public Pawn UnpromotePawn(Board board, Move toCancel) { ChessboardBoxData birthCase = getBox(toCancel.destination); Pawn pawn = new Pawn(); ChessPiece promotedPiece = toCancel.movingPiece; TeamManager playingTeam =; SetPieceOnBox(pawn, promotedPiece.currentPosition, playingTeam); playingTeam.pieces.Remove(promotedPiece); switch (promotedPiece) { case Rook rook: playingTeam.rooks.Remove(rook); break; case Knight knight: playingTeam.knights.Remove(knight); break; case Bishop bishop: playingTeam.bishops.Remove(bishop); break; case Queen queen: playingTeam.queens.Remove(queen); break; default: throw new System.Exception("The unpromoted piece must be a rook, a knight, a bishop or a queen"); } ="_Promoted", ""); return(pawn); }
public override void Move(Board board, int testedLine, int testedColumn) { Vector2 originPosition = currentPosition; ChessboardBoxData origin = board.getBox(originPosition); ChessboardBoxData destination = board.getBox(testedColumn, testedLine); ChessPiece otherPiece = destination.piece; bool isCastling = false; //manage castling case if (otherPiece != null && otherPiece.canCastling && == team) { //piece swapping origin.piece = otherPiece; otherPiece.Moved(originPosition); isCastling = true; } //make the normal move else { origin.piece = null; if (otherPiece != null) { otherPiece.Captured(); } } destination.piece = this; Move moveToSave = new Move(originPosition, new Vector2(testedColumn, testedLine), this, otherPiece, isCastling);; //Debug.Log("MOVE SAVED " + + " " + moveToSave.destination); Moved(new Vector2(testedColumn, testedLine)); }
//test if a movement is valid public override bool isValidMovement(Board board, int testedColumn, int testedLine, out bool pieceTaken, bool isSimulation) { pieceTaken = false; // the destination is out of the board if (testedLine < 0 || testedLine > 7 || testedColumn < 0 || testedColumn > 7) { return(false); } ChessboardBoxData testedBox = board.boxesDatas[testedColumn][testedLine]; ChessPiece takenPiece = testedBox.piece; ChessPiece enPassantPiece = null; enPassantPiece = board.boxesDatas[testedColumn][testedLine - (int)team.teamForward.y].piece; bool tryCapture = testedColumn != (int)currentPosition.x; //pawn try a capture if (tryCapture) { if (takenPiece == null) { //Manage enPassant case bool availableEnPassant = enPassantPiece != null && != team && enPassantPiece.enPassantAllowed; if (!availableEnPassant) { return(false); } else { availableEnPassantPosition = new Vector2(testedColumn, testedLine); enPassantStoredPiece = enPassantPiece; } } else { pieceTaken = true; //the box contains a friend piece movement is not valid if ( == team) { return(false); } } } else { if (takenPiece != null) { pieceTaken = true; return(false); } } return(FinalValidation(board, testedColumn, testedLine, isSimulation)); }
//revert some piece values after special move public virtual void RevertValuesIfNecessary(ChessboardBoxData box, bool liberated) { currentPosition = new Vector2(box.column, box.line); hasMoved = ChessEngine.instance.hasMovedInPreviousMove(this); if (liberated) { Liberated(); } else { ChessEngine.instance.reverted.Add(this); } }
public virtual void ForcedMove(Board board, Move move) { ChessboardBoxData originBox = board.getBox(move.origin); ChessboardBoxData destinationBox = board.getBox(move.destination); if (move.capturedPiece != null) { move.capturedPiece.Captured(); } originBox.piece = null; destinationBox.piece = this; //update values again after forced move RedoValuesIfNecessary(destinationBox); }
