// Token: 0x06001302 RID: 4866 RVA: 0x000047F2 File Offset: 0x000029F2 internal void method_28(object object_0, Class48 class48_0) { if (this.delegate143_0 != null) { this.delegate143_0(object_0, class48_0); } }
internal Class1060(Class52 A_0, Class812 A_1, ListStyleCollection A_2, Class48 A_3) { this.listStyleCollection_0 = A_2; this.int_0 = this.listStyleCollection_0.Count; this.class48_0 = A_3; this.class141_0 = new Class141(null, A_1); this.class140_0 = new Class140(A_0, A_1); }
public void Test3() { int target = 7; Stack <int> input = new Stack <int>(); var result = Class48.IsInStack(target, input); Assert.False(result); }
public void Test2() { int target = 7; List <int> stackInput = new List <int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; Stack <int> input = new Stack <int>(stackInput); var result = Class48.IsInStack(target, input); Assert.False(result); }
private Class6 method_1(Class9 glyfTable) { Class6 class6_1 = this.class80_0.method_6(); Class6 class6_2 = new Class6(new Class41("hmtx"), glyfTable.Count); Class48 indexMappings = this.class80_0.IndexMappings; foreach (int subsetIndex in indexMappings.SubsetIndices) { int index = indexMappings.method_4(subsetIndex); class6_2[subsetIndex] = class6_1[index].method_0(); } return(class6_2); }
// Token: 0x0600011B RID: 283 RVA: 0x0000D864 File Offset: 0x0000BA64 public static void smethod_1(JObject jobject_0, string string_0) { try { foreach (JToken jtoken in jobject_0.Values()) { if (!Class130.dictionary_0.ContainsKey((int)jtoken["id"])) { MainWindow.webView_0.QueueScriptCall(string.Format("updateButton({0},true)", jtoken["id"])); string text = jtoken["store"].ToString().ToLower(); uint num = Class79.smethod_0(text); Class44 @class; if (num <= 2430139328u) { if (num <= 1369243890u) { if (num <= 650952027u) { if (num <= 536391395u) { if (num != 75628775u) { if (num != 536391395u) { goto IL_6E9; } if (!(text == "net-a-porter us")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class50(jtoken, "am", "us"); } else { if (!(text == "footpatrol")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class45(jtoken, "footpatrol", "AD60F89E1BB248F388B9FC671851A2B8"); } } else if (num != 634394085u) { if (num != 650952027u) { goto IL_6E9; } if (!(text == "footaction")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class51(jtoken, "footaction.com"); } else { if (!(text == "net-a-porter eu")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class50(jtoken, "intl", "gb"); } } else if (num <= 1003079584u) { if (num != 988777544u) { if (num != 1003079584u) { goto IL_6E9; } if (!(text == "champs sports")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class47(jtoken, "champssports.com"); } else { if (!(text == "the hip store")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class45(jtoken, "thehipstore", "117860D26D504A5FB26B2FB64CE35FB8"); } } else if (num != 1271241200u) { if (num != 1369243890u) { goto IL_6E9; } if (!(text == "supreme eu")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class54(jtoken, "EU"); } else { if (!(text == "supreme us")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class54(jtoken, "US"); } } else if (num <= 2033596121u) { if (num <= 1613681225u) { if (num != 1374915048u) { if (num != 1613681225u) { goto IL_6E9; } if (!(text == "footlocker us ")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class51(jtoken, "footlocker.com"); } else { if (!(text == "eastbay")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class47(jtoken, "eastbay.com"); } } else if (num != 1819840374u) { if (num != 2033596121u) { goto IL_6E9; } if (!(text == "size?")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class45(jtoken, "size", "3565AE9C56464BB0AD8020F735D1479E"); } else { if (!