protected void Send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //בדיקה אם קיים בWS Cities.Cities ctyWs = new Cities.Cities(); if (!ctyWs.IsExist(DDLCity.SelectedItem.Text)) { lblErr.Text = "העיר כבר לא קיימת במאגר הנתונים הארצי"; return; } //add cty to db ch_cities cty = new ch_cities(); cty.cty_Name = DDLCity.SelectedItem.Text; ch_citiesSvc.AddCity(cty); ch_users usr1 = new ch_users(); usr1.usr_Identity = txtStuIdentity.Text.Trim(); usr1.usr_First_Name = txtFirstName.Text.Trim(); usr1.usr_Last_Name = txtLastName.Text.Trim(); DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTextBox.Text); usr1.usr_Birth_Date = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); usr1.usr_Gender = rbtGender.SelectedValue; usr1.cty_Id = ch_citiesSvc.GetIdByCtyName(cty.cty_Name); usr1.usr_Address = txtAddress.Text.Trim(); usr1.usr_Home_Phone = txtHomePhone.Text.Trim(); usr1.usr_Cellphone = txtCellphone.Text.Trim(); usr1.sc_Id = Convert.ToInt32(DDLSchools.SelectedValue); usr1.usr_Email = txtEmail.Text.Trim(); usr1.usr_Password = txtStuIdentity.Text.Trim() + "s"; usr1.lvl_Id = 0; ch_students stu1 = new ch_students(); stu1.usr_Id = ch_usersSvc.GetMaxId(); stu1.rm_Id = Convert.ToInt32(ddlRooms.SelectedValue); stu1.stu_Mom_Identity = txtMomIdentity.Text.Trim(); stu1.stu_Mom_First_Name = txtMomFirstName.Text.Trim(); stu1.stu_Mom_Cellphone = txtMomCellphone.Text; stu1.stu_Dad_Identity = txtDadIdentity.Text; stu1.stu_Dad_First_Name = txtDadFirstName.Text; stu1.stu_Dad_Cellphone = txtDadCellphone.Text; // ביצוע הרשמה וכתיבת השגיאות אם יש! lblErr.Text = ch_usersSvc.AddUser(usr1); stu1.usr_Id = ch_usersSvc.GetMaxId(); lblErr.Text = ch_studentsSvc.AddStudent(stu1); //אם אין שגיאות בהרשמה if (lblErr.Text == "") { //Response.Write("<script>alert('המשתמש נרשם בהצלחה');</script>"); Response.Redirect("StudentsData.aspx"); } }
protected void Send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //add cty to db ch_cities cty = new ch_cities(); cty.cty_Name = DDLCity.SelectedItem.Text; //בדיקה אם קיים בWS Cities.Cities ctyWs = new Cities.Cities(); if (!ctyWs.IsExist(cty.cty_Name)) { lblErr.Text = "העיר כבר לא קיימת במאגר הנתונים הארצי"; return; } ch_citiesSvc.AddCity(cty); ch_users usr1 = new ch_users(); usr1.usr_Identity = txtTchIdentity.Text.Trim(); usr1.usr_First_Name = txtFirstName.Text.Trim(); usr1.usr_Last_Name = txtLastName.Text.Trim(); DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTextBox.Text); usr1.usr_Birth_Date = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); usr1.usr_Gender = rbtGender.SelectedValue; usr1.cty_Id = ch_citiesSvc.GetIdByCtyName(cty.cty_Name); usr1.usr_Address = txtAddress.Text.Trim(); usr1.usr_Home_Phone = txtHomePhone.Text.Trim(); usr1.usr_Cellphone = txtCellphone.Text.Trim(); usr1.sc_Id = Convert.ToInt32(DDLSchools.SelectedValue); usr1.usr_Email = txtEmail.Text.Trim(); usr1.usr_Password = txtTchIdentity.Text.Trim() + "t"; usr1.lvl_Id = Convert.ToInt32(ddlLevels.SelectedValue); // ביצוע הרשמה וכתיבת השגיאות אם יש! lblErr.Text = ch_usersSvc.AddUser(usr1); ch_teachers tch1 = new ch_teachers(); tch1.usr_Id = ch_usersSvc.GetMaxId(); lblErr.Text = ch_teachersSvc.AddTeacher(tch1); foreach (ListItem li in lbProfessions.Items) { if (li.Selected) { ch_teachers_professions tch_pro = new ch_teachers_professions(Convert.ToInt32(li.Value), tch1.usr_Id); ch_teachers_professionsSvc.AddTeacherProfessions(tch_pro); } } //אם אין שגיאות בהרשמה if (lblErr.Text == "") { //Response.Write("<script>alert('המשתמש נרשם בהצלחה');</script>"); Response.Redirect("TeachersData.aspx"); } }
