private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (datResults.SelectedItems.Count == 1) { ClaimTrackerCommon.PrintClaims(GetSelectedClaims()); } }
public static claim FindClaim(DataRow anImportRow, claim.ClaimTypes claimType) { string importID = anImportRow[dms.claim_id_column].ToString(); string importDB = anImportRow[dms.claim_db_column].ToString(); try { claim c = new claim(); c.claimidnum = importID; c.claimdb = importDB; DataTable matches = c.Search(); if (matches.Rows.Count != 0) { c.Load(matches.Rows[0]); } else { // ****** Finding recreated claims ************* // Above, we checked for the common ID/DB match // Here we try to find if a claim that is not in Tracker has been recreated // We match by all fields minus 1 - if two primary fields have been changed // Tracker can't track it // If we find a possible match, we check to see that the current claim isn't in Dentrix // to avoid false positives bool possibleMatchFound = false; bool claimInDentrix = true; claim workingClaim = new claim(); DateTime?dateOfService = null; try { dateOfService = Convert.ToDateTime(anImportRow["PLDATE"]); } catch { } string lastName = anImportRow["PatLastName"].ToString(); string firstName = anImportRow["PatFirstName"].ToString(); decimal amount = Convert.ToDecimal(anImportRow["TOTAL"]); // stored as cents string doctorFirstName = anImportRow["DoctorFirstName"].ToString(); string doctorLastName = anImportRow["DoctorLastName"].ToString(); string subscriberInsuranceID = anImportRow["ID_NUM_ON_CLAIM"].ToString(); string matchingClaimInfo = matchingClaimInfo = string.Format("Patient: {0}, Doctor: {1}, Total: {2}, DOS: {3}, Ins ID: {4}, ID: {5}, Type: {6}", firstName + " " + lastName, doctorFirstName + " " + doctorLastName, amount, dateOfService, subscriberInsuranceID, importID + " | " + importDB, claimType.ToString()); int?newClaimID = null; // Search for a patient match first. If the patient doesn't match try to match on the other two fields workingClaim.patient_first_name = firstName; workingClaim.patient_last_name = lastName; = 1; DataTable patientMatches = workingClaim.Search(); if (patientMatches.Rows.Count > 0) { // Iterate through all rows where the patient data matches foreach (DataRow aRow in patientMatches.Rows) { int numMatchesForclaim = 0; workingClaim.Load(aRow); if (workingClaim.amount_of_claim * 100 == amount) { numMatchesForclaim++; } if (workingClaim.doctor_first_name == doctorFirstName && workingClaim.doctor_last_name == doctorLastName) { numMatchesForclaim++; } if (workingClaim.date_of_service == dateOfService) { numMatchesForclaim++; } if (workingClaim.subscriber_alternate_number == subscriberInsuranceID) { numMatchesForclaim++; } if (workingClaim.claim_type == claimType) { numMatchesForclaim++; } if (numMatchesForclaim >= 4) { // Found a claim that appears to match newClaimID =; possibleMatchFound = true; break; } } } else { // Look for a match on date of service, amount, provider, insurance id, and type workingClaim = new claim(); = 1; workingClaim.amount_of_claim = amount / 100; workingClaim.doctor_first_name = doctorFirstName; workingClaim.doctor_last_name = doctorLastName; workingClaim.subscriber_alternate_number = subscriberInsuranceID; workingClaim.claim_type = claimType; string searchSQL = workingClaim.SearchSQL + string.Format(" AND DATEDIFF(d, [date_of_service], '{0}') = 0", dateOfService.GetValueOrDefault().ToShortDateString()); DataTable otherMatches = workingClaim.Search(searchSQL); if (otherMatches.Rows.Count > 0) { newClaimID = (int)otherMatches.Rows[0]["id"]; possibleMatchFound = true; } } if (possibleMatchFound) { // Check Dentrix to verify that the current ID/DB can't be found if (newClaimID.HasValue && ClaimTrackerCommon.ClaimExists(new claim(newClaimID.Value))) // No match found { // Log this temporarily for recordkeeping claimInDentrix = true; AddReportMessage("Found a possible claim to merge, but the claim exists in Dentrix. Did not merge claim..." + matchingClaimInfo, true); //LoggingHelper.Log("Tried to merge a claim, but it was found in Dentrix. Claim info:\n" + matchingClaimInfo, LogSeverity.Information); } else { claimInDentrix = false; } } if (!claimInDentrix && possibleMatchFound) { // Already loaded claim, should have "correct" data c.Load(newClaimID.GetValueOrDefault(0)); AddReportMessage(string.Format("Merged a claim in Dentrix with an existing claim tracker claim. The claim's old ID/DB is {0}/{1}. The matching claim information is {2}", c.claimidnum, c.claimdb, matchingClaimInfo), true); c.claimidnum = importID; c.claimdb = importDB; //LoggingHelper.Log("Successfully merged a claim. \n" + matchingClaimInfo, LogSeverity.Information); } else { AddReportMessage("New claim imported - " + matchingClaimInfo); c.created_by = "Automatic Database Importer"; c.updated_on = null; } } return(c); } catch (Exception err) { // Somewhat dangerous, but it ensures that the import won't crash //LoggingHelper.Log("Error in frmImportData.FindClaim", LogSeverity.Critical, err, false); claim c = new claim(); c.claimidnum = importID; c.claimdb = importDB; return(c); } }
