private void addMessageWithChecks(string text, bool isAction = false, bool isImportant = false, string username = null) { int index = textContainer.Count + 1; var newLine = new ChatLine(new DummyMessage(text, isAction, isImportant, index, username)); textContainer.Add(newLine); }
void OnRecvChatMessage(ChatLine line) { if (DraggedScrollView == true) { need_refresh = true; return; } var line_obj = ChatLinePrefabManager.GetNewObject <PopupChatLine>(ChatLineGrid.transform,; line_obj.Init(line, new OnNicknameClickDelegate(OnClickNickname), new OnItemClickDelegate(OnClickItem)); float v = (ChatLineScrollView.transform.localPosition.y - m_start_scrollview_transform_y); if (v < 1) { ChatLineScrollView.ResetPosition(); } ChatLineGrid.Reposition(); if (ChatLineGrid.GetChildList().Count > ChatLineManager.Instance.ChattingMaxLine) { ChatLinePrefabManager.Free(ChatLineGrid.GetChild(ChatLineGrid.GetChildList().Count - 1).gameObject); } }
void GuildJoinNotificationHandler(GuildJoinNotification packet) { if (packet.is_refuse == false) { GuildManager.Instance.SetGuildInfo(packet.guild_info); if (packet.user_info.account_idx == SHSavedData.AccountIdx) { JoinGuildChannel(); } if (GameMain.Instance.CurrentGameMenu == GameMenu.Guild) { GameMain.Instance.GetCurrentMenu().UpdateMenu(); } else { Network.Instance.SendGuildUpdate(); } } if (IsListenGuild == true && packet.is_refuse == false) { ChatLine line = new ChatLine(packet); ChatLineManager.Instance.AddLine(line); m_ChatLabelCallback(line); } }
void GuildLeaveNotificationHandler(H2C.GuildLeaveNotification packet) { if (GuildManager.Instance.IsGuildJoined == false) { return; } if ( != packet.guild_idx) { return; } if (packet.user_info.account_idx == SHSavedData.AccountIdx) { return; } if (IsListenGuild == true) { ChatLine line = new ChatLine(packet); ChatLineManager.Instance.AddLine(line); m_ChatLabelCallback(line); } GuildManager.Instance.RemoveMember(packet.user_info.account_idx); if (GameMain.Instance.CurrentGameMenu == GameMenu.Guild) { GameMain.Instance.GetCurrentMenu().UpdateMenu(); } }
void OnNotifyLootRuneMessage(H2C.NotifyLootRune packet) { ChatLine line = new ChatLine(packet); ChatLineManager.Instance.AddLine(line); m_ChatLabelCallback(line); }
void OnSendMessage(H2C.SendMessage packet) { if (IsConnected == false) { return; } if (packet.msg_type == pe_MsgType.Normal && IsListenChannel == false) { return; } if (packet.msg_type == pe_MsgType.Guild && IsListenGuild == false) { return; } if (packet.msg_type == pe_MsgType.RecvWhisper && isListenWhisper == false) { return; } if (packet.msg_type == pe_MsgType.Yell && IsListenYell == false) { return; } ChatLine line = new ChatLine(packet); ChatLineManager.Instance.AddLine(line); m_ChatLabelCallback(line); }
public static void enqueueChatLine(String line) { ChatLine chat_line = new ChatLine(line); //Check if the message has a name if (line.Length > 3 && line.First() == '[') { int name_length = line.IndexOf(']'); if (name_length > 0) { name_length = name_length - 1; String name = line.Substring(1, name_length); if (name == "Server") chat_line.color = new Color(0.65f, 1.0f, 1.0f); else chat_line.color = KLFVessel.generateActiveColor(name) * NAME_COLOR_SATURATION_FACTOR + Color.white * (1.0f-NAME_COLOR_SATURATION_FACTOR); } } chatLineQueue.Enqueue(chat_line); while (chatLineQueue.Count > MAX_CHAT_LINES) chatLineQueue.Dequeue(); scrollPos.y += 100; }
void GuildAttendNotificationHandler(H2C.GuildAttendNotification packet) { if (GuildManager.Instance.IsGuildJoined == false) { return; } if ( != packet.guild_idx) { return; } GuildManager.Instance.UpdateGuildMembers(packet.user_info.account_idx, packet.exp, true); if (IsListenGuild == true) { ChatLine line = new ChatLine(packet); ChatLineManager.Instance.AddLine(line); m_ChatLabelCallback(line); } GuildManager.Instance.SetGuildInfo(packet.guild_info); if (GameMain.Instance.CurrentGameMenu == GameMenu.Guild) { GameMain.Instance.GetCurrentMenu().UpdateMenu(); } }
