private static ChoiceStep EvaluateChoiceNode(ChoiceNode node, List <Character> characters) { var choices = node.choices; var character = GetCharacter(node.speaker_id, characters); return(new ChoiceStep(choices, character)); }
private void CreateNodes() { foreach (var nodeData in containerCache.baseNodesData) { switch (nodeData.nodeType) { case NodeType.StartNode: var startNode = new BaseNode(nodeData.nodeType, targetGraphView, nodeData.position, nodeData.guid); targetGraphView.AddElement(startNode); break; case NodeType.DialogueNode: DialogueNodeData dialogueData = containerCache.dialogueNodesData.Find(x => x.guid == nodeData.guid); var dialogueNode = new DialogueNode(targetGraphView, nodeData, dialogueData); targetGraphView.AddElement(dialogueNode); break; case NodeType.ChoiceNode: ChoiceNodeData choiceData = containerCache.choiceNodesData.Find(x => x.guid == nodeData.guid); var nodePorts = containerCache.nodeLinks.Where(x => x.thisNodeGuid == nodeData.guid).ToList(); var choiceNode = new ChoiceNode(targetGraphView, nodeData, choiceData, nodePorts); targetGraphView.AddElement(choiceNode); break; case NodeType.EndNode: var endNode = new BaseNode(nodeData.nodeType, targetGraphView, nodeData.position, nodeData.guid); targetGraphView.AddElement(endNode); break; } } }
public override GlobNode StartLevel() { ChoiceNode node = new ChoiceNode(this); _nodes.Add(node); return(node); }
private static void HandleNode(Node node) { DialogueNode dialogueNode = node as DialogueNode; if (dialogueNode != null) { Debug.Log(string.Format("{0} says: {1}", dialogueNode.Speaker, dialogueNode.Text)); return; } ChoiceNode choiceNode = node as ChoiceNode; if (choiceNode != null) { string output = "Available Options:"; for (int i = 0; i < choiceNode.BranchCount; i++) { Branch branch = choiceNode.GetBranch(i); if (branch.IsAvailable) { output += string.Format("\nOption {0}: {1}", i + 1, branch.DialogueNode.Text); } } Debug.Log(output); } }
void PlayNode() { UpdateEvents(); Type nodeType = currentNode.GetType(); if (nodeType == typeof(TextNode)) { TextNode tNode = currentNode as TextNode; UIManager.instance.ShowText(tNode); } if (nodeType == typeof(BranchNode)) { BranchNode bNode = currentNode as BranchNode; currentNode = bNode.GetNextNode(); PlayNode(); } if (nodeType == typeof(ChoiceNode)) { ChoiceNode cNode = currentNode as ChoiceNode; List <Node> availableNodes = cNode.GetValidNodes(); UIManager.instance.ShowPlayerOptions(availableNodes); } if (nodeType == typeof(CustomNode)) { PlayCustomNode(); } }
protected void copy(ChoiceNode nodeToCopy) { base.copy(nodeToCopy); choices = nodeToCopy.choices; nextNodeIdList = nodeToCopy.nextNodeIdList; }
public override ParseResult Apply(Dictionary <int, INodeContainer> containers) { ChoiceNode <string> choiceNode = (ChoiceNode <string>)Node; try { foreach (string argument in ParseData.Arguments) { int index = Convert.ToInt32(argument); if (!containers.ContainsKey(index)) { return(ParseResult.Failure.Derive(ParseData.LineNumber, ParseData.Line, String.Format("Invalid index argument \"{0}\"", index))); } choiceNode.AddChoice(containers[index].Node); } return(ParseResult.Success); } catch (FormatException) { return(ParseResult.Failure.Derive(ParseData.LineNumber, ParseData.Line, "Failed to cast argument to an integer")); } }
public virtual void SetPrevious(ChoiceNode previous, Vector2 clickPos, int idChoice) { SetPrevious(previous, clickPos); previous.nextNodeIdList[idChoice] = id; previous.nextNodeList[idChoice] = this; }
