private static void LimitDrops(CharacterDrop __instance, List <KeyValuePair <GameObject, int> > __result) { try { if (ConfigurationManager.GeneralConfig is null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < __result.Count; ++i) { var item = __result[i]; if (ConfigurationManager.GeneralConfig.DropLimit > 0 && item.Value > ConfigurationManager.GeneralConfig.DropLimit) { Log.LogTrace($"Limiting {}:{item.Value} to {ConfigurationManager.GeneralConfig.DropLimit}"); __result[i] = Limit(item, ConfigurationManager.GeneralConfig.DropLimit); continue; } var config = TempDropListCache.GetDrop(__instance, i); if (config is not null && config.Config.SetAmountLimit > 0 && item.Value > config.Config.SetAmountLimit) { Log.LogTrace($"Limiting {}:{item.Value} to {config.Config.SetAmountLimit}"); __result[i] = Limit(item, config.Config.SetAmountLimit); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.LogError("Error while checking and applying drop amount limits.", e); } }
public bool ShouldFilter(CharacterDrop.Drop drop, DropExtended dropExtended, CharacterDrop characterDrop) { var character = CharacterCache.GetCharacter(characterDrop); int minLevel = dropExtended.Config.ConditionMinLevel.Value; if (minLevel >= 0 && character is not null) { if (character.GetLevel() < minLevel) { Log.LogTrace($"{nameof(dropExtended.Config.ConditionMinLevel)}: Disabling drop {} due to level {character.GetLevel()} being below limit {minLevel}."); return(true); } } int maxLevel = dropExtended.Config.ConditionMaxLevel.Value; if (maxLevel >= 0 && character is not null) { if (character.GetLevel() > maxLevel) { Log.LogTrace($"{nameof(dropExtended.Config.ConditionMaxLevel)}: Disabling drop {} due to level {character.GetLevel()} being above limit {maxLevel}."); return(true); } } return(false); }
public static void Postfix(CharacterDrop __instance) { if (__instance.m_dropsEnabled) { EpicLoot.OnCharacterDeath(__instance); } }
public bool ShouldFilter(CharacterDrop.Drop drop, DropExtended dropExtended, CharacterDrop characterDrop) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dropExtended.Config.ConditionBiomes.Value)) { var character = CharacterCache.GetCharacter(characterDrop); var biomes = dropExtended.Config.ConditionBiomes.Value.Split(new[] { ',' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var currentBiome = WorldGenerator.instance.GetBiome(character.GetCenterPoint()).ToString().ToUpperInvariant(); var currentBiomeCleaned = currentBiome.ToUpperInvariant(); if (biomes.Length > 0) { bool foundBiome = biomes.Any(x => x.Trim().ToUpperInvariant() == currentBiome); if (!foundBiome) { Log.LogTrace($"{nameof(dropExtended.Config.ConditionBiomes)}: Disabling drop {} due to biome {currentBiome} not being in required list."); return(true); } } } return(false); }
public bool ShouldFilter(CharacterDrop.Drop drop, DropExtended dropExtended, CharacterDrop characterDrop) { var envMan = EnvMan.instance; if (dropExtended.Config.ConditionNotDay.Value && envMan.IsDay()) { Log.LogTrace($"{nameof(dropExtended.Config.ConditionNotDay)}: Disabling drop {} due to time of day."); return(true); } if (dropExtended.Config.ConditionNotAfternoon.Value && envMan.IsAfternoon()) { Log.LogTrace($"{nameof(dropExtended.Config.ConditionNotAfternoon)}: Disabling drop {} due to time of day."); return(true); } if (dropExtended.Config.ConditionNotNight.Value && envMan.IsNight()) { Log.LogTrace($"{nameof(dropExtended.Config.ConditionNotNight)}: Disabling drop {} due to time of day."); return(true); } return(false); }
