public void grdList_EditCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { #region GhiLog Lichsu_Thaotac_HethongDAL actionDAL = new Lichsu_Thaotac_HethongDAL(); T_Lichsu_Thaotac_Hethong action = new T_Lichsu_Thaotac_Hethong(); action.Ma_Nguoidung = _user.UserID; action.TenDaydu = _user.UserFullName; action.HostIP = IpAddress(); action.NgayThaotac = DateTime.Now; #endregion ChuyenmucDAL obj_Cate = new ChuyenmucDAL(); int catID = Convert.ToInt32(this.grdListCate.DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex].ToString()); if (e.CommandArgument.ToString().ToLower() == "edit") { Response.Redirect("~/Danhmuc/EditChuyenMuc.aspx?Menu_ID=" + Page.Request["Menu_ID"].ToString() + "&ID=" + catID); } if (e.CommandArgument.ToString().ToLower() == "editdisplay") { bool check = obj_Cate.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(catID).HoatDong; if (check) { obj_Cate.UpdateFromT_ChuyenMucDynamic(" Hoatdong = 0, Ngaysua = Getdate(), Nguoisua=" + _user.UserID.ToString() + " Where Ma_ChuyenMuc = " + catID); action.Thaotac = "[Update T_ChuyenMuc]-->[Hoatdong = 0]"; } else { obj_Cate.UpdateFromT_ChuyenMucDynamic(" Hoatdong = 1, Ngaysua = Getdate(), Nguoisua=" + _user.UserID.ToString() + " Where Ma_ChuyenMuc = " + catID); action.Thaotac = "[Update T_ChuyenMuc]-->[Hoatdong = 1]"; } } if (e.CommandArgument.ToString().ToLower() == "active_bdt") { bool check = obj_Cate.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(catID).HienThi_BDT; if (check) { obj_Cate.UpdateFromT_ChuyenMucDynamic(" HienThi_BDT = 0, Ngaysua = Getdate(), Nguoisua=" + _user.UserID.ToString() + " Where Ma_ChuyenMuc = " + catID); action.Thaotac = "[Update T_ChuyenMuc]-->[HienThi_BDT = 0]"; } else { obj_Cate.UpdateFromT_ChuyenMucDynamic(" HienThi_BDT = 1, Ngaysua = Getdate(), Nguoisua=" + _user.UserID.ToString() + " Where Ma_ChuyenMuc = " + catID); action.Thaotac = "[Update T_ChuyenMuc]-->[HienThi_BDT = 1]"; } } if (e.CommandArgument.ToString().ToLower() == "delete") { if (obj_Cate.CheckExists_ChuyenMuc(catID) == 0) { obj_Cate.DeleteFromT_ChuyenmucByID(catID); action.Thaotac = "[Xóa T_ChuyenMuc]-->[Thao tác Xóa Trong Bảng T_ChuyenMuc][ID:" + this.grdListCate.DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex].ToString() + " ]"; } else { FuncAlert.AlertJS(this, "chuyên mục đã được sử dung biên tập tin bài!"); return; } } Danhsach_ChuyenMuc(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = int.Parse(Page.Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString()); if (!IsPostBack) { if (Page.Request.QueryString["Menu_ID"] != null) { T_Tulieu obj = new T_Tulieu(); obj = Daltinbai.load_T_Tulieu(id); if (obj.Sotu != 0) { Sotu = obj.Sotu.ToString(); } else { Sotu = "0"; } Chuyenmuc = dalcm.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(obj.Ma_Chuyenmuc).Ten_ChuyenMuc; Noidung = obj.Noidung.ToString(); Tacgia = obj.TacGia; } } }