public static void enqueueChatLine(String line) { ChatLine chat_line = new ChatLine(line); //Check if the message has a name if (line.Length > 3 && line.First() == '[') { int name_length = line.IndexOf(']'); if (name_length > 0) { name_length = name_length - 1; String name = line.Substring(1, name_length); if (name == "Server") { chat_line.color = new Color(0.65f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else { chat_line.color = KMPVessel.generateActiveColor(name) * NAME_COLOR_SATURATION_FACTOR + Color.white * (1.0f - NAME_COLOR_SATURATION_FACTOR); } } } chatLineQueue.Enqueue(chat_line); while (chatLineQueue.Count > MAX_CHAT_LINES) { chatLineQueue.Dequeue(); } scrollPos.y += 100; }
public void Clear() { for (int i = 0; i < numChatLines; i++) { chatLine[i] = new ChatLine(); } }
public void Fill(ChatLine chatLine) { text.text = string.Format("<color=#{2}>{0}:</color> <color=#{3}>{1}</color>", chatLine.ChatterName, chatLine.Message, ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(playerNameColor), ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(textColor)); }
public void PushToBacklog(ChatLine chatLine) { if (_backlog.Count >= 100) { _backlog.RemoveAt(0); } _backlog.Add(chatLine); }
public void TestTimestampNull() { ChatLine testChatLine = new ChatLine("Test Line"); testChatLine.Timestamp = DateTime.FromBinary(0); Assert.That(testChatLine.Timestamp, Is.EqualTo(MagicNumbers.MinSQLDateTime)); }
public void Init(ChatLine line, PopupChat.OnNicknameClickDelegate nick_delegate, PopupChat.OnItemClickDelegate item_delegate) { nickname_delegate = nick_delegate; this.item_delegate = item_delegate; this.line = line; m_MainLabel.color = line.GetColor(); m_MainLabel.text = line.Msg; }
public void TestConstruction2() { DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now; ChatLine testChatLine = new ChatLine("Test Line", timestamp); Assert.That(testChatLine.Timestamp, Is.EqualTo(timestamp)); Assert.That(testChatLine.ChatText, Is.EqualTo("Test Line")); }
public void TestTimestampSet() { ChatLine testChatLine = new ChatLine("Test Line"); DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1); testChatLine.Timestamp = timestamp; Assert.That(testChatLine.Timestamp, Is.EqualTo(timestamp)); }
public async Task Post([FromBody] ChatLine line) { await Repository.Insert(line); Lines.Value.Add(line); var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <PalanteerHub>(); context.Clients.All.ChatLineAdded(line); }
public void TestConstruction1() { DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(); ChatLine testChatLine = new ChatLine("Test Line"); Assert.That(testChatLine.Timestamp, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(timestamp)); Assert.That(testChatLine.Timestamp, Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime())); Assert.That(testChatLine.ChatText, Is.EqualTo("Test Line")); }
public static void enqueueChatLine(String line) { ChatLine chat_line = new ChatLine(line); chatLineQueue.Enqueue(chat_line); while (chatLineQueue.Count > MAX_CHAT_LINES) chatLineQueue.Dequeue(); //scrollPos.y += 100; }
public void TestTokenizeTextWithAutotranslate() { string chatText = "05,00,00,8020c0a0,00000018,00000018,0020,00,01,01,00,(Motenten) stuff for ï'Salvageï("; DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now; ChatLine chatLine = new ChatLine(chatText, timestamp); MessageLine msgLine = new MessageLine(chatLine); Assert.That(msgLine.TextOutput, Is.EqualTo("(Motenten) stuff for [Salvage]")); }
public void TestTokenizeTextWithItems() { string chatText = "55,00,00,80808010,0000265a,00002c51,0022,00,01,02,00,Lans uses a toolbag (shihei).1"; DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now; ChatLine chatLine = new ChatLine(chatText, timestamp); MessageLine msgLine = new MessageLine(chatLine); Assert.That(msgLine.TextOutput, Is.EqualTo("Lans uses a toolbag (shihei).")); }