public override void RedoValuesIfNecessary(ChessboardBoxData box) { base.RedoValuesIfNecessary(box); if (hasMoved) { Move penultimateMove = ChessEngine.instance.GetMyPenultimateMove(this); if (penultimateMove != null) { enPassantAllowed = Mathf.Abs(penultimateMove.destination.y - penultimateMove.origin.y) == 2; } } else { maxRange = 2; enPassantAllowed = false; } }
public ChessPiece PromotePawn(Vector2 destination, PieceType type) { ChessboardBoxData birthCase = getBox((int)destination.x, (int)destination.y); Pawn pawn = (Pawn)birthCase.piece; TeamManager playingTeam =; ChessPiece newPiece = null; switch (type) { case PieceType.Bishop: Bishop bishop = new Bishop(); playingTeam.bishops.Add(bishop); newPiece = bishop; break; case PieceType.Knight: Knight knight = new Knight(); playingTeam.knights.Add(knight); newPiece = knight; break; case PieceType.Rook: Rook rook = new Rook(); rook.canCastling = false; playingTeam.rooks.Add(rook); newPiece = rook; break; default: Queen queen = new Queen(); playingTeam.queens.Add(queen); newPiece = queen; break; } = + "_promoted_" + type; newPiece.hasMoved = true; SetPieceOnBox(newPiece, pawn.currentPosition, playingTeam); playingTeam.pieces.Remove(pawn); playingTeam.pawns.Remove(pawn); return(newPiece); }
public virtual void Move(Board board, int testedLine, int testedColumn) { ChessboardBoxData originBox = board.getBox(currentPosition); ChessboardBoxData destinationBox = board.getBox(testedColumn, testedLine); ChessPiece otherPiece = destinationBox.piece; if (otherPiece != null) { otherPiece.Captured(); } originBox.piece = null; destinationBox.piece = this; Move moveToSave = new Move(currentPosition, new Vector2(testedColumn, testedLine), this, otherPiece, false);; Moved(new Vector2(testedColumn, testedLine)); }
//test if a movement is valid public override bool isValidMovement(Board board, int testedColumn, int testedLine, out bool pieceTaken, bool isSimulation) { pieceTaken = false; // the destination is out of the board if (testedLine < 0 || testedLine > 7 || testedColumn < 0 || testedColumn > 7) { return(false); } ChessboardBoxData testedBox = board.boxesDatas[testedColumn][testedLine]; ChessPiece takenPiece = testedBox.piece; float moveRange = Vector2.Distance(currentPosition, new Vector2(testedColumn, testedLine)); if (takenPiece != null) { pieceTaken = true; //Allow castling if (moveRange >= 3) { if ( != team) { return(false); } else { if (!canCastling || !takenPiece.canCastling) { return(false); } } } //manage capture else { if ( == team) { return(false); } } } return(FinalValidation(board, testedColumn, testedLine, isSimulation)); }
public virtual void ForcedReverseMove(Board board, Move move) { ChessboardBoxData originBox = board.getBox(move.destination); ChessboardBoxData destinationBox = board.getBox(move.origin); if (move.capturedPiece != null) { originBox = board.getBox(move.capturedPiece.currentPosition); originBox.piece = move.capturedPiece; move.capturedPiece.RevertValuesIfNecessary(originBox, true); } else { originBox.piece = null; } destinationBox.piece = this; RevertValuesIfNecessary(destinationBox, false); }
Board ConstructBoard() { bool isWhite = true; List <List <ChessboardBoxData> > chessboardBoxes = new List <List <ChessboardBoxData> >(); for (int caseColumn = 0; caseColumn < 8; caseColumn++) { List <ChessboardBoxData> currentColumn = new List <ChessboardBoxData>(); for (int caseLine = 0; caseLine < 8; caseLine++) { ChessboardBoxData box = new ChessboardBoxData(isWhite ? ChessColor.White : ChessColor.Black, caseLine, caseColumn); currentColumn.Add(box); isWhite = !isWhite; } chessboardBoxes.Add(currentColumn); isWhite = !isWhite; } return(new Board(chessboardBoxes)); }
public override void ForcedMove(Board board, Move move) { ChessboardBoxData originBox = board.getBox(move.origin); ChessboardBoxData destinationBox = board.getBox(move.destination); if (move.capturedPiece != null) { move.capturedPiece.Captured(); } else if (move.castlingPiece != null) { originBox.piece = move.castlingPiece; move.castlingPiece.RedoValuesIfNecessary(originBox); } else { originBox.piece = null; } destinationBox.piece = this; RedoValuesIfNecessary(destinationBox); }
public void SetPieceOnBox(ChessPiece piece, int lineDestination, int columnDestination, TeamManager team) { //get the chessboard box ChessboardBoxData target = ChessEngine.instance.board.getBox(columnDestination, lineDestination); //assign a piece to the targeted chessboard box target.piece = piece; //assign the piece team = team; piece.currentPosition = new Vector2(columnDestination, lineDestination); piece.SetMovementLimit(); //add the piece in team piece's list team.pieces.Add(piece); switch (piece) { case Rook rook: team.rooks.Add(rook); break; case Bishop bishop: team.bishops.Add(bishop); break; case Knight knight: team.knights.Add(knight); break; case Queen queen: team.queens.Add(queen); break; case Pawn pawn: team.pawns.Add(pawn); break; default: break; } }
public override void ForcedReverseMove(Board board, Move move) { ChessboardBoxData originBox = board.getBox(move.destination); ChessboardBoxData destinationBox = board.getBox(move.origin); if (move.capturedPiece != null) { originBox.piece = move.capturedPiece; move.capturedPiece.RevertValuesIfNecessary(originBox, true); } else if (move.castlingPiece != null) { originBox.piece = move.castlingPiece; move.castlingPiece.RevertValuesIfNecessary(originBox, false); } else { originBox.piece = null; } destinationBox.piece = this; RevertValuesIfNecessary(destinationBox, false); //Debug.Log("REVERTED"); }
//test if a movement is valid public virtual bool isValidMovement(Board board, int testedColumn, int testedLine, out bool pieceTaken, bool isSimulation) { pieceTaken = false; // the destination is out of the board if (testedLine < 0 || testedLine > 7 || testedColumn < 0 || testedColumn > 7) { return(false); } ChessboardBoxData testedBox = board.boxesDatas[testedColumn][testedLine]; ChessPiece takenPiece = testedBox.piece; //the box contains a friend piece movement is not valid if (takenPiece != null) { pieceTaken = true; if ( == team) { return(false); } } return(FinalValidation(board, testedColumn, testedLine, isSimulation)); }
//test if a movement is valid public override bool isValidMovement(Board board, int testedColumn, int testedLine, out bool pieceTaken, bool isSimulation) { pieceTaken = false; // the destination is out of the board if (testedLine < 0 || testedLine > 7 || testedColumn < 0 || testedColumn > 7) { return(false); } ChessboardBoxData testedBox = board.boxesDatas[testedColumn][testedLine]; ChessPiece takenPiece = testedBox.piece; //Allow castling if (takenPiece != null) { pieceTaken = true; if ( == team && (!canCastling || !takenPiece.canCastling)) { return(false); } } return(FinalValidation(board, testedColumn, testedLine, isSimulation)); }
//update values again after forced move public virtual void RedoValuesIfNecessary(ChessboardBoxData box) { currentPosition = new Vector2(box.column, box.line); hasMoved = ChessEngine.instance.hasMovedInPreviousMove(this); ChessEngine.instance.movedDuringThisTurn.Add(this); }
public override void RevertValuesIfNecessary(ChessboardBoxData box, bool liberated) { base.RevertValuesIfNecessary(box, liberated); canCastling = !hasMoved; }
public override void RedoValuesIfNecessary(ChessboardBoxData box) { base.RedoValuesIfNecessary(box); canCastling = !hasMoved; }