protected void BtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClassJob oJob = new ClassJob(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["JobId"].ToString())); double HoursVal; if (double.TryParse(this.TxtBudgetHours.Text, out HoursVal) != true) { // Problem with the hours figure. ShowTimeError("Hours are incorrectly specified!"); } else { oJob.TaskId = Convert.ToInt32(this.DdlTasks.SelectedValue); oJob.JobRef = this.TxtJobRef.Text; oJob.Description = this.TxtDescription.Text; oJob.BudgetHours = Convert.ToDouble(this.TxtBudgetHours.Text); oJob.Active = this.ChkActive.Checked; oJob.Save(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["JobId"].ToString())); ShowJobs(0); ShowJob(0); ViewState["JobId"] = "0"; this.BtnSubmit.Text = "Submit"; } }
protected void BtnUpdateActive_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { for (Int32 RowNo = 0; RowNo < this.GridJob.Rows.Count; RowNo++) { GridViewRow oRow = this.GridJob.Rows[RowNo]; Label oLbl = (Label)oRow.FindControl("LblJobId"); if (oLbl != null) { CheckBox oChk = (CheckBox)oRow.FindControl("ChkActive"); if (oChk != null) { ClassJob oJob = new ClassJob(Convert.ToInt32(oLbl.Text)); oJob.Active = oChk.Checked; oJob.Save(oJob.JobId); } } } }