; } query += " order by DeviceSendDateTime"; DB.setQuery(query); return(DB.Query_DataTable()); } catch (Exception ex) { ClassLibrary.JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); return(null); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public static DataTable GetBusDetails(string BusSerial) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase db = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { db.setQuery(@"select B.Code, B.BUSNumber, A.Capacity, A.Plaque, PO.Name OwnerName, PO.Fam OwnerFam from AUTBus B left join AUTAutomobile A on A.code = B.CarCode left join AUTBusOwner O on O.BusCode = B.Code left join clsPerson PO on PO.Code = O.CodePerson where BUSNumber = " + BusSerial); return(db.Query_DataTable()); } finally { db.Dispose(); } }
public bool Remove() { ClassLibrary.JDataBase db = ClassLibrary.JGlobal.MainFrame.GetDBO(); try { db.setQuery("DELETE FROM [AVLArea] WHERE [code] = " + this.code + " AND personCode=" + this.personCode); if (db.Query_Execute() > 0) { return(true); } return(false); } finally { db.Dispose(); } }
public bool GetData(int currentUserCode) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase db = ClassLibrary.JGlobal.MainFrame.GetDBO(); try { db.setQuery("SELECT * FROM [AVLSubUserObjects] WHERE AND [userCode]=" + currentUserCode); if (db.Query_DataReader() && db.DataReader.Read()) { ClassLibrary.JTable.SetToClassProperty(this, db.DataReader); return(true); } return(false); } finally { db.Dispose(); } }
public static DataTable GetDataTable(int lineCode = 0, int PathType = 0) { string where = ""; if (lineCode > 0) { where = " Where LineCode=" + lineCode + " and PathType = " + PathType; } ClassLibrary.JDataBase db = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { db.setQuery("Select * From AUTFleetLinePoints " + where + " Order By OrderNo ASC"); return(db.Query_DataTable()); } finally { db.Dispose(); } }
public bool GetData(string whereClause) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase db = ClassLibrary.JGlobal.MainFrame.GetDBO(); try { db.setQuery("SELECT top 1 * FROM [AVLJoinDevice] WHERE " + whereClause); if (db.Query_DataReader() && db.DataReader.Read()) { ClassLibrary.JTable.SetToClassProperty(this, db.DataReader); return(true); } return(false); } finally { db.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// If isGeofence was FALSE, it will return all the lines /// If isGeofence was TRUE, it will return all the geofence areas /// </summary> /// <param name="IsGeofence"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool GetAreas(bool IsGeofence = false) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase db = ClassLibrary.JGlobal.MainFrame.GetDBO(); try { db.setQuery("SELECT * FROM [AVLArea] WHERE [IsGeofence] = '" + IsGeofence + "'"); if (db.Query_DataReader() && db.DataReader.Read()) { ClassLibrary.JTable.SetToClassProperty(this, db.DataReader); return(true); } return(false); } finally { db.Dispose(); } }
public bool GetData(string deviceCode, int personcode, string name) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase db = ClassLibrary.JGlobal.MainFrame.GetDBO(); try { db.setQuery("SELECT top 1 * FROM [AVLArea] WHERE [deviceCode]=" + deviceCode + " and personCode=" + personcode + " and [Name]=N'" + name + "'"); if (db.Query_DataReader() && db.DataReader.Read()) { ClassLibrary.JTable.SetToClassProperty(this, db.DataReader); return(true); } return(false); } finally { db.Dispose(); } }
public static System.Data.DataTable GetDataTablePoints(string id = "0", string fromDate = "1/1/1", string toDate = "1/1/1", string StartRow = "0", string LastRow = "") { if (!ClassLibrary.JPermission.CheckPermission("AVL.Coordinate.Traditional.JTransactionCars.GetDataTablePoints")) { return(null); } ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { string query = @"select * from (SELECT row_number() over(order by [DateSend] ) as Row, [TransactionID] ,[CarID] ,[Longitude] ,[Latitude] ,[Altitude] ,[DateSend] ,[DateReceive] FROM [avlsite_com_1].[dbo].