public void TestTokenizeTextWithKeyItems() { string chatText = "94,02,00,80808080,00000010,00000010,0033,00,01,00,00,Obtained key item: Healer's attire claim slip.1"; DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now; ChatLine chatLine = new ChatLine(chatText, timestamp); MessageLine msgLine = new MessageLine(chatLine); Assert.That(msgLine.TextOutput, Is.EqualTo("Obtained key item: Healer's attire claim slip.")); }
public void TestCorrectItemDrops() { string chatText = "79,00,00,80c0c050,000026cd,00002cd6,0035,00,01,02,00,yYou find a wind crystal on the Greater Colibri.1"; DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now; ChatLine chatLine = new ChatLine(chatText, timestamp); MessageLine msgLine = new MessageLine(chatLine); Assert.That(msgLine.TextOutput, Is.EqualTo("You find a wind crystal on the Greater Colibri.")); }
public void TestCorrectItemDistribution() { string chatText = "7f,00,00,80c0c050,0000277a,00002dac,0022,00,01,02,00,Motenten obtains a wind crystal.1"; DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now; ChatLine chatLine = new ChatLine(chatText, timestamp); MessageLine msgLine = new MessageLine(chatLine); Assert.That(msgLine.TextOutput, Is.EqualTo("Motenten obtains a wind crystal.")); }
public LegacyChatMonitor() { showCount = 10; numChatLines = 500; chatLength = 600; chatLine = new ChatLine[numChatLines]; for (int i = 0; i < numChatLines; i++) { chatLine[i] = new ChatLine(); } }
public void TestCorrectAssaultTimeLimit() { string chatText = "92,02,00,80808080,00006c88,00007d44,002b,00,01,00,00,?Time remaining: 5 minutes (Earth time).1"; DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now; ChatLine chatLine = new ChatLine(chatText, timestamp); MessageLine msgLine = new MessageLine(chatLine); Assert.That(msgLine.TextOutput, Is.EqualTo("Time remaining: 5 minutes (Earth time).")); }
public void TestCorrectLimbusTimeLimit() { string chatText = "8d,00,00,60808010,00000023,00000023,0028,00,01,02,00,Moogle : Chaaange...job! Kupopopooo!1"; DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now; ChatLine chatLine = new ChatLine(chatText, timestamp); MessageLine msgLine = new MessageLine(chatLine); Assert.That(msgLine.TextOutput, Is.EqualTo("Moogle : Chaaange...job! Kupopopooo!")); }
void FriendsRequestHandler(H2C.FriendsRequest packet) { if (packet.target_user.account_idx == SHSavedData.AccountIdx) { ChatLine line = new ChatLine(packet); ChatLineManager.Instance.AddLine(line); m_ChatLabelCallback(line); Network.Instance.NotifyMenu.is_friends_requested = true; } }
public static void enqueueChatLine(String line) { ChatLine chat_line = new ChatLine(line); chatLineQueue.Enqueue(chat_line); while (chatLineQueue.Count > MAX_CHAT_LINES) { chatLineQueue.Dequeue(); } //scrollPos.y += 100; }
void WhisperMessageSendAck(C2H.WhisperMessageSendAck packet) { if (IsConnected == false) { return; } ChatLine line = new ChatLine(packet); ChatLineManager.Instance.AddLine(line); m_ChatLabelCallback(line); }
/// <summary> /// Broadcasts a chat message to all users /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> public void Broadcast(string message) { var chatLine = new ChatLine { mPlayer = -1, mPlayerName = "", // TODO: Test if prefix can be left out mText = message, mType = ChatLine.Type.Normal }; NetworkManager.instance.QueueChatMessage(chatLine); ServerConsole.DebugLog($"[SERVER] {message}"); }
public static void AddLine(string name, string text) { if (singleton != null) { GameObject obj2 = (GameObject)Object.Instantiate(singleton.chatLine); if (obj2 != null) { ChatLine component = obj2.GetComponent <ChatLine>(); component.Setup(name + ":", text); singleton.chatContainer.AddControl(component.GetComponent <dfPanel>()); } } }
