public string CheckDepartment(string EmpId) { ClsDb = new ClassDBInterface(); ClsDb.AddParams("@EmpId", @EmpId, SqlDbType.Int); Ds = ClsDb.GetDataSet("Hrms_GetAllUserPermission_Kra", CommandType.StoredProcedure); if (Ds.Tables.Count != 0) { if (Ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { ReturnStatus = Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); } else { ReturnStatus = ""; } } else { ReturnStatus = ""; } return(ReturnStatus); }
/// <summary> /// this method using for get the student data. /// </summary> /// <returns>Return Student Datatable </returns> public DataSet GetStudentData(int UserId, string StudentNo) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { ClsDb = new ClassDBInterface(); ClsDb.AddParams("@UserId", UserId, SqlDbType.Int); ClsDb.AddParams("@StudentId", StudentNo, SqlDbType.VarChar); ds = ClsDb.GetDataSet("Sp_GetStudentDetails", CommandType.StoredProcedure); } catch (Exception) { } return(ds); }
/// <summary> /// this method using for save the student data. /// </summary> /// <returns> 0 means insert ,1 means not insert, 2 means runtime error</returns> public string SaveStudentData(string StudentName, string StudentAddress, string StudentStudyingClass) { try { ClsDb = new ClassDBInterface(); ClsDb.AddParams("@StudentName", StudentName, SqlDbType.VarChar); ClsDb.AddParams("@StudentAddress", StudentAddress, SqlDbType.VarChar); ClsDb.AddParams("@StudentStudyingClass", StudentStudyingClass, SqlDbType.VarChar); ReturnValue = Convert.ToString(ClsDb.ExecuteScalar("Sp_InsertStudentData", CommandType.StoredProcedure)); } catch (Exception) { ReturnValue = "2"; } return(ReturnValue); }
/// <summary> /// this method using for get the student data. /// </summary> /// <returns>Return Student Datatable </returns> public DataSet GetStudentData(int UserId, string StudentNo) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { ClsDb = new ClassDBInterface(); ClsDb.AddParams("@UserId", UserId, SqlDbType.Int); ClsDb.AddParams("@StudentId", StudentNo, SqlDbType.VarChar); ds = ClsDb.GetDataSet("Sp_GetStudentDetails", CommandType.StoredProcedure); } catch (Exception) { } return ds; }
/// <summary> /// this method using for save the student data. /// </summary> /// <returns> 0 means insert ,1 means not insert, 2 means runtime error</returns> public string SaveStudentData(string StudentName, string StudentAddress, string StudentStudyingClass) { try { ClsDb = new ClassDBInterface(); ClsDb.AddParams("@StudentName", StudentName, SqlDbType.VarChar); ClsDb.AddParams("@StudentAddress", StudentAddress, SqlDbType.VarChar); ClsDb.AddParams("@StudentStudyingClass", StudentStudyingClass, SqlDbType.VarChar); ReturnValue = Convert.ToString(ClsDb.ExecuteScalar("Sp_InsertStudentData", CommandType.StoredProcedure)); } catch (Exception) { ReturnValue = "2"; } return ReturnValue; }
public string CheckDepartment(string EmpId) { ClsDb = new ClassDBInterface(); ClsDb.AddParams("@EmpId", @EmpId, SqlDbType.Int); Ds = ClsDb.GetDataSet("Hrms_GetAllUserPermission_Kra", CommandType.StoredProcedure); if (Ds.Tables.Count != 0) { if (Ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { ReturnStatus = Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); } else { ReturnStatus = ""; } } else { ReturnStatus = ""; } return ReturnStatus; }
/// <summary> /// this method using for the check the login credentials /// </summary> /// <param name="UserName"></param> /// <param name="Password"></param> /// <returns> status of account 0 or null or empty means not exist account,runtime error etc </returns> public DataTable CheckLoginCredentials(string UserName, string Password) { DataTable dtTemp = new DataTable(); dtTemp.Columns.Add("Status"); dtTemp.Columns.Add("SessionKey"); dtTemp.Columns.Add("UserId"); DataRow drTemp; try { ClsDb = new ClassDBInterface(); dt = new DataTable(); ClsDb.AddParams("@UserName", UserName, SqlDbType.VarChar); ClsDb.AddParams("@Password", Password, SqlDbType.VarChar); dt = ClsDb.GetDataTable("Sp_CheckLoginCredentials", CommandType.StoredProcedure); drTemp = dtTemp.NewRow(); if (dt != null) { if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { if (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "0" || dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() == null || dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "") { drTemp[0] = "Enter the Correct credentials"; drTemp[1] = "No key"; drTemp[2] = "0"; } else if (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() != "0") { HttpContext.Current.Session["ID"] = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); drTemp[0] = "Active"; drTemp[1] = HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID; drTemp[2] = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } } else { drTemp[0] = "Enter the Correct credentials"; drTemp[1] = "No key"; drTemp[2] = "0"; } } else { drTemp[0] = "Some internal problem"; drTemp[1] = "No key"; drTemp[2] = "0"; } dtTemp.Rows.Add(drTemp); } catch (Exception a) { drTemp = dtTemp.NewRow(); drTemp[0] = "Exception" + a.Message; drTemp[1] = "No key"; drTemp[2] = "0"; dtTemp.Rows.Add(drTemp); } return(dtTemp); }
/// <summary> /// this method using for the check the login credentials /// </summary> /// <param name="UserName"></param> /// <param name="Password"></param> /// <returns> status of account 0 or null or empty means not exist account,runtime error etc </returns> public DataTable CheckLoginCredentials(string UserName, string Password) { DataTable dtTemp = new DataTable(); dtTemp.Columns.Add("Status"); dtTemp.Columns.Add("SessionKey"); dtTemp.Columns.Add("UserId"); DataRow drTemp; try { ClsDb = new ClassDBInterface(); dt = new DataTable(); ClsDb.AddParams("@UserName", UserName, SqlDbType.VarChar); ClsDb.AddParams("@Password", Password, SqlDbType.VarChar); dt = ClsDb.GetDataTable("Sp_CheckLoginCredentials", CommandType.StoredProcedure); drTemp = dtTemp.NewRow(); if (dt != null) { if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { if (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "0" || dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() == null || dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "") { drTemp[0] = "Enter the Correct credentials"; drTemp[1] = "No key"; drTemp[2] = "0"; } else if (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() != "0") { HttpContext.Current.Session["ID"] = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); drTemp[0] = "Active"; drTemp[1] = HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID; drTemp[2] = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } } else { drTemp[0] = "Enter the Correct credentials"; drTemp[1] = "No key"; drTemp[2] = "0"; } } else { drTemp[0] = "Some internal problem"; drTemp[1] = "No key"; drTemp[2] = "0"; } dtTemp.Rows.Add(drTemp); } catch (Exception a) { drTemp = dtTemp.NewRow(); drTemp[0] = "Exception" + a.Message; drTemp[1] = "No key"; drTemp[2] = "0"; dtTemp.Rows.Add(drTemp); } return dtTemp; }