コード例 #1
            public override void Execute()
                CheckoutEvent e = new CheckoutEvent();

                foreach (GroceryItem item in _groceryItems)
                    if (item.IsInCart)

コード例 #2
ファイル: ShoppingList.cs プロジェクト: zqb971/mef
        public void Handle(CheckoutEvent e)
            Requires.NotNull(e, "e");

            foreach (Guid id in e.Ids)
                GroceryItem item = _groceryItems.Find(id);
                if (item == null)

コード例 #3
        public async Task <ActionResult <bool> > Checkout(string clienteId, [FromBody] CadastroViewModel input)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            CarrinhoCliente carrinho;

                carrinho = await _repository.GetCarrinhoAsync(clienteId);
            catch (KeyNotFoundException)

            var itens = carrinho.Itens.Select(i =>
                                              new CheckoutEventItem(i.Id, i.ProdutoId, i.ProdutoNome, i.PrecoUnitario, i.Quantidade)).ToList();

            var checkoutEvent
                = new CheckoutEvent
                      (clienteId, input.Nome, input.Email, input.Telefone
                      , input.Endereco, input.Complemento, input.Bairro
                      , input.Municipio, input.UF, input.CEP
                      , Guid.NewGuid()
                      , itens);

            // Assim que fazemos a finalização, envia um evento de integração para
            // API OrdemDeCompra converter o carrinho em pedido e continuar com
            // processo de criação de pedido
            await _bus.Publish(checkoutEvent);

            var cadastroEvent
                = new CadastroEvent
                      (clienteId, input.Nome, input.Email, input.Telefone
                      , input.Endereco, input.Complemento, input.Bairro
                      , input.Municipio, input.UF, input.CEP);

            await _bus.Publish(cadastroEvent);

            await _repository.DeleteCarrinhoAsync(clienteId);

コード例 #4
 public ActionResult CheckOut(CheckoutViewModel cvm)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         var checkoutEvent = new CheckoutEvent
             DateTimeCheckedOut = cvm.TimeCheckedOut,
             BookId             = cvm.BookId,
             PatronId           = cvm.PatronId
         var book = db.Books.Single(x => x.BookId == cvm.BookId);
         book.PatronId = cvm.PatronId;
         db.Entry(book).State = EntityState.Modified;
コード例 #5
        private async Task PublicarEventoFechamentoDoCarrinho(string clienteId, CadastroViewModel input, CarrinhoCliente carrinho)
            var itens = carrinho.Itens.Select(i =>
                                              new CheckoutEventItem(i.Id, i.ProdutoId, i.ProdutoNome, i.PrecoUnitario, i.Quantidade)).ToList();

            var checkoutEvent
                = new CheckoutEvent
                      (clienteId, input.Nome, input.Email, input.Telefone
                      , input.Endereco, input.Complemento, input.Bairro
                      , input.Municipio, input.UF, input.CEP
                      , Guid.NewGuid()
                      , itens);

            // Assim que fazemos a finalização, envia um evento de integração para
            // API OrdemDeCompra converter o carrinho em pedido e continuar com
            // processo de criação de pedido
            await _bus.Publish(checkoutEvent);

            _logger.LogInformation(eventId: EventId_Checkout, message: "Evento de check out foi enviado: {CheckoutEvent}", args: checkoutEvent);
コード例 #6
        public void PublishCheckout(string queueName, CheckoutEvent publishModel)
            using (var channel = _rabbitMqConnection.CreateModel())
                channel.QueueDeclare(queue: queueName, durable: false, exclusive: false, autoDelete: false, arguments: null);
                var message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(publishModel);
                var body    = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);

                IBasicProperties properties = channel.CreateBasicProperties();
                properties.Persistent   = true;
                properties.DeliveryMode = 2;

                channel.BasicPublish(exchange: "", routingKey: queueName, mandatory: true, basicProperties: properties, body: body);

                channel.BasicAcks += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Sent to RabbitMQ");
コード例 #7
        private static async Task Execute()
            var client = new RavelinClient("sk_live_XXXXXXXX");             // change with a valid key

            var customerEvent = new CustomerEvent
                Customer = new Customer
                    CustomerId          = "61283761287361",
                    RegistrationTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-5),
                    Name                 = "Mark Twain",
                    GivenName            = "Mark",
                    FamilyName           = "Twain",
                    DateOfBirth          = "1980-01-27",
                    Gender               = "Male",
                    Email                = "*****@*****.**",
                    EmailVerifiedTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-5),
                    Username             = "******",
                    Location             = new Location
                        Street1    = "James St",
                        City       = "Darwen",
                        Region     = "Blackburn with Darwen",
                        PostalCode = "BB3 1AS",
                        Country    = "GBR",
                        Latitude   = 53.697471,
                        Longitude  = -2.470891
                    Custom = new
                        Newsletter = false,
                        InvitedBy  = "7198737117"

