private void UpdateUI(GameObject root, TextWrapper textCurrentAmmo, TextWrapper textReserveAmmo, CharacterItem characterItem) { Item weaponItem = characterItem.GetWeaponItem(); bool isActive = weaponItem != null && weaponItem.WeaponType.requireAmmoType != null; if (root != null) { root.SetActive(isActive); } if (textCurrentAmmo != null) { textCurrentAmmo.gameObject.SetActive(isActive && weaponItem.ammoCapacity > 0); if (isActive) { textCurrentAmmo.text = characterItem.ammo.ToString("N0"); } } if (textReserveAmmo != null) { textReserveAmmo.gameObject.SetActive(isActive); if (isActive) { int ammoAmount = character != null && weaponItem.WeaponType.requireAmmoType != null?character.CountAmmos(weaponItem.WeaponType.requireAmmoType) : 0; textReserveAmmo.text = ammoAmount.ToString("N0"); } } }
public bool ValidateAmmo(CharacterItem weapon) { // Avoid null data if (weapon == null) { return(true); } Item weaponItem = weapon.GetWeaponItem(); if (weaponItem.WeaponType.requireAmmoType != null) { if (weaponItem.ammoCapacity <= 0) { // Ammo capacity is 0 so reduce ammo from inventory if (this.CountAmmos(weaponItem.WeaponType.requireAmmoType) == 0) { gameManager.SendServerGameMessage(ConnectionId, GameMessage.Type.NoAmmo); return(false); } } else { // Ammo capacity more than 0 reduce loaded ammo if (weapon.ammo <= 0) { gameManager.SendServerGameMessage(ConnectionId, GameMessage.Type.NoAmmo); return(false); } } } return(true); }
public static CharacterItem GetAvailableWeapon(this ICharacterData data, ref bool isLeftHand) { CharacterItem rightHand = data.EquipWeapons.rightHand; Item rightWeaponItem = rightHand.GetWeaponItem(); CharacterItem leftHand = data.EquipWeapons.leftHand; Item leftWeaponItem = leftHand.GetWeaponItem(); if (!isLeftHand) { if (rightWeaponItem != null) { return(rightHand); } if (rightWeaponItem == null && leftWeaponItem != null) { isLeftHand = true; return(leftHand); } } else { if (leftWeaponItem != null) { return(leftHand); } if (leftWeaponItem == null && rightWeaponItem != null) { isLeftHand = false; return(rightHand); } } isLeftHand = false; return(CharacterItem.Create(GameInstance.Singleton.DefaultWeaponItem)); }
private void DecreaseEquipWeaponsDurability(BaseCharacterEntity entity, float decreaseDurability) { bool tempDestroy = false; EquipWeapons equipWeapons = entity.EquipWeapons; CharacterItem rightHand = equipWeapons.rightHand; CharacterItem leftHand = equipWeapons.leftHand; if (rightHand.GetWeaponItem() != null && rightHand.GetMaxDurability() > 0) { rightHand = DecreaseDurability(rightHand, decreaseDurability, out tempDestroy); if (tempDestroy) { equipWeapons.rightHand = CharacterItem.Empty; } else { equipWeapons.rightHand = rightHand; } } if (leftHand.GetWeaponItem() != null && leftHand.GetMaxDurability() > 0) { leftHand = DecreaseDurability(leftHand, decreaseDurability, out tempDestroy); if (tempDestroy) { equipWeapons.leftHand = CharacterItem.Empty; } else { equipWeapons.leftHand = leftHand; } } entity.EquipWeapons = equipWeapons; }
public override void ReceiveDamage(IAttackerEntity attacker, CharacterItem weapon, Dictionary <DamageElement, MinMaxFloat> allDamageAmounts, CharacterBuff debuff, uint hitEffectsId) { if (!IsServer || IsDead() || weapon == null) { return; } base.ReceiveDamage(attacker, weapon, allDamageAmounts, debuff, hitEffectsId); BaseCharacterEntity attackerCharacter = attacker as BaseCharacterEntity; // Play hit effect if (hitEffectsId == 0) { hitEffectsId = gameInstance.DefaultHitEffects.Id; } if (hitEffectsId > 0) { RequestPlayEffect(hitEffectsId); } // Apply damages int totalDamage = 0; Item weaponItem = weapon.GetWeaponItem(); HarvestEffectiveness harvestEffectiveness; WeightedRandomizer <ItemDropByWeight> itemRandomizer; if (harvestable.CacheHarvestEffectivenesses.TryGetValue(weaponItem.weaponType, out harvestEffectiveness) && harvestable.CacheHarvestItems.TryGetValue(weaponItem.weaponType, out itemRandomizer)) { totalDamage = (int)(weaponItem.harvestDamageAmount.GetAmount(weapon.level).Random() * harvestEffectiveness.damageEffectiveness); ItemDropByWeight receivingItem = itemRandomizer.TakeOne(); int dataId = receivingItem.item.DataId; short amount = (short)(receivingItem.amountPerDamage * totalDamage); bool droppingToGround = collectType == HarvestableCollectType.DropToGround; if (attackerCharacter.IncreasingItemsWillOverwhelming(dataId, amount)) { droppingToGround = true; } if (!droppingToGround) { attackerCharacter.IncreaseItems(CharacterItem.Create(dataId, 1, amount)); } else { ItemDropEntity.DropItem(this, CharacterItem.Create(dataId, 1, amount), new uint[0]); } } CurrentHp -= totalDamage; ReceivedDamage(attackerCharacter, CombatAmountType.NormalDamage, totalDamage); if (IsDead()) { CurrentHp = 0; CallNetFunction(NetFuncOnHarvestableDestroy, FunctionReceivers.All); DestroyAndRespawn(); } }
public virtual void GetAttackingData( ref bool isLeftHand, out AnimActionType animActionType, out int dataId, out int animationIndex, out CharacterItem weapon, out float triggerDuration, out float totalDuration, out DamageInfo damageInfo, out Dictionary <DamageElement, MinMaxFloat> allDamageAmounts) { // Initialize data animActionType = AnimActionType.None; dataId = 0; animationIndex = 0; weapon = this.GetAvailableWeapon(ref isLeftHand); triggerDuration = 0f; totalDuration = 0f; damageInfo = null; allDamageAmounts = new Dictionary <DamageElement, MinMaxFloat>(); // Prepare weapon data Item weaponItem = weapon.GetWeaponItem(); WeaponType weaponType = weaponItem.WeaponType; // Assign data id dataId = weaponType.DataId; // Assign animation action type animActionType = !isLeftHand ? AnimActionType.AttackRightHand : AnimActionType.AttackLeftHand; // Random animation if (!isLeftHand) { CharacterModel.GetRandomRightHandAttackAnimation(dataId, out animationIndex, out triggerDuration, out totalDuration); } else { CharacterModel.GetRandomLeftHandAttackAnimation(dataId, out animationIndex, out triggerDuration, out totalDuration); } // Assign damage data damageInfo = weaponType.damageInfo; // Calculate all damages allDamageAmounts = GameDataHelpers.CombineDamages( allDamageAmounts, weaponItem.GetDamageAmount(weapon.level, weapon.GetEquipmentBonusRate(), this)); allDamageAmounts = GameDataHelpers.CombineDamages( allDamageAmounts, CacheIncreaseDamages); }
public void ReduceAmmo(CharacterItem weapon, bool isLeftHand, out Dictionary <DamageElement, MinMaxFloat> increaseDamges) { increaseDamges = null; // Avoid null data if (weapon == null) { return; } Item weaponItem = weapon.GetWeaponItem(); if (weaponItem.ammoCapacity <= 0) { // Ammo capacity is 0 so reduce ammo from inventory Dictionary <CharacterItem, short> decreaseAmmoItems; if (this.DecreaseAmmos(weaponItem.WeaponType.requireAmmoType, 1, out decreaseAmmoItems)) { KeyValuePair <CharacterItem, short> firstEntry = decreaseAmmoItems.FirstOrDefault(); CharacterItem ammoCharacterItem = firstEntry.Key; Item ammoItem = ammoCharacterItem.GetItem(); if (ammoItem != null && firstEntry.Value > 0) { // Ammo level always 1 and its bonus rate always 1 increaseDamges = ammoItem.GetIncreaseDamages(1, 1f); } } } else { // Ammo capacity more than 0 reduce loaded ammo if (weapon.ammo > 0) { weapon.ammo--; EquipWeapons equipWeapons = EquipWeapons; if (isLeftHand) { equipWeapons.leftHand = weapon; } else { equipWeapons.rightHand = weapon; } EquipWeapons = equipWeapons; } } }