public static void enqueueChatLine(String line) { Color lineColor = Color.yellow; bool colorSet = false; foreach (String singleLine in line.Split('\n')) { string choppedLine = ""; foreach (String word in singleLine.Split(' ')) { //if ("Box").CalcSize(new GUIContent(choppedLine + word)).x > chatboxWidth) if (choppedLine.Length + word.Length > chatboxWidth / 7) //Kludgy but works relatively reliably { ChatLine chat_line = new ChatLine(choppedLine.Substring(0,choppedLine.Length-1)); if (!colorSet) { lineColor = chat_line.color; colorSet = true; } else { chat_line.color = lineColor; } chatLineQueue.Enqueue(chat_line); choppedLine = word + " "; } else { choppedLine += word + " "; } } if (choppedLine.Length > 0) { ChatLine chat_line = new ChatLine(choppedLine.Substring(0,choppedLine.Length-1)); if (colorSet) { chat_line.color = lineColor; } chatLineQueue.Enqueue(chat_line); } } while (chatLineQueue.Count > MAX_CHAT_LINES) chatLineQueue.Dequeue(); //scrollPos.y += 100; }
void EnterLine(ChatLine data) { data.Id = Interlocked.Increment(ref id); data.Time = DateTime.Now; if (lines.Count > 100) { ChatLine old; lines.TryDequeue(out old); foreach (var win in windows) win.Key.RemoveLine(old); } lines.Enqueue(data); foreach (var win in windows) win.Key.AddLine(data); }
void AddLine(ChatLine line) { store.Set(line); if (!registered) { registered = true; if (windows.Count == 1) EnterLine(new ChatLine { Name = "Dextop", Text = String.Format("Hi {0}, unfortunately you're alone here.", line.Name) }); else EnterLine(new ChatLine { Name = "Dextop", Text = String.Format("Hi {0}, there are {1} people in the room.", line.Name, windows.Count) }); } }
public static void Line(String line) { ChatLine chatLine = new ChatLine(line); if (line.Length > 3 && line.First() == '[') {//Check if the message starts with name int nameLength = line.IndexOf(']'); if (nameLength > 0) {//render name colour nameLength = nameLength - 1; String name = line.Substring(1, nameLength); if (name == "Server") chatLine.Color = new Color(0.65f, 1.0f, 1.0f); else chatLine.Color = KLFVessel.GenerateActiveColor(name) * NameColorSaturationFactor + Color.white * (1.0f - NameColorSaturationFactor); } } ChatLineQueue.Enqueue(chatLine); while (ChatLineQueue.Count > MaxChatLines) ChatLineQueue.Dequeue(); ScrollPos.y += 100; }
/// <summary> /// Send a message as the bot. Should call base. /// </summary> public virtual void Send(string str) { var line = new ChatLine(Util.GetCurrentTimestamp(), RoomInfo.ShortName, "Steam", Program.Settings.PersonaName, "0", "", str, false); SendLine(line); }
/// <summary> /// Add a chat line to the chat history of a hub /// if the chat history max length is != 0 /// it will automatically remove the first lines added if needed /// (FIFO buffer) /// </summary> /// <param name="username">the user who wrote the chat message</param> /// <param name="message">the message contents</param> private void AddChatToHistory(string username, string message) { if (chat_history_max_length != 0) {//using max history -> delete first line added to list if (chat_history.Count > chat_history_max_length) chat_history.RemoveAt(0); } ChatLine cline = new ChatLine(username, message); chat_history.Add(cline); if (MainChatLineReceived != null) MainChatLineReceived(this,cline); }
/// <summary> /// Called when somebody sends a message. /// </summary> public void SendMessage(Connection connection, string message) { if (connection.Session == null) // should never happen return; var roomName = RoomInfo.ShortName; var account = connection.Session.Account; if (!message.StartsWith("//") && Command.Handle(new CommandTarget(connection, roomName), message, "/")) return; if (!message.StartsWith("~~") && Command.Handle(new CommandTarget(connection, roomName), message, "~")) return; if (message.StartsWith("//") || message.StartsWith("~~")) message = message.Substring(1); if (IsBanned(account.Name)) { connection.SendSysMessage("You are banned from this room."); return; } var userName = account.Name; var userId = account.Id.ToString("D"); var userStyle = account.EnabledStyle; var line = new ChatLine(Util.GetCurrentTimestamp(), roomName, "RohBot", userName, userId, userStyle, message, false); SendLine(line); }