            OutputResponse(await client.SendEvent(EventType.Customer, customerEvent));

            var loginEvent = new LoginEvent
                CustomerId = "61283761287361",
                Device     = new Device
                    DeviceId        = "2b6f0cc904d137be2e1730235f5664094b831186",
                    Type            = "phone",
                    Manufacturer    = "apple",
                    Model           = "iPhone8,1",
                    OperatingSystem = "iOS 8",
                    IpAddress       = ""

            OutputResponse(await client.SendEvent(EventType.Login, loginEvent));

            var orderEvent = new OrderEvent
                CustomerId = "61283761287361",
                Order      = new Order
                    OrderId    = "n1QSYK0ceGNZqU28ien3",
                    Price      = 4675,
                    Currency   = "GBP",
                    Market     = "europe",
                    Country    = "GBR",
                    MarketCity = "london",
                    Items      = new List <Item>
                        new Item
                            Sku      = "3726-8",
                            Name     = "Women's Arch Sweater M 55",
                            Price    = 1990,
                            Currency = "GBP",
                            Quantity = 2
                        new Item
                            Sku      = "3731-4",
                            Name     = "Women's Yellow Tee M 54",
                            Price    = 695,
                            Currency = "GBP",
                            Quantity = 1
                    From = new Location
                        Street1    = "19 Gosport Walk",
                        PostalCode = "N17 9QD",
                        Region     = "London",
                        Country    = "GBR"
                    To = new Location
                        Street1    = "73 Braganza St",
                        PostalCode = "SE17 3RD",
                        Region     = "London",
                        Country    = "GBR"
                    CreationTimeUtc  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    ExecutionTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Status           = new OrderStatus
                        Stage = OrderStage.Pending,
                        Actor = "buyer"
                DeviceId = "2b6f0cc904d137be2e1730235f5664094b831186"

            OutputResponse(await client.SendEvent(EventType.Order, orderEvent));

            // Send card payment method event
            var paymentMethodEvent = new PaymentMethodEvent
                CustomerId    = "61283761287361",
                PaymentMethod = new PaymentMethod
                    PaymentMethodId        = "783917",
                    InstrumentId           = "card_16nWlGHD2LFseSsHaUp9kIW2",
                    RegistrationTimeUtc    = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    NickName               = "MasterCard **** 4242",
                    MethodType             = PaymentMethodType.Card,
                    CardBin                = "123456",
                    CardLastFour           = "4242",
                    CardType               = CardType.Mastercard,
                    ExpiryMonth            = 6,
                    ExpiryYear             = 2019,
                    SuccessfulRegistration = true,
                    CountryIssued          = "GBR",
                    Active         = true,
                    BillingAddress = new Location
                        Street1    = "73 Braganza St",
                        PostalCode = "SE17 3RD",
                        Region     = "London",
                        Country    = "GBR"
                    Banned = false

            OutputResponse(await client.SendEvent(EventType.PaymentMethod, paymentMethodEvent));

            var preTransactionEvent = new PreTransactionEvent
                CustomerId      = "61283761287361",
                PaymentMethodId = "783917",
                OrderId         = "n1QSYK0ceGNZqU28ien3",
                Transaction     = new PreTransaction
                    TransactionId  = "f61f8594e06459fa046707c36159bb36",
                    Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                    Debit          = 4675,
                    Credit         = 0,
                    Currency       = "GBP",
                    Type           = TransactionType.AuthCapture,
                    Gateway        = "stripe",
                    SecureProtocol = new SecureProtocol
                        Attempted    = true,
                        StartTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow

