public static void Main() { Chicken mara = new Chicken("Mara", 3); Chicken chicki = new Chicken("Chicki", 9); Console.WriteLine(mara.ProductPerDay); Console.WriteLine(chicki.ProductPerDay); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { SceneManager.UnloadScene(1); chicken = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Chicken").GetComponent<Chicken>(); startGame(); GameObject backgroundController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("BackgroundMusic"); if (backgroundController == null){ backgroundController = GameController.Instantiate(BackgroundMusicGo,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; } backgroundController.GetComponent<BackgroundMusicController>().playInGame(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //numbers , adultKillos Pheasant pheasant = new Pheasant(0,0); pheasant.ProduceFood(0,0); Chicken chicken = new Chicken("Kokoshka",6); Console.WriteLine(chicken.GetHumanAge()); Console.WriteLine(chicken.ProduceProduct()); Console.WriteLine("end"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Создание коллекции типа Array из объектов Animal и её использование."); Animal[] animalArray = new Animal[2]; Cow myCow1 = new Cow("Бурёнка"); animalArray[0] = myCow1; animalArray[1] = new Chicken("Дося"); foreach (var animal in animalArray) { Console.WriteLine("Объект {0} был добавлен в коллекцию Array, " + "Имя = {1}.", animal.ToString(), animal.Name); } Console.WriteLine("Коллекция Array содержит {0} объектов.", animalArray.Length); animalArray[0].Feed(); ((Chicken)animalArray[1]).LayEgg(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Сщздание коллекции объектов Animal типа Array и её использование."); ArrayList animalArrayList = new ArrayList(); Cow myCow2 = new Cow("Таня"); animalArrayList.Add(myCow2); animalArrayList.Add(new Chicken("Феня")); foreach(Animal myAnimal in animalArrayList) { Console.WriteLine("Объект {0} был добавлен в коллекцию ArrayList, " + " Имя = {1}.", myAnimal.ToString(), myAnimal.Name); } Console.WriteLine("Коллекция ArrayList содержит {0} объктов.", animalArrayList.Count); ((Animal)animalArrayList[0]).Feed(); ((Chicken)animalArrayList[1]).LayEgg(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Дополнительное манипулирование коллекцией ArrayList:"); animalArrayList.RemoveAt(0); ((Animal)animalArrayList[0]).Feed(); animalArrayList.AddRange(animalArray); ((Chicken)animalArrayList[2]).LayEgg(); Console.WriteLine("Животное по имени {0} находится под индексом {1}.", myCow1.Name, animalArrayList.IndexOf(myCow1)); myCow1.Name = "Джанис"; Console.WriteLine("Животное теперь зовут {0}!", ((Animal)animalArrayList[1]).Name); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Create our animal objects but only talk to them by the interface (contract) they signed IAnimal eagle = new Eagle(); IAnimal chicken = new Chicken(); IAnimal bear = new Bear(); //Add our animals to an array the only cares about the interface they implement (the contract or the what) not the //classes that are really implementing the code inside (the how) IAnimal[] animals = new IAnimal[] { eagle, chicken, bear }; //Call the static DoSomething method on AnimalUtility passing in each animal foreach(var animal in animals) { AnimalUtility.DoSomething(animal); } Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("=== Animal ==="); IAnimal animal = new Animal(); animal.input(); animal.display(); animal.watingToExit(); Console.WriteLine("=== Cat ==="); IAnimal cat = new Cat(); cat.input(); cat.display(); cat.watingToExit(); cat.caculateMyAge(); Console.WriteLine("=== Chicken ==="); IAnimal chicken = new Chicken(); chicken.input(); chicken.display(); chicken.caculateMyAge(); chicken.watingToExit(); }
public override void OnActionStart(Vector2 direction) { if (SequenceMode) { return; } if (_caughtChicken != null) { Debug.Log(_lastInputDirection); _caughtChickenRigidbody.velocity = _lastInputDirection * _currentThrowForce; _currentThrowForce = 0.0f; _caughtChicken = null; _caughtChickenRigidbody = null; _animator.SetBool("kick", true); } else if (_actionCoroutine == null) { _actionCoroutine = StartCoroutine(HitCoroutine()); _animator.SetBool("attack", true); Attack = true; } }
public void CanChickenStopSwimming() { Chicken chicken = new Chicken(); Assert.True(chicken.Stop()); }
private bool SpawnPassive(PlayerLocation position, EntityType entityType) { Level world = Level; Mob mob = null; switch (entityType) { case EntityType.Chicken: mob = new Chicken(world); mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Cow: mob = new Cow(world); mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Pig: mob = new Pig(world); mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Sheep: mob = new Sheep(world); mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Wolf: mob = new Wolf(world); mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Horse: mob = new Horse(world); mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Ocelot: mob = new Ocelot(world); break; case EntityType.Rabbit: mob = new Rabbit(world); break; case EntityType.Spider: mob = new Spider(world); break; } if (mob == null) { return(false); } mob.DespawnIfNotSeenPlayer = true; mob.KnownPosition = position; var bbox = mob.GetBoundingBox(); if (!SpawnAreaClear(bbox)) { return(false); } mob.SpawnEntity(); if (Log.IsDebugEnabled) { Log.Warn($"Spawn friendly {entityType}"); } return(true); }
public override void ProcessEvent(Jabber.Util.Event ev) { if (!IsTopScreen) { return; } if (ev is ExplosionEvent) { ExplosionPlayed = true; } if (!ExplosionPlayed) { /* if (ev is BreakableDestroyed && !(ev is BreakableHit)) { if (!SFXPlayed((ev as BreakableDestroyed).Broken)) { // if (SFXTime((ev as BreakableDestroyed).Broken) <= 0) { BreakableBody.PlaySFXBreakForMaterial((ev as BreakableDestroyed).Broken); SFXPlayed((ev as BreakableDestroyed).Broken, true); } } else { int k = 0; } } else if (ev is BreakableHit) { if (!SFXPlayed((ev as BreakableHit).Broken)) { if (SFXTime((ev as BreakableHit).Broken) <= 0.0f) { BreakableBody.PlayHitSFXForMaterial((ev as BreakableHit).Broken); SFXPlayed((ev as BreakableHit).Broken, true); } } }*/ } if (ev is CannonFireEvent && scene.ToFire.Count > 0) { CannonFireEvent e = ev as CannonFireEvent; Vector2 dir = e.Dir; Chicken chick = null;// new Chicken_Dash(world); switch (scene.ToFire[scene.ToFire.Count - 1]) { case 0: chick = new Chicken(scene); break; case 1: chick = new Chicken_Dash(scene); break; case 2: chick = new Chicken_Egg(scene); break; case 3: chick = new Chicken_Explode(scene); break; case 4: chick = new Chicken_Mini_Launcher(scene); break; } chick.Initialize(Content); chick.Position = e.Position; chick.Body.LinearVelocity = dir; withChicks.AddNode(chick); bForceInactiveChicken = false; bFollowingChicken = true; scene.ToFire.RemoveAt(scene.ToFire.Count - 1); } else if (ev is MenuEvent && IsTopScreen) { if ((ev as MenuEvent).sender is MenuObj) { if (((ev as MenuEvent).sender as MenuObj).Name == "pause") { PauseScreen s = new PauseScreen(); s.Initialize(Content); ScreenManager.Get.AddScreen(s); } else if (((ev as MenuEvent).sender as MenuObj).Name == "restart") { Restart(); AudioManager.PlayOnce("Sounds/Restart"); } else if (((ev as MenuEvent).sender as MenuObj).Name == "forceendgame") { //if (!AnyFox) { for (int i = 0; i < scene.Nodes.Count; i++) { if (scene.Nodes[i] is DonutCase) { scene.Nodes[i].RaiseFlag(Flags.DELETE); scene.Nodes[i].UnloadContent(); scene.Nodes.RemoveAt(i); --i; } else if(scene.Nodes[i] is Donut) { scene.Nodes[i].RaiseFlag(Flags.DELETE); scene.Nodes[i].UnloadContent(); scene.Nodes.RemoveAt(i); --i; } } //HasWon = true; LevelEndScreen n = new LevelEndScreen(this); n.Initialize(Content); ScreenManager.Get.AddScreen(n); LowerFlag(Jabber.Flags.FADE_OUT); LowerFlag(Jabber.Flags.FADE_IN); if (GetRemainingFox() == 0) AudioManager.PlayOnce("Sounds/Win_Stinger"); else AudioManager.PlayOnce("Sounds/Lose_Stinger"); } } } } base.ProcessEvent(ev); }
public Task ListAsync(CommandContext ctx) { CachedGuildConfig gcfg = ctx.Services.GetRequiredService <GuildConfigService>().GetCachedConfig(ctx.Guild.Id); return(ctx.RespondWithLocalizedEmbedAsync(emb => { emb.WithLocalizedTitle("str-chicken-types"); emb.WithColor(this.ModuleColor); foreach (((ChickenType type, ChickenStats stats), int i) in Chicken.StartingStats.Select((kvp, i) => (kvp, i))) { emb.AddLocalizedTitleField($"str-chicken-type-{i}", stats, titleArgs: new object[] { Chicken.Price(type), gcfg.Currency }); } })); }
public FleeState(Chicken chicken, float speedModifier) : base(chicken.gameObject) { this._chicken = chicken; this._speedModifier = speedModifier; }
private async Task TryBuyInternalAsync(CommandContext ctx, ChickenType type, string name) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { throw new InvalidCommandUsageException("Name for your chicken is missing."); } if (name.Length < 2 || name.Length > 30) { throw new InvalidCommandUsageException("Name cannot be shorter than 2 and longer than 30 characters."); } if (!name.All(c => Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || Char.IsWhiteSpace(c))) { throw new InvalidCommandUsageException("Name cannot contain characters that are not letters or digits."); } if (await this.Database.GetChickenAsync(ctx.User.Id, ctx.Guild.Id) != null) { throw new CommandFailedException("You already own a chicken!"); } if (!await ctx.WaitForBoolReplyAsync($"{ctx.User.Mention}, are you sure you want to buy a chicken for {Formatter.Bold(Chicken.Price(type).ToString())} {this.Shared.GetGuildConfig(ctx.Guild.Id).Currency ?? "credits"}?")) { return; } if (!await this.Database.DecreaseBankAccountBalanceAsync(ctx.User.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, Chicken.Price(type))) { throw new CommandFailedException($"You do not have enough {this.Shared.GetGuildConfig(ctx.Guild.Id).Currency ?? "credits"} to buy a chicken ({Chicken.Price(type)} needed)!"); } await this.Database.AddChickenAsync(ctx.User.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, name, Chicken.StartingStats[type]); await this.InformAsync(ctx, StaticDiscordEmoji.Chicken, $"{ctx.User.Mention} bought a chicken named {Formatter.Bold(name)}"); }
public override void PlaceBlock(Level world, Player player, BlockCoordinates blockCoordinates, BlockFace face, Vector3 faceCoords) { Log.WarnFormat("Player {0} trying to spawn Mob #{1}.", player.Username, Metadata); var coordinates = GetNewCoordinatesFromFace(blockCoordinates, face); Mob mob = null; EntityType type = (EntityType)Metadata; switch (type) { case EntityType.Chicken: mob = new Chicken(world); break; case EntityType.Cow: mob = new Cow(world); break; case EntityType.Pig: mob = new Pig(world); break; case EntityType.Sheep: mob = new Sheep(world); break; case EntityType.Wolf: mob = new Wolf(world) { Owner = player }; break; case EntityType.Villager: mob = new Villager(world); break; case EntityType.MushroomCow: mob = new MushroomCow(world); break; case EntityType.Squid: mob = new Squid(world); break; case EntityType.Rabbit: mob = new Rabbit(world); break; case EntityType.Bat: mob = new Bat(world); break; case EntityType.IronGolem: mob = new IronGolem(world); break; case EntityType.SnowGolem: mob = new SnowGolem(world); break; case EntityType.Ocelot: mob = new Ocelot(world); break; case EntityType.Zombie: mob = new Zombie(world); break; case EntityType.Creeper: mob = new Creeper(world); break; case EntityType.Skeleton: mob = new Skeleton(world); break; case EntityType.Spider: mob = new Spider(world); break; case EntityType.ZombiePigman: mob = new ZombiePigman(world); break; case EntityType.Slime: mob = new Slime(world); break; case EntityType.Enderman: mob = new Enderman(world); break; case EntityType.Silverfish: mob = new Silverfish(world); break; case EntityType.CaveSpider: mob = new CaveSpider(world); break; case EntityType.Ghast: mob = new Ghast(world); break; case EntityType.MagmaCube: mob = new MagmaCube(world); break; case EntityType.Blaze: mob = new Blaze(world); break; case EntityType.ZombieVillager: mob = new ZombieVillager(world); break; case EntityType.Witch: mob = new Witch(world); break; case EntityType.Stray: mob = new Stray(world); break; case EntityType.Husk: mob = new Husk(world); break; case EntityType.WitherSkeleton: mob = new WitherSkeleton(world); break; case EntityType.Guardian: mob = new Guardian(world); break; case EntityType.ElderGuardian: mob = new ElderGuardian(world); break; case EntityType.Horse: var random = new Random(); mob = new Horse(world, random.NextDouble() < 0.10, random); break; case EntityType.PolarBear: mob = new PolarBear(world); break; case EntityType.Shulker: mob = new Shulker(world); break; case EntityType.Dragon: mob = new Dragon(world); break; case EntityType.SkeletonHorse: mob = new SkeletonHorse(world); break; case EntityType.Wither: mob = new Wither(world); break; case EntityType.Evoker: mob = new Evoker(world); break; case EntityType.Vindicator: mob = new Vindicator(world); break; case EntityType.Vex: mob = new Vex(world); break; case EntityType.Npc: mob = new PlayerMob("test", world); break; } if (mob == null) { return; } mob.KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation(coordinates.X, coordinates.Y, coordinates.Z); mob.NoAi = true; mob.SpawnEntity(); Log.WarnFormat("Player {0} spawned Mob #{1}.", player.Username, Metadata); if (player.GameMode == GameMode.Survival) { var itemInHand = player.Inventory.GetItemInHand(); itemInHand.Count--; player.Inventory.SetInventorySlot(player.Inventory.InHandSlot, itemInHand); } }
