internal void Read(ClassFile classFile, string[] utf8_cp, Method method, BigEndianBinaryReader br, ClassFileParseOptions options) { max_stack = br.ReadUInt16(); max_locals = br.ReadUInt16(); uint code_length = br.ReadUInt32(); if(code_length > 65535) { throw new ClassFormatError("{0} (Invalid Code length {1})", classFile.Name, code_length); } Instruction[] instructions = new Instruction[code_length + 1]; int basePosition = br.Position; int instructionIndex = 0; try { BigEndianBinaryReader rdr = br.Section(code_length); while(!rdr.IsAtEnd) { instructions[instructionIndex].Read((ushort)(rdr.Position - basePosition), rdr, classFile); hasJsr |= instructions[instructionIndex].NormalizedOpCode == NormalizedByteCode.__jsr; instructionIndex++; } // we add an additional nop instruction to make it easier for consumers of the code array instructions[instructionIndex++].SetTermNop((ushort)(rdr.Position - basePosition)); } catch(ClassFormatError x) { // any class format errors in the code block are actually verify errors verifyError = x.Message; } this.instructions = new Instruction[instructionIndex]; Array.Copy(instructions, 0, this.instructions, 0, instructionIndex); // build the pcIndexMap int[] pcIndexMap = new int[this.instructions[instructionIndex - 1].PC + 1]; for(int i = 0; i < pcIndexMap.Length; i++) { pcIndexMap[i] = -1; } for(int i = 0; i < instructionIndex - 1; i++) { pcIndexMap[this.instructions[i].PC] = i; } // convert branch offsets to indexes for(int i = 0; i < instructionIndex - 1; i++) { switch(this.instructions[i].NormalizedOpCode) { case NormalizedByteCode.__ifeq: case NormalizedByteCode.__ifne: case NormalizedByteCode.__iflt: case NormalizedByteCode.__ifge: case NormalizedByteCode.__ifgt: case NormalizedByteCode.__ifle: case NormalizedByteCode.__if_icmpeq: case NormalizedByteCode.__if_icmpne: case NormalizedByteCode.__if_icmplt: case NormalizedByteCode.__if_icmpge: case NormalizedByteCode.__if_icmpgt: case NormalizedByteCode.__if_icmple: case NormalizedByteCode.__if_acmpeq: case NormalizedByteCode.__if_acmpne: case NormalizedByteCode.__ifnull: case NormalizedByteCode.__ifnonnull: case NormalizedByteCode.__goto: case NormalizedByteCode.__jsr: this.instructions[i].SetTargetIndex(pcIndexMap[this.instructions[i].Arg1 + this.instructions[i].PC]); break; case NormalizedByteCode.__tableswitch: case NormalizedByteCode.__lookupswitch: this.instructions[i].MapSwitchTargets(pcIndexMap); break; } } // read exception table ushort exception_table_length = br.ReadUInt16(); exception_table = new ExceptionTableEntry[exception_table_length]; for(int i = 0; i < exception_table_length; i++) { ushort start_pc = br.ReadUInt16(); ushort end_pc = br.ReadUInt16(); ushort handler_pc = br.ReadUInt16(); ushort catch_type = br.ReadUInt16(); if(start_pc >= end_pc || end_pc > code_length || handler_pc >= code_length || (catch_type != 0 && !classFile.SafeIsConstantPoolClass(catch_type))) { throw new ClassFormatError("Illegal exception table: {0}.{1}{2}", classFile.Name, method.Name, method.Signature); } classFile.MarkLinkRequiredConstantPoolItem(catch_type); // if start_pc, end_pc or handler_pc is invalid (i.e. doesn't point to the start of an instruction), // the index will be -1 and this will be handled by the verifier int startIndex = pcIndexMap[start_pc]; int endIndex; if (end_pc == code_length) { // it is legal for end_pc to point to just after the last instruction, // but since there isn't an entry in our pcIndexMap for that, we have // a special case for this endIndex = instructionIndex - 1; } else { endIndex = pcIndexMap[end_pc]; } int handlerIndex = pcIndexMap[handler_pc]; exception_table[i] = new ExceptionTableEntry(startIndex, endIndex, handlerIndex, catch_type, i); } ushort attributes_count = br.ReadUInt16(); for(int i = 0; i < attributes_count; i++) { switch(classFile.GetConstantPoolUtf8String(utf8_cp, br.ReadUInt16())) { case "LineNumberTable": if((options & ClassFileParseOptions.LineNumberTable) != 0) { BigEndianBinaryReader rdr = br.Section(br.ReadUInt32()); int count = rdr.ReadUInt16(); lineNumberTable = new LineNumberTableEntry[count]; for(int j = 0; j < count; j++) { lineNumberTable[j].start_pc = rdr.ReadUInt16(); lineNumberTable[j].line_number = rdr.ReadUInt16(); if(lineNumberTable[j].start_pc >= code_length) { throw new ClassFormatError("{0} (LineNumberTable has invalid pc)", classFile.Name); } } if(!rdr.IsAtEnd) { throw new ClassFormatError("{0} (LineNumberTable attribute has wrong length)", classFile.Name); } } else { br.Skip(br.ReadUInt32()); } break; case "LocalVariableTable": if((options & ClassFileParseOptions.LocalVariableTable) != 0) { BigEndianBinaryReader rdr = br.Section(br.ReadUInt32()); int count = rdr.ReadUInt16(); localVariableTable = new LocalVariableTableEntry[count]; for(int j = 0; j < count; j++) { localVariableTable[j].start_pc = rdr.ReadUInt16(); localVariableTable[j].length = rdr.ReadUInt16(); localVariableTable[j].name = classFile.GetConstantPoolUtf8String(utf8_cp, rdr.ReadUInt16()); localVariableTable[j].descriptor = classFile.GetConstantPoolUtf8String(utf8_cp, rdr.ReadUInt16()).Replace('/', '.'); localVariableTable[j].index = rdr.ReadUInt16(); } // NOTE we're intentionally not checking that we're at the end of the section // (optional attributes shouldn't cause ClassFormatError) } else { br.Skip(br.ReadUInt32()); } break; default: br.Skip(br.ReadUInt32()); break; } } // build the argmap string sig = method.Signature; List<int> args = new List<int>(); int pos = 0; if(!method.IsStatic) { args.Add(pos++); } for(int i = 1; sig[i] != ')'; i++) { args.Add(pos++); switch(sig[i]) { case 'L': i = sig.IndexOf(';', i); break; case 'D': case 'J': args.Add(-1); break; case '[': { while(sig[i] == '[') { i++; } if(sig[i] == 'L') { i = sig.IndexOf(';', i); } break; } } } argmap = args.ToArray(); if(args.Count > max_locals) { throw new ClassFormatError("{0} (Arguments can't fit into locals)", classFile.Name); } }