private static void Postfix(CharacterDrop __instance, ref List <KeyValuePair <GameObject, int> > __result) { var playerList = new List <Player>(); Player.GetPlayersInRange(__instance.m_character.transform.position, 100f, playerList); var richesAmount = Random.Range(10, 100); var richesChance = playerList.Sum(player => player.m_nview.GetZDO().GetInt("el-rch")) * 0.01f; if (richesChance > 1) { richesAmount = Mathf.RoundToInt(richesAmount * richesChance); } if (Random.Range(0f, 1f) < richesChance) { foreach (var richesKv in RichesTable) { if (richesKv.Value <= richesAmount) { var amount = richesAmount / richesKv.Value; __result.Add(new KeyValuePair <GameObject, int>(richesKv.Key, amount)); richesAmount -= amount * richesKv.Value; } } } }
// Token: 0x06000260 RID: 608 RVA: 0x00013508 File Offset: 0x00011708 private void SpawnLoot(Vector3 center) { ZDO zdo = this.m_nview.GetZDO(); int @int = zdo.GetInt("drops", 0); if (@int <= 0) { return; } List <KeyValuePair <GameObject, int> > list = new List <KeyValuePair <GameObject, int> >(); for (int i = 0; i < @int; i++) { int int2 = zdo.GetInt("drop_hash" + i, 0); int int3 = zdo.GetInt("drop_amount" + i, 0); GameObject prefab = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(int2); if (prefab == null) { ZLog.LogWarning("Ragdoll: Missing prefab:" + int2 + " when dropping loot"); } else { list.Add(new KeyValuePair <GameObject, int>(prefab, int3)); } } CharacterDrop.DropItems(list, center + Vector3.up * 0.75f, 0.5f); }
public bool ShouldFilter(CharacterDrop.Drop drop, DropExtended extended, CharacterDrop characterDrop) { if (extended?.Config?.Subsections is null) { return(false); } var character = CharacterCache.GetCharacter(characterDrop); if (!character.IsBoss()) { return(false); } if (extended.Config.Subsections.TryGetValue(CharacterDropModConfigCLLC.ModName, out Config config) && config is CharacterDropModConfigCLLC cllcConfig) { if (!ValidConditionBossAffix(drop, cllcConfig, character)) { return(true); } if (!ValidConditionNotBossAffix(drop, cllcConfig, character)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public static void SaveLootListPrefix(Ragdoll __instance, CharacterDrop characterDrop) { if (characterDrop.m_character.GetSEMan().HaveStatusEffect("ChainExplosionListener")) { explosionList.Add(__instance.GetInstanceID(), characterDrop.m_character.GetMaxHealth() * (float)balance["AxeFire"]["effectVal"]); } }
public bool ShouldFilter(CharacterDrop.Drop drop, DropExtended dropExtended, CharacterDrop characterDrop) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dropExtended.Config.ConditionGlobalKeys.Value)) { var requiredKeys = dropExtended.Config.ConditionGlobalKeys.Value.SplitByComma(); if (requiredKeys.Count > 0) { bool foundRequiredKey = false; foreach (var key in requiredKeys) { foundRequiredKey = ZoneSystem.instance.GetGlobalKey(key); if (foundRequiredKey) { break; } } if (!foundRequiredKey) { Log.LogTrace($"{nameof(dropExtended.Config.ConditionGlobalKeys)}: Disabling drop {} due to not finding any of the requires global keys '{dropExtended.Config.ConditionGlobalKeys.Value}'."); return(true); } } } return(false); }
public static void OnCharacterDeath(CharacterDrop characterDrop) { var characterName = GetCharacterCleanName(characterDrop.m_character); var level = characterDrop.m_character.GetLevel(); var dropPoint = characterDrop.m_character.GetCenterPoint() + characterDrop.transform.TransformVector(characterDrop.m_spawnOffset); OnCharacterDeath(characterName, level, dropPoint); }