protected void btn_insert_sc_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { ImageButton btn = (ImageButton)sender; GridViewRow gvr = (GridViewRow)btn.NamingContainer; TextBox txt_insert_sc_symbol = (TextBox)gvr.FindControl("txt_insert_sc_symbol"); TextBox txt_insert_sc_name = (TextBox)gvr.FindControl("txt_insert_sc_name"); DropDownList txt_insert_ddlCities = (DropDownList)gvr.FindControl("txt_insert_ddlCities"); TextBox txt_insert_sc_address = (TextBox)gvr.FindControl("txt_insert_sc_address"); TextBox txt_insert_sc_telephone = (TextBox)gvr.FindControl("txt_insert_sc_telephone"); //all vars to one object //add cty to db ch_cities cty = new ch_cities(); cty.cty_Name = txt_insert_ddlCities.SelectedItem.Text; //בדיקה אם קיים בWS Cities.Cities ctyWs = new Cities.Cities(); if (!ctyWs.IsExist(cty.cty_Name)) { lblErrGV.Text = "העיר כבר לא קיימת במאגר הנתונים הארצי"; return; } ch_citiesSvc.AddCity(cty); //all vars to one object ch_schools sc1 = new ch_schools(); sc1.sc_Symbol = txt_insert_sc_symbol.Text.Trim(); sc1.sc_Name = txt_insert_sc_name.Text.Trim(); sc1.cty_Id = ch_citiesSvc.GetIdByCtyName(cty.cty_Name); sc1.sc_Address = txt_insert_sc_address.Text.Trim(); sc1.sc_Telephone = txt_insert_sc_telephone.Text.Trim(); if ((lblErrGV.Text = Validation(sc1)) != "") { return; } string err = ch_schoolsSvc.AddSchool(sc1); if (err == "")//אם ההכנסה התבצע { lblErrGV.Text = ""; gvSchools.ShowFooter = false; btnInsert.Enabled = true; //Bind data to GridView gvBind(); } else { lblErrGV.Text = err; txt_insert_sc_name.Text = ""; //Bind data to GridView gvBind(); } }
protected void btn_update_sc_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { ImageButton btn = (ImageButton)sender; GridViewRow gvr = (GridViewRow)btn.NamingContainer; int sc_id = Convert.ToInt32(gvSchools.DataKeys[gvr.RowIndex].Value.ToString()); TextBox txt_edit_sc_symbol = (TextBox)gvr.FindControl("txt_edit_sc_symbol"); TextBox txt_edit_sc_name = (TextBox)gvr.FindControl("txt_edit_sc_name"); DropDownList txt_edit_ddlCities = (DropDownList)gvr.FindControl("txt_edit_ddlCities"); TextBox txt_edit_sc_address = (TextBox)gvr.FindControl("txt_edit_sc_address"); TextBox txt_edit_sc_telephone = (TextBox)gvr.FindControl("txt_edit_sc_telephone"); //all vars to one object //add cty to db ch_cities cty = new ch_cities(); cty.cty_Name = txt_edit_ddlCities.SelectedItem.Text; //בדיקה אם קיים בWS Cities.Cities ctyWs = new Cities.Cities(); if (!ctyWs.IsExist(cty.cty_Name)) { lblErrGV.Text = "העיר כבר לא קיימת במאגר הנתונים הארצי"; return; } ch_citiesSvc.AddCity(cty); //all vars to one object ch_schools sc1 = new ch_schools(); sc1.sc_Symbol = txt_edit_sc_symbol.Text.Trim(); sc1.sc_Name = txt_edit_sc_name.Text.Trim(); sc1.cty_Id = ch_citiesSvc.GetIdByCtyName(cty.cty_Name); sc1.sc_Address = txt_edit_sc_address.Text.Trim(); sc1.sc_Telephone = txt_edit_sc_telephone.Text.Trim(); if ((lblErrGV.Text = Validation(sc1)) == "") { string err = ch_schoolsSvc.UpdateSchoolById(sc_id, sc1); if (err == "")//אם העדכון התבצע { lblErrGV.Text = string.Empty; gvSchools.EditIndex = -1; //Bind data to GridView gvBind(); } else { lblErrGV.Text = err; //Bind data to GridView gvBind(); } } }