public bool RequestEquipItem(short nonEquipIndex) { if (!CanDoActions() || nonEquipIndex >= NonEquipItems.Count) { return(false); } CharacterItem characterItem = NonEquipItems[nonEquipIndex]; Item armorItem = characterItem.GetArmorItem(); Item weaponItem = characterItem.GetWeaponItem(); Item shieldItem = characterItem.GetShieldItem(); if (weaponItem != null) { if (weaponItem.EquipType == WeaponItemEquipType.OneHandCanDual) { Item rightWeapon = EquipWeapons.rightHand.GetWeaponItem(); if (rightWeapon != null && rightWeapon.EquipType == WeaponItemEquipType.OneHandCanDual) { return(RequestEquipItem(nonEquipIndex, (byte)InventoryType.EquipWeaponLeft, 0)); } else { return(RequestEquipItem(nonEquipIndex, (byte)InventoryType.EquipWeaponRight, 0)); } } else { return(RequestEquipItem(nonEquipIndex, (byte)InventoryType.EquipWeaponRight, 0)); } } else if (shieldItem != null) { return(RequestEquipItem(nonEquipIndex, (byte)InventoryType.EquipWeaponLeft, 0)); } else if (armorItem != null) { return(RequestEquipItem(nonEquipIndex, (byte)InventoryType.EquipItems, (short)this.IndexOfEquipItem(armorItem.EquipPosition))); } return(false); }
private IEnumerator ReloadRoutine( AnimActionType animActionType, int weaponTypeDataId, float triggerDuration, float totalDuration, bool isLeftHand, CharacterItem weapon, short reloadingAmount) { // Play animation on clients RequestPlayActionAnimation(animActionType, weaponTypeDataId, 0); yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(triggerDuration)); // Prepare data EquipWeapons equipWeapons = EquipWeapons; Item weaponItem = weapon.GetWeaponItem(); Dictionary <CharacterItem, short> decreaseItems; if (this.DecreaseAmmos(weaponItem.WeaponType.requireAmmoType, reloadingAmount, out decreaseItems)) { weapon.ammo += reloadingAmount; if (isLeftHand) { equipWeapons.leftHand = weapon; } else { equipWeapons.rightHand = weapon; } EquipWeapons = equipWeapons; } yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(totalDuration - triggerDuration)); isAttackingOrUsingSkill = false; }
protected override void UpdateData() { cacheStats = showStatsWithBuffs ? Data.GetStats() : Data.GetStats(true, false); cacheAttributes = showAttributeWithBuffs ? Data.GetAttributes() : Data.GetAttributes(true, false); cacheResistances = showResistanceWithBuffs ? Data.GetResistances() : Data.GetResistances(true, false); cacheIncreaseDamages = showDamageWithBuffs ? Data.GetIncreaseDamages() : Data.GetIncreaseDamages(true, false); cacheWeightLimit = cacheStats.weightLimit; if (!showStatsWithBuffs) { // Always increase weight limit by buff bonus because it should always show real weight limit in UIs cacheWeightLimit += Data.GetBuffStats().weightLimit; } if (bonusAttributes == null) { bonusAttributes = new Dictionary <Attribute, short>(); } if (bonusResistances == null) { bonusResistances = new Dictionary <DamageElement, float>(); } if (bonusIncreaseDamages == null) { bonusIncreaseDamages = new Dictionary <DamageElement, MinMaxFloat>(); } if (bonusSkills == null) { bonusSkills = new Dictionary <Skill, short>(); } if (cacheEquipmentSets == null) { cacheEquipmentSets = new Dictionary <EquipmentSet, int>(); } Data.GetEquipmentSetBonus(out bonusStats, bonusAttributes, bonusResistances, bonusIncreaseDamages, bonusSkills, cacheEquipmentSets); // Increase stats by equipment set bonus cacheStats += bonusStats; cacheAttributes = GameDataHelpers.CombineAttributes(cacheAttributes, bonusAttributes); cacheResistances = GameDataHelpers.CombineResistances(cacheResistances, bonusResistances); cacheIncreaseDamages = GameDataHelpers.CombineDamages(cacheIncreaseDamages, bonusIncreaseDamages); cacheWeightLimit += bonusStats.weightLimit; if (uiTextWeightLimit != null) { uiTextWeightLimit.text = string.Format( LanguageManager.GetText(formatKeyWeightLimitStats), GameInstance.Singleton.GameplayRule.GetTotalWeight(Data).ToString("N2"), cacheWeightLimit.ToString("N2")); } CharacterItem rightHandItem = Data.EquipWeapons.rightHand; CharacterItem leftHandItem = Data.EquipWeapons.leftHand; Item rightHandWeapon = rightHandItem.GetWeaponItem(); Item leftHandWeapon = leftHandItem.GetWeaponItem(); Dictionary <DamageElement, MinMaxFloat> rightHandDamages = rightHandWeapon != null?GameDataHelpers.CombineDamages(cacheIncreaseDamages, rightHandWeapon.GetDamageAmount(rightHandItem.level, rightHandItem.GetEquipmentBonusRate(), Data)) : null; Dictionary <DamageElement, MinMaxFloat> leftHandDamages = leftHandWeapon != null?GameDataHelpers.CombineDamages(cacheIncreaseDamages, leftHandWeapon.GetDamageAmount(leftHandItem.level, leftHandItem.GetEquipmentBonusRate(), Data)) : null; if (uiTextWeaponDamages != null) { string textDamages = ""; if (rightHandWeapon != null) { MinMaxFloat sumDamages = GameDataHelpers.GetSumDamages(rightHandDamages); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textDamages)) { textDamages += "\n"; } textDamages += string.Format( LanguageManager.GetText(formatKeyWeaponDamage), sumDamages.min.ToString("N0"), sumDamages.max.ToString("N0")); } if (leftHandWeapon != null) { MinMaxFloat sumDamages = GameDataHelpers.GetSumDamages(leftHandDamages); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textDamages)) { textDamages += "\n"; } textDamages += string.Format( LanguageManager.GetText(formatKeyWeaponDamage), sumDamages.min.ToString("N0"), sumDamages.max.ToString("N0")); } if (rightHandWeapon == null && leftHandWeapon == null) { Item defaultWeaponItem = GameInstance.Singleton.DefaultWeaponItem; WeaponItemEquipType defaultWeaponItemType = defaultWeaponItem.EquipType; KeyValuePair <DamageElement, MinMaxFloat> damageAmount = defaultWeaponItem.GetDamageAmount(1, 1f, Data); textDamages = string.Format( LanguageManager.GetText(formatKeyWeaponDamage), damageAmount.Value.min.ToString("N0"), damageAmount.Value.max.ToString("N0")); } uiTextWeaponDamages.text = textDamages; } if (uiRightHandDamages != null) { if (rightHandWeapon == null) { uiRightHandDamages.Hide(); } else { uiRightHandDamages.Show(); uiRightHandDamages.Data = rightHandDamages; } } if (uiLeftHandDamages != null) { if (leftHandWeapon == null) { uiLeftHandDamages.Hide(); } else { uiLeftHandDamages.Show(); uiLeftHandDamages.Data = leftHandDamages; } } if (uiCharacterStats != null) { uiCharacterStats.Data = cacheStats; } if (uiCharacterResistances != null) { uiCharacterResistances.Data = cacheResistances; } if (CacheUICharacterAttributes.Count > 0 && Data != null) { CharacterAttribute tempCharacterAttribute; Attribute tempAttribute; short tempAmount; IList <CharacterAttribute> characterAttributes = Data.Attributes; for (int indexOfData = 0; indexOfData < characterAttributes.Count; ++indexOfData) { tempCharacterAttribute = characterAttributes[indexOfData]; tempAttribute = tempCharacterAttribute.GetAttribute(); UICharacterAttribute cacheUICharacterAttribute; tempAmount = 0; if (CacheUICharacterAttributes.TryGetValue(tempAttribute, out cacheUICharacterAttribute)) { if (cacheAttributes.ContainsKey(tempAttribute)) { tempAmount = cacheAttributes[tempAttribute]; } cacheUICharacterAttribute.Setup(new CharacterAttributeTuple(tempCharacterAttribute, tempAmount), Data, indexOfData); cacheUICharacterAttribute.Show(); } } } if (uiCharacterBuffs != null) { uiCharacterBuffs.UpdateData(Data); } }
public virtual void GetUsingSkillData( Skill skill, short level, ref bool isLeftHand, out AnimActionType animActionType, out int skillOrWeaponTypeDataId, out int animationIndex, out CharacterItem weapon, out float triggerDuration, out float totalDuration, out DamageInfo damageInfo, out Dictionary <DamageElement, MinMaxFloat> allDamageAmounts) { // Initialize data animActionType = AnimActionType.None; skillOrWeaponTypeDataId = 0; animationIndex = 0; weapon = this.GetAvailableWeapon(ref isLeftHand); triggerDuration = 0f; totalDuration = 0f; damageInfo = null; allDamageAmounts = new Dictionary <DamageElement, MinMaxFloat>(); // Prepare skill data if (skill == null) { return; } // Prepare weapon data Item weaponItem = weapon.GetWeaponItem(); WeaponType weaponType = weaponItem.WeaponType; SkillActivateAnimationType useSkillActivateAnimationType = CharacterModel.UseSkillActivateAnimationType(skill); // Prepare animation if (useSkillActivateAnimationType == SkillActivateAnimationType.UseAttackAnimation && skill.skillAttackType != SkillAttackType.None) { // If there is no cast animations // Assign data id skillOrWeaponTypeDataId = weaponType.DataId; // Assign animation action type animActionType = !isLeftHand ? AnimActionType.AttackRightHand : AnimActionType.AttackLeftHand; // Random animation if (!isLeftHand) { CharacterModel.GetRandomRightHandAttackAnimation(skillOrWeaponTypeDataId, out animationIndex, out triggerDuration, out totalDuration); } else { CharacterModel.GetRandomLeftHandAttackAnimation(skillOrWeaponTypeDataId, out animationIndex, out triggerDuration, out totalDuration); } } else if (useSkillActivateAnimationType == SkillActivateAnimationType.UseActivateAnimation) { // Assign data id skillOrWeaponTypeDataId = skill.DataId; // Assign animation action type animActionType = AnimActionType.Skill; // Random animation CharacterModel.GetSkillActivateAnimation(skillOrWeaponTypeDataId, out triggerDuration, out totalDuration); } // If it is attack skill if (skill.skillAttackType != SkillAttackType.None) { switch (skill.skillAttackType) { case SkillAttackType.Normal: // Assign damage data damageInfo = skill.damageInfo; // Calculate all damages allDamageAmounts = weaponItem.GetDamageAmountWithInflictions(weapon.level, weapon.GetEquipmentBonusRate(), this, skill.GetWeaponDamageInflictions(level)); // Sum damage with additional damage amounts allDamageAmounts = GameDataHelpers.CombineDamages( allDamageAmounts, skill.GetDamageAmount(level, this)); // Sum damage with skill damage allDamageAmounts = GameDataHelpers.CombineDamages( allDamageAmounts, skill.GetAdditionalDamageAmounts(level)); break; case SkillAttackType.BasedOnWeapon: // Assign damage data damageInfo = weaponType.damageInfo; // Calculate all damages allDamageAmounts = weaponItem.GetDamageAmountWithInflictions(weapon.level, weapon.GetEquipmentBonusRate(), this, skill.GetWeaponDamageInflictions(level)); // Sum damage with additional damage amounts allDamageAmounts = GameDataHelpers.CombineDamages( allDamageAmounts, skill.GetAdditionalDamageAmounts(level)); break; } allDamageAmounts = GameDataHelpers.CombineDamages( allDamageAmounts, CacheIncreaseDamages); } }
private IEnumerator AttackRoutine( AnimActionType animActionType, int weaponTypeDataId, int animationIndex, float triggerDuration, float totalDuration, bool isLeftHand, CharacterItem weapon, DamageInfo damageInfo, Dictionary <DamageElement, MinMaxFloat> allDamageAmounts, bool hasAimPosition, Vector3 aimPosition) { if (onAttackRoutine != null) { onAttackRoutine.Invoke(animActionType, weaponTypeDataId, animationIndex, triggerDuration, totalDuration, isLeftHand, weapon, damageInfo, allDamageAmounts); } // Play animation on clients RequestPlayActionAnimation(animActionType, weaponTypeDataId, (byte)animationIndex); yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(triggerDuration)); // Reduce ammo amount Dictionary <DamageElement, MinMaxFloat> increaseDamages; ReduceAmmo(weapon, isLeftHand, out increaseDamages); if (increaseDamages != null) { allDamageAmounts = GameDataHelpers.CombineDamages(allDamageAmounts, increaseDamages); } // If no aim position set with attack function get aim position which set from client-controller if existed if (!hasAimPosition && HasAimPosition) { hasAimPosition = true; aimPosition = AimPosition; } byte fireSpread = 0; Vector3 fireStagger =; if (weapon != null && weapon.GetWeaponItem() != null) { Item weaponItem = weapon.GetWeaponItem(); // For monsters, their weapon can be null so have to avoid null exception fireSpread = weaponItem.fireSpread; fireStagger = weaponItem.fireStagger; } Vector3 stagger; for (int i = 0; i < fireSpread + 1; ++i) { stagger = new Vector3(Random.Range(-fireStagger.x, fireStagger.x), Random.Range(-fireStagger.y, fireStagger.y)); LaunchDamageEntity( isLeftHand, weapon, damageInfo, allDamageAmounts, CharacterBuff.Empty, 0, hasAimPosition, aimPosition, stagger); } RequestPlayWeaponLaunchEffect(isLeftHand); yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(totalDuration - triggerDuration)); isAttackingOrUsingSkill = false; }