public async Task FightAsync(CommandContext ctx, [Description("Member whose chicken to fight.")] DiscordMember member) { if (this.Shared.GetEventInChannel(ctx.Channel.Id) is ChickenWar ambush) { throw new CommandFailedException("There is a chicken war running in this channel. No fights are allowed before the war finishes."); } if (member.Id == ctx.User.Id) { throw new CommandFailedException("You can't fight against your own chicken!"); } Chicken chicken1 = await this.Database.GetChickenAsync(ctx.User.Id, ctx.Guild.Id); if (chicken1 != null) { if (chicken1.Stats.TotalVitality < 25) { throw new CommandFailedException($"{ctx.User.Mention}, your chicken is too weak to start a fight with another chicken! Heal it using {Formatter.InlineCode("chicken heal")} command."); } } else { throw new CommandFailedException("You do not own a chicken!"); } Chicken chicken2 = await this.Database.GetChickenAsync(member.Id, ctx.Guild.Id); if (chicken2 == null) { throw new CommandFailedException("The specified user does not own a chicken!"); } if (Math.Abs(chicken1.Stats.TotalStrength - chicken2.Stats.TotalStrength) > 50) { throw new CommandFailedException("The bare strength difference is too big (50 max)! Please find a more suitable opponent."); } string header = $"{Formatter.Bold(chicken1.Name)} ({chicken1.Stats.ToShortString()}) {StaticDiscordEmoji.DuelSwords} {Formatter.Bold(chicken2.Name)} ({chicken2.Stats.ToShortString()}) {StaticDiscordEmoji.Chicken}\n\n"; Chicken winner = chicken1.Fight(chicken2); winner.Owner = winner.OwnerId == ctx.User.Id ? ctx.User : member; Chicken loser = winner == chicken1 ? chicken2 : chicken1; int gain = winner.DetermineStrengthGain(loser); winner.Stats.BareStrength += gain; winner.Stats.BareMaxVitality -= gain; if (winner.Stats.TotalVitality == 0) { winner.Stats.BareVitality = 1; } loser.Stats.BareVitality -= 50; await this.Database.ModifyChickenAsync(winner, ctx.Guild.Id); if (loser.Stats.TotalVitality > 0) { await this.Database.ModifyChickenAsync(loser, ctx.Guild.Id); } else { await this.Database.RemoveChickenAsync(loser.OwnerId, ctx.Guild.Id); } await this.Database.IncreaseBankAccountBalanceAsync(winner.OwnerId, ctx.Guild.Id, gain * 2000); await this.InformAsync(ctx, StaticDiscordEmoji.Chicken, header + $"{StaticDiscordEmoji.Trophy} Winner: {Formatter.Bold(winner.Name)}\n\n" + $"{Formatter.Bold(winner.Name)} gained {Formatter.Bold(gain.ToString())} strength!\n" + (loser.Stats.TotalVitality > 0 ? $"{Formatter.Bold(loser.Name)} lost {Formatter.Bold("50")} HP!" : $"{Formatter.Bold(loser.Name)} died in the battle!") + $"\n\n{winner.Owner.Mention} won {gain * 200} {this.Shared.GetGuildConfig(ctx.Guild.Id).Currency ?? "credits"}." , important : true ); }
//public void Pet(Player player, string type) public void Pet(Player player, string type, params string[] name) { //TODO: Fix space in pets name, too difficult damn.. PetTypes petType; try { petType = (PetTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(PetTypes), type, true); } catch (ArgumentException e) { return; } if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(PetTypes), petType)) { player.SendMessage("No pet found"); return; } double height = 0.5; switch (petType) { case PetTypes.Chicken: height = new Chicken(null).Height; break; case PetTypes.Cow: height = new Cow(null).Height; break; case PetTypes.Pig: height = new Pig(null).Height; break; case PetTypes.Sheep: height = new Sheep(null).Height; break; case PetTypes.Wolf: height = new Wolf(null).Height; break; case PetTypes.Npc: break; case PetTypes.Mooshroom: break; case PetTypes.Squid: break; case PetTypes.Rabbit: break; case PetTypes.Bat: break; case PetTypes.IronGolem: break; case PetTypes.SnowGolem: break; case PetTypes.Ocelot: break; case PetTypes.Zombie: break; case PetTypes.Creeper: break; case PetTypes.ZombiePigman: break; case PetTypes.Enderman: break; case PetTypes.Blaze: break; case PetTypes.ZombieVillager: break; case PetTypes.Witch: break; } string petName = null; if (name.Length > 0) { petName = string.Join(" ", name); } var entities = player.Level.GetEntites(); foreach (var entity in entities) { Pet pet = entity as Pet; if (pet != null && pet.Owner == player) { pet.HealthManager.Kill(); break; } } Pet newPet = new Pet(player, player.Level) { NameTag = petName, KnownPosition = (PlayerLocation)player.KnownPosition.Clone(), Height = height, }; newPet.SpawnEntity(); }
public void CanChickenUseIswim() { Chicken chicken = new Chicken(); Assert.True(chicken.Swim()); }
public void CanChickenSpeak() { Chicken chicken = new Chicken(); Assert.True(chicken.Speak()); }
public void CanChickenStopFlying() { Chicken chicken = new Chicken(); Assert.True(chicken.Land()); }
public void CanChickenUseIfly() { Chicken chicken = new Chicken(); Assert.True(chicken.Fly()); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { chicken = FindObjectOfType <Chicken>(); }
List <GameObject> EvaluateTargets(Chicken chicken, Action action, Resource resource) { List <GameObject> potentialTargets = new List <GameObject>(); for (int x = 0; x < targets.Count; x++) { Target target = targets[x].GetComponent <Target>(); if (action == Action.Sleep) // if we're sleeping { if (target.actions.Contains(Action.Sleep)) // if this place lets us sleep { if ( && target.chickens.Count < target.maxSpots) // if it's open and has space { potentialTargets.Add(targets[x]); // add it to the list to consider } } } if (action == Action.Get) // if we're getting something { if (target.actions.Contains(Action.Get)) // if this place let's us get { if (target.inventory[(int)resource].x > 0) // and it has some of this resource { if ( && target.chickens.Count < target.maxSpots) // if it's open and has space { potentialTargets.Add(targets[x]); // add it to the list to consider } } } } if (action == Action.Put) // if we're putting something { // if this place has room to put what we're putting if (target.inventory[(int)resource].x < target.inventory[(int)resource].y) { if ( && target.chickens.Count < target.maxSpots) // if it's open and has space { potentialTargets.Add(targets[x]); // add it to the list to consider } } } if (action == Action.Make) { if (target.actions.Contains(Action.Make) && target.resourceProduced == resource) // if this place lets us make what we're making { bool hasIngredients = true; Resource resourceNeeded = Resource.None; for (int y = 0; y < target.actionIngredients.Count; y++) { if (target.inventory[y].x < target.actionIngredients[y] && hasIngredients) { hasIngredients = false; resourceNeeded = (Resource)y; } } if (hasIngredients) { if ( && target.chickens.Count < target.maxSpots) // if it's open and has space { potentialTargets.Add(targets[x]); // add it to the list to consider } } else { if (GetResource(chicken, resourceNeeded, null)) // get the first material we come across that we dont have, in the amount that we need { DropOffResources(chicken, target.gameObject); // put the materials here } } } } if (action == Action.Forester) { if (target.actions.Contains(Action.Forester) && target.resourceProduced == resource) // if this place lets us make what we're making { if ( && target.chickens.Count < target.maxSpots) // if it's open and has space { potentialTargets.Add(targets[x]); // add it to the list to consider } } } if (action == Action.PlantTree) { if (target.actions.Contains(Action.PlantTree)) { if ( && target.chickens.Count < target.maxSpots) // if it's open and has space { potentialTargets.Add(targets[x]); // add it to the list to } } } if (action == Action.ChopTree) { if (target.actions.Contains(Action.ChopTree)) { if ( && target.chickens.Count < target.maxSpots) // if it's open and has space { potentialTargets.Add(targets[x]); // add it to the list to } } } if (action == Action.Build) // if we're building or laboring { if (target.actions.Contains(Action.Build)) // if this place lets us build { Construction construction = target.GetComponent <Construction>(); bool hasMaterials = true; int amountNeeded = 0; Resource resourceNeeded = Resource.None; for (int y = 0; y < construction.constructionMaterials.Count; y++) { if (target.inventory[y].x < construction.constructionMaterials[y] && hasMaterials) { hasMaterials = false; amountNeeded = construction.constructionMaterials[y] - (int)target.inventory[y].x; resourceNeeded = (Resource)y; } } if (hasMaterials) { if ( && target.chickens.Count < target.maxSpots) // if it's open and has space { potentialTargets.Add(targets[x]); // add it to the list to consider } } else { if (GetResource(chicken, resourceNeeded, null, amountNeeded)) // get the first material we come across that we dont have, in the amount that we need { DropOffResources(chicken, target.gameObject); // put the materials here } } } } if (action == Action.Labor) // if we're making something or laboring { if (target.actions.Contains(Action.Make)) // if this place lets us make what we're making { bool hasIngredients = true; for (int y = 0; y < target.actionIngredients.Count; y++) { if (target.inventory[y].x < target.actionIngredients[y]) { hasIngredients = false; } } if (!hasIngredients) // if it doesn't have the ingredients // TODO we need to make this a priority over other tasks, and laborers need to keep putting resources at any open place that doesnt have max cap. { if ( && target.chickens.Count < target.maxSpots) // if it's open and has space { potentialTargets.Add(targets[x]); // add it to the list to consider } } } if (target.actions.Contains(Action.Build)) { Construction construction = target.GetComponent <Construction>(); bool hasMaterials = true; for (int y = 0; y < construction.constructionMaterials.Count; y++) { if (target.inventory[y].x < construction.constructionMaterials[y]) { hasMaterials = false; } } if (!hasMaterials) // if it doesn't have the ingredients // TODO we need to make this a priority over other tasks, and laborers need to keep putting resources at any open place that doesnt have max cap. { if ( && target.chickens.Count < target.maxSpots) // if it's open and has space { potentialTargets.Add(targets[x]); // add it to the list to consider } } } } } return(potentialTargets); }
// determine chicken job and create potential jobs, test and see if they are available, and do them (or their backup jobs) public void GetJobQueue(Chicken chicken) { chickenManager.UpdateChicken(chicken); //update this chicken //clear out old queues chicken.targetQueue = new List <GameObject> { }; chicken.actionQueue = new List <Action> { }; chicken.resourceNeededQueue = new List <Resource> { }; chicken.currentTarget = null; chicken.action = Action.None; chicken.resourceNeeded = Resource.None; if (gameManager.night == true) { Sleep(chicken); } else { if (chicken.job == Job.Farmer) { if (!MakeResource(chicken, Resource.Wheat, null)) { AddTask(chicken, chicken.gameObject, Action.Wander); } } if (chicken.job == Job.Millworker) { if (!MakeResource(chicken, Resource.Grain, null)) { AddTask(chicken, chicken.gameObject, Action.Wander); } } if (chicken.job == Job.Miner) { if (!MakeResource(chicken, Resource.Stone, null)) { AddTask(chicken, chicken.gameObject, Action.Wander); } } if (chicken.job == Job.Mason) { if (!MakeResource(chicken, Resource.Bricks, null)) { AddTask(chicken, chicken.gameObject, Action.Wander); } } if (chicken.job == Job.Lumberjack) { if (!Forester(chicken)) { AddTask(chicken, chicken.gameObject, Action.Wander); } } if (chicken.job == Job.SawMill) { if (!MakeResource(chicken, Resource.Planks, null)) { AddTask(chicken, chicken.gameObject, Action.Wander); } } if (chicken.job == Job.Builder) { if (!Build(chicken)) { AddTask(chicken, chicken.gameObject, Action.Wander); } } } }
private bool Spawn(PlayerLocation position, EntityType entityType, Random random) { Level world = Level; Mob mob = null; switch (entityType) { case EntityType.Chicken: mob = new Chicken(world); mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Cow: mob = new Cow(world); mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Pig: mob = new Pig(world); mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Sheep: mob = new Sheep(world, random); mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Wolf: mob = new Wolf(world); mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Horse: mob = new Horse(world, random.NextDouble() < 0.10, random); mob.IsBaby = random.NextDouble() < 0.20; mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Ocelot: mob = new Ocelot(world); mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Rabbit: mob = new Rabbit(world); mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Spider: mob = new Spider(world); mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Zombie: mob = new Zombie(world); mob.IsBaby = random.NextDouble() < 0.05; mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Skeleton: mob = new Skeleton(world); mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Enderman: mob = new Enderman(world); mob.NoAi = true; break; case EntityType.Creeper: mob = new Creeper(world); mob.NoAi = true; break; } if (mob == null) { return(false); } mob.DespawnIfNotSeenPlayer = true; mob.KnownPosition = position; var bbox = mob.GetBoundingBox(); if (!SpawnAreaClear(bbox)) { return(false); } ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state => mob.SpawnEntity()); if (Log.IsDebugEnabled) { Log.Debug($"Spawn mob {entityType}"); } return(true); }
public void ChickenIsAnimal() { Chicken chicken = new Chicken(); Assert.IsType <Chicken>(chicken); }