            OutputScoredResponse(await client.SendEventAndScore(EventType.PreTransaction, preTransactionEvent));

            var transactionEvent = new TransactionEvent
                CustomerId      = "61283761287361",
                PaymentMethodId = "783917",
                OrderId         = "n1QSYK0ceGNZqU28ien3",
                Transaction     = new Transaction
                    TransactionId    = "f61f8594e06459fa046707c36159bb36",
                    Email            = "*****@*****.**",
                    Debit            = 4675,
                    Credit           = 0,
                    Currency         = "GBP",
                    Success          = true,
                    AuthCode         = "1000",
                    Gateway          = "stripe",
                    GatewayReference = "tr_16oaY72eZvKYlo2CE5ZDq9Vh",
                    AvsResultCode    = new AvsResult
                        Street     = "A",
                        PostalCode = "M"
                    CvvResultCode  = "M",
                    Type           = TransactionType.AuthCapture,
                    SecureProtocol = new SecureProtocol
                        Attempted    = true,
                        Success      = true,
                        StartTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        EndTimeUtc   = DateTime.UtcNow

            OutputScoredResponse(await client.SendEventAndScore(EventType.Transaction, transactionEvent));

            // Update pending order to accepted order status stage
            orderEvent = new OrderEvent
                CustomerId = "61283761287361",
                Order      = new Order
                    OrderId          = "n1QSYK0ceGNZqU28ien3",
                    Price            = 4675,
                    ExecutionTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Status           = new OrderStatus
                        Stage = OrderStage.Accepted,
                        Actor = "seller"

            OutputResponse(await client.SendEvent(EventType.Order, orderEvent));

            // Check-out (All-in-One) with PAN (sent to vault)

            var checkoutEvent = new CheckoutEvent
                Customer = new Customer
                    CustomerId          = "71983561248363",
                    RegistrationTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-2),
                    GivenName           = "Arya",
                    FamilyName          = "Wayne",
                    Gender   = "Female",
                    Email    = "*****@*****.**",
                    Username = "******",
                    Location = new Location
                        Street1    = "Baker St",
                        City       = "London",
                        Region     = "London",
                        PostalCode = "NW1 6XE",
                        Country    = "GBR",
                        Latitude   = 51.523774,
                        Longitude  = -0.158537
                Order = new Order
                    OrderId  = "g1QSYD0ceGNZqU28iev3",
                    Price    = 4675,
                    Currency = "GBP",
                    Items    = new List <Item>
                        new Item
                            Sku      = "3726-8",
                            Name     = "Women's Arch Sweater M 55",
                            Price    = 1990,
                            Currency = "GBP",
                            Quantity = 2
                        new Item
                            Sku      = "3731-4",
                            Name     = "Women's Yellow Tee M 54",
                            Price    = 695,
                            Currency = "GBP",
                            Quantity = 1
                PaymentMethod = new PaymentMethod
                    PaymentMethodId        = "453237",
                    InstrumentId           = "card_19nWlGHD2LFseSsHaUp9kIW3",
                    RegistrationTimeUtc    = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    NickName               = "MasterCard **** 2424",
                    MethodType             = PaymentMethodType.Card,
                    CardBin                = "654321",
                    CardLastFour           = "2424",
                    CardType               = CardType.Mastercard,
                    ExpiryMonth            = 8,
                    ExpiryYear             = 2020,
                    SuccessfulRegistration = true,
                    PrepaidCard            = false,
                    CountryIssued          = "GBR",
                    Active = true,
                    Banned = false,
                    Pan    = "5454545454545454"
                Transaction = new Transaction
                    TransactionId    = "d12f8594e06459fa046707c53159bb30",
                    Email            = "*****@*****.**",
                    Debit            = 4675,
                    Credit           = 0,
                    Currency         = "GBP",
                    Success          = true,
                    Gateway          = "stripe",
                    GatewayReference = "tr_67oaY72eZvKYlo2CE5ZDq9Vh",
                    Type             = TransactionType.AuthCapture

            OutputScoredResponse(await client.SendEventAndScore(EventType.Checkout, checkoutEvent));

            // Chargeback

            var chargebackEvent = new ChargebackEvent(new Chargeback
                ChargebackId     = "dp_15RsQX2eZvKYlo2C0MFNUWJC",
                Gateway          = "stripe",
                GatewayReference = "ch_15RsQR2eZvKYlo2CA8IfzCX0",
                Reason           = "general",
                ChargebackStatus = ChargebackStatus.Lost,
                Amount           = 195,
                Currency         = "USD",
                DisputeTimeUtc   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-2)