private void GetItem(int _id) { T_ChuyenMuc _objChuyenmuc = new T_ChuyenMuc(); ChuyenmucDAL _chuyenmucDAL = new ChuyenmucDAL(); _objChuyenmuc = _chuyenmucDAL.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(_id); this.txtTenCM.Text = _objChuyenmuc.Ten_ChuyenMuc; this.txtThum.Text = _objChuyenmuc.Anh_ChuyenMuc; if (_objChuyenmuc.Anh_ChuyenMuc.ToString().Length > 0) { this.ImgTemp.Src = HPCComponents.Global.UploadPathBDT + _objChuyenmuc.Anh_ChuyenMuc; } else { this.ImgTemp.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("display", "none"); } this.ddl_ChuyenMucCha.SelectedIndex = UltilFunc.GetIndexControl(ddl_ChuyenMucCha, _objChuyenmuc.Ma_Chuyenmuc_Cha.ToString()); this.cbo_Anpham.SelectedIndex = UltilFunc.GetIndexControl(cbo_Anpham, _objChuyenmuc.Ma_AnPham.ToString()); this.chk_Hoatdong.Checked = _objChuyenmuc.HoatDong; this.txt_stt.Text = _objChuyenmuc.ThuTuHienThi.ToString(); this.CheckBoxBaoIn.Checked = _objChuyenmuc.HienThi_BaoIn; this.CheckBoxBaoDT.Checked = _objChuyenmuc.HienThi_BDT; this.CheckBoxRss.Checked = _objChuyenmuc.HienThi_RSS; this.CheckBoxCD.Checked = _objChuyenmuc.ChuyenDe; this.CheckBoxButtom.Checked = _objChuyenmuc.HienThiDuoi; this.CheckBoxCenter.Checked = _objChuyenmuc.HienThiGiua; this.CheckBoxRight.Checked = _objChuyenmuc.HienThiPhai; this.CheckBoxLeft.Checked = _objChuyenmuc.HienThiTrai; this.CheckBoxTop.Checked = _objChuyenmuc.HienThiTren; this.chkHienThi.Checked = _objChuyenmuc.HienThi; }
public string GetCategoryName(Object ID, Object loaiid) { string str = ""; ChuyenmucDAL _dal = new ChuyenmucDAL(); if (_dal.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(Convert.ToInt32(loaiid)) != null) { string loaitinbaiID = "", loaianhID = "", loaivideoID = "", loaianhTsID = ""; loaitinbaiID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NewsType"].ToString(); loaianhID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ImageType"].ToString(); loaivideoID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VideoType"].ToString();; loaianhTsID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AnhTSType"].ToString(); if (loaiid.ToString().Trim() == loaitinbaiID) { try { if (_dal.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(Convert.ToInt32(ID)) == null) { str = ""; } else { str = _dal.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(Convert.ToInt32(ID)).Ten_ChuyenMuc.ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } else if (loaiid.ToString().Trim() == loaianhID) { str = "Góc ảnh"; } else if (loaiid.ToString().Trim() == loaivideoID) { str = "Âm thanh - Hình ảnh"; } else if (loaiid.ToString().Trim() == loaianhTsID) { str = "Thời sự qua ảnh"; } } return(str); }
protected void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Thaotac = string.Empty; this.Page.Validate(vs_Themmoi.ValidationGroup); if (!Page.IsValid) { return; } ChuyenmucDAL _ChuyenMucDAL = new ChuyenmucDAL(); T_ChuyenMuc _ChuyenMuc = SetItem(); if (cbo_Anpham.SelectedIndex == 0) { FuncAlert.AlertJS(this, "Bạn chưa chọn ấn phẩm!"); return; } else { int menuID = 0; if (Request["ID"] != null && Request["ID"].ToString() != "" && Request["ID"].ToString() != String.Empty) { menuID = int.Parse(Request["ID"].ToString()); } int _return = _ChuyenMucDAL.Insert_T_Chuyenmuc(_ChuyenMuc); // DONG BO FILE _ChuyenMuc = _ChuyenMucDAL.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(_return); SynFiles _syncfile = new SynFiles(); if (_ChuyenMuc.Anh_ChuyenMuc.Length > 0) { _syncfile.SynData_UploadImgOne(_ChuyenMuc.Anh_ChuyenMuc, HPCComponents.Global.ImagesService); } //END if (Page.Request.Params["id"] == null) { Thaotac = "[Thêm mới Chuyên mục]-->[mã chuyên mục:" + _return.ToString() + " ]"; Clear(); BindCombo(); } if (Page.Request.Params["id"] != null) { Thaotac = "[Sửa chuyên mục]-->[Mã chuyên mục:" + Page.Request["id"].ToString() + " ]"; Clear(); BindCombo(); } } }