public static void CollectInput(Farm farm, Chicken animal) { Boolean choiceBoolean = true; Boolean placeBoolean = true; Utils.Clear(); List <ChickenHouse> availableHouses = farm.ChickenHouses.Where(singleHouse => singleHouse.AnimalCount < singleHouse.Capacity).ToList(); if (availableHouses.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("0. Return to main menu"); } for (int i = 0; i < availableHouses.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { Console.WriteLine("0. Return to main menu"); } string chickenString = "chicken"; if (availableHouses[i].AnimalCount != 1) { chickenString += "s"; } Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1}. Chicken House ({availableHouses[i].AnimalCount} {chickenString})"); } Console.WriteLine(); // How can I output the type of animal chosen here? Console.WriteLine($"Place the animal where?"); int choice = 1; while (choiceBoolean) { Console.Write("> "); try { choice = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("No number detected"); } if (choice == 0) { choiceBoolean = false; placeBoolean = false; } else if (choice < 1 || choice > availableHouses.Count) { Console.WriteLine("Please input a number corresponding to a choice"); } else if (availableHouses[choice - 1].AnimalCount >= availableHouses[choice - 1].Capacity) { Console.WriteLine("This house is full, please choose another!"); } else { choiceBoolean = false; } } if (placeBoolean) { availableHouses[choice - 1].AddResource(animal); Console.WriteLine("Chicken successfully added to the house! Press enter to return to the main menu."); Console.ReadLine(); } /* * Couldn't get this to work. Can you? * Stretch goal. Only if the app is fully functional. */ // farm.PurchaseResource<IGrazing>(animal, choice); }
public void CanChickenNotEat() { Chicken chicken = new Chicken(); Assert.False(chicken.Eat()); }
public static Entity Create(this EntityType entityType, World world) { Entity entity = null; switch (entityType) { case EntityType.None: return(null); case EntityType.Chicken: entity = new Chicken(world); break; case EntityType.Cow: entity = new Cow(world); break; case EntityType.Pig: entity = new Pig(world); break; case EntityType.Sheep: entity = new Sheep(world); break; case EntityType.Wolf: entity = new Wolf(world); break; case EntityType.Villager: entity = new Villager(world); break; case EntityType.MushroomCow: entity = new Mooshroom(world); break; case EntityType.Squid: entity = new Squid(world); break; case EntityType.Rabbit: entity = new Rabbit(world); break; case EntityType.Bat: entity = new Bat(world); break; case EntityType.IronGolem: entity = new VillagerGolem(world); break; case EntityType.SnowGolem: entity = new Snowman(world); break; case EntityType.Ocelot: entity = new Ocelot(world); break; case EntityType.Zombie: entity = new Zombie(world); break; case EntityType.Creeper: entity = new Creeper(world); break; case EntityType.Skeleton: entity = new Skeleton(world); break; case EntityType.Spider: entity = new Spider(world); break; case EntityType.ZombiePigman: entity = new ZombiePigman(world); break; case EntityType.Slime: entity = new Slime(world); break; case EntityType.Enderman: entity = new Enderman(world); break; case EntityType.Silverfish: entity = new Silverfish(world); break; case EntityType.CaveSpider: entity = new CaveSpider(world); break; case EntityType.Ghast: entity = new Ghast(world); break; case EntityType.MagmaCube: entity = new MagmaCube(world); break; case EntityType.Blaze: entity = new Blaze(world); break; case EntityType.ZombieVillager: entity = new ZombieVillager(world); break; case EntityType.Witch: entity = new Witch(world); break; case EntityType.Stray: entity = new Stray(world); break; case EntityType.Husk: entity = new Husk(world); break; case EntityType.WitherSkeleton: entity = new WitherSkeleton(world); break; case EntityType.Guardian: entity = new Guardian(world); break; case EntityType.ElderGuardian: entity = new ElderGuardian(world); break; case EntityType.Horse: entity = new Horse(world); break; case EntityType.PolarBear: entity = new PolarBear(world); break; case EntityType.Shulker: entity = new Shulker(world); break; case EntityType.EnderDragon: entity = new EnderDragon(world); break; case EntityType.SkeletonHorse: entity = new SkeletonHorse(world); break; case EntityType.Wither: entity = new Wither(world); break; case EntityType.Evoker: entity = new EvocationIllager(world); break; case EntityType.Vindicator: entity = new VindicationIllager(world); break; case EntityType.Vex: entity = new Vex(world); break; //case EntityType.Human: //entity = new PlayerMob("test", world, ); // break; default: return(null); } return(entity); }
public Task HelpAsync(CommandContext ctx) { Chicken chicken = this.TryJoinInternal(ctx, team2: false); return(this.InformAsync(ctx, StaticDiscordEmoji.Chicken, $"{Formatter.Bold(chicken.Name)} has joined the ambushed party.")); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Configure Observer pattern ConcreteKitchen sKitchen = new ConcreteKitchen(); ConcreteKitchen sIngredient = new ConcreteKitchen(); // Sets the predefined observers available sKitchen.Attach(new ConcreteObserver(sKitchen, "Kitchen")); sIngredient.Attach(new ConcreteObserver(sIngredient, "Ingredient")); string ing, kitchen; Console.Write("Enter Country (SA/US): "); kitchen = Console.ReadLine(); switch (kitchen) { // Changes the Kitchen observer to be kitchen location case "US": sKitchen.SubjectState = "US Kitchen"; break; case "us": sKitchen.SubjectState = "US Kitchen"; break; case "SA": sKitchen.SubjectState = "SA Kitchen"; break; case "sa": sKitchen.SubjectState = "SA Kitchen"; break; } //Goes through Subject class to ConcreteObserver class to output in the console window sKitchen.Notify(); //Setting the Ingredient Console.Write("Choose Ingredient Taco/Burrito: "); ing = Console.ReadLine(); switch (ing) { // Changes the Ingredient observer to be an ingredient type case "Taco": sIngredient.SubjectState = "Taco"; break; case "taco": sIngredient.SubjectState = "Taco"; break; case "Burrito": sIngredient.SubjectState = "Burrito"; break; case "burrito": sIngredient.SubjectState = "Burrito"; break; } //Goes through Subject class to ConcreteObserver class to output in the console window sIngredient.Notify(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); if (kitchen == "SA" || kitchen == "sa" || kitchen == "Sa") { if (ing == "Taco" || ing == "taco" || ing == "TACO") { Taco saTaco = new Taco(new SAIngredientFactory()); Console.WriteLine($"SA Taco: {saTaco.DescribeTaco()}"); // ---------------------------- observer testing Ingredient newIngredientSA = new Taco(new SAIngredientFactory()); string userInputSA = "Yes"; string chosenFillingSA; while (userInputSA == "Yes" || userInputSA == "yes" || userInputSA == "YES") { Console.Write("What filling do you want to add to your ingredient? "); chosenFillingSA = Console.ReadLine(); switch (chosenFillingSA) { case "Chicken": case "chicken": newIngredientSA = new Chicken(newIngredientSA); break; case "Mutton": case "mutton": newIngredientSA = new Mutton(newIngredientSA); break; case "Samp": case "samp": newIngredientSA = new Samp(newIngredientSA); break; case "Cheddar Cheese": case "cheddar cheese": case "Cheddar cheese": newIngredientSA = new CheddarCheese(newIngredientSA); break; case "Sliced Avocados": case "sliced avocados": case "Sliced avocados": newIngredientSA = new SlicedAvocados(newIngredientSA); break; case "Jasmin Rice": case "jasmin rice": case "Jasmin rice": newIngredientSA = new JasminRice(newIngredientSA); break; case "Refried Beans": case "Refried beans": case "refried beans": newIngredientSA = new RefriedBeans(newIngredientSA); break; case "Smooth Cream Cheese": case "smooth cream cheese": case "Smooth Cream cheese": newIngredientSA = new SmoothCreamCheese(newIngredientSA); break; case "Relish": case "relish": newIngredientSA = new Relish(newIngredientSA); break; case "Jalapeno Chilies": case "jalapeno chilies": case "Jalapeno chilies": newIngredientSA = new JalapenoChilies(newIngredientSA); break; }// end switch Console.Write("Do you want to add another filling to your ingredient? "); userInputSA = Console.ReadLine(); } // end while loop Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(newIngredientSA.GetDiscription() + " \tFinal Price: " + newIngredientSA.Cost().ToString("C")); Console.WriteLine(); // ---------------------------- end observer testing } else if (ing == "Burrito" || ing == "burrito" || ing == "BURRITO") { Burrito saBurrito = new Burrito(new SAIngredientFactory()); Console.WriteLine($"SA Burrito: {saBurrito.DescribeBurrito()}"); // ---------------------------- observer testing Ingredient newIngredientSA = new Burrito(new SAIngredientFactory()); string userInputSA = "Yes"; string chosenFillingSA; while (userInputSA == "Yes" || userInputSA == "yes" || userInputSA == "YES") { Console.Write("What filling do you want to add to your ingredient? "); chosenFillingSA = Console.ReadLine(); switch (chosenFillingSA) { case "Chicken": case "chicken": newIngredientSA = new Chicken(newIngredientSA); break; case "Mutton": case "mutton": newIngredientSA = new Mutton(newIngredientSA); break; case "Samp": case "samp": newIngredientSA = new Samp(newIngredientSA); break; case "Cheddar Cheese": case "cheddar cheese": case "Cheddar cheese": newIngredientSA = new CheddarCheese(newIngredientSA); break; case "Sliced Avocados": case "sliced avocados": case "Sliced avocados": newIngredientSA = new SlicedAvocados(newIngredientSA); break; case "Jasmin Rice": case "jasmin rice": case "Jasmin rice": newIngredientSA = new JasminRice(newIngredientSA); break; case "Refried Beans": case "Refried beans": case "refried beans": newIngredientSA = new RefriedBeans(newIngredientSA); break; case "Smooth Cream Cheese": case "smooth cream cheese": case "Smooth Cream cheese": newIngredientSA = new SmoothCreamCheese(newIngredientSA); break; case "Relish": case "relish": newIngredientSA = new Relish(newIngredientSA); break; case "Jalapeno Chilies": case "jalapeno chilies": case "Jalapeno chilies": newIngredientSA = new JalapenoChilies(newIngredientSA); break; }// end switch Console.Write("Do you want to add another filling to your ingredient? "); userInputSA = Console.ReadLine(); } // end while loop Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(newIngredientSA.GetDiscription() + " \tFinal Price: " + newIngredientSA.Cost().ToString("C")); Console.WriteLine(); // ---------------------------- end observer testing } } else if (kitchen == "US" || kitchen == "us" || kitchen == "Us") { if (ing == "Taco" || ing == "taco" || ing == "TACO") { Taco usTaco = new Taco(new USIngredientFactory()); Console.WriteLine($"US Taco: {usTaco.DescribeTaco()}"); // ---------------------- observer testing start Ingredient newIngredientUS = new Taco(new USIngredientFactory()); string userInputUS = "Yes"; string chosenFillingUS; while (userInputUS == "Yes" || userInputUS == "yes" || userInputUS == "YES") { Console.Write("What filling do you want to add to your ingredient? "); chosenFillingUS = Console.ReadLine(); switch (chosenFillingUS) { case "Turkey": case "turkey": newIngredientUS = new Turkey(newIngredientUS); break; case "Beef": case "beef": newIngredientUS = new Beef(newIngredientUS); break; case "Chickpeas": case "chickpeas": newIngredientUS = new Chickpeas(newIngredientUS); break; case "Pepper Jack Cheese": case "pepper jack cheese": case "Pepper jack cheese": newIngredientUS = new PepperJackCheese(newIngredientUS); break; case "Guacamole": case "guacomole": newIngredientUS = new Guacamole(newIngredientUS); break; case "Basmati Rice": case "basmati rice": case "Basmati rice": newIngredientUS = new BasmatiRice(newIngredientUS); break; case "Black Beans": case "black beans": case "Black beans": newIngredientUS = new BlackBeans(newIngredientUS); break; case "Chunky Cream Cheese": case "chunky cream cheese": case "Chunky Cream cheese": newIngredientUS = new ChunkyCreamCheese(newIngredientUS); break; case "Salsa": case "salsa": newIngredientUS = new Salsa(newIngredientUS); break; case "Habanero Chilies": case "habanero chilies": case "Habanero chilies": newIngredientUS = new HabaneroChilies(newIngredientUS); break; }// end switch Console.Write("Do you want to add another filling to your ingredient? "); userInputUS = Console.ReadLine(); } // end while loop Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(newIngredientUS.GetDiscription() + " \tFinal Price: " + newIngredientUS.Cost().ToString("C")); Console.WriteLine(); // ---------------------- observer testing end } else if (ing == "Burrito" || ing == "burrito" || ing == "BURRITO") { Burrito usBurrito = new Burrito(new USIngredientFactory()); Console.WriteLine($"US Burrito: {usBurrito.DescribeBurrito()}"); // ---------------------- observer testing start Ingredient newIngredientUS = new Burrito(new USIngredientFactory()); string userInputUS = "Yes"; string chosenFillingUS; while (userInputUS == "Yes" || userInputUS == "yes" || userInputUS == "YES") { Console.Write("What filling do you want to add to your ingredient? "); chosenFillingUS = Console.ReadLine(); switch (chosenFillingUS) { case "Turkey": case "turkey": newIngredientUS = new Turkey(newIngredientUS); break; case "Beef": case "beef": newIngredientUS = new Beef(newIngredientUS); break; case "Chickpeas": case "chickpeas": newIngredientUS = new Chickpeas(newIngredientUS); break; case "Pepper Jack Cheese": case "pepper jack cheese": case "Pepper jack cheese": newIngredientUS = new