internal ChatLine GetCurrentLine(LineSettings lineSettings) { ChatLine line = null; /* new ChatLine() { Color = Color.Empty, NowDate = DateTime.Now, Now = "[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "] ", Text = String.Empty, Type = ChatMode.Error };*/ // update our local cache of chat lines Update(); // if we have a new line if (NumberOfUnparsedLines() != 0) { line = new ChatLine(); // get the next chat line line.Type = _ChatLog.Peek().LineType; line.Text = _ChatLog.Peek().LineText; line.Index = _ChatLog.Peek().Index; line.RawString = _ChatLog.Peek().RawString; try { line.Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + _ChatLog.Peek().LineColor.Trim('#')); } catch { line.Color = _ChatLog.Peek().ActualLineColor; } // if user wanted to strip off color characters, do so line.Text = FFACE.ChatTools.CleanLine(line.Text, lineSettings); } // @ if (!NumberOfUnparsedLines().Equals(0)) return line; }
private void HandleMessage(SteamChat chat, SteamPersona user, string message) { _lastMessage.Restart(); var senderName = user.DisplayName; var senderId = user.Id.ConvertToUInt64().ToString("D"); var inGame = user.Playing != null && user.Playing.ToUInt64() != 0; var line = new ChatLine(Util.GetCurrentTimestamp(), RoomInfo.ShortName, "Steam", senderName, senderId, "", message, inGame); SendLine(line); Command.Handle(new CommandTarget(this, user.Id), message, "~"); }
private void SendPersistentSysMessage(string str) { var line = new ChatLine(Util.GetCurrentTimestamp(), RoomInfo.ShortName, "Steam", Program.Settings.PersonaName, "0", "", str, false); base.SendLine(line); }
private static void PrintChatLine(ChatLine chatLine) { if (_chatLines.Count >= MaxChatRows) { // Delete first entry and move everything up, then add entry to last position. _chatLines.Remove(_chatLines[0]); for (int i = 1; i < _chatLines.Count; i++) { _chatLines[i - 1] = _chatLines[i]; } _chatLines.Add(chatLine); } else { _chatLines.Add(chatLine); } }
public static void AddMessage(ChatLine line) { _toSendChatLines.Add(line); }
/// <summary> /// Interpret a single command /// </summary> /// <param name="received_command">the command to interpret</param> private void InterpretCommand(string received_command) { int command_end = received_command.IndexOf(" "); if (command_end == -1) command_end = received_command.Length; if (command_end != -1) { string parameter = ""; string[] parameters ={ }; string command = received_command.Substring(1); if (command_end != received_command.Length) { command = received_command.Substring(1, command_end - 1); parameter = received_command.Substring(command_end + 1); parameters = parameter.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //Console.WriteLine("Command: '" + command + "' ,Parameter(" + parameters.Length + "): '" + parameter + "'"); } switch (command) { case "HubName" : //Console.WriteLine("Hubname Command received: " + parameter); name = parameter; //fire nameChange event break; case "Hello" : //Console.WriteLine("Hello Command received: " + parameters[0]); if (!is_logged_in) { is_logged_in = true; SendCommand("Version", my_version); SendCommand("GetNickList"); SendMyInfo(); //Console.WriteLine("Logged in Hub: "+name); try { if (LoggedIn != null) LoggedIn(this); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception in LoggedIn: " + ex.Message); } } else {//new user announced by server //Console.WriteLine("User "+parameters[0]+" has joined Hub: "+name); UserListAdd(parameters[0]); } break; case "Quit": //Console.WriteLine("User "+parameters[0]+" has left Hub: "+name); UserListRemove(parameters[0]); break; case "NickList": Console.WriteLine("NickList Message received."); UserListClear(); string[] temp_users = parameters[0].Split("$$".