private void Save_GroupCategorys(int Group_ID) { NguoidungDAL _usermenuDAL = new NguoidungDAL(); ChuyenmucDAL _ChuyenmucDAL = new ChuyenmucDAL(); T_ChuyenMuc _objcm = new T_ChuyenMuc(); UltilFunc ulti = new UltilFunc(); int Cate_ID = 0; string[] arrCate; char[] sepparator; sepparator = ";".ToCharArray(); if (txtCateAccess.Value.Trim() != "") { arrCate = txtCateAccess.Value.Split(sepparator); string txt = ""; if (txtCateAccess.Value.StartsWith("on;")) { txt = txtCateAccess.Value.Remove(0, 3); arrCate = txt.Split(sepparator); } _nhomnguoidungDAL.DeleteFromT_GroupCategory(Group_ID); _usermenuDAL.DeleteFromT_UserCategoryDynamic(" Ma_Nhom=" + Group_ID); string _sqldelete = string.Empty; for (int x = 0; x < arrCate.Length; x++) { Cate_ID = Convert.ToInt32(arrCate[x].ToString()); _objcm = _ChuyenmucDAL.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(Cate_ID); if (_objcm.Ma_Chuyenmuc_Cha > 0) { _nhomnguoidungDAL.InsertT_GroupCategory(Cate_ID, Group_ID); _sqldelete = "delete from T_Nhom_Chuyenmuc where Ma_Nhom=" + Group_ID + " and Ma_Chuyenmuc=" + _objcm.Ma_Chuyenmuc_Cha; ulti.ExecSql(_sqldelete); _nhomnguoidungDAL.InsertT_GroupCategory(_objcm.Ma_Chuyenmuc_Cha, Group_ID); } else { _nhomnguoidungDAL.InsertT_GroupCategory(Cate_ID, Group_ID); } } } else { _usermenuDAL.DeleteFromT_UserCategoryDynamic(" Ma_Nhom=" + Group_ID); _nhomnguoidungDAL.DeleteFromT_GroupCategory(Group_ID); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request["Menu_ID"] != null && Request["Menu_ID"].ToString() != "" && Request["Menu_ID"].ToString() != String.Empty) { if (CommonLib.IsNumeric(Request["Menu_ID"]) == true) { if (!HPCSecurity.IsAccept(Convert.ToInt32(Request["Menu_ID"]))) { Response.Redirect("~/Errors/AccessDenied.aspx"); } _user = _NguoidungDAL.GetUserByUserName(HPCSecurity.CurrentUser.Identity.Name); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { int id = int.Parse(Page.Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString()); if (Page.Request.QueryString["Menu_ID"] != null) { T_Idiea obj = new T_Idiea(); T_IdieaDAL dal = new T_IdieaDAL(); ChuyenmucDAL caDal = new ChuyenmucDAL(); obj = dal.GetOneFromT_IdieaByID(id); //add by Hung viet if (obj.Cat_ID > 0) { this.litCatName.Text = caDal.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(int.Parse(obj.Cat_ID.ToString())).Ten_ChuyenMuc; } else { this.litCatName.Text = ""; } this.litTittle.Text = obj.Title.ToString(); this.litTacgia.Text = UltilFunc.GetUserFullName(obj.User_Created); this.litContent.Text = CleanHTMLFont(obj.Comment.ToString()); this.lit_baiviet.Text = CleanHTMLFont(obj.Diea_Articles.ToString()); string count = this.litContent.Text + "" + this.lit_baiviet.Text; this.LitCount.Text = UltilFunc.WordCount(count) + " từ "; if (obj.Status == 6) { this.LitDatePublisher.Text = obj.Date_Duyet.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") + " (GMT + 7)"; } ViewState["ver"] = -1; } } } } }