protected void gvSchools_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { //check if is in edit mode if ((e.Row.RowState & DataControlRowState.Edit) > 0) { DropDownList txt_edit_ddlCities = (DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("txt_edit_ddlCities"); Cities.Cities cty = new Cities.Cities(); txt_edit_ddlCities.DataSource = cty.GetCities(); //Bind subcategories data to dropdownlist txt_edit_ddlCities.DataTextField = "שם_ישוב"; txt_edit_ddlCities.DataBind(); GridViewRow gvr = (GridViewRow)txt_edit_ddlCities.NamingContainer; DataRowView dr = e.Row.DataItem as DataRowView; txt_edit_ddlCities.SelectedItem.Text = dr["cty_name"].ToString(); } } }
protected void btnInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { gvSchools.ShowFooter = true; this.btnInsert.Enabled = false; //Bind data to GridView gvBind(); //DDL cities Cities.Cities cty = new Cities.Cities(); DropDownList txt_insert_ddlCities = (DropDownList)gvSchools.FooterRow.FindControl("txt_insert_ddlCities"); txt_insert_ddlCities.DataSource = cty.GetCities(); txt_insert_ddlCities.DataTextField = "שם_ישוב"; txt_insert_ddlCities.DataBind(); ListItem li = new ListItem(); li.Text = "-בחר עיר-"; li.Value = "-1"; txt_insert_ddlCities.Items.Add(li); txt_insert_ddlCities.SelectedIndex = txt_insert_ddlCities.Items.Count - 1; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["lvl_id"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["lvl_id"]) < 3) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["lvl_id"]) == 3) // if editor //DDL Schools { int sc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["sc_id"]); DataSet dsSchools = ch_schoolsSvc.GetSchool(sc_id); DDLSchools.DataSource = dsSchools; DDLSchools.DataValueField = "sc_id"; dsSchools.Tables[0].Columns.Add("school", typeof(string), "sc_name + ' - ' + cty_name"); DDLSchools.DataTextField = "school"; DDLSchools.DataBind(); //DDL Rooms DataSet dsRooms = ch_roomsSvc.GetRooms(Convert.ToInt32(Session["sc_id"])); ddlRooms.DataSource = dsRooms; ddlRooms.DataValueField = "rm_id"; ddlRooms.DataTextField = "rm_name"; ddlRooms.DataBind(); ddlRooms.Items.Add("-בחר כיתה-"); ddlRooms.SelectedIndex = ddlRooms.Items.Count - 1; } else if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["lvl_id"]) >= 4) // if vice_manager and up //DDL Schools { DataSet dsSchools = ch_schoolsSvc.GetSchools(); DDLSchools.DataSource = dsSchools; DDLSchools.DataValueField = "sc_id"; dsSchools.Tables[0].Columns.Add("school", typeof(string), "sc_name + ' - ' + cty_name"); DDLSchools.DataTextField = "school"; DDLSchools.DataBind(); DDLSchools.Items.Add("-בחר בית ספר-"); DDLSchools.SelectedIndex = DDLSchools.Items.Count - 1; } //DDL cities Cities.Cities cty = new Cities.Cities(); DDLCity.DataSource = cty.GetCities(); DDLCity.DataTextField = "שם_ישוב"; DDLCity.DataBind(); DDLCity.Items.Add("-בחר עיר-"); DDLCity.SelectedIndex = DDLCity.Items.Count - 1; } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["usr_id"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } else { if (Session["usr_id"].ToString() == "") { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } } int usr_id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["usr_id"]); if (!IsPostBack) { //DDL Schools DataSet dsSchools = ch_schoolsSvc.GetSchools(); DDLSchools.DataSource = dsSchools; DDLSchools.DataValueField = "sc_id"; dsSchools.Tables[0].Columns.Add("school", typeof(string), "sc_name + ' - ' + cty_name"); DDLSchools.DataTextField = "school"; DDLSchools.DataBind(); DDLSchools.Items.Add("-בחר בית ספר-"); DDLSchools.SelectedIndex = DDLSchools.Items.Count - 1; //DDL cities Cities.Cities cty = new Cities.Cities(); DDLCity.DataSource = cty.GetCities(); DDLCity.DataTextField = "שם_ישוב"; DDLCity.DataBind(); DDLCity.Items.Add("-בחר עיר-"); DDLCity.SelectedIndex = DDLCity.Items.Count - 1; //DDL Jobs DataSet dsJobs = ch_jobsSvc.GetJobs(); ddlJobs.DataSource = dsJobs; ddlJobs.DataValueField = "job_id"; ddlJobs.DataTextField = "job_name"; ddlJobs.DataBind(); ddlJobs.Items.Add("-בחר תפקיד-"); ddlJobs.SelectedIndex = ddlJobs.Items.Count - 1; DataRow drUser = ch_usersSvc.GetUserById(usr_id); DDLSchools.SelectedValue = drUser["usr.sc_id"].ToString(); txtAddress.Text = drUser["usr_address"].ToString(); DateTextBox.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(drUser["usr_birth_date"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(); DDLCity.SelectedItem.Text = drUser["cty_name"].ToString(); txtEmail.Text = drUser["usr_email"].ToString(); txtFirstName.Text = drUser["usr_first_name"].ToString(); rbtGender.SelectedValue = drUser["usr_gender"].ToString(); txtHomePhone.Text = drUser["usr_home_phone"].ToString(); txtCellphone.Text = drUser["usr_cellphone"].ToString(); txtIdentity.Text = drUser["usr_identity"].ToString(); txtLastName.Text = drUser["usr_last_name"].ToString(); if (ch_usersSvc.GetUsrType(usr_id) == "tch") { DataSet pro = ch_professionsSvc.GetProfessions(); DataSet tch_pro = ch_teachers_professionsSvc.GetProfessionsByTch(usr_id); int i = 0; foreach (DataRow dr_pro in pro.Tables[0].Rows) { ListItem li = new ListItem(dr_pro["pro_name"].ToString(), dr_pro["pro_id"].ToString()); lbProfessions.Items.Add(li); foreach (DataRow dr_tch_pro in tch_pro.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr_tch_pro["pro_id"].ToString() == dr_pro["pro_id"].ToString()) { li.Selected = true; } } i++; } pnlTch.Visible = true; } if (ch_usersSvc.GetUsrType(usr_id) == "crw") { DataRow drCrew = ch_crewSvc.GetCrw(Convert.ToInt32(Session["usr_id"])); ddlJobs.SelectedValue = drCrew["job_id"].ToString(); pnlCrw.Visible = true; } } }
protected void Send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //add cty to db ch_cities cty = new ch_cities(); cty.cty_Name = DDLCity.SelectedItem.Text; //בדיקה אם קיים בWS Cities.Cities ctyWs = new Cities.Cities(); if (!ctyWs.IsExist(cty.cty_Name)) { lblErr.Text = "העיר כבר לא קיימת במאגר הנתונים הארצי"; return; } ch_citiesSvc.AddCity(cty); int usr_id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["usr_id"]); ch_users newUsr1 = new ch_users(); newUsr1.sc_Id = Convert.ToInt32(DDLSchools.SelectedValue); newUsr1.usr_Address = txtAddress.Text; newUsr1.usr_Birth_Date = DateTextBox.Text; newUsr1.cty_Id = ch_citiesSvc.GetIdByCtyName(cty.cty_Name); newUsr1.usr_Email = txtEmail.Text; newUsr1.usr_First_Name = txtFirstName.Text; newUsr1.usr_Gender = rbtGender.SelectedValue; newUsr1.usr_Home_Phone = txtHomePhone.Text; newUsr1.usr_Cellphone = txtCellphone.Text; newUsr1.usr_Identity = txtIdentity.Text; newUsr1.usr_Last_Name = txtLastName.Text; if (ch_usersSvc.GetUsrType(usr_id) == "tch") { if (ValidateTch()) { foreach (ListItem li in lbProfessions.Items) { ch_teachers_professions tch_pro = new ch_teachers_professions(Convert.ToInt32(li.Value), usr_id); if (!ch_teachers_professionsSvc.IsExist(tch_pro) && li.Selected) { ch_teachers_professionsSvc.AddTeacherProfessions(tch_pro); } else if (ch_teachers_professionsSvc.IsExist(tch_pro) && !li.Selected) { ch_teachers_professionsSvc.DeleteTeacherProfessions(tch_pro); } } } else { lblErr.Text = "הכנס מקצועות עליהם עברת הכשרה"; } } if (ch_usersSvc.GetUsrType(usr_id) == "crw") { ch_crew newCrw1 = new ch_crew(); newCrw1.job_Id = Convert.ToInt32(ddlJobs.SelectedValue); newCrw1.usr_Id = usr_id; ch_crewSvc.UpdateCrwById(newCrw1); } ch_usersSvc.UpdateUserById(usr_id, newUsr1); //update sessions Session["sc_id"] = newUsr1.sc_Id; Session["gender"] = newUsr1.usr_Gender; Session["fullName"] = newUsr1.usr_First_Name + " " + newUsr1.usr_Last_Name; Response.Redirect("UsrProfile.aspx"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["lvl_id"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["lvl_id"]) < 3) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["lvl_id"]) == 3) // if editor //DDL Schools { int sc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["sc_id"]); DataSet dsSchools = ch_schoolsSvc.GetSchool(sc_id); DDLSchools.DataSource = dsSchools; DDLSchools.DataValueField = "sc_id"; dsSchools.Tables[0].Columns.Add("school", typeof(string), "sc_name + ' - ' + cty_name"); DDLSchools.DataTextField = "school"; DDLSchools.DataBind(); } else if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["lvl_id"]) == 4) // if vice_manager //DDL Schools { DataSet dsSchools = ch_schoolsSvc.GetSchools(); DDLSchools.DataSource = dsSchools; DDLSchools.DataValueField = "sc_id"; DDLSchools.DataTextField = "sc_name"; DDLSchools.DataBind(); DDLSchools.Items.Add("-בחר בית ספר-"); DDLSchools.SelectedIndex = DDLSchools.Items.Count - 1; } else if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["lvl_id"]) >= 5) // if manager and up //DDL Levels { DataSet dsLevels = ch_levelsSvc.GetLevels(); ddlLevels.DataSource = dsLevels; ddlLevels.DataValueField = "lvl_id"; ddlLevels.DataTextField = "lvl_name"; ddlLevels.DataBind(); ddlLevels.Items.Add(new ListItem("-בחר רמה-", "-1")); ddlLevels.SelectedValue = "2"; } //DDL cities Cities.Cities cty = new Cities.Cities(); DDLCity.DataSource = cty.GetCities(); DDLCity.DataTextField = "שם_ישוב"; DDLCity.DataBind(); DDLCity.Items.Add("-בחר עיר-"); DDLCity.SelectedIndex = DDLCity.Items.Count - 1; //DDL Jobs DataSet dsJobs = ch_jobsSvc.GetJobs(); ddlJobs.DataSource = dsJobs; ddlJobs.DataValueField = "job_id"; ddlJobs.DataTextField = "job_name"; ddlJobs.DataBind(); ddlJobs.Items.Add("-בחר תפקיד-"); ddlJobs.SelectedIndex = ddlJobs.Items.Count - 1; } } } }