public IEnumerator VisitChoice(ChoiceNode node) { ReadOnlyCollection <LineNode> options = node.GetPossibleResponses(); for (int i = 0; i < options.Count; ++i) { LineNode option = options[i]; Button butt = Object.Instantiate(choiceButtonPrefab, choiceRect); Text choiceText = butt.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); choiceText.text = option.text; butt.onClick.AddListener(() => SelectOption(option)); } choiceRect.gameObject.SetActive(true); yield return(new WaitWhile(() => choice == null)); node.SetResponse(choice); choice = null; // TODO - reuse buttons; just disable and re-enable for (int i = 0; i < choiceRect.childCount; ++i) { Object.Destroy(choiceRect.GetChild(i).gameObject); } choiceRect.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
internal override GlobNode StartLevel() { var node = new ChoiceNode(this); nodes.Add(node); return(node); }
internal override GlobNode /*!*/ StartLevel() { ChoiceNode node = new ChoiceNode(this); _nodes.Add(node); return(node); }
private void HandleChoiceNode(ChoiceNode choiceNode) { if (choiceNode == null) { return; } _currentChoiceNode = choiceNode; _waiting = true; _normalSubtitlesObject.SetActive(false); _choicesObject.SetActive(true); _choiceSubtitleText.gameObject.SetActive(true); var branches = choiceNode.GetAvailableBranches(); for (int i = 0; i < branches.Count; i++) { Branch branch = branches[i]; GameObject choiceButton = Instantiate(_choiceButtonPrefab, _choiceContent); //Assign text to the button that can be clicked in the format of // "1. Option to pick" Text text = choiceButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); if (text != null) { //Regex Magic - stolen from StackOverflow //string choiceText = Regex.Match(_previousDialogueNode.Text, @"\[([^]]*)\]").Groups[1].Value; string choiceText = branch.DialogueNode.Text; if (choiceText.StartsWith("[")) { string[] groups = choiceText.Split('[', ']', '\n', '\t'); if (groups.Length >= 4) { choiceText = groups[1]; } } text.text = string.Format("{0}. {1}", i + 1, choiceText); } //Assign click command Button button = choiceButton.GetComponentInChildren <Button>(); if (button == null) { continue; } int capturedIndex = i; button.onClick.AddListener(() => { PickBranch(choiceNode, capturedIndex); }); } if (_previousDialogueNode != null) { _choiceSubtitleText.text = _previousDialogueNode.Text; } }
public override BirdAction choose_action(int[] state) { ChoiceNode node = new ChoiceNode(); node.state = state; //Debug.Log("state: " + state); Send(node); return(BirdAction.NONE); }
private void OnEnable() { this.node = as ChoiceNode; if (this.node == null) { Debug.LogError("Inspector assigned to wrong type"); } }
private void PickBranch(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= _currentChoiceNode.AvailableBranchCount) { return; } PickBranch(_currentChoiceNode, index); _currentChoiceNode = null; }
public void Initialization() { var sut = new ChoiceNode(); sut.Default.Should().BeNull(); sut.TimeLimit.Should().BeNull(); sut.RandomOrder.Should().BeFalse(); sut.Options.Should().NotBeNull().And.BeEmpty(); ((IChoiceNode)sut).Options.Should().BeSameAs(sut.Options); }
/// <summary> /// returns the amount of time left on the choice node to use for display; /// returns 0 if not currently on ChoiceNode or time is not being used /// </summary> public float GetChoiceTime() { if (!(currentNode is ChoiceNode)) { return(0); } ChoiceNode n = (ChoiceNode)currentNode; return(n.timed? n.timerLength - n.TotalTime : 0); }
private RegexNode ParseRegex() { var result = ParseSequence(); while (Accept(RegexTokenSubType.Choice)) { result = new ChoiceNode(result, ParseSequence()); } return(result); }
