private static void AutoRestart() { log.Info("Auto-Restarter started..."); Thread.Sleep(5000); ChatManager cm = new ChatManager(manager); Thread.Sleep(6900000); cm.IngameAnnounce("Server will be auto-restarted in 5 minutes, please exit the game to prevent account in use!"); Thread.Sleep(60000); cm.Announce("Server will be auto-restarted in 4 minutes, please exit the game to prevent account in use!"); Thread.Sleep(60000); cm.Announce("Server will be auto-restarted in 3 minutes, please exit the game to prevent account in use!"); Thread.Sleep(60000); cm.Announce("Server will be auto-restarted in 2 minutes, please exit the game to prevent account in use!"); Thread.Sleep(60000); cm.Announce("Server will be auto-restarted in 1 minute, please exit the game to prevent account in use!"); Thread.Sleep(50000); cm.Announce("Server will be auto-restarted in 10 seconds, please exit the game to prevent account in use!"); Thread.Sleep(10000); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("wServer.exe"); Thread.Sleep(1); closeserv(); }
private static void AutoBroadcaster() { var news = File.ReadAllLines("news.txt"); while (true) { ChatManager chat = new ChatManager(manager); string text = news[new Random().Next(news.Length)]; if (text.StartsWith("#")) { chat.Announce(text.TrimStart('#')); } else { chat.News(text); } Thread.Sleep(1 * 60 * 1000); } }
private static void AutoNotify() { int uptime = 0; while (true) { ChatManager cm = new ChatManager(manager); if ((uptime < 55) && (uptime >= 0)) { uptime += 1; Thread.Sleep(1 * (60 * 1000)); } else if ((uptime >= 55) && (uptime <= 59)) { cm.Announce("This server going to restart in 5 minutes."); Thread.Sleep(1 * (60 * 1000)); uptime += 1; } } }