PepperJackCheese(newIngredientUS); break; case "Guacamole": case "guacomole": newIngredientUS = new Guacamole(newIngredientUS); break; case "Basmati Rice": case "basmati rice": case "Basmati rice": newIngredientUS = new BasmatiRice(newIngredientUS); break; case "Black Beans": case "black beans": case "Black beans": newIngredientUS = new BlackBeans(newIngredientUS); break; case "Chunky Cream Cheese": case "chunky cream cheese": case "Chunky Cream cheese": newIngredientUS = new ChunkyCreamCheese(newIngredientUS); break; case "Salsa": case "salsa": newIngredientUS = new Salsa(newIngredientUS); break; case "Habanero Chilies": case "habanero chilies": case "Habanero chilies": newIngredientUS = new HabaneroChilies(newIngredientUS); break; }// end switch Console.Write("Do you want to add another filling to your ingredient? "); userInputUS = Console.ReadLine(); } // end while loop Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(newIngredientUS.GetDiscription() + " \tFinal Price: " + newIngredientUS.Cost().ToString("C")); Console.WriteLine(); // ---------------------- observer testing end } } Console.ReadLine(); }
public async Task ExecuteGroupAsync(CommandContext ctx, [Description("Whose chicken to ambush?")] DiscordMember member) { if (this.Shared.IsEventRunningInChannel(ctx.Channel.Id)) { if (this.Shared.GetEventInChannel(ctx.Channel.Id) is ChickenWar) { await this.JoinAsync(ctx); } else { throw new CommandFailedException("Another event is already running in the current channel."); } return; } var ambushed = Chicken.FromDatabase(this.Database, ctx.Guild.Id, member.Id); if (ambushed is null) { throw new CommandFailedException("Given user does not have a chicken in this guild!"); } var ambusher = Chicken.FromDatabase(this.Database, ctx.Guild.Id, ctx.User.Id); if (ambusher is null) { throw new CommandFailedException("You do not own a chicken!"); } if (ambusher.Stats.TotalStrength > ambushed.Stats.TotalStrength) { throw new CommandFailedException("You cannot start an ambush against a weaker chicken!"); } var ambush = new ChickenWar(ctx.Client.GetInteractivity(), ctx.Channel, "Ambushed chickens", "Evil ambushers"); this.Shared.RegisterEventInChannel(ambush, ctx.Channel.Id); try { ambush.AddParticipant(ambushed, member, team1: true); await this.JoinAsync(ctx); await this.InformAsync(ctx, StaticDiscordEmoji.Clock1, $"The ambush will start in 1 minute. Use command {Formatter.InlineCode("chicken ambush")} to make your chicken join the ambush, or {Formatter.InlineCode("chicken ambush help")} to help the ambushed chicken."); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)); if (ambush.Team2.Any()) { await ambush.RunAsync(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); using (DatabaseContext db = this.Database.CreateContext()) { foreach (Chicken chicken in ambush.Team1Won ? ambush.Team1 : ambush.Team2) { chicken.Stats.BareStrength += 5; chicken.Stats.BareVitality -= 10; db.Chickens.Update(chicken.ToDatabaseChicken()); sb.AppendLine($"{Formatter.Bold(chicken.Name)} gained 5 STR and lost 10 HP!"); } foreach (Chicken chicken in ambush.Team1Won ? ambush.Team2 : ambush.Team1) { chicken.Stats.BareVitality -= 50; if (chicken.Stats.TotalVitality > 0) { db.Chickens.Update(chicken.ToDatabaseChicken()); sb.AppendLine($"{Formatter.Bold(chicken.Name)} lost 50 HP!"); } else { db.Chickens.Remove(new DatabaseChicken { GuildId = ctx.Guild.Id, UserId = chicken.OwnerId }); sb.AppendLine($"{Formatter.Bold(chicken.Name)} died!"); } } await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } await this.InformAsync(ctx, StaticDiscordEmoji.Chicken, $"{Formatter.Bold(ambush.Team1Won ? ambush.Team1Name : ambush.Team2Name)} won!\n\n{sb.ToString()}"); } } finally { this.Shared.UnregisterEventInChannel(ctx.Channel.Id); } }
public static Entity Create(this EntityType entityType, World world) { Entity entity = null; switch (entityType) { case EntityType.None: return(null); case EntityType.Chicken: entity = new Chicken(world); break; case EntityType.Cow: entity = new Cow(world); break; case EntityType.Pig: entity = new Pig(world); break; case EntityType.Sheep: entity = new Sheep(world); break; case EntityType.Wolf: entity = new Wolf(world); break; case EntityType.Villager: entity = new Villager(world); break; case EntityType.MushroomCow: entity = new Mooshroom(world); break; case EntityType.Squid: entity = new Squid(world); break; case EntityType.Rabbit: entity = new Rabbit(world); break; case EntityType.Bat: entity = new Bat(world); break; case EntityType.IronGolem: entity = new VillagerGolem(world); break; case EntityType.SnowGolem: entity = new Snowman(world); break; case EntityType.Ocelot: entity = new Ocelot(world); break; case EntityType.Zombie: entity = new Zombie(world); break; case EntityType.Creeper: entity = new Creeper(world); break; case EntityType.Skeleton: entity = new Skeleton(world); break; case EntityType.Spider: entity = new Spider(world); break; case EntityType.ZombiePigman: entity = new ZombiePigman(world); break; case EntityType.Slime: entity = new Slime(world); break; case EntityType.Endermite: entity = new Endermite(world); break; case EntityType.Enderman: entity = new Enderman(world); break; case EntityType.Silverfish: entity = new Silverfish(world); break; case EntityType.CaveSpider: entity = new CaveSpider(world); break; case EntityType.Ghast: entity = new Ghast(world); break; case EntityType.MagmaCube: entity = new MagmaCube(world); break; case EntityType.Blaze: entity = new Blaze(world); break; case EntityType.ZombieVillager: entity = new ZombieVillager(world); break; case EntityType.Witch: entity = new Witch(world); break; case EntityType.Stray: entity = new Stray(world); break; case EntityType.Husk: entity = new Husk(world); break; case EntityType.WitherSkeleton: entity = new WitherSkeleton(world); break; case EntityType.Guardian: entity = new Guardian(world); break; case EntityType.ElderGuardian: entity = new ElderGuardian(world); break; case EntityType.Horse: entity = new Horse(world); break; case EntityType.ZombieHorse: entity = new ZombieHorse(world); break; case EntityType.PolarBear: entity = new PolarBear(world); break; case EntityType.Shulker: entity = new Shulker(world); break; case EntityType.EnderDragon: entity = new EnderDragon(world); break; case EntityType.SkeletonHorse: entity = new SkeletonHorse(world); break; case EntityType.Wither: entity = new Wither(world); break; case EntityType.Evoker: entity = new EvocationIllager(world); break; case EntityType.Vindicator: entity = new VindicationIllager(world); break; case EntityType.Vex: entity = new Vex(world); break; case EntityType.FallingBlock: entity = new EntityFallingBlock(world); break; case EntityType.ArmorStand: entity = new EntityArmorStand(world, null); break; case