protected override async Task <BlockState> ConvertToBlock(IEntity entity, IGrainFactory grainFactory, IWorld world, BlockWorldPos position, Slot slot) { int neighborIdx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ChestBlockHandler.CrossCoords.Length; i++) { var crossCoord = ChestBlockHandler.CrossCoords[i]; var blockState = await world.GetBlockState(grainFactory, position.X + crossCoord.X, position.Y, position.Z + crossCoord.Z); if (blockState.Id == (uint)BlockId.Chest) { neighborIdx = i; break; } } var yaw = await entity.GetYaw(); FacingDirectionType facing; switch (neighborIdx) { case 0: case 2: // The neighbor is in the X axis, form a X-axis-aligned dblchest: facing = ((yaw >= -90) && (yaw < 90)) ? FacingDirectionType.FacingNorth : FacingDirectionType.FacingSouth; break; case 1: case 3: // The neighbor is in the Z axis, form a Z-axis-aligned dblchest: facing = (yaw < 0) ? FacingDirectionType.FacingWest : FacingDirectionType.FacingEast; break; default: facing = ChestBlockHandler.PlayerYawToFacing(yaw); break; } return(BlockStates.Chest((ChestFacingType)facing, ChestTypeType.Single, ChestWaterloggedType.False)); }
protected override async Task <BlockState> ConvertToBlock(IEntity entity, IGrainFactory grainFactory, IWorld world, BlockWorldPos position, Slot slot) { var facing = ChestBlockHandler.PlayerYawToFacing(await entity.GetYaw()); return(BlockStates.Furnace((FurnaceFacingType)facing, FurnaceLitType.False)); }
protected override async Task <BlockState> ConvertToBlock(IPlayer player, IGrainFactory grainFactory, IWorld world, BlockWorldPos position, Slot slot) { var facing = ChestBlockHandler.PlayerYawToFacing(await player.GetYaw()); return(BlockStates.Furnace(facing)); }