protected void dgData_EditCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { double _ID = double.Parse(dgr_tintuc.DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex].ToString()); if (e.CommandArgument.ToString().ToLower() == "edit") { PnlDetail.Visible = true; PanelLisTin.Visible = false; ViewState["id"] = _ID; T_TinBai obj = new T_TinBai(); obj = Daltinbai.load_T_news(_ID); Chuyenmuc = dalcm.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(obj.Ma_Chuyenmuc).Ten_ChuyenMuc; Tieude = obj.Tieude.ToString(); Noidung = obj.Noidung.ToString(); BindGridPhotosByMatin(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request["Menu_ID"] != null && Request["Menu_ID"].ToString() != "" && Request["Menu_ID"].ToString() != String.Empty) { if (CommonLib.IsNumeric(Request["Menu_ID"]) == true) { if (!HPCSecurity.IsAccept(Convert.ToInt32(Request["Menu_ID"]))) { Response.Redirect("~/Errors/AccessDenied.aspx"); } _user = _NguoidungDAL.GetUserByUserName(HPCSecurity.CurrentUser.Identity.Name); //btncopycontent1.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:getvalue_exports()"); //btncopycontent2.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:getvalue_exports()"); _ID = int.Parse(Page.Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString()); if (!IsPostBack) { if (_user == null) { Page.Response.Redirect("~/login.aspx", true); } else { T_TinBai obj = new T_TinBai(); obj = Daltinbai.load_T_news(_ID); Chuyenmuc = dalcm.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(obj.Ma_Chuyenmuc).Ten_ChuyenMuc; Tieude = obj.Tieude.ToString(); Noidung = obj.Noidung.ToString(); BindGridPhotosByMatin(); if (DataListAnh.Items.Count != 0) { btn_downloadfile.Visible = true; } else { btn_downloadfile.Visible = false; } } } } } }
public override void DataBind() { T_Idiea obj = new T_Idiea(); T_Allotments _Allotment = new T_Allotments(); T_IdieaDAL dal = new T_IdieaDAL(); T_AllotmentDAL _AllotmentDAL = new T_AllotmentDAL(); ChuyenmucDAL caDal = new ChuyenmucDAL(); if (Request["DT_id"] != null && Request["DT_id"].ToString() != "" && Request["DT_id"].ToString() != String.Empty) { int id = int.Parse(Page.Request["DT_id"].ToString()); _Allotment = _AllotmentDAL.GetOneFromT_AllotmentByID(id); obj = dal.GetOneFromT_IdieaByID(_Allotment.Idiea_ID); this.T_AllotmentNgayHT.Text = _Allotment.Date_End.ToString(); this.ltrYeuCau.Text = _Allotment.Request.ToString(); if (obj.Cat_ID > 0) { this.lblNameCM.Text = caDal.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(int.Parse(obj.Cat_ID.ToString())).Ten_ChuyenMuc; } if (obj.Title.ToString().Length > 0) { this.lbtieude.Text = obj.Title.ToString(); } if (_Allotment.Type == 1) { ltr_loaibai1.Text = "Bài viết"; } else { ltr_loaibai1.Text = "Bài ảnh"; } MaCM = obj.Cat_ID; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _user = _userDAL.GetUserByUserName(HPCSecurity.CurrentUser.Identity.Name); if (_user != null) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { int id = int.Parse(Page.Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString()); T_News obj = new T_News(); T_NewsDAL dal = new T_NewsDAL(); ChuyenmucDAL caDal = new ChuyenmucDAL(); obj = dal.load_T_news(id); if (obj.CAT_ID > 0) { this.litCatName.Text = caDal.