public static string CircularFpToString(CircularFingerprinter cfp) { CircularFingerprinter.FP fp = null; string s = "fp\thashCode\titeration\tatoms\r\n"; int fpCount = cfp.getFPCount(); for (int fpi = 0; fpi < fpCount; fpi++) { fp = cfp.getFP(fpi); s += fpi.ToString() + "\t" + fp.hashCode + "\t" + fp.iteration + "\t(" + string.Join(", ", fp.atoms) + ")\r\n"; } return(s); }
/// <summary> /// BuildTest /// </summary> public static void BuildTest() { CircularFingerprinter cfp = null; int FpClass = CircularFingerprinter.CLASS_ECFP6; // FP diameter int FpLen = 2048; // folded binary fp length DefaultChemObjectReader cor; IAtomContainer mol, mol2; //string molfile = FileUtil.ReadFile(@"C:\Download\CorpId-12345.mol"); // sr = new; //if (Lex.Contains(molfile, "v2000")) // cor = new MDLV2000Reader(sr); //else // cor = new MDLV3000Reader(sr); //cor.setReaderMode(IChemObjectReader.Mode.RELAXED); //ac = (IAtomContainer) AtomContainer()); //cor.close(); FpClass = CircularFingerprinter.CLASS_ECFP4; // debug cfp = new CircularFingerprinter(FpClass, FpLen); FileReader FileReader = new FileReader(@"C:\Download\CorpId-12345.mol"); //FileReader FileReader = new FileReader(@"C:\Download\V3000 Mols.sdf"); IteratingSDFReader rdr = new IteratingSDFReader(FileReader, DefaultChemObjectBuilder.getInstance()); rdr.setReaderMode(IChemObjectReader.Mode.RELAXED); while (rdr.hasNext()) { mol = (IAtomContainer); mol = CdkMol.GetLargestMoleculeFragment(mol); ICountFingerprint cfp1 = cfp.getCountFingerprint(mol); // get hash values and counts for each cfp.calculate(mol); int fpCount = cfp.getFPCount(); for (int fpi = 0; fpi < fpCount; fpi++) // gets { CircularFingerprinter.FP cfp2 = cfp.getFP(fpi); // gets hash, iteration and lists of atoms (dups appear multiple times) } IBitFingerprint bfp = cfp.getBitFingerprint(mol); java.util.BitSet bs = bfp.asBitSet(); int bsCard = bfp.cardinality(); long bsSize = bfp.size(); continue; } FileReader.close(); return; // sr = new; //AtomContainer mol = new AtomContainer(); //mol.addAtom(new Atom("C")); //mol.addAtom(new Atom("H")); //mol.addAtom(new Atom("H")); //mol.addAtom(new Atom("H")); //mol.addAtom(new Atom("H")); //mol.addBond(new Bond(mol.getAtom(0), mol.getAtom(1))); //mol.addBond(new Bond(mol.getAtom(0), mol.getAtom(2))); //mol.addBond(new Bond(mol.getAtom(0), mol.getAtom(3))); //mol.addBond(new Bond(mol.getAtom(0), mol.getAtom(4))); //FileReader FileReader = new FileReader(@"C:\Download\CorpId-12345.mol"); //MolReader mr = new MolReader(FileReader, DefaultChemObjectBuilder.getInstance()); // sr = new; //IMol m = (IMol); //FileReader.close(); }