public void Equality_OneNull_False() { CharacterReference notNull = new CharacterReference("pound"); Assert.That(notNull == null, Is.False); Assert.That(null == notNull, Is.False); }
public void Inequality_OneNull_True() { CharacterReference notNull = new CharacterReference("pound"); Assert.That(notNull != null, Is.True); Assert.That(null != notNull, Is.True); }
private void ReloadViewModel(CharacterViewModel vm) { CharacterReference @ref = (CharacterReference)vm.Metadata; CharacterViewModel nvm = CreateViewModel(@ref); OnCharacterUpdated(new CharacterViewModelProviderEventArgs(nvm, @ref)); }
public void CanBeConstructed_WithSimpleOrEntityNames(string ctorName, string entityName, string simpleName, string entityNumber, int codePoint, string character) { var reference = new CharacterReference(ctorName); Assert.That(reference.EntityName, Is.EqualTo(entityName)); Assert.That(reference.EntityNumber, Is.EqualTo(entityNumber)); Assert.That(reference.SimpleName, Is.EqualTo(simpleName)); Assert.That(reference.CodePoint, Is.EqualTo(codePoint)); Assert.That(reference.Character, Is.EqualTo(character)); Assert.That(reference.IsEmpty, Is.False); }
public void some_currencies_have_an_character_reference_for_angly_bracket_languages() { Currency qatariRial = Currency.Get(CurrencyIsoCode.QAR); CharacterReference reference = qatariRial.Entity; Assert.That(reference, Is.Not.Null.And.Property("IsEmpty").True, "the Rial does not have an reference, but a 'null' object"); Currency euro = Currency.Euro; reference = euro.Entity; Assert.That(reference, Is.Not.Null.And.Property("IsEmpty").False, "the euro, does"); Assert.That(reference.Character, Is.EqualTo("€")); Assert.That(reference.CodePoint, Is.EqualTo(8364)); Assert.That(reference.EntityName, Is.EqualTo("€")); Assert.That(reference.EntityNumber, Is.EqualTo("€")); Assert.That(reference.SimpleName, Is.EqualTo("euro")); }
private CharacterViewModel CreateViewModel(CharacterReference reference) { XDocument scanDocument = Core.LoadPlayDataXDocument(); CharacterFile cf = CharacterFile.Load(reference.CharBytes); CharacterViewModel vm = new CharacterViewModel(cf, reference); DataBlockWrapperBuffer playData = new DataBlockWrapperBuffer(reference.PlayBytes, scanDocument); vm.ExtraData.Add("PLAY_SEAT", reference.Seat); vm.ExtraData.Add("PLAY_DATA", playData); vm.SaveCommand = new RelayCommand(() => SaveViewModel(vm), () => SaveViewModelCanExecute(vm)); vm.ReloadCommand = new RelayCommand(() => ReloadViewModel(vm)); InstanceCache.Add(vm); return(vm); }
private void SaveViewModel(CharacterViewModel vm) { CharacterReference @ref = (CharacterReference)vm.Metadata; CharacterFile cf = vm.Character; DataBlockWrapperBuffer pd = (DataBlockWrapperBuffer)vm.ExtraData["PLAY_DATA"]; if (cf.HasChanges) { //[Var]Card Bytes + [3011]Data Bytes + [4]Thumb Lenght + [Var]Thumb Bytes + [4] Data Lenght Mark int newCharBytesLen = cf.CardBytes.Length + cf.DataBytes.Length + cf.ThumbBytes.Length + 8; var newCharData = new byte[newCharBytesLen]; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(newCharData); // Card Bytes ms.Write(cf.CardBytes, 0, cf.CardBytes.Length); // Data Bytes ms.Write(cf.DataBytes, 0, cf.DataBytes.Length); // Thumbnail Lenght ms.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(cf.ThumbBytes.Length), 0, 4); // Thumbnail Lenght ms.Write(cf.ThumbBytes, 0, cf.ThumbBytes.Length); // Identifier Mark int lastBytes = cf.DataBytes.Length + cf.ThumbBytes.Length + 8; ms.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(lastBytes), 0, 4); ms.Flush(); @ref.CharBytes = newCharData; cf.CardChanges = cf.DataChanges = cf.ThumbChanges = false; } if (pd.HasChanges) { var newPlayBytes = new byte[pd.DataBytes.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(pd.DataBytes, 0, newPlayBytes, 0, newPlayBytes.Length); @ref.PlayBytes = newPlayBytes; pd.HasChanges = false; } @ref.Female = (byte)vm.Profile.Gender.Value == 1; SaveTimeouTimer.Change(1000, Timeout.Infinite); }
public IHttpActionResult GetUser(string username) { response.status = "FAILURE"; string informationPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"ResumeList\" + username + "\\" + "Information.txt"; string skillPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"ResumeList\" + username + "\\" + "Skill.txt"; string strengthPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"ResumeList\" + username + "\\" + "Strengths.txt"; string postGraduatePath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"ResumeList\" + username + "\\" + "PostGraduate.txt"; string tertiaryPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"ResumeList\" + username + "\\" + "Tertiary.txt"; string secondaryPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"ResumeList\" + username + "\\" + "Secondary.txt"; string primaryPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"ResumeList\" + username + "\\" + "Primary.txt"; string workExperiencePath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"ResumeList\" + username + "\\" + "WorkExperience.txt"; string trainingPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"ResumeList\" + username + "\\" + "Training.txt"; string characterReferencePath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"ResumeList\" + username + "\\" + "CharacterReference.txt"; int index = 0, iterationCount = 0; if (Directory.