private static void Postfix(CharacterDrop __instance) { try { if (ConfigurationManager.CharacterDropConfigs == null) { Log.LogDebug("Loading drop tables"); ConfigurationManager.LoadAllCharacterDropConfigurations(); } string name =; CharacterDropMobConfiguration configMatch = FindConfigMatch(name); // Find drop list string dropListName = configMatch?.UseDropList?.Value; CharacterDropListConfiguration listConfig = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dropListName) && ConfigurationManager.CharacterDropLists is not null && ConfigurationManager.CharacterDropLists.TryGet(dropListName, out CharacterDropListConfiguration dropList)) { listConfig = dropList; } bool skipExisting = false; if (GeneralConfig.ClearAllExistingCharacterDrops || GeneralConfig.ClearAllExistingCharacterDropsWhenModified && (configMatch?.Subsections?.Any(x => x.Value.EnableConfig) == true || listConfig?.Subsections?.Any(x => x.Value.EnableConfig) == true)) { skipExisting = true; } if (skipExisting && __instance.m_drops.Count > 0) { Log.LogTrace($"[{name}]: Clearing '{__instance.m_drops.Count}'"); __instance.m_drops.Clear(); } // Merge list and mob config var configs = MobDropInitializationService.PrepareInsertion(listConfig, configMatch); foreach (var config in configs) { InsertDrops(__instance, config); } __instance.m_drops = ConditionChecker.FilterOnStart(__instance); } catch (Exception e) { Log.LogError("Error while attempting to configure creature drops.", e); } }
private void Awake() { m_nview = gameObject.GetComponent <ZNetView>(); m_chrct = gameObject.GetComponent <Character>(); m_mai = gameObject.GetComponent <MonsterAI>(); m_cDrop = GetComponent <CharacterDrop>(); m_chrct.m_onDeath = (Action)Delegate.Combine(new Action(this.OnDeath), m_chrct.m_onDeath); m_hum = gameObject.GetComponent <Humanoid>(); }
public bool ShouldFilter(CharacterDrop.Drop drop, DropExtended extended, CharacterDrop characterDrop) { if (IsValid(extended?.Config)) { return(false); } Log.LogTrace($"Filtered drop '{drop}' due to not being within required CLLC world level."); return(true); }
public bool ShouldFilter(CharacterDrop.Drop drop, DropExtended extended, CharacterDrop characterDrop) { if (drop is null || characterDrop.IsNull() || extended?.Config is null) { return(false); } var character = CharacterCache.GetCharacter(characterDrop); // Ignore if no character is associated with drop. if (character.IsNull()) { return(false); } #if DEBUG && VERBOSE Log.LogTrace($"[{}] Checking ConditionHitByEntityTypeRecently=" + extended.Config.ConditionHitByEntityTypeRecently.Value); #endif var configTypes = extended.Config.ConditionHitByEntityTypeRecently.Value.SplitByComma(); List <EntityType> entities; if (configTypes.Count == 0) { // Ignore if there are no entity types for condition to check. return(false); } else if (!configTypes.TryConvertToEnum(out entities)) { #if DEBUG Log.LogWarning($"[{}] Failed to convert EntityType to enum: " + configTypes.Join()); #endif return(false); } var recentHits = RecordRecentHits.GetRecentHits(character); #if DEBUG && VERBOSE Log.LogTrace($"[{}] Checking recent hits: " + recentHits.Select(x => GetHitterType(x)).Join()); Log.LogTrace($"[{}] Searching for hits by: " + entities.Join()); #endif var match = recentHits.Any(x => entities.Contains(GetHitterType(x))); if (!match) { Log.LogTrace($"Filtered drop '{}' due not being hit recently by required entity type."); } return(!match); }
// Token: 0x060000E0 RID: 224 RVA: 0x00006C00 File Offset: 0x00004E00 private void OnDeath() { if (!this.m_dropsEnabled) { return; } List <KeyValuePair <GameObject, int> > drops = this.GenerateDropList(); Vector3 centerPos = this.m_character.GetCenterPoint() + base.transform.TransformVector(this.m_spawnOffset); CharacterDrop.DropItems(drops, centerPos, 0.5f); }
public static List <CharacterDrop.Drop> FilterOnDeath(CharacterDrop characterDrop) { try { return(Instance.Filter(characterDrop, Instance.OnDeathConditions)); } catch (Exception e) { Log.LogError("Error while attempting to run OnDeath conditions. Skipping filtering.", e); return(characterDrop.m_drops); } }