/// <summary> /// Builds the SQL to be used on this form. If whereonly is true, will return only the where clause /// </summary> /// <param name="whereOnly"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string BuildSQL(bool whereOnly = false, bool includeCarrierFilter = true) { string toReturn; if (whereOnly) { toReturn = "WHERE 0=0 "; } else { toReturn = @"SELECT TOP 500 c.patient_last_name + ', ' + c.patient_first_name AS 'PatientName', as 'ID', CONVERT(varchar, c.patient_dob, 101) AS 'DOB', AS 'Carrier', c.amount_of_claim / 100 AS 'Amount', CONVERT(varchar, c.date_of_service , 101) AS 'DOS', c.date_of_service, c.patient_dob, CASE c.claim_type WHEN 0 THEN 'PRIM' WHEN 1 THEN 'SEC' When 2 THEN 'PRE' WHEN 3 THEN 'SECPRE' ELSE '?' END AS 'Type', CONVERT(varchar, c.revisit_date, 101) AS 'Revisit', c.revisit_date, c.doctor_provider_id AS 'Provider', c.doctor_provider_id as 'AlternateProvider', AS 'Status', CONVERT(varchar, (SELECT MAX(csent.sent_date) FROM claim_sent_history csent WHERE csent.claim_id =, 101) AS 'LastSent', (SELECT MAX(csent.sent_date) FROM claim_sent_history csent WHERE csent.claim_id = AS 'last_sent', (SELECT CONVERT(varchar, MAX(alog.action_taken_time), 101) FROM user_action_log alog WHERE alog.claim_id = AS 'LastEdit', (SELECT MAX(alog.action_taken_time) FROM user_action_log alog WHERE alog.claim_id = AS 'last_edit', override_address_provider, (SELECT TOP 1 username FROM user_action_log alog inner join users u on alog.user_id = WHERE alog.claim_id = ORDER BY action_taken_time desc) AS 'User', CONVERT(varchar, (SELECT MAX(pl_date) FROM procedures p WHERE p.claim_id =, 101) AS 'LastDOS', (SELECT MAX(pl_date) FROM procedures p WHERE p.claim_id = AS 'last_dos' FROM claims c LEFT JOIN Companies cmp ON c.company_id = LEFT JOIN users u ON c.owner_id = LEFT JOIN claimstatus cs ON = c.status_id WHERE 0=0 "; } claim_change_log c = new claim_change_log(); if (_whereClause == "") { if (_formSearchMode == FormSearchModes.Patient) { // create custom search string for patient name toReturn += BuildWherePatientName(txtPatientName.Text, 1); if (chkPatientUnpaidClaimsOnly.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(true)) { toReturn += BuildWhereSingle("c.[open]", "1", DataTypes.Numeric, DataObject.SearchTypes.Exact); } if (chkPatientExcludeWorkedClaims.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(true)) { toReturn += BuildWhereSingle("c.revisit_date", CommonFunctions.ToSQLServerDateTime(DateTime.Now), DataTypes.Date, DataObject.SearchTypes.After); } } else if (_formSearchMode == FormSearchModes.Insurance) { // name, age, worked claims toReturn += BuildWhereSingle("", txtInsuranceName.Text.Trim(), DataTypes.Text, DataObject.SearchTypes.Contains); // Do the "by date" filtering string dateFilterString = string.Empty; // Only add SQL if at least one is unchecked if (!chkAge24.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(true) || !chkAge44.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(true) || !chkAge45.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(true)) { if (chkAge24.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(true)) // 0-24 { dateFilterString += " date_of_service > DATEADD(\"day\", -24, GETDATE())"; } if (chkAge44.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(true)) // 25-44 { if (dateFilterString != string.Empty) { dateFilterString += " OR "; } dateFilterString += " (date_of_service > DATEADD(\"day\", -24, GETDATE()) AND date_of_service < DATEADD(\"d\", -45, GETDATE()))"; } if (chkAge45.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(true)) // 45+ { if (dateFilterString != string.Empty) { dateFilterString += " OR "; } dateFilterString += " date_of_service < DATEADD(\"day\", -45, GETDATE())"; } } if (dateFilterString != string.Empty) { toReturn += string.Format(" AND ({0})", dateFilterString); } if (chkInsuranceExcludeWorked.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(true)) { toReturn += BuildWhereSingle("c.[open]", "1", DataTypes.Numeric, DataObject.SearchTypes.Exact); } } } else { toReturn += _whereClause; if (FilterByInsurance && cmbCarrierFilter.SelectedIndex > 0 && includeCarrierFilter) { // Add a company criteria // toReturn += " AND = " + cmbCarrierFilter.SelectedValue; InsuranceCompanyGroups icg = null; if (carrierSource.Find(item => item.ToString() == ((InsuranceCompanyGroups)cmbCarrierFilter.SelectedItem).ToString()) != null) { icg = (InsuranceCompanyGroups)cmbCarrierFilter.SelectedItem; if (icg.Group == null) { toReturn += BuildWhereSingle("", icg.Companies[0].id.ToString(), DataTypes.Numeric, DataObject.SearchTypes.Exact); } else { toReturn += string.Format(" AND IN({0})", ClaimTrackerCommon.CompaniesToInString(icg.Companies)); } } } } if (!whereOnly) { if (_orderByClause == "") { toReturn += " ORDER BY c.sent_date"; } else { toReturn += _orderByClause; } } return(toReturn); }