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string temp_user in temp_users) { UserListAdd(temp_user); } break; case "OpList": op_list.Clear(); string[] temp_ops = parameters[0].Split("$$".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string temp_op in temp_ops) { op_list.Add(temp_op); } break; case "ConnectToMe": try { string peer_address = ""; if (parameters.Length == 2) { peer_address = parameters[1]; } else if (parameters.Length == 3) { peer_address = parameters[2]; } else break; Peer peer = new Peer(peer_address); //add username also, to counter possible network attacks if (ConnectToMeReceived != null) ConnectToMeReceived(this, peer); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception in ConnectToMe EventHandler: " + ex.Message); } break; case "RevConnectToMe": SendConnectToMe(parameters[0]); break; case "HubTopic": //topic = parameters[0]; topic = parameter; break; case "UserCommand": //Console.WriteLine("User Command received: "+parameter); //TODO support user context menu entries break; case "Search": //Console.WriteLine("Search Command received: "+parameter); SearchParameters search = new SearchParameters(); if(parameters[0].StartsWith("Hub:")) { search.mode = ConnectionMode.Passive; int username_start = parameters[0].IndexOf(":"); if (username_start == -1 || username_start + 1 > parameters[0].Length) break; search.username = parameters[0].Substring(username_start + 1); } else { search.mode = ConnectionMode.Active; int port_start = parameters[0].IndexOf(":"); if (port_start == -1 || port_start + 1 > parameters[0].Length) break; search.ip = parameters[0].Substring(0,port_start); try { search.port = int.Parse(parameters[0].Substring(port_start + 1)); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("error parsing port in search: " + ex.Message); break; } } char[] seps ={ '?' }; string[] search_parameters = parameters[1].Split(seps,StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (search_parameters.Length < 4) break; if (search_parameters[0] == "F") search.size_restricted = false; else search.size_restricted = true; if (search_parameters[1] == "F") search.is_max_size = false; else search.is_max_size = true; try { search.size = long.Parse(search_parameters[2]); search.file_type = (SearchFileType)int.Parse(search_parameters[3]); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("error parsing ints in search: " + ex.Message); break; } if (search_parameters[4].StartsWith("TTH:") && search.file_type == SearchFileType.tth && search_parameters[4].Length > 4) search.tth = search_parameters[4].Substring(4); else search.search_string = search_parameters[4]; //TODO above throws exceptions if (SearchReceived != null) SearchReceived(this,search); break; case "Supports": supports = (string[])parameters.Clone(); break; case "UserIP": Console.WriteLine("UserIP Message received: " + parameter); break; case "MCTo:": string mcto_username = parameters[1].Substring(1); //to skip the leading $ int mcto_message_start = parameters[0].Length + parameters[1].Length + 2; if (mcto_message_start < parameter.Length) { string mcto_message = parameter.Substring(mcto_message_start); AddChatToHistory(mcto_username, mcto_message); } break; case "To:": //Console.WriteLine("Private Message received: " + parameter); string to_username = parameters[2]; int to_message_start = parameters[0].Length + parameters[1].Length + parameters[2].Length + parameters[3].Length + 4; if (to_message_start < parameter.Length ) { string to_message = parameter.Substring(to_message_start); ChatLine to_message_line = new ChatLine(to_username, to_message); if (PrivateChatLineReceived != null) PrivateChatLineReceived(this, to_message_line); } break; case "SR": //Console.WriteLine("Search result received: " + parameter); SearchResults.SearchResult