public static void Postfix(CharacterDrop __instance, ref List <KeyValuePair <GameObject, int> > __result) { for (var index = 0; index < __result.Count; index++) { var dropEntry = __result[index]; if ( == "Coins") { __result.RemoveAt(index); var newAmount = dropEntry.Value * AdventureDataManager.Config.FulingCoinDropScale; __result.Insert(index, new KeyValuePair <GameObject, int>(dropEntry.Key, Mathf.RoundToInt(newAmount))); } } }
static void SetEnemyLootLevel(ref CharacterDrop __instance) { if (__instance.m_character.m_name.StartsWith("$enemy_")) { string enemyName = __instance.m_character.m_name.Substring(7, __instance.m_character.m_name.Length - 7); int level = GetLootLevelForEnemy(enemyName); if (level > 0) { __instance.m_character.m_level = level; logger.LogInfo("Setting " + enemyName + " to level " + level + " before it generates drops"); } } }
public static void Postfix(Ragdoll __instance, CharacterDrop characterDrop) { if (characterDrop == null || characterDrop.m_character == null || characterDrop.m_character.IsPlayer()) { return; } var characterName = EpicLoot.GetCharacterCleanName(characterDrop.m_character); var level = characterDrop.m_character.GetLevel(); __instance.m_nview.m_zdo.Set("characterName", characterName); __instance.m_nview.m_zdo.Set("level", level); }
private static void InsertDrops(CharacterDrop instance, CharacterDropItemConfiguration dropConfig) { //Sanity checks if (!dropConfig.IsValid()) { #if DEBUG Log.LogDebug($"Drop config {dropConfig.SectionKey} is not valid or enabled."); #endif return; } GameObject item = ObjectDB.instance.GetItemPrefab(dropConfig.PrefabName?.Value); if (item.IsNull()) { item = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(dropConfig.PrefabName.Value); } if (item.IsNull()) { Log.LogWarning($"[{dropConfig.SectionKey}]: No item '{dropConfig.PrefabName}' exists"); return; } CharacterDrop.Drop newDrop = new CharacterDrop.Drop { m_prefab = item, m_amountMax = dropConfig.SetAmountMax.Value, m_amountMin = dropConfig.SetAmountMin.Value, m_chance = dropConfig.SetChanceToDrop.Value / 100, m_levelMultiplier = dropConfig.SetScaleByLevel.Value, m_onePerPlayer = dropConfig.SetDropOnePerPlayer.Value, }; DropExtended.Set(newDrop, dropConfig); if (!GeneralConfig.AlwaysAppendCharacterDrops.Value) { int index = dropConfig.Index; if (instance.m_drops.Count > index) { Log.LogDebug($"[{dropConfig.SectionKey}]: Removing overriden item '{instance.m_drops[index]}' at index '{index}'."); instance.m_drops.RemoveAt(index); } } Insert(instance, dropConfig, newDrop); }
public static void OnCharacterDeath(CharacterDrop characterDrop) { var characterName ="(Clone)", ""); if (LootTables.TryGetValue(characterName, out LootTable lootTable)) { Debug.Log($"CharacterDrop OnDeath: {characterName}"); List <GameObject> loot = GetLoot(lootTable, characterName); DropItems(loot, characterDrop.m_character.GetCenterPoint() + characterDrop.transform.TransformVector(characterDrop.m_spawnOffset), 0.5f); } else { Debug.Log($"CharacterDrop OnDeath (no loot table): {characterName}"); } }
public bool ShouldFilter(CharacterDrop.Drop drop, DropExtended extended, CharacterDrop characterDrop) { if (!characterDrop || characterDrop is null || extended?.Config is null) { return(false); } if (IsValid(characterDrop.transform.position, extended.Config)) { return(false); } Log.LogTrace($"Filtered drop '{}' due not being within required distance to center of map."); return(true); }
