コード例 #1
        public IActionResult Create(CharacterCreateRequest request)
                bool response = _characterLogic.Create(request);

                if (!response)
                    return(BadRequest(new { message = "character couldnt be created" }));

            catch (Exception e)
                return(BadRequest(new { message = e.ToString() }));
コード例 #2
        private async Task HandleCharacterCreate(CharacterCreateRequest request)
                await ShardSession.CreateCharacter(request);

                ForwardPacket(new CharacterCreateResponse()
                    Response = CharacterCreateResponseCode.Success
            catch (CharacterAlreadyExistsException)
                ForwardPacket(new CharacterCreateResponse()
                    Response = CharacterCreateResponseCode.NameTaken
コード例 #3
        public async Task CreateCharacter(CharacterCreateRequest request)

            var characterList = GrainFactory.GetGrain <ICharacterList>(ShardName);
            var id            = await characterList.AddCharacter(request.Name, AuthenticatedIdentity);

                var character = GrainFactory.GetGrain <ICharacter>(id);
                var entity    = await character.Create(request.Name, AuthenticatedIdentity, ShardName, request.Race, request.Class, request.Sex, request.Skin, request.Face, request.HairStyle, request.HairColor, request.FacialHair);
            catch (Exception)
                // un-create the character in the character list if an error occurred, or it will crash the character list on reboot
                await characterList.RemoveCharacter(request.Name, AuthenticatedIdentity);

                // and re-throw the exception
コード例 #4
 public void OnCharacterCreateRequest(MessageEventArgs args, CharacterCreateRequest request)
     _characters[request.Slot] = request.Character;
     // init character
     request.Character.Status = new Status()
         Health           = 100,
         MaxHealth        = 100,
         Mana             = 100,
         MaxMana          = 100,
         Endurance        = 100,
         MaxEndurance     = 100,
         Concentration    = 100,
         MaxConcentration = 100
     // everyone starts in cotswold
     request.Character.Region      = 1;
     request.Character.Coordinates = new Coordinates(560467, 511652, 2344, 3398);
     // update the client with location, stats, level, starter gear, etc.
     OnCharacterOverviewRequest(args, new CharacterOverviewRequest(request.Character.Classification.Realm));
コード例 #5
        public async Task CharacterCreate(CharacterCreateRequest packet, IRakConnection connection)
            var session = Server.SessionCache.GetSession(connection.EndPoint);

            uint shirtLot;
            uint pantsLot;

            await using (var ctx = new CdClientContext())
                //    Shirt
                var shirtColor = await ctx.BrickColorsTable.FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id == packet.ShirtColor);

                var shirtName =
                    $"{(shirtColor != null ? shirtColor.Description : "Bright Red")} Shirt {packet.ShirtStyle}";
                var shirt = ctx.ObjectsTable.ToArray().FirstOrDefault(o =>
                                                                      string.Equals(o.Name, shirtName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
                shirtLot = (uint)(shirt != null ? shirt.Id : 4049);  // Select 'Bright Red Shirt 1' if not found.

                //    Pants
                var pantsColor = await ctx.BrickColorsTable.FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id == packet.PantsColor);

                var pantsName = $"{(pantsColor != null ? pantsColor.Description : "Bright Red")} Pants";
                var pants     = ctx.ObjectsTable.ToArray().FirstOrDefault(o =>
                                                                          string.Equals(o.Name, pantsName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
                pantsLot = (uint)(pants != null ? pants.Id : 2508);  // Select 'Bright Red Pants' if not found.

            var first  = (await Server.Resources.ReadTextAsync("names/minifigname_first.txt")).Split('\n');
            var middle = (await Server.Resources.ReadTextAsync("names/minifigname_middle.txt")).Split('\n');
            var last   = (await Server.Resources.ReadTextAsync("names/minifigname_last.txt")).Split('\n');

            var name = (
                first[packet.Predefined.First] +
                middle[packet.Predefined.Middle] +
                ).Replace("\r", "");

            await using (var ctx = new UchuContext())
                if (ctx.Characters.Any(c => c.Name == packet.CharacterName))
                    Logger.Debug($"{connection} character create rejected due to duplicate name");
                    connection.Send(new CharacterCreateResponse
                        ResponseId = CharacterCreationResponse.CustomNameInUse


                if (ctx.Characters.Any(c => c.Name == name))
                    Logger.Debug($"{connection} character create rejected due to duplicate pre-made name");
                    connection.Send(new CharacterCreateResponse
                        ResponseId = CharacterCreationResponse.PredefinedNameInUse


                var user = await ctx.Users.Include(u => u.Characters).SingleAsync(u => u.UserId == session.UserId);

                user.Characters.Add(new Character
                    CharacterId   = IdUtilities.GenerateObjectId(),
                    Name          = name,
                    CustomName    = packet.CharacterName,
                    ShirtColor    = packet.ShirtColor,
                    ShirtStyle    = packet.ShirtStyle,
                    PantsColor    = packet.PantsColor,
                    HairStyle     = packet.HairStyle,
                    HairColor     = packet.HairColor,
                    Lh            = packet.Lh,
                    Rh            = packet.Rh,
                    EyebrowStyle  = packet.EyebrowStyle,
                    EyeStyle      = packet.EyeStyle,
                    MouthStyle    = packet.MouthStyle,
                    LastZone      = (int)ZoneId.VentureExplorerCinematic,
                    LastInstance  = 0,
                    LastClone     = 0,
                    InventorySize = 20,
                    LastActivity  = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
                    Items         = new List <InventoryItem>
                        new InventoryItem
                            InventoryItemId = IdUtilities.GenerateObjectId(),
                            LOT             = (int)shirtLot,
                            Slot            = 0,
                            Count           = 1,
                            InventoryType   = (int)InventoryType.Items,
                            IsEquipped      = true
                        new InventoryItem
                            InventoryItemId = IdUtilities.GenerateObjectId(),
                            LOT             = (int)pantsLot,
                            Slot            = 1,
                            Count           = 1,
                            InventoryType   = (int)InventoryType.Items,
                            IsEquipped      = true
                    CurrentImagination = 0,
                    MaximumImagination = 0

                    $"{user.Username} created character \"{packet.CharacterName}\" with the pre-made name of \"{name}\"");

                await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();

                connection.Send(new CharacterCreateResponse
                    ResponseId = CharacterCreationResponse.Success

                await SendCharacterList(connection, session.UserId);
コード例 #6
        public bool Create(CharacterCreateRequest request)
            CharacterDataModel character = _converter.RequestToDataModel(request);