            OutputResponse(await client.SendEvent(EventType.Chargeback, chargebackEvent));

            // Backfill Events

            var backfillCustomerEvent = new CustomerEvent
                Customer = new Customer
                    CustomerId          = "35248561944321",
                    RegistrationTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-20),
                    GivenName           = "John",
                    FamilyName          = "Butler",
                    Gender   = "Male",
                    Email    = "*****@*****.**",
                    Username = "******"
                Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-20)

            OutputBackfillResponse(await client.SendBackfillEvent(EventType.Customer, backfillCustomerEvent));

            var backfillCheckoutEvent = new CheckoutEvent
                CustomerId = "35248561944321",
                Order      = new Order
                    OrderId  = "h1DSYD0ceNPSqU28isd3",
                    Price    = 4675,
                    Currency = "GBP",
                    Items    = new List <Item>
                        new Item
                            Sku      = "3726-8",
                            Name     = "Women's Arch Sweater M 55",
                            Price    = 1990,
                            Currency = "GBP",
                            Quantity = 2
                        new Item
                            Sku      = "3731-4",
                            Name     = "Women's Yellow Tee M 54",
                            Price    = 695,
                            Currency = "GBP",
                            Quantity = 1
                PaymentMethod = new PaymentMethod
                    PaymentMethodId        = "533228",
                    InstrumentId           = "card_19nWlGDR2LFseSsSaUk9kIC3",
                    RegistrationTimeUtc    = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-6),
                    NickName               = "MasterCard **** 3213",
                    MethodType             = PaymentMethodType.Card,
                    CardBin                = "742589",
                    CardLastFour           = "3213",
                    CardType               = CardType.Mastercard,
                    ExpiryMonth            = 7,
                    ExpiryYear             = 2019,
                    SuccessfulRegistration = true,
                    PrepaidCard            = false,
                    CountryIssued          = "GBR",
                    Active = true,
                    Banned = false
                Transaction = new Transaction
                    TransactionId    = "k12f8594e06gj9fa046707c53155fb30",
                    Email            = "*****@*****.**",
                    Debit            = 4675,
                    Credit           = 0,
                    Currency         = "GBP",
                    Success          = true,
                    Gateway          = "stripe",
                    GatewayReference = "tr_67oaY72eYhOPlo2CE5ZDq5gKh",
                    Type             = TransactionType.AuthCapture
                Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-6)

            OutputBackfillResponse(await client.SendBackfillEvent(EventType.Checkout, backfillCheckoutEvent));

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nPress <Enter> to continue.");
コード例 #8
        public async Task <ActionResult <bool> > Checkout(string customerId, [FromBody] RegistrationViewModel input)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            CustomerBasket basket;

                basket = await _repository.GetBasketAsync(customerId);
            catch (KeyNotFoundException)

            var items = basket.Items.Select(i =>
                                            new CheckoutEventItem(i.Id, i.ProductId, i.ProductName, i.UnitPrice, i.Quantity)).ToList();

            var checkoutEvent
                = new CheckoutEvent
                      (customerId, input.Name, input.Email, input.Phone
                      , input.Address, input.AdditionalAddress, input.District
                      , input.City, input.State, input.ZipCode
                      , Guid.NewGuid()
                      , items);

            //Once we complete it, it sends an integration event to API Ordering
            //to convert the basket to order and continue with the order
            //creation process
            await _bus.Publish(checkoutEvent);

            _logger.LogInformation(eventId: EventId_Checkout, message: "Check out event has been dispatched: {CheckoutEvent}", args: checkoutEvent);

            var registryEvent
                = new RegistryEvent
                      (customerId, input.Name, input.Email, input.Phone
                      , input.Address, input.AdditionalAddress, input.District
                      , input.City, input.State, input.ZipCode);

            await _bus.Publish(registryEvent);

            _logger.LogInformation(eventId: EventId_Registry, message: "Registry event has been dispatched: {RegistryEvent}", args: registryEvent);

                await _repository.DeleteBasketAsync(customerId);

                await this._connection
                .InvokeAsync("UpdateUserBasketCount", $"{customerId}", 0);

            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogError(e, e.Message);