private static void StoreConfigReferences(ZDO zdo, CharacterDrop drop, List <KeyValuePair <GameObject, int> > drops) { try { #if DEBUG Log.LogDebug($"Packing config references for zdo {zdo.m_uid}"); #endif var cache = TempDropListCache.GetDrops(drops); cache ??= TempDropListCache.GetDrops(drop); // If we somehow failed to keep a consistent list reference (probably mod conflict). Attempt with the original CharacterDrop instead. if (cache is null) { #if DEBUG Log.LogDebug($"Found no drops for zdo {zdo.m_uid}"); #endif return; } List <DropConfig> package = cache.ConfigByIndex .Select(x => new DropConfig { Index = x.Key, ConfigKey = x.Value.Config.SectionKey, IsList = x.Value.Config.IsFromNamedList, }) .ToList(); using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream()) { BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter(); binaryFormatter.Serialize(memStream, package); byte[] serialized = memStream.ToArray(); #if DEBUG Log.LogDebug($"Serialized and set drops for zdo {zdo.m_uid}"); #endif zdo.Set(ZDOKey, serialized); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.LogError("Error while attempting to store configurations for items to be dropped on ragdoll 'puff'.", e); } }
private static void Insert(CharacterDrop __instance, CharacterDropItemConfiguration config, CharacterDrop.Drop drop) { int index = config.Index; if (index >= 0 && __instance.m_drops.Count >= index && !ConfigurationManager.GeneralConfig.AlwaysAppendCharacterDrops.Value) { Log.LogDebug($"[{}]: Inserting drop {config.PrefabName.Value} at index '{index}'."); __instance.m_drops.Insert(index, drop); } else { Log.LogDebug($"[{}]: Adding item {config.PrefabName.Value}."); __instance.m_drops.Add(drop); } }
public bool ShouldFilter(CharacterDrop.Drop drop, DropExtended extended, CharacterDrop characterDrop) { var character = CharacterCache.GetCharacter(characterDrop); if (!ValidConditionCreatureStates(drop, extended, character)) { return(true); } if (!ValidConditionNotCreatureStates(drop, extended, character)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public bool ShouldFilter(CharacterDrop.Drop drop, DropExtended extended, CharacterDrop characterDrop) { if (!characterDrop || characterDrop is null || extended?.Config is null) { return(false); } var character = CharacterCache.GetCharacter(characterDrop); if (IsValid(character, extended.Config)) { return(false); } Log.LogTrace($"Filtered drop '{}' due not being killed by required entity type."); return(true); }
// Token: 0x0600025F RID: 607 RVA: 0x0001346C File Offset: 0x0001166C private void SaveLootList(CharacterDrop characterDrop) { List <KeyValuePair <GameObject, int> > list = characterDrop.GenerateDropList(); if (list.Count > 0) { ZDO zdo = this.m_nview.GetZDO(); zdo.Set("drops", list.Count); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { KeyValuePair <GameObject, int> keyValuePair = list[i]; int prefabHash = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefabHash(keyValuePair.Key); zdo.Set("drop_hash" + i, prefabHash); zdo.Set("drop_amount" + i, keyValuePair.Value); } } }
// Token: 0x0600025E RID: 606 RVA: 0x00013380 File Offset: 0x00011580 public void Setup(Vector3 velocity, float hue, float saturation, float value, CharacterDrop characterDrop) { velocity.x *= this.m_velMultiplier; velocity.z *= this.m_velMultiplier; this.m_nview.GetZDO().Set("InitVel", velocity); this.m_nview.GetZDO().Set("Hue", hue); this.m_nview.GetZDO().Set("Saturation", saturation); this.m_nview.GetZDO().Set("Value", value); if (this.m_mainModel) { this.m_mainModel.material.SetFloat("_Hue", hue); this.m_mainModel.material.SetFloat("_Saturation", saturation); this.m_mainModel.material.SetFloat("_Value", value); } if (characterDrop) { this.SaveLootList(characterDrop); } }
private static void MoveConfigReferenceFromComponentToDrop(CharacterDrop __instance, List <KeyValuePair <GameObject, int> > __result) { try { var instanceReferences = TempDropListCache.GetDrops(__instance); if (instanceReferences is not null) { //Re-associate result with configs. foreach (var reference in instanceReferences.ConfigByIndex) { TempDropListCache.SetDrop(__result, reference.Key, reference.Value); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.LogWarning("Error while attempting to keep track of drops.", e); } }