[TransactionCars] where Latitude IS NOT NULL AND Longitude IS NOT NULL AND DateSend BETWEEN '" + fromDate + "' AND '" + toDate + "' AND CarID=" + id; // query += " AND "+ClassLibrary.JPermission.getObjectSql("AVL.Coordinate.Traditional.JTransactionCars.GetDataTablePoints", "TransactionCars.CarID"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastRow)) { query += string.Format(" ) a WHERE a.Row BETWEEN {0} AND {1}", StartRow, LastRow); } DB.setQuery(query); return(DB.Query_DataTable()); } catch (Exception ex) { ClassLibrary.JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); return(null); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public static System.Data.DataTable GetDataTable(bool checkpermission, string pParameters, int pCode = 0) { bool haspermission = true; if (checkpermission) { haspermission = ClassLibrary.JPermission.CheckPermission("AVL.RegisterDeivce.JRegisterDevices.GetDataTable"); } if (!haspermission) { return(null); } ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); string parameters = ""; try { parameters = pParameters; } catch { parameters = ""; } try { string query = string.Format(@"SELECT * FROM AVLDevice WHERE 1=1 {0} ", parameters); if (pCode > 0) { query += " AND personCode=" + pCode; } // + " WHERE " + ClassLibrary.JPermission.getObjectSql("AVL.RegisterDeivce.JRegisterDevices.GetDataTable", "AVLRegisterDevice.Code"); DB.setQuery(query); return(DB.Query_DataTable()); } catch (Exception ex) { ClassLibrary.JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); return(null); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public bool GetDataByFactorCode(int FactorCode) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { DB.setQuery("select top 1 * from AVLPaid where FactorCode=" + FactorCode); DB.Query_DataReader(); if (DB.DataReader.Read()) { ClassLibrary.JTable.SetToClassProperty(this, DB.DataReader); return(true); } return(false); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public static System.Data.DataTable GetUserAllDevices(string imei) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { string query = string.Format(@"SELECT * FROM [AVLDB].[dbo].[AVLDevice] where personCode=(select top 1 personCode from AVLDevice WHERE IMEI='" + imei + "')"); DB.setQuery(query); return(DB.Query_DataTable()); } catch (Exception ex) { ClassLibrary.JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); return(null); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public static Int64 GetCash(int userCode) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { DB.setQuery("select top 1 paid from AVLCash where userCode=" + userCode); DB.Query_DataReader(); if (DB.DataReader.Read()) { Int64 t = Convert.ToInt64(DB.DataReader[0]); return(t); } return(0); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public bool Updateit1() //update insert field of database in autbazrasservice for bazrasservicereport { ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { DB.setQuery(@" update AUTBazRasService Set InsertDate=getdate() where code=" + Code + ""); DB.Query_Execute(); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } JBazRasServiceTable BST = new JBazRasServiceTable(); BST.SetValueProperty(this); return(BST.Update()); }
public bool GetData(string Code) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { DB.setQuery("select top 1 * from AVLDeviceModel where Code=" + Code); DB.Query_DataReader(); if (DB.DataReader.Read()) { ClassLibrary.JTable.SetToClassProperty(this, DB.DataReader); return(true); } return(false); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public bool PerformGetData(string query) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { DB.setQuery(query); DB.Query_DataReader(); if (DB.DataReader.Read()) { ClassLibrary.JTable.SetToClassProperty(this, DB.DataReader); return(true); } return(false); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public bool GetData(string pCode) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { DB.setQuery("select top 1 * from avlsite_com_1.dbo.TransactionCars where CarID=" + pCode); DB.Query_DataReader(); if (DB.DataReader.Read()) { ClassLibrary.JTable.SetToClassProperty(this, DB.DataReader); return(true); } return(false); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public bool GetData(string where) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { DB.setQuery("select * from AVLPurchasePlan where " + where); DB.Query_DataReader(); if (DB.DataReader.Read()) { ClassLibrary.JTable.SetToClassProperty(this, DB.DataReader); return(true); } return(false); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public bool GetData(string domain) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { DB.setQuery("select top 1 * from AVLResellerDomain where domain='" + domain + "'"); DB.Query_DataReader(); if (DB.DataReader.Read()) { ClassLibrary.JTable.SetToClassProperty(this, DB.DataReader); return(true); } return(false); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public bool GetData(string pCode) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { // Need to use a faster query. Prefered using row_number(). DB.setQuery("select top 1 * from AVLGeofenceData where Code=" + pCode); DB.Query_DataReader(); if (DB.DataReader.Read()) { ClassLibrary.JTable.SetToClassProperty(this, DB.DataReader); return(true); } return(false); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns latest gateaway invoice inserted. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static JAVLPaid GetLatestGateawayInvoice(int userCode) { JAVLPaid paid = new JAVLPaid(); ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { DB.setQuery("select top 1 * from AVLPaid where invoiceNumber='g' AND State=0 AND type='G' AND userCode=" + userCode + " AND documentDateTime BETWEEN '" + DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-15) + "' AND '" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "'"); DB.Query_DataReader(); if (DB.DataReader.Read()) { ClassLibrary.JTable.SetToClassProperty(paid, DB.DataReader); } return(paid); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public static DataTable GetDataTableNew(int lineCode = 0, int PathType = 0) { string where = ""; if (lineCode > 0) { where = "and als.LineCode=" + lineCode + " and IsBack = " + PathType; } ClassLibrary.JDataBase db = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { db.setQuery(@"select ats.Lat latitude,ats.Lng longitude from autlinestation als left join autstation ats on als.StationCode = ats.Code where linecode not in(select LineCode from AUTFleetLinePoints where pathtype=" + PathType + "+1) " + where + " Order By Priority"); return(db.Query_DataTable()); } finally { db.Dispose(); } }
public static System.Data.DataTable GetDataTableToday(int pCode) { if (!ClassLibrary.JPermission.CheckPermission("AVL.ObjectList.JObjectList.GetDataTable")) { return(null); } ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { string query; try { //string parameters = WebClassLibrary.SessionManager.Current.Session["OnlineMapLastFilter"].ToString(); } catch { } query = @"SELECT ol.* FROM AVLObjectList ol inner join AVLCash c On c.userCode=ol.personCode " + " WHERE ol.personCode=" + pCode + " AND ol.lastSendDate > DATEADD(hour,-24,getdate()) AND (c.paid>0) ";// ";//" AND " + ClassLibrary.JPermission.getObjectSql("AVL.ObjectList.JObjectList.GetDataTable", "AVLObjectList.Code"); AVL.SubUserObjects.jSubUserObjects user = new SubUserObjects.jSubUserObjects(); user.GetData(WebClassLibrary.SessionManager.Current.MainFrame.CurrentUserCode); if (user.Code > 0) { string parentObjects = user.objects.Remove(user.objects.Length - 1); query += " OR Code IN ( " + parentObjects + ")"; } DB.setQuery(query); return(DB.Query_DataTable()); } catch (Exception ex) { ClassLibrary.JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); return(null); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }
public bool UpdateDetails(string IMEI, string Factory, string Model, string OsVersion) { ClassLibrary.JDataBase db = ClassLibrary.JGlobal.MainFrame.GetDBO(); try { db.setQuery(string.Format("UPDATE [AVLDevice] SET Factory={0},Model={1},OSVersion={2} WHERE [IMEI] = {3}", Factory, Model, OsVersion, IMEI)); if (db.Query_Execute() >= 0) { return(true); } return(false); } finally { db.Dispose(); } }
public static System.Data.DataTable GetDataTable() { ClassLibrary.JDataBase DB = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); try { string query = @"SELECT * FROM [AVLTSIPAndroidSocket]" + " WHERE [IsProceced]='false'"; DB.setQuery(query); return(DB.Query_DataTable()); } catch (Exception ex) { ClassLibrary.JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); return(null); } finally { DB.Dispose(); } }