(text == "jd sports")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class45(jtoken, "jdsports", "60743806B14F4AF389F582E83A141733"); } } else if (num <= 2404272289u) { if (num != 2191237913u) { if (num != 2404272289u) { goto IL_6E9; } if (!(text == "footaction ")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class51(jtoken, "footaction.com"); } else { if (!(text == "footlocker ca ")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class51(jtoken, "footlocker.ca"); } } else if (num != 2407667328u) { if (num != 2414935827u) { if (num != 2430139328u) { goto IL_6E9; } if (!(text == "lacoste nl")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class53(jtoken, "/on/demandware.store/Sites-NL-Site/fr/"); } else { if (!(text == "lacoste dk")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class53(jtoken, "/on/demandware.store/Sites-DK-Site/fr/"); } } else { if (!(text == "mr porter eu")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class46(jtoken, "intl", "gb"); } } else if (num <= 2661617280u) { if (num <= 2551966898u) { if (num <= 2500795398u) { if (num != 2464533209u) { if (num != 2500795398u) { goto IL_6E9; } if (!(text == "lacoste pl")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class53(jtoken, "/on/demandware.store/Sites-PL-Site/fr/"); } else { if (!(text == "lacoste ch")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class53(jtoken, "/on/demandware.store/Sites-CH-Site/fr/"); } } else if (num != 2505773186u) { if (num != 2551966898u) { goto IL_6E9; } if (!(text == "lacoste uk")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class53(jtoken, "/on/demandware.store/Sites-GB-Site/en/"); } else { if (!(text == "mr porter us")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class46(jtoken, "am", "us"); } } else if (num <= 2581976542u) { if (num != 2563815827u) { if (num != 2581976542u) { goto IL_6E9; } if (!(text == "lacoste ca")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class53(jtoken, "/on/demandware.store/Sites-CA-Site/fr/"); } else { if (!(text == "lacoste kr")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class53(jtoken, "/on/demandware.store/Sites-KR-Site/fr/"); } } else if (num != 2599048351u) { if (num != 2649822493u) { if (num != 2661617280u) { goto IL_6E9; } if (!(text == "champs sports ")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class51(jtoken, "champssports.com"); } else { if (!(text == "lacoste de")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class53(jtoken, "/on/demandware.store/Sites-DE-Site/fr/"); } } else { if (!(text == "lacoste at")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class53(jtoken, "/on/demandware.store/Sites-AT-Site/fr/"); } } else if (num <= 3023372879u) { if (num <= 2866210327u) { if (num != 2666305922u) { if (num != 2866210327u) { goto IL_6E9; } if (!(text == "lacoste it")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class53(jtoken, "/on/demandware.store/Sites-IT-Site/fr/"); } else { if (!(text == "lacoste fr")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class53(jtoken, "/on/demandware.store/Sites-FR-Site/fr/"); } } else if (num != 2954629754u) { if (num != 3023372879u) { goto IL_6E9; } if (!(text == "footlocker eu ")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class49(jtoken); } else { if (!(text == "lacoste us")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class53(jtoken, "/on/demandware.store/Sites-FlagShip-Site/en_US/"); } } else if (num <= 3395413464u) { if (num != 3117874612u) { if (num != 3395413464u) { goto IL_6E9; } if (!(text == "eastbay ")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class51(jtoken, "eastbay.com"); } else { if (!