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(int.Parse(obj.CAT_ID.ToString())).Ten_ChuyenMuc; } else { this.litCatName.Text = ""; } this.litDanNhap.Text = obj.News_Sub_Title.ToString(); this.litTittle.Text = obj.News_Tittle.ToString(); this.LitSummery.Text = CleanHTMLFont(CleanHTMLSummary(obj.News_Summary.ToString())); this.litContent.Text = CleanHTMLFont(obj.News_Body.ToString()); if (obj.News_Status == 6) { this.LitDatePublisher.Text = obj.News_DateEdit.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") + " (GMT + 7)"; } string count = this.litContent.Text; this.LitCount.Text = UltilFunc.WordCount(count) + " từ "; } } else { Response.Redirect("~/Errors/AccessDenied.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request["Menu_ID"] != null && Request["Menu_ID"].ToString() != "" && Request["Menu_ID"].ToString() != String.Empty) { if (CommonLib.IsNumeric(Request["Menu_ID"]) == true) { if (!HPCSecurity.IsAccept(Convert.ToInt32(Request["Menu_ID"]))) { Response.Redirect("~/Errors/AccessDenied.aspx"); } _user = _NguoidungDAL.GetUserByUserName(HPCSecurity.CurrentUser.Identity.Name); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { int id = int.Parse(Page.Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString()); if (Page.Request.QueryString["Menu_ID"] != null) { T_Idiea obj = new T_Idiea(); T_IdieaVersion _obj2 = new T_IdieaVersion(); T_IdieaDAL dal = new T_IdieaDAL(); ChuyenmucDAL caDal = new ChuyenmucDAL(); obj = dal.GetOneFromT_IdieaByID(id); //add by nvthai T_IdieaVersion _objVer = new T_IdieaVersion(); if (obj.Diea_Stype == 1) { _objVer = dal.GetOneFromT_IdieaVersionByIDVersion(id, 4, 54); _obj2 = dal.GetOneFromT_IdieaVersionByIDVersion(id, 1, 62); } else { _objVer = dal.GetOneFromT_IdieaVersionByIDVersion(id, 4, 54); _obj2 = dal.GetOneFromT_IdieaVersionByIDVersion(id, 3, 23); } //add by Hung viet if (obj.Cat_ID > 0) { this.litCatName.Text = caDal.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(int.Parse(_obj2.Cat_ID.ToString())).Ten_ChuyenMuc; this.litCM.Text = caDal.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(int.Parse(_objVer.Cat_ID.ToString())).Ten_ChuyenMuc; } else { this.litCatName.Text = ""; this.litCM.Text = ""; } this.litTittle.Text = _obj2.Title.ToString(); this.litTacgia.Text = UltilFunc.GetUserFullName(_obj2.User_Created); this.litContent.Text = CleanHTMLFont(_obj2.Comment.ToString()); this.lit_baiviet.Text = CleanHTMLFont(_obj2.Diea_Articles.ToString()); string coutstring = this.litContent.Text + " " + this.lit_baiviet.Text; this.litCounter.Text = UltilFunc.WordCount(coutstring).ToString() + " từ"; this.litTenDetai.Text = _objVer.Title.ToString(); this.literNguoiviet.Text = UltilFunc.GetUserFullName(_objVer.User_Edit); this.litContents.Text = CleanHTMLFont(_objVer.Comment.ToString()); this.litbai.Text = CleanHTMLFont(_objVer.Diea_Articles.ToString()); string coutstring2 = this.litContents.Text + " " + this.litbai.Text; this.litCouter2.Text = UltilFunc.WordCount(coutstring2).ToString() + " từ"; ViewState["ver"] = -1; } } } } }
