public void Run(UntappdSharp.Untappd U, string[] tokens) { if(tokens.Length >= 2) { try { int beerId = Int32.Parse(tokens[1]); CheckinOptions opt = new CheckinOptions(); opt.BeerId = beerId; opt.Timezone = TimeZoneInfo.Local; UtCheckin chk = U.CheckinTest(opt); Console.WriteLine(string.Format(@"Checkin #{0}: {1} Beer #{2}: {3} Total checkins for this beer: {4} Total checkins for this beer this month: {5} Checked in at: {6} in {7}, {8}", chk.CheckinDetails.CheckinId, chk.CheckinDetails.Shout, chk.BeerDetails.BeerId, chk.BeerDetails.BeerName, chk.CheckinTotal.Beer, chk.CheckinTotal.BeerMonth, chk.FoursquareDetails.Name, chk.FoursquareDetails.City, chk.FoursquareDetails.State)); } catch(UntappdApiException ex) { UtConsole.Err("Untappd API exception:"); UtConsole.Err(ex.Message); UtConsole.Err(ex.InnerException.Message); UtConsole.Err(ex.InnerException.StackTrace); } catch(Exception ex) { UtConsole.Err("General exception:"); UtConsole.Err(ex.Message); UtConsole.Err(ex.StackTrace); } } else { UtConsole.Err("Expected one argument: <beerid> (integer)"); } }
public void Shelve(string shelvesetName, string head, TfsChangesetInfo parentChangeset, CheckinOptions options, bool evaluateCheckinPolicies) { WithWorkspace(parentChangeset, workspace => Shelve(shelvesetName, head, parentChangeset, options, evaluateCheckinPolicies, workspace)); }
public int Checkin(string head, string parent, TfsChangesetInfo parentChangeset, CheckinOptions options, string sourceTfsPath = null) { throw DerivedRemoteException; }
public int Checkin(CheckinOptions options, Func <string> generateCheckinComment = null) { if (options == null) { options = _checkinOptions; } var checkinComment = options.CheckinComment; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(checkinComment) && !options.NoGenerateCheckinComment && generateCheckinComment != null) { checkinComment = generateCheckinComment(); } var pendingChanges = _workspace.GetPendingChanges(); if (pendingChanges.IsEmpty()) { throw new GitTfsException("Nothing to checkin!"); } var workItemInfos = GetWorkItemInfos(options); var checkinNote = _tfsHelper.CreateCheckinNote(options.CheckinNotes); var checkinProblems = _policyEvaluator.EvaluateCheckin(_workspace, pendingChanges, checkinComment, checkinNote, workItemInfos); if (checkinProblems.HasErrors) { foreach (var message in checkinProblems.Messages) { if (options.Force && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.OverrideReason) == false) { Trace.TraceWarning("[OVERRIDDEN] " + message); } else { Trace.TraceError("[ERROR] " + message); Trace.TraceInformation("Note: If the checkin policy fails because the assemblies failed to load, please run the file `enable_checkin_policies_support.bat` in the git-tfs directory and try again."); } } if (!options.Force) { throw new GitTfsException("No changes checked in."); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.OverrideReason)) { throw new GitTfsException("A reason must be supplied (-f REASON) to override the policy violations."); } } var policyOverride = GetPolicyOverrides(options, checkinProblems.Result); try { var newChangeset = _workspace.Checkin(pendingChanges, checkinComment, options.AuthorTfsUserId, checkinNote, workItemInfos, policyOverride, options.OverrideGatedCheckIn); if (newChangeset == 0) { throw new GitTfsException("Checkin failed!"); } else { return(newChangeset); } } catch (GitTfsGatedCheckinException e) { return(LaunchGatedCheckinBuild(e.AffectedBuildDefinitions, e.ShelvesetName, e.CheckInTicket)); } }
private IEnumerable <T> GetWorkItemInfosHelper <T>(Func <IEnumerable <string>, TfsWorkItemCheckinAction, IEnumerable <T> > func, CheckinOptions options = null) { var checkinOptions = options ?? _checkinOptions; var workItemInfos = func(checkinOptions.WorkItemsToAssociate, TfsWorkItemCheckinAction.Associate); workItemInfos = workItemInfos.Append( func(checkinOptions.WorkItemsToResolve, TfsWorkItemCheckinAction.Resolve)); return(workItemInfos); }
public TfsWorkspace(IWorkspace workspace, string localDirectory, TextWriter stdout, TfsChangesetInfo contextVersion, IGitTfsRemote remote, CheckinOptions checkinOptions, ITfsHelper tfsHelper, CheckinPolicyEvaluator policyEvaluator) { _workspace = workspace; _policyEvaluator = policyEvaluator; _contextVersion = contextVersion; _remote = remote; _checkinOptions = checkinOptions; _tfsHelper = tfsHelper; _localDirectory = localDirectory; _stdout = stdout; }
public UtCheckin Checkin(CheckinOptions Options) { return CheckinInternal(Options, true); }