public string Choice = ""; //the text displayed for the choice public override Node Create(Vector2 pos) { ChoiceNode node = CreateInstance <ChoiceNode>(); node.rect = new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, 200, 160); = "Choice Node"; node.CreateInput("Previous", "Default", NodeSide.Top); node.CreateOutput("Next", "Default", NodeSide.Bottom); return(node); }
ChoiceNode ParseChoice(XmlNode choiceNode) { ChoiceNode choice = new ChoiceNode(); foreach (XmlNode child in choiceNode.ChildNodes) { switch (child.Name) { case "text": choice.ButtonText = child.InnerText; break; case "desc": choice.Description = child.InnerText; break; case "target": string[] coords = child.InnerText.Split(new char[] { ':' }); choice.Target = new Vector2(Int32.Parse(coords[0]), Int32.Parse(coords[1])); break; case "hpchange": choice.HPChange = Int32.Parse(child.InnerText); break; case "manachange": choice.ManaChange = Int32.Parse(child.InnerText); break; case "staminachange": choice.StaminaChange = Int32.Parse(child.InnerText); break; case "foodchange": choice.FoodChange = Int32.Parse(child.InnerText); break; case "waterchange": choice.WaterChange = Int32.Parse(child.InnerText); break; case "techchange": choice.TechnologyChange = Int32.Parse(child.InnerText); break; case "requirements": choice.Requirements = child.InnerText; break; } } return(choice); }
public override bool choose_action(int state) { if (init) { ChoiceNode node = new ChoiceNode(); node.state = state; string res = Send(node, true); Debug.Log("res choice:" + res); return(res.ToLower().Equals("pad")); } return(false); }
public void ExecuteChoice(ChoiceNode choice) { HitPoints += choice.HPChange; Mana += choice.ManaChange; Stamina += choice.StaminaChange; Food += choice.FoodChange; Water += choice.WaterChange; Technology += choice.TechnologyChange; SetCurrentNode((int)choice.Target.x, (int)choice.Target.y); UpdateBars(); }
private void HandleNextNode() { if (_dialogueGraph == null) { return; } //Node current = _dialogueGraph.Flow.CurrentNode; _current = _dialogueGraph.Flow.NextNode(); //Ugly DialogueNode dialogueNode = _current as DialogueNode; if (dialogueNode != null) { HandleDialogueNode(dialogueNode); return; } ConditionNode conditionNode = _current as ConditionNode; if (conditionNode != null) { _waiting = false; return; } ChoiceNode choiceNode = _current as ChoiceNode; if (choiceNode != null) { HandleChoiceNode(choiceNode); return; } EndNode endNode = _current as EndNode; if (endNode != null) { HandleEndNode(endNode); return; } //StartNode startNode = current as StartNode; //if (startNode != null) //{ // throw new InvalidOperationException(); //} }
private IEnumerator ChoiceBox(ChoiceNode node) { Typer.Play(node.Dialogue, node.ErasePrevious); Typer.SetIndicator(true); while (!Typer.IsFinished()) { yield return(null); if (ContinueInput || isSkipping) { isSkipping = true; Typer.ForceFinish(); break; } } isSkipping = false; List <string> textChoices = new List <string>(); foreach (var choice in node.choices) { textChoices.Add(choice.text); } Typer.SetIndicator(false); ChoiceButtons.Show(textChoices); int index; while (!ChoiceButtons.GetChoosen(out index)) { yield return(null); } Debug.Log(index); Debug.Log(node.Dialogue); Debug.Log(node.choices[index].text); node.SetChoice(index); isNodeWorking = false; //Create the box after the box gets the choice //With thie choice the index will be set in the dialoguegraph and we can just graph.Continue; }
public void OnPasteElementsOption(string a, string b) { if (nodeCopyCache.Count == 0) { return; } var graphContainer = GraphSaveUtility.GetInstance(targetGraphView).GetNodesContainer(); foreach (var node in nodeCopyCache) { var baseNode = (BaseNode)node; var nodeData = baseNode.CopyData(false); // Offset pasted node nodeData.position.y += baseNode.GetPosition().height + nodePasteOffset; switch (nodeData.nodeType) { case NodeType.DialogueNode: var dialogueNodeOriginal = node as DialogueNode; DialogueNodeData dialogueData = dialogueNodeOriginal.CopyData(); var dialogueNode = new DialogueNode(targetGraphView, nodeData, dialogueData); targetGraphView.AddElement(dialogueNode); break; case NodeType.ChoiceNode: var choiceNodeOriginal = node as ChoiceNode; ChoiceNodeData choiceData = choiceNodeOriginal.CopyData(); var choicePorts = graphContainer.nodeLinks.ToList().Where(x => x.thisNodeGuid == nodeData.guid).ToList(); var choiceNode = new ChoiceNode(targetGraphView, nodeData, choiceData, choicePorts); targetGraphView.AddElement(choiceNode); break; case NodeType.EndNode: var endNode = new BaseNode(nodeData.nodeType, targetGraphView, nodeData.position, nodeData.guid); targetGraphView.AddElement(endNode); break; } } }
public void DisplayChoices(ChoiceNode node) { choicesShown = true; idChoice = -1; characName.text = ""; sentence.text = ""; choicesObject.SetActive(true); for (int i = 0; i < node.nbChoice; i++) { choicesButtons [i].gameObject.SetActive(true); choicesTexts [i].text = node.choices [i]; nextNodeIds[i] = node.nextNodeIdList[i]; } for (int i = node.nbChoice; i < choicesButtons.Length; i++) { choicesButtons [i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
private void RenderSpecificNodeData(Node n) { ChoiceNode cNode = n as ChoiceNode; if (cNode) { RenderChoiceNode(cNode); return; } TextNode tNode = n as TextNode; if (tNode) { RenderTextNode(tNode); return; } BranchNode bNode = n as BranchNode; if (bNode) { RenderBranchNode(bNode); return; } CustomNode cmNode = n as CustomNode; if (cmNode) { RenderCustomNode(cmNode); return; } throw new Exception("Uknown type"); }
private void RenderChoiceNode(ChoiceNode cNode) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Choice Node", EditorStyles.boldLabel); = EditorGUILayout.TextField("node id",; for (int i = 0; i < cNode.options.Count; i++) { ChoiceNodeOption cno = cNode.options[i]; Condition condition = cno.condition; using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { cno.nodeId = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Option node id", cno.nodeId); cno.condition.eventId = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Trigger id", cno.condition.eventId); cno.condition.type = (Condition.ConditionType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Condition type:", cno.condition.type); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Add choice")) { cNode.options.Add(new ChoiceNodeOption("node id")); } }
/** * Gets the next speaker from a choice node */ public Pawn GetNextSpeaker(ChoiceNode node, int outputIndex) { if(outputIndex < node.outputs.Length) { Node nextNode = this.GetNode(node.outputs[outputIndex].nodeId); if(nextNode is SpeakNode) { return (Pawn)(nextNode as SpeakNode).speaker.Value; } else { return null; } } return null; }
public ChoiceNodeContainer(ParseData parseData) : base(parseData) { Node = new ChoiceNode <string>(parseData.Source, parseData.Value); }
private void PickBranch(ChoiceNode choiceNode, int index) { choiceNode.PickBranch(choiceNode.GetAvailableBranches()[index]); DestroyBranchObjects(); _waiting = false; }
internal override GlobNode/*!*/ StartLevel() { ChoiceNode node = new ChoiceNode(this); _nodes.Add(node); return node; }
internal override GlobNode StartLevel() { var node = new ChoiceNode(this); nodes.Add(node); return node; }
public override GlobNode StartLevel() { ChoiceNode node = new ChoiceNode(this); _nodes.Add(node); return node; }