EntityType.Arrow: entity = new ArrowEntity(world, null); break; case EntityType.Item: entity = new ItemEntity(world); break; case EntityType.Mooshroom: entity = new Mooshroom(world); break; case EntityType.Snowball: entity = new SnowballEntity(world, null); break; case EntityType.ThrownEgg: entity = new EggEntity(world, null); break; case EntityType.Donkey: entity = new Donkey(world); break; case EntityType.Llama: entity = new Llama(world); break; case EntityType.Mule: entity = new Mule(world); break; case EntityType.Fox: entity = new Fox(world); break; case EntityType.Parrot: entity = new Parrot(world); break; case EntityType.Phantom: entity = new Phantom(world); break; case EntityType.Bee: entity = new Bee(world); break; case EntityType.LlamaSpit: entity = new LlamaSpit(world); break; case EntityType.Cat: entity = new Cat(world); break; case EntityType.SmallFireball: entity = new SmallFireball(world); break; case EntityType.Fireball: entity = new Fireball(world); break; case EntityType.Dolphin: entity = new Dolphin(world); break; case EntityType.Cod: entity = new Cod(world); break; case EntityType.PufferFish: entity = new PufferFish(world); break; case EntityType.Salmon: entity = new Salmon(world); break; case EntityType.TropicalFish: entity = new TropicalFish(world); break; //case EntityType.Human: //entity = new PlayerMob("test", world, ); // break; default: return(null); } return(entity); }
public static void Main() { Chicken chicken = new Chicken("Mara", 3); Console.WriteLine(chicken.Name); }
public HenAdapter(Chicken chicken) { this.chicken = chicken; }
public ChickenWrapper(object chick) { this.chick = chick as Chicken; }
public ChickenWindow(Chicken chicken, FarmContext context) : this() { DataContext = new ChickenViewModel(chicken, context); } // ctorf.
public void Summon(Player player, EntityTypeEnum entityType, bool noAi = true, BlockPos spawnPos = null) { EntityType petType; try { petType = (EntityType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EntityType), entityType.Value, true); } catch (ArgumentException e) { return; } if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(EntityType), petType)) { player.SendMessage("No entity found"); return; } var coordinates = player.KnownPosition; if (spawnPos != null) { if (spawnPos.XRelative) { coordinates.X += spawnPos.X; } else { coordinates.X = spawnPos.X; } if (spawnPos.YRelative) { coordinates.Y += spawnPos.Y; } else { coordinates.Y = spawnPos.Y; } if (spawnPos.ZRelative) { coordinates.Z += spawnPos.Z; } else { coordinates.Z = spawnPos.Z; } } var world = player.Level; Mob mob = null; EntityType type = (EntityType)(int)petType; switch (type) { case EntityType.Chicken: mob = new Chicken(world); break; case EntityType.Cow: mob = new Cow(world); break; case EntityType.Pig: mob = new Pig(world); break; case EntityType.Sheep: mob = new Sheep(world); break; case EntityType.Wolf: mob = new Wolf(world) { Owner = player }; break; case EntityType.Villager: mob = new Villager(world); break; case EntityType.MushroomCow: mob = new MushroomCow(world); break; case EntityType.Squid: mob = new Squid(world); break; case EntityType.Rabbit: mob = new Rabbit(world); break; case EntityType.Bat: mob = new Bat(world); break; case EntityType.IronGolem: mob = new IronGolem(world); break; case EntityType.SnowGolem: mob = new SnowGolem(world); break; case EntityType.Ocelot: mob = new Ocelot(world); break; case EntityType.Zombie: mob = new Zombie(world); break; case EntityType.Creeper: mob = new Creeper(world); break; case EntityType.Skeleton: mob = new Skeleton(world); break; case EntityType.Spider: mob = new Spider(world); break; case EntityType.ZombiePigman: mob = new ZombiePigman(world); break; case EntityType.Slime: mob = new Slime(world); break; case EntityType.Enderman: mob = new Enderman(world); break; case EntityType.Silverfish: mob = new Silverfish(world); break; case EntityType.CaveSpider: mob = new CaveSpider(world); break; case EntityType.Ghast: mob = new Ghast(world); break; case EntityType.MagmaCube: mob = new MagmaCube(world); break; case EntityType.Blaze: mob = new Blaze(world); break; case EntityType.ZombieVillager: mob = new ZombieVillager(world); break; case EntityType.Witch: mob = new Witch(world); break; case EntityType.Stray: mob = new Stray(world); break; case EntityType.Husk: mob = new Husk(world); break; case EntityType.WitherSkeleton: mob = new WitherSkeleton(world); break; case EntityType.Guardian: mob = new Guardian(world); break; case EntityType.ElderGuardian: mob = new ElderGuardian(world); break; case EntityType.Horse: mob = new Horse(world); break; case EntityType.PolarBear: mob = new PolarBear(world); break; case EntityType.Shulker: mob = new Shulker(world); break; case EntityType.Dragon: mob = new Dragon(world); break; case EntityType.SkeletonHorse: mob = new SkeletonHorse(world); break; case EntityType.Wither: mob = new Wither(world); break; case EntityType.Evoker: mob = new Evoker(world); break; case EntityType.Vindicator: mob = new Vindicator(world); break; case EntityType.Vex: mob = new Vex(world); break; case EntityType.Npc: mob = new PlayerMob("test", world); break; } if (mob == null) { return; } mob.NoAi = noAi; var direction = Vector3.Normalize(player.KnownPosition.GetHeadDirection()) * 1.5f; mob.KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation(coordinates.X + direction.X, coordinates.Y, coordinates.Z + direction.Z, coordinates.HeadYaw, coordinates.Yaw); mob.SpawnEntity(); }
public override void OnAwake() { _chicken = GetComponent <Chicken>(); }
protected void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { Chicken c = other.GetComponent<Chicken>(); if (c != null) { c.BlockMovement(); _caughtChickenRigidbody = c.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); c.transform.position = ChickenPosition.position; _caughtChicken = c; } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var chicken1 = new Chicken(); var egg = chicken1.Lay(); var childChicken = egg.Hatch(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Type chickenType = typeof(Chicken); FieldInfo[] fields = chickenType.GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); MethodInfo[] methods = chickenType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); Debug.Assert(fields.Where(f => f.IsPrivate).Count() == 2); Debug.Assert(methods.Where(m => m.IsPrivate).Count() == 1); string name = Console.ReadLine(); int age = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); try { Chicken chicken = new Chicken(name, age); Console.WriteLine( "Chicken {0} (age {1}) can produce {2} eggs per day.", chicken.Name, chicken.Age, chicken.GetProductPerDay()); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { Console.WriteLine(ae.Message); } }