(text == "lacoste ie")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class53(jtoken, "/on/demandware.store/Sites-IE-Site/fr/"); } } else if (num != 3491784070u) { if (num != 3987781139u) { if (num != 4224345091u) { goto IL_6E9; } if (!(text == "footlocker ca")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class47(jtoken, "footlocker.ca"); } else { if (!(text == "footlocker us")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class47(jtoken, "footlocker.com"); } } else { if (!(text == "off-white")) { goto IL_6E9; } @class = new Class48(jtoken); } IL_6FA: if ([email protected]_1) { Class130.dictionary_0[(int)jtoken["id"]] = @class; @class.vmethod_0(); continue; } continue; IL_6E9: @class = new Class52(jtoken, string_0); goto IL_6FA; } } } catch { } }
private void method_3() { this.class48_0 = new Class48(); this.class48_0.method_2(0, 1, 2); }
private static bool smethod_1(TruthDetector truthDetector_0, Vector3 vector3_0, Vector3 vector3_1, double double_0) { Predicate <EventTimer> match = null; Predicate <EventTimer> predicate2 = null; Predicate <EventTimer> predicate3 = null; Class48 class2 = new Class48 { truthDetector_0 = truthDetector_0 }; if (double_0 > 0.0) { Vector2 vector = new Vector2(vector3_1.x - vector3_0.x, vector3_1.z - vector3_0.z); double magnitude = vector.magnitude; double num2 = magnitude / double_0; if (num2 == 0.0) { return(false); } if (match == null) { match = new Predicate <EventTimer>(class2.method_0); } EventTimer timer = Events.Timer.Find(match); if (timer != null) { timer.Dispose(); Broadcast.Notice(class2.truthDetector_0.netUser.networkPlayer, "☢", Config.GetMessageCommand("Command.Home.Interrupt", "", class2.truthDetector_0.netUser), 5f); } if (predicate2 == null) { predicate2 = new Predicate <EventTimer>(class2.method_1); } EventTimer timer2 = Events.Timer.Find(predicate2); if (timer2 != null) { timer2.Dispose(); Broadcast.Notice(class2.truthDetector_0.netUser.networkPlayer, "☢", Config.GetMessageCommand("Command.Clan.Warp.Interrupt", "", class2.truthDetector_0.netUser), 5f); } if (predicate3 == null) { predicate3 = new Predicate <EventTimer>(class2.method_2); } EventTimer timer3 = Events.Timer.Find(predicate3); if (timer3 != null) { if (timer3.Sender != null) { Broadcast.Notice(timer3.Sender, "☢", Config.GetMessageCommand("Command.Teleport.Interrupt", "", timer3.Sender), 5f); } if (timer3.Target != null) { Broadcast.Notice(timer3.Target, "☢", Config.GetMessageCommand("Command.Teleport.Interrupt", "", timer3.Target), 5f); } timer3.Dispose(); } if (num2 > MaxMovementSpeed) { if ((server.log > 1) && Users.HasFlag(class2.truthDetector_0.netUser.userID, UserFlags.admin)) { Broadcast.Message(class2.truthDetector_0.netUser, "[COLOR#D02F2F]MovementSpeed: " + num2.ToString("0.0") + " of maximum " + MaxMovementSpeed.ToString("0.0"), "DEBUG", 0f); } PunishDetails = Config.GetMessageTruth("Truth.Punish.Reason.SpeedHack", class2.truthDetector_0.netUser, "", 0, new DateTime()); PunishDetails = PunishDetails.Replace("%SPEED.MOVEMENT%", num2.ToString("0.00")); PunishDetails = PunishDetails.Replace("%SPEED.MAXIMUM%", MaxMovementSpeed.ToString("0.00")); HackDetected = HackMethod.SpeedHack; vector3_1 = MoveBack(class2.truthDetector_0, vector3_0, vector3_1); return(true); } if (((server.log > 2) && Users.HasFlag(class2.truthDetector_0.netUser.userID, UserFlags.admin)) && (num2 > 1.0)) { Broadcast.Message(class2.truthDetector_0.netUser, "MovementSpeed: " + num2.ToString("0.0") + " of maximum " + MaxMovementSpeed.ToString("0.0"), "DEBUG", 0f); } } return(false); }
// Token: 0x06001450 RID: 5200 RVA: 0x00024F7C File Offset: 0x0002317C public void DeviceSyncStateChange(GInterface2 pDevice, Enum2 NewState) { Class48 class48_ = new Class48(pDevice, NewState); this.class24_0.method_28(this.class24_0, class48_); }