result = new SearchResults.SearchResult(); result.ResultLine = parameter; try { if (SearchResultReceived != null) SearchResultReceived(this, result); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception in event handler: " + ex.Message); } break; case "LogedIn": Console.WriteLine("LogedIn Message received: " + parameter); //what the hell is this and who forgot to take some english lessons ? break; case "MyINFO": //Console.WriteLine("MyINFO Message received: " + parameter); UserListAdd(parameters[1]); break; case "GetPass": Console.WriteLine("GetPass Message received: " + parameter); if (PasswordRequested != null) { string password = PasswordRequested(this); SendPassword(password); } break; case "ForceMove": //Console.WriteLine("FORCE MOVE NOT IMPLEMENTED"); if (MoveForced != null) { Hub dst_hub = this.Copy(); MoveForced(this, dst_hub); } break; case "ValidateDenide": Console.WriteLine("Nick: "+parameters[0]+" on Hub: " + name + " is already in use."); break; case "HubIsFull": Console.WriteLine("Hub: " + name + " is full."); Disconnect(); break; case "Lock" : //Console.WriteLine("Lock Command received: "+parameter); //int key_end = parameter.IndexOf(" "); //if (key_end != -1) //{ //string key = parameter.Substring(0, key_end); if (parameters.Length > 1) { string key = parameters[0]; //Console.WriteLine("Key: " + key); if (key.StartsWith("EXTENDEDPROTOCOL")) { is_extended_protocol = true; //Console.WriteLine("Hub is using the dc++ protocol enhancements."); //SendCommand("Supports", "UserCommand NoGetINFO NoHello UserIP2 TTHSearch ZPipe0 GetZBlock "); SendCommand("Supports", "UserCommand TTHSearch NoGetINFO NoHello "); } //string decoded_key = MyLockToKey(key); string decoded_key = L2K(key); //Console.WriteLine("Decoded key: " + decoded_key); SendCommand("Key" , decoded_key); SendCommand("ValidateNick", nick); } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown Command received: " + command + ", Parameter: " + parameter); break; } } else Console.WriteLine("Error interpreting command: " + received_command); }
void RemoveLine(ChatLine data) { store.Remove(data); }
public ChatLine GetNextLine() { var message = _eliteApi.Chat.GetNextChatLine(); if (message == null) return null; var chatLine = new ChatLine { Color = message.ChatColor, Now = message.Timestamp.ToShortTimeString(), RawString = message.RawText, Text = message.Text, Type = (ChatMode) message.ChatType }; return chatLine; }
/// <summary> /// Called when somebody sends a message. /// </summary> public virtual void SendMessage(Connection connection, string message) { if (connection.Session == null) // should never happen return; var roomName = RoomInfo.ShortName; var account = connection.Session.Account; if (IsBanned(account.Name)) { connection.SendSysMessage("You are banned from this room."); return; } var userName = account.Name; var userId = account.Id.ToString("D"); var userStyle = account.EnabledStyle; var line = new ChatLine(Util.GetCurrentTimestamp(), roomName, "RohBot", userName, userId, userStyle, message, false); SendLine(line); }
/// <summary> /// Called when somebody sends a message. /// </summary> public void SendMessage(Session session, string message) { if (!message.StartsWith("//") && Command.Handle(new CommandTarget(session), message, "/")) return; if (!message.StartsWith("~~") && Command.Handle(new CommandTarget(session), message, "~")) return; if (message.StartsWith("//") || message.StartsWith("~~")) message = message.Substring(1); if (IsBanned(session.Account.Name)) { session.SendSysMessage("You are banned from this room."); return; } var roomName = RoomInfo.ShortName; var userName = session.Account.Name; var userId = session.Account.Id.ToString(); var userStyle = session.Account.EnabledStyle; var line = new ChatLine(Util.GetCurrentUnixTimestamp(), roomName, "RohBot", userName, userId, userStyle, message, false); SendLine(line); }