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"ResumeList\" + username)) { User user = new User(); //Information if (System.IO.File.Exists(informationPath)) { string[] information = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(informationPath); //user.FirstName user.FirstName = information[0].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); user.MiddleName = information[1].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); user.LastName = information[2].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); user.Address = information[3].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); user.ContactNo = information[4].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); user.EmailAddress = information[5].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); user.Objectives = information[6].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); user.Age = Convert.ToInt32(information[7]); user.DateOfBirth = Convert.ToDateTime(information[8]); user.Gender = information[9].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); user.CivilStatus = information[10].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); user.Height = information[11].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); user.Weight = information[12].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); user.Citizenship = information[13].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); user.Hobbies = information[14].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); user.Template = Convert.ToInt32(information[15]); user.ImageName = information[16].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); response.objParam1 = user; } //Skill if (System.IO.File.Exists(skillPath)) { string[] skill = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(skillPath); for (int i = 0; i < skill.Length; i++) { Skill skills = new Skill(); skills.Description = skill[i].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); user.Skills.Add(skills); } } //Strengths if (System.IO.File.Exists(strengthPath)) { string[] strength = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(strengthPath); for (int i = 0; i < strength.Length; i++) { Strength strengths = new Strength(); strengths.Description = strength[i]; user.Strengths.Add(strengths); } } //PostGraduate if (System.IO.File.Exists(postGraduatePath)) { string[] postGraduate = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(postGraduatePath); iterationCount = postGraduate.Length / 3; index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterationCount; i++) { PostGraduate postGraduates = new PostGraduate(); postGraduates.School = postGraduate[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; postGraduates.Degree = postGraduate[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; postGraduates.Address = postGraduate[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; if (postGraduate[index].Equals("N")) { postGraduates.Achievement = ""; } else { postGraduates.Achievement = postGraduate[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); } index = index + 1; user.PostGraduates.Add(postGraduates); } } //Tertiary if (System.IO.File.Exists(tertiaryPath)) { string[] tertiary = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(tertiaryPath); iterationCount = tertiary.Length / 3; index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterationCount; i++) { Tertiary tertiaries = new Tertiary(); tertiaries.School = tertiary[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; tertiaries.Degree = tertiary[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; tertiaries.Address = tertiary[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; if (tertiary[index].Equals("N")) { tertiaries.Achievement = ""; } else { tertiaries.Achievement = tertiary[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); } index = index + 1; user.Tertiaries.Add(tertiaries); } } //Secondary if (System.IO.File.Exists(secondaryPath)) { string[] secondary = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(secondaryPath); iterationCount = secondary.Length / 2; index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterationCount; i++) { Secondary secondaries = new Secondary(); secondaries.School = secondary[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; secondaries.Address = secondary[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; if (secondary[index].Equals("N")) { secondaries.Achievement = ""; } else { secondaries.Achievement = secondary[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); } index = index + 1; user.Secondaries.Add(secondaries); } } //Primary if (System.IO.File.Exists(primaryPath)) { string[] primary = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(primaryPath); iterationCount = primary.Length / 2; index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterationCount; i++) { Primary primaries = new Primary(); primaries.School = primary[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; primaries.Address = primary[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; if (primary[index].Equals("N")) { primaries.Achievement = ""; } else { primaries.Achievement = primary[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); } index = index + 1; user.Primaries.Add(primaries); } } //Work Experience if (System.IO.File.Exists(workExperiencePath)) { string[] workExperience = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(workExperiencePath); iterationCount = workExperience.Length / 5; index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterationCount; i++) { WorkExperience workExperiences = new WorkExperience(); workExperiences.Company = workExperience[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; workExperiences.Address = workExperience[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; workExperiences.Period = workExperience[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; workExperiences.Position = workExperience[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; workExperiences.MainRole = workExperience[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; user.WorkExperiences.Add(workExperiences); } } //Training if (System.IO.File.Exists(trainingPath)) { string[] training = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(trainingPath); iterationCount = training.Length / 3; index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterationCount; i++) { Training trainings = new Training(); trainings.Name = training[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; trainings.Description = training[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; trainings.Period = training[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; user.Trainings.Add(trainings); } } //character Reference if (System.IO.File.Exists(characterReferencePath)) { string[] characterReference = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(characterReferencePath); iterationCount = characterReference.Length / 3; index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterationCount; i++) { CharacterReference characterReferences = new CharacterReference(); characterReferences.Name = characterReference[index]; index = index + 1; characterReferences.Profession = characterReference[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; characterReferences.ContactNo = characterReference[index].Replace("�", "\u00f1"); index = index + 1; user.CharacterReferences.Add(characterReferences); } } TokenGenerator tokenGenerator = new TokenGenerator(); response.stringParam1 = tokenGenerator.Encrypt(tokenGenerator.generateCode(10)) + ":" + tokenGenerator.Encrypt("ARJOCAMAHAMAGEAPP"); response.status = "SUCCESS"; } else { response.message = "User not found."; } return(Ok(response)); }
public void Equality_BothNull_True() { CharacterReference one = null, two = null; Assert.That(one == two, Is.True); }
public void Equals_Same_True() { var pound = new CharacterReference("pound"); Assert.That(pound.Equals(pound), Is.True); }
public void Inequality_NotEqual_True() { CharacterReference pound = new CharacterReference("pound"), cent = new CharacterReference("cent"); Assert.That(pound != cent, Is.True); }
public void Inequality_Equal_False() { CharacterReference pound = new CharacterReference("pound"), anotherPound = new CharacterReference("pound"); Assert.That(pound != anotherPound, Is.False); }
public void Inequality_BothNull_False() { CharacterReference one = null, two = null; Assert.That(one != two, Is.False); }
public void Equality_NotEqual_False() { CharacterReference pound = new CharacterReference("pound"), cent = new CharacterReference("cent"); Assert.That(pound == cent, Is.False); }
public void Equality_Equal_True() { CharacterReference pound = new CharacterReference("pound"), anotherPound = new CharacterReference("pound"); Assert.That(pound == anotherPound, Is.True); }
private List <CharacterReference> ReadCharacters(byte[] saveData, int count, out int stopIndex) { var references = new List <CharacterReference>(); XDocument scanDocument = Core.LoadPlayDataXDocument(); int index = 0; byte[] pngBytes = { 0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47 }; // ‰PNG byte[] endBytes = { 0x49, 0x45, 0x4e, 0x44 }; // IEND while (count > 0) { //First PNG Mark int startIndex = BufferIndexOf(saveData, pngBytes, index); if (startIndex == -1) { break; } //Find another PNG, the Thumbnail int thumbIndex = BufferIndexOf(saveData, pngBytes, startIndex + 1); //And its IEND Mark int endIndex = BufferIndexOf(saveData, endBytes, thumbIndex + 1); //Play Data index will be after the IEND: [4]Self+[4]Junk+[4]Identifier int playIndex = endIndex + 4 + 4 + 4; //Seat is 4 Bytes behind the Start int playSeat = BitConverter.ToInt32(saveData, startIndex - 4); //Another Gender identifier at 5 bytes behind bool isFemale = saveData[startIndex - 5] == 1; CharacterReference @ref = new CharacterReference(); // From index until Start of PlayData. Includes Identifier mark int charLenght = playIndex - startIndex; var charBytes = new byte[charLenght]; Buffer.BlockCopy(saveData, startIndex, charBytes, 0, charLenght); // Scan PlayData Lenght via Loader, TODO: Create a Size Only Scanner, this EATS Memory int playLenght; // Probable Temporary Fix, release strings and shit var temp = Core.LoadDataBlocks(saveData, playIndex, scanDocument, out playLenght); temp.OfType <EnumDataBlock>() .ForEach (block => { if (block is SeatDataBlock) { return; } block.Enum.Clear(); }); temp.Clear(); var playBytes = new byte[playLenght]; Buffer.BlockCopy(saveData, playIndex, playBytes, 0, playLenght); @ref.CharBytes = charBytes; @ref.PlayBytes = playBytes; @ref.Seat = playSeat; @ref.Female = isFemale; index = playIndex + playLenght; count--; references.Add(@ref); } stopIndex = index; return(references); }