public TfsWorkspace(IWorkspace workspace, string localDirectory, TfsChangesetInfo contextVersion, IGitTfsRemote remote, CheckinOptions checkinOptions, ITfsHelper tfsHelper, CheckinPolicyEvaluator policyEvaluator) { _workspace = workspace; _policyEvaluator = policyEvaluator; _contextVersion = contextVersion; _checkinOptions = checkinOptions; _tfsHelper = tfsHelper; _localDirectory = remote.Repository.IsBare ? Path.GetFullPath(localDirectory) : localDirectory; Remote = remote; }
public long Checkin(string treeish, TfsChangesetInfo parentChangeset, CheckinOptions options, string sourceTfsPath = null) { throw DerivedRemoteException; }
public int Checkin(CheckinOptions options) { if (options == null) { options = _checkinOptions; } var pendingChanges = _workspace.GetPendingChanges(); if (pendingChanges.IsEmpty()) { throw new GitTfsException("Nothing to checkin!"); } var workItemInfos = GetWorkItemInfos(options); var checkinNote = _tfsHelper.CreateCheckinNote(options.CheckinNotes); var checkinProblems = _policyEvaluator.EvaluateCheckin(_workspace, pendingChanges, options.CheckinComment, checkinNote, workItemInfos); if (checkinProblems.HasErrors) { foreach (var message in checkinProblems.Messages) { if (options.Force && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.OverrideReason) == false) { _stdout.WriteLine("[OVERRIDDEN] " + message); } else { _stdout.WriteLine("[ERROR] " + message); } } if (!options.Force) { throw new GitTfsException("No changes checked in."); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.OverrideReason)) { throw new GitTfsException("A reason must be supplied (-f REASON) to override the policy violations."); } } var policyOverride = GetPolicyOverrides(options, checkinProblems.Result); try { var newChangeset = _workspace.Checkin(pendingChanges, options.CheckinComment, options.AuthorTfsUserId, checkinNote, workItemInfos, policyOverride, options.OverrideGatedCheckIn); if (newChangeset == 0) { throw new GitTfsException("Checkin failed!"); } else { return(newChangeset); } } catch (GitTfsGatedCheckinException e) { return(LaunchGatedCheckinBuild(e.AffectedBuildDefinitions, e.ShelvesetName, e.CheckInTicket)); } }
private long Checkin(string head, string parent, ITfsWorkspace workspace, CheckinOptions options) { PendChangesToWorkspace(head, parent, workspace); return(workspace.Checkin(options)); }
public long Checkin(string head, string parent, TfsChangesetInfo parentChangeset, CheckinOptions options) { var changeset = 0L; WithWorkspace(parentChangeset, workspace => changeset = Checkin(head, parent, workspace, options)); return(changeset); }
public long Checkin(string treeish, TfsChangesetInfo parentChangeset, CheckinOptions options) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private UtCheckin CheckinInternal(CheckinOptions Options, bool IsRealCheckin) { // CheckinOptions allow for CheckinTest: // gmt_offset : required // bid : required, beer ID // foursquare_id : optional // user_lat : optional, but required if location given // user_lng : optional, but required if location given try { dynamic args = new JsonObject(); args.gmt_offset = GetGmtOffset(Options.Timezone); = Options.BeerId; args.foursquare_id = Options.FoursquareId; args.user_lat = Options.UserLat; args.user_lng = Options.UserLng; dynamic response; if(IsRealCheckin) { response = _Client.checkin(args); } else { response = _Client.checkin_test(args); } if(null != response.Result) { return UtCheckin.FromDynamic(response.Result); } return null; } catch(Exception ex) { throw new UntappdApiException(ex); } }
public UtCheckin CheckinTest(CheckinOptions Options) { return CheckinInternal(Options, false); }
private void Shelve(string shelvesetName, string head, TfsChangesetInfo parentChangeset, CheckinOptions options, bool evaluateCheckinPolicies, ITfsWorkspace workspace) { PendChangesToWorkspace(head, parentChangeset.GitCommit, workspace); workspace.Shelve(shelvesetName, evaluateCheckinPolicies, options, () => Repository.GetCommitMessage(head, parentChangeset.GitCommit)); }
public int Checkin(string head, string parent, TfsChangesetInfo parentChangeset, CheckinOptions options, string sourceTfsPath = null) { var changeset = 0; WithWorkspace(parentChangeset, workspace => changeset = Checkin(head, parent, workspace, options, sourceTfsPath)); return(changeset); }
public void Shelve(string shelvesetName, string treeish, TfsChangesetInfo parentChangeset, CheckinOptions options, bool evaluateCheckinPolicies) { throw DerivedRemoteException; }
private IEnumerable <IWorkItemCheckinInfo> GetWorkItemInfos(CheckinOptions options = null) { return(GetWorkItemInfosHelper <IWorkItemCheckinInfo>(_tfsHelper.GetWorkItemInfos, options)); }
public long Checkin(string head, string parent, TfsChangesetInfo parentChangeset, CheckinOptions options, string sourceTfsPath = null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }