private void BeginJoinChatRoomFinished(IAsyncResult ar) { currentOperation.End("BeginJoinChatRoomFinished", () => session.EndJoin(ar)); currentOperation.Begin("Get Recent History:", () => session.BeginGetRecentChatHistory(30, BeginGetRecentChatHistoryFinished, null)); }
private static void RoomChatHistory(ChatRoomSession session) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Obtaining the chat history in chat room [{0}]...", session.Name)); // Get the three messages that were sent before, the simple chat message, the simple story, and the complicated message ReadOnlyCollection <ChatMessage> chatMessages = session.EndGetRecentChatHistory(session.BeginGetRecentChatHistory(3, null, null)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Three most recent chat history messages: \n\t1) {0} \n\t2) {1} \n\t3) {2}", chatMessages[0].MessageContent, chatMessages[1].MessageContent, chatMessages[2].MessageContent)); }
public void RoomChatHistory(ChatRoomSession session, int recentCount) { if (session == null) { return; } Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Obtaining the chat history in chat room [{0}]. 最近{1}条", session.Name, recentCount)); // Get the three messages that were sent before, the simple chat message, the simple story, and the complicated message ReadOnlyCollection <ChatMessage> chatMessages = session.EndGetRecentChatHistory(session.BeginGetRecentChatHistory(recentCount, null, null)); for (int i = 0; i < chatMessages.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("recent chat history messages \n\t 第{0}条:ID:{1} 作者:{2} 时间: {3}内容:{4}", i, chatMessages[i].MessageId, chatMessages[i].MessageAuthor, chatMessages[i].Timestamp, chatMessages[i].MessageContent)); } }