コード例 #1
        private bool ProcessChemstationMSDataFile(string datafilePath, DatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            bool success;
            var  currentIndex = 0;

                using (var reader = new ChemstationMSFileReader.clsChemstationDataMSFileReader(datafilePath))
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = reader.Header.AcqDate;
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart.AddMinutes(reader.Header.RetentionTimeMinutesEnd);

                    datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = reader.Header.SpectraCount;

                    for (var spectrumIndex = 0; spectrumIndex <= datasetFileInfo.ScanCount - 1; spectrumIndex++)
                        currentIndex = spectrumIndex;

                        ChemstationMSFileReader.clsSpectralRecord spectrum = null;
                        List <float> mzList        = null;
                        List <int>   intensityList = null;
                        const int    msLevel       = 1;

                        bool validSpectrum;
                            reader.GetSpectrum(spectrumIndex, ref spectrum);
                            mzList        = spectrum.Mzs;
                            intensityList = spectrum.Intensities;
                            validSpectrum = true;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            OnWarningEvent("Exception obtaining data from the MS file for spectrum index " + currentIndex + ": " + ex.Message);
                            validSpectrum = false;

                        if (validSpectrum)
                            var scanStatsEntry = new ScanStatsEntry
                                ScanNumber                 = spectrumIndex + 1,
                                ScanType                   = msLevel,
                                ScanTypeName               = "GC-MS",
                                ScanFilterText             = string.Empty,
                                ElutionTime                = spectrum.RetentionTimeMinutes.ToString("0.0###"),
                                TotalIonIntensity          = StringUtilities.ValueToString(spectrum.TIC, 1),
                                BasePeakIntensity          = StringUtilities.ValueToString(spectrum.BasePeakAbundance, 1),
                                BasePeakMZ                 = spectrum.BasePeakMZ.ToString("0.0###"),
                                BasePeakSignalToNoiseRatio = "0",
                                IonCount                   = mzList.Count

                            scanStatsEntry.IonCountRaw = scanStatsEntry.IonCount;


                            if (mSaveTICAndBPI)
                                mTICAndBPIPlot.AddData(scanStatsEntry.ScanNumber, msLevel, spectrum.RetentionTimeMinutes, spectrum.BasePeakAbundance, spectrum.TIC);

                                if (mzList.Count > 0)
                                    var ionsMZ        = new double[mzList.Count];
                                    var ionsIntensity = new double[mzList.Count];

                                    for (var index = 0; index <= mzList.Count - 1; index++)
                                        ionsMZ[index]        = mzList[index];
                                        ionsIntensity[index] = intensityList[index];

                                    mLCMS2DPlot.AddScan(scanStatsEntry.ScanNumber, msLevel, spectrum.RetentionTimeMinutes, ionsMZ.Length, ionsMZ, ionsIntensity);

                            if (mCheckCentroidingStatus)
                                var mzDoubles = new List <double>(mzList.Count);
                                mzDoubles.AddRange(mzList.Select(ion => (double)ion));
                                mDatasetStatsSummarizer.ClassifySpectrum(mzDoubles, msLevel, "Scan " + scanStatsEntry.ScanNumber);

                success = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Exception reading file
                OnWarningEvent("Exception reading data from the MS file at spectrum index " + currentIndex + ": " + ex.Message);
                success = false;

コード例 #2
        private bool ProcessChemstationMSDataFile(string strDatafilePath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            bool blnSuccess;
            var  intCurrentIndex = 0;

            try {
                using (var oReader = new ChemstationMSFileReader.clsChemstationDataMSFileReader(strDatafilePath)) {
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = oReader.Header.AcqDate;
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart.AddMinutes(oReader.Header.RetentionTimeMinutesEnd);

                    datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = oReader.Header.SpectraCount;

                    for (var intSpectrumIndex = 0; intSpectrumIndex <= datasetFileInfo.ScanCount - 1; intSpectrumIndex++)
                        intCurrentIndex = intSpectrumIndex;

                        ChemstationMSFileReader.clsSpectralRecord oSpectrum = null;
                        List <float> lstMZs         = null;
                        List <Int32> lstIntensities = null;
                        const int    intMSLevel     = 1;

                        bool blnValidSpectrum;
                        try {
                            oReader.GetSpectrum(intSpectrumIndex, ref oSpectrum);
                            lstMZs           = oSpectrum.Mzs;
                            lstIntensities   = oSpectrum.Intensities;
                            blnValidSpectrum = true;
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            OnWarningEvent("Exception obtaining data from the MS file for spectrum index " + intCurrentIndex + ": " + ex.Message);
                            blnValidSpectrum = false;

                        if (blnValidSpectrum)
                            var objScanStatsEntry = new clsScanStatsEntry
                                ScanNumber                 = intSpectrumIndex + 1,
                                ScanType                   = intMSLevel,
                                ScanTypeName               = "GC-MS",
                                ScanFilterText             = "",
                                ElutionTime                = oSpectrum.RetentionTimeMinutes.ToString("0.0###"),
                                TotalIonIntensity          = StringUtilities.ValueToString(oSpectrum.TIC, 1),
                                BasePeakIntensity          = StringUtilities.ValueToString(oSpectrum.BasePeakAbundance, 1),
                                BasePeakMZ                 = oSpectrum.BasePeakMZ.ToString("0.0###"),
                                BasePeakSignalToNoiseRatio = "0",
                                IonCount                   = lstMZs.Count

                            objScanStatsEntry.IonCountRaw = objScanStatsEntry.IonCount;


                            if (mSaveTICAndBPI)
                                mTICandBPIPlot.AddData(objScanStatsEntry.ScanNumber, intMSLevel, oSpectrum.RetentionTimeMinutes, oSpectrum.BasePeakAbundance, oSpectrum.TIC);

                                if (lstMZs.Count > 0)
                                    var dblIonsMZ        = new double[lstMZs.Count];
                                    var dblIonsIntensity = new double[lstMZs.Count];

                                    for (var intIndex = 0; intIndex <= lstMZs.Count - 1; intIndex++)
                                        dblIonsMZ[intIndex]        = lstMZs[intIndex];
                                        dblIonsIntensity[intIndex] = lstIntensities[intIndex];

                                    mLCMS2DPlot.AddScan(objScanStatsEntry.ScanNumber, intMSLevel, oSpectrum.RetentionTimeMinutes, dblIonsMZ.Length, dblIonsMZ, dblIonsIntensity);

                            if (mCheckCentroidingStatus)
                                var lstMzDoubles = new List <double>(lstMZs.Count);
                                lstMzDoubles.AddRange(lstMZs.Select(ion => (double)ion));
                                mDatasetStatsSummarizer.ClassifySpectrum(lstMzDoubles, intMSLevel);

                blnSuccess = true;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // Exception reading file
                OnWarningEvent("Exception reading data from the MS file at spectrum index " + intCurrentIndex + ": " + ex.Message);
                blnSuccess = false;
