コード例 #1
        protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)

            // TODO Developers - you can load your additional checks from a database, etc.
            //  In all of my apps, I allow the user to create new checks while running the app and then persist them to the database.
            //  When adding new checks at runtime, remember to add them to the below cache as well as the database. Optionally, add to the database and then refresh the cache from the database.
            var defaultRules = CharacterCasingChecks.GetChecks();

            defaultRules.Add(new CharacterCasingCheck("Us Bank", "US Bank"));
            CharacterCasingChecks.SetGetChecksSource(() => defaultRules);
コード例 #2
ファイル: CharacterCasesFixture.cs プロジェクト: ude01x/Ocean
        public void WhenCustomCharacterCaseRulesAreAddedTheyAreHonored()
            // arrange
            var defaultRules = CharacterCasingChecks.GetChecks();

            defaultRules.Add(new CharacterCasingCheck("Abc", "ABC"));
            CharacterCasingChecks.SetGetChecksSource(() => defaultRules);
            const String TargetPropertyName  = nameof(_sut.FirstName);
            const String TargetPropertyValue = "abc";
            const String ExpectedValue       = "ABC";

            // act assert
            base.RunValidation(TargetPropertyValue, ExpectedValue, TargetPropertyName, _sut);