protected void dgCategorysCopy_EditCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandArgument.ToString().ToLower() == "editcopy") { HPCBusinessLogic.DAL.T_NewsDAL _NewsDAL = new HPCBusinessLogic.DAL.T_NewsDAL(); HPCBusinessLogic.ChuyenmucDAL _catDAL = new ChuyenmucDAL(); DataGridItem m_Item = e.Item; int CatalogID = int.Parse(dgCategorysCopy.DataKeys[m_Item.ItemIndex].ToString()); double _IDNewsCopy = _NewsDAL.Copy_To_Categorys(NewsID, CatalogID, 6, DateTime.Now, _user.UserID, _user.UserID, _user.UserName); if (_IDNewsCopy > 0) { WriteLogHistory2Database.WriteHistory2Database(_user.UserID, _user.UserFullName, "[Copy]", Request["Menu_ID"], "[Copy] [Bài đã xuất bản]: [Tin bài đã xuất bản] [Thao tác copy bài vào chuyên mục: " + _catDAL.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(CatalogID).Ten_ChuyenMuc + "]", _IDNewsCopy, ConstAction.BaoDT); } CheckBox checkcopy = (CheckBox)m_Item.FindControl("optSelect"); ImageButton btnCopy = (ImageButton)m_Item.FindControl("btnCopy"); btnCopy.Visible = false; checkcopy.Visible = false; checkcopy.Enabled = false; this.LoadData_DangXuly(); } }
protected void but_XB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HPCBusinessLogic.DAL.T_NewsDAL _NewsDAL = new HPCBusinessLogic.DAL.T_NewsDAL(); HPCBusinessLogic.ChuyenmucDAL _catDAL = new ChuyenmucDAL(); foreach (DataGridItem m_Item in dgCategorysCopy.Items) { CheckBox checkcopy = (CheckBox)m_Item.FindControl("optSelect"); if (checkcopy != null && checkcopy.Checked && checkcopy.Enabled) { int CatalogID = int.Parse(dgCategorysCopy.DataKeys[m_Item.ItemIndex].ToString()); double _IDNewsCopy = _NewsDAL.Copy_To_Categorys(NewsID, CatalogID, 6, DateTime.Now, _user.UserID, _user.UserID, _user.UserName); if (_IDNewsCopy > 0) { WriteLogHistory2Database.WriteHistory2Database(_user.UserID, _user.UserFullName, "[Copy]", Request["Menu_ID"], "[Copy] [Bài đã xuất bản]: [Tin bài đã xuất bản] [Thao tác copy bài vào chuyên mục: " + _catDAL.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(CatalogID).Ten_ChuyenMuc + "]", _IDNewsCopy, ConstAction.TSAnh); } } } ModalPopupExtender1.Hide(); this.LoadData_DangXuly(); //Tao cache //UltilFunc.GenCacheHTML(); System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "Message", "alert('Xuất bản ra chuyên mục khác thành công !');", true); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = int.Parse(Page.Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString()); if (Page.Request.QueryString["Menu_ID"] != null) { if (!IsPostBack) { T_TinBai obj = new T_TinBai(); obj = Daltinbai.load_T_news(id); Tieude = obj.Tieude; if (obj.Sotu != 0) { Sotu = obj.Sotu.ToString(); } else { Sotu = "0"; } if (obj.Tiennhuanbut > 0) { Nhuanbut = String.Format("{0:00,0}", Convert.ToDecimal(obj.Tiennhuanbut.ToString())); } else { Nhuanbut = String.Format("{0:00,0}", "0"); } //string sqltien = "select Sotien,Ma_tacgia from T_NhuanBut where Ma_tacgia<>" + obj.Ma_TacGia + " and Ma_TinBai=" + id; //DataTable dtnhuanbut = _ulti.ExecSqlDataSet(sqltien).Tables[0]; //if (dtnhuanbut != null && dtnhuanbut.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // for (int i = 0; i < dtnhuanbut.Rows.Count; i++) // { // if (i == 0) // Nhuanbut += "; " + String.Format("{0:00,0}", Convert.ToDecimal(dtnhuanbut.Rows[i]["Sotien"].ToString())) + "; "; // else // Nhuanbut += String.Format("{0:00,0}", Convert.ToDecimal(dtnhuanbut.Rows[i]["Sotien"].ToString())) + "; "; // } //} if (dalcm.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(obj.Ma_Chuyenmuc) != null) { Chuyenmuc = dalcm.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(obj.Ma_Chuyenmuc).Ten_ChuyenMuc; } else { Chuyenmuc = ""; } Tieude = obj.Tieude.ToString(); Noidung = obj.Noidung.ToString(); Ghichu = obj.GhiChu; Tacgia = obj.TacGia; DataTable dttrangbaosobao = UltilFunc.GetTrangSoBaoFrom_T_VitriTiBai(id); if (dttrangbaosobao != null && dttrangbaosobao.Rows.Count > 0) { Sotrang = " Trang: " + dttrangbaosobao.Rows[0]["Trang"].ToString(); } else { Sotrang = ""; } if (_NguoidungDAL.GetUserByUserName_ID((int)obj.Ma_Nguoitao) != null) { nguoisua = _NguoidungDAL.GetUserByUserName_ID((int)obj.Ma_Nguoitao).UserFullName; } else { nguoisua = "User does not exist"; } DataTable dtphienban = Daltinbai.GetOneFromT_PhienbanByNews_ID(id, -1, false).Tables[0]; if (dtphienban != null && dtphienban.Rows.Count > 0) { ViewState["ver"] = dtphienban.Rows[0]["Ma_Phienban"].ToString(); } else { ViewState["ver"] = -1; } LoadDataImageTinBai(id.ToString()); BindGrid(); } } }
public static void Backup_fileDoc(double NewsID, string _UserName, string _Chucnang) { string _noidung = string.Empty; string _tieude = string.Empty; string _loaibao = string.Empty; string _sobao = string.Empty; int _lb = 0; int _sb = 0; string strFileName = string.Empty; string strHTML = string.Empty; AnPhamDAL _dalanpham = new AnPhamDAL(); ChuyenmucDAL dalcm = new ChuyenmucDAL(); SobaoDAL dalsb = new SobaoDAL(); HPCBusinessLogic.DAL.TinBaiDAL dalnews = new HPCBusinessLogic.DAL.TinBaiDAL(); _tieude += dalnews.load_T_news(NewsID).Tieude; _tieude += System.Environment.NewLine; _noidung += dalnews.load_T_news(NewsID).Noidung; _noidung += System.Environment.NewLine; if (dalnews.load_T_news(NewsID).Ma_NgonNgu != 0) { _lb = dalnews.load_T_news(NewsID).Ma_Anpham; _loaibao += _dalanpham.GetOneFromT_AnPhamByID(_lb).Ten_AnPham; } if (dalnews.load_T_news(NewsID).Ma_Chuyenmuc != 0) { _lb = dalnews.load_T_news(NewsID).Ma_Chuyenmuc; _loaibao += _dalanpham.GetOneFromT_AnPhamByID(dalcm.GetOneFromT_ChuyenmucByID(_lb).Ma_AnPham).Ten_AnPham; } if (dalnews.load_T_news(NewsID).Ma_Sobao != 0) { _sb = dalnews.load_T_news(NewsID).Ma_Sobao; _sobao += dalsb.GetOneFromT_SobaoByID(_sb).Ten_Sobao; } if (_noidung.Length > 0) { strHTML += "<html><BODY>"; strHTML += _tieude; strHTML += "<br />"; strHTML += "<br />"; strHTML += _noidung; strHTML += "</BODY></html>"; DirectoryInfo r = new DirectoryInfo(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BackupDoc"].ToString())); if (File.Exists(r.ToString())) { FileInfo[] file; file = r.GetFiles("*.doc"); foreach (FileInfo i in file) { File.Delete(r.FullName + "\\" + i.Name); } } strFileName = _UserName + _Chucnang + "_" + string.Format("{0:dd-MM-yyyy_hh-mm-ss}", System.DateTime.Now); string pathStore = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BackupDoc"].ToString() + _Chucnang + "/" + _loaibao + "/" + _sobao + "/" + DateTime.Now.Year + "/" + DateTime.Now.Month + "/" + DateTime.Now.Day); string path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BackupDoc"].ToString() + _Chucnang + "/" + _loaibao + "/" + _sobao + "/" + DateTime.Now.Year + "/" + DateTime.Now.Month + "/" + DateTime.Now.Day + "/" + strFileName + ".doc"); if (!File.Exists(pathStore)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathStore); } try { StreamWriter wr = new StreamWriter(path, false, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode); wr.Write(strHTML); wr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }