public void Respawn() { VARS.HP = VARS.HPMAX; charS = CharS.Idle; TCell = Map.GetClosestTile(transform.position); UpdateCurrentTile(); }
void Start() { //Инициализация anim = GetComponent <Animation>(); rig = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); VARS = GetComponent <PlayerVars>(); rig.isKinematic = !GetComponent <NetworkView>().isMine; //Дабы не случилось форсмажоров transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, 51.4f, transform.position.z); Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(10, 10, true); Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(10, 11, true); charS = CharS.Idle; damage_timer = Time.time; //PATHFINDING self = GetComponent <RTSObject>(); UpdateCurrentTile(); DontDestroyOnLoad(this); }
void Update() { if (GetComponent <NetworkView>().isMine) { if (open) { if (!anim.IsPlaying("Open") && charS == CharS.Open) { anim.CrossFade("Fade"); charS = CharS.Fade; rig.detectCollisions = false; } if (!anim.IsPlaying("Fade") && charS == CharS.Fade) { Network.Destroy(GetComponent <NetworkView>().viewID); Network.RemoveRPCs(GetComponent <NetworkView>().viewID); } } LayerMask layer = (1 << 8); if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -transform.up, 1f, layer) && !open) { anim.CrossFade("Open"); charS = CharS.Open; open = true; } } //Если это клон других игроков, то назначаем принятые переменные в методе OnSerializeNetworkView else { syncTime += Time.deltaTime; rig.position = Vector3.Slerp(syncStartPosition, syncEndPosition, syncTime / syncDelay); charS = chr; transform.rotation = rtOUT; //Контроллер анимаций if (anim) { switch (charS) { case CharS.Idle: anim.CrossFade("Idle"); break; case CharS.Open: anim.CrossFade("Open"); break; case CharS.Fade: anim.CrossFade("Fade"); break; } } } }
void OnMouseDown() { if (!open && rig.velocity.magnitude < 1f) { anim.CrossFade("Open"); charS = CharS.Open; open = true; } }
//Обмен значениями данного скрипта void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info) { Vector3 syncPosition =; Vector3 syncVelocity =; int ch = (int)charS; float hp = VARS.HP; Quaternion rtIN = transform.rotation; if (stream.isWriting) { syncPosition = rig.position; stream.Serialize(ref syncPosition); syncVelocity = rig.velocity; stream.Serialize(ref syncVelocity); stream.Serialize(ref rtIN); stream.Serialize(ref ch); stream.Serialize(ref hp); } else { stream.Serialize(ref syncPosition); stream.Serialize(ref syncVelocity); stream.Serialize(ref rtIN); stream.Serialize(ref ch); stream.Serialize(ref hp); chr = (CharS)ch; HPP = hp; rtOUT = rtIN; //Интерполяция передвижения syncTime = 0f; syncDelay = Time.time - lastSynchronizationTime; lastSynchronizationTime = Time.time; syncEndPosition = syncPosition + syncVelocity * syncDelay; syncStartPosition = rig.position; } }
void Start() { //Инициализация anim = GetComponent <Animation>(); rig = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); Part = GetComponentInChildren <ParticleSystem>(); Part.Stop(); foreach (AnimationState clip in anim) { CHAR.Add(; } damage_timer = Time.time; target = transform; //PATHFINDING self = GetComponent <RTSObject>(); UpdateCurrentTile(); charS = CharS.Idle; }
private void MoveForward() { if (TCell != null) { if ((!TCell.Occupied || TCell.OccupiedBy == self) || Path.Count <= 1) { //КОСТЫЛЬ! Vector3 temp_move = new Vector3((Path[0] - transform.position).x, 0, (Path[0] - transform.position).z).normalized; if (Physics.SphereCast(transform.position, 1.2f, transform.forward, out hit, speed / 4, layer)) { temp_move += hit.normal; last_move = temp_move; wall_delay = Time.time; } if (Time.time - wall_delay < 0.25f) { temp_move = last_move; } //КОНЕЦ КОСТЫЛЯ! //Поворот модели в сторону вектора передвижения Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(temp_move); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rot, Time.deltaTime * 10f); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0); //rig.AddForce(temp_move*speed); //Назначаем анимацию и вектор скорости rig.velocity = new Vector3(transform.forward.x * speed, gravity, transform.forward.z * speed); charS = CharS.Run; if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, Path[0]) < speed / 8) { Path.RemoveAt(0); if (Path.Count > 0) { TCell = Map.GetClosestTile(Path[0]); } else { TCell = null; Path = null; rig.velocity =; charS = CharS.Idle; } } } else if (TCell.OccupiedStatic) { //We're occupied static, lets find a path without static obstacles if (!Request) { Request = true; Debug.Log("STATIC"); //rig.velocity =; FindObjectOfType <ThreadManager>().AddPathfindingThread(new GetPathThread(self, CurrentCell, ACell.Center, Const.BLOCKINGLEVEL_OccupiedStatic, ThreadCallBack)); } } else if (TCell.Occupied) { //We want to wait, unless the unit on the occupied tile is waiting for this tile if (!Request) //&& Map.GetClosestTile(TCell.OccupiedBy.transform.position) == CurrentCell { //Set target tile to null, this will stop the other unit from also trtying to find a dynamic path, but it will get updated once the thread finishes TCell = null; Request = true; Debug.Log("DYNAMIC"); FindObjectOfType <ThreadManager>().AddPathfindingThread(new GetPathThread(self, CurrentCell, ACell.Center, Const.BLOCKINGLEVEL_Occupied, ThreadCallBack)); } } } }
void Update() { //Если объект создан на данном компьютере if (GetComponent <NetworkView>().isMine) { LayerMask lrr = (1 << 12); if (!Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -transform.up, 10f, lrr)) { if (VARS.HP > 0) { //Пускаем луч в землю, находим точку передвижения #if UNITY_ANDROID Touch[] touches = Input.touches; if (touches.Length == 1) { if (touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Began) #else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) #endif { Ray rc = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (Physics.Raycast(rc, out hit, Mathf.Infinity)) { if (hit.transform.tag == "Ground") { target = null; ACell = Map.GetClosestTile(hit.point); CurrentCell = Map.GetClosestTile(transform.position); FindObjectOfType <ThreadManager>().AddPathfindingThread(new GetPathThread(self, CurrentCell, hit.point, Const.BLOCKINGLEVEL_Normal)); Instantiate(Resources.Load("PointClick", typeof(GameObject)), hit.point, Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0)); } if ((hit.transform.tag == "Player") || (hit.transform.tag == "Enemy")) { target = hit.transform; if (target == transform) { transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((hit.point - transform.position).normalized); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0); target = null; TCell = null; Path = null; rig.velocity =; charS = CharS.Idle; } else { ACell = Map.GetClosestTile(target.position); CurrentCell = Map.GetClosestTile(transform.position); FindObjectOfType <ThreadManager>().AddPathfindingThread(new GetPathThread(self, CurrentCell, target.position, Const.BLOCKINGLEVEL_Normal)); } } } } } //Если мы не в точке назначения if (Path != null && Path.Count > 0) { //Двигаемся согласно пути MoveForward(); //Обновить текущий тайл UpdateCurrentTile(); } if (target != null) { if ((target.position - transform.position).magnitude < VARS.Range) { TCell = null; Path = null; charS = CharS.Attack; //Поворот модели в сторону противника Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation((target.position - transform.position).normalized); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rot, Time.deltaTime * 10f); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0); if (Time.time - damage_timer >= VARS.AttackSpeed + 1f) { damage_timer = Time.time; } if (target.tag == "Player") { if (target.GetComponent <PlayerVars>().HP <= 0) { target = null; } else if (Time.time - damage_timer >= VARS.AttackSpeed) { damage_timer = Time.time; } } if (target.tag == "Enemy") { if (target.GetComponent <EnemyAI>().HP > 0) { float DMG = Time.time - damage_timer; if (DMG >= VARS.AttackSpeed) { target.GetComponent <EnemyAI>().HP -= VARS.Damage * DMG; damage_timer = Time.time; } } else { target = null; } } } else if ((ACell != null) && (ACell != Map.GetClosestTile(target.position))) { ACell = Map.GetClosestTile(target.position); FindObjectOfType <ThreadManager>().AddPathfindingThread(new GetPathThread(self, CurrentCell, target.position, Const.BLOCKINGLEVEL_OccupiedStatic)); } } else if (charS == CharS.Attack) { charS = CharS.Idle; } } //Смерть else { charS = CharS.Death; TCell = null; Path = null; rig.velocity =; GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <Connection>().Respawn = GetComponent <Controller>(); } } if (Input.GetKeyUp("z")) { VARS.HP = 0; } } //Если это клон других игроков, то назначаем принятые переменные в методе OnSerializeNetworkView else { syncTime += Time.deltaTime; rig.position = Vector3.Slerp(syncStartPosition, syncEndPosition, syncTime / syncDelay); Cell curcell = Map.GetClosestTile(transform.position); if (CurrentCell != curcell) { CurrentCell.NoLongerOccupied(self); CurrentCell = curcell; CurrentCell.SetOccupied(self, false); } if (chr == CharS.Idle || chr == CharS.Attack) { if (charS == CharS.Death) { VARS.HP = VARS.HPMAX; } CurrentCell.SetOccupied(self, true); } charS = chr; VARS.HP = HPP; transform.rotation = rtOUT; if (charS == CharS.Attack) { if (Time.time - damage_timer >= VARS.AttackSpeed + 1f) { damage_timer = Time.time; } Vector3 pos = new Vector3(transform.position.x, 1.6f, transform.position.z); if (Physics.Raycast(pos, transform.forward, out hit, speed / 4)) { float DMG = Time.time - damage_timer; if (DMG >= VARS.AttackSpeed) { if (hit.transform.tag == "Player") { hit.transform.GetComponent <PlayerVars>().HP -= VARS.Damage * DMG; damage_timer = Time.time; } if (hit.transform.tag == "Enemy") { hit.transform.GetComponent <EnemyAI>().HP -= VARS.Damage * DMG; damage_timer = Time.time; } } } } } //Контроллер анимаций if (anim) { switch (charS) { case CharS.Idle: anim.CrossFade("idle"); break; case CharS.Run: anim.CrossFade("run"); break; case CharS.Attack: anim.CrossFade("attack"); if (CurrentCell.Occupied) { CurrentCell.NoLongerOccupied(self); } break; case CharS.Death: anim.CrossFade("death"); break; } } }
void Update() { if (HP <= 0) { Network.Destroy(GetComponent <NetworkView>().viewID); Network.RemoveRPCs(GetComponent <NetworkView>().viewID); } if (target == transform) { float dist = 100000000.0f; foreach (GameObject go in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player")) { if (go.GetComponent <PlayerVars>().HP > 0) { if ((go.transform.position - transform.position).magnitude < dist) { target = go.transform; dist = (go.transform.position - transform.position).magnitude; ACell = Map.GetClosestTile(target.position); CurrentCell = Map.GetClosestTile(transform.position); FindObjectOfType <ThreadManager>().AddPathfindingThread(new GetPathThread(self, CurrentCell, target.position, Const.BLOCKINGLEVEL_Normal)); } } } } else { if (!target) { target = transform; } else { if ((target.position - transform.position).magnitude < radius) { Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3((target.position - transform.position).x, 0f, (target.position - transform.position).z)); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rot, Time.deltaTime * 10f); if (Time.time - damage_timer >= 2f) { damage_timer = Time.time; } float DMG = Time.time - damage_timer; if (Time.time - damage_timer >= 1f) { target.GetComponent <PlayerVars>().HP -= DAMAGE * DMG; if (Part.isStopped) { Part.Play(); } damage_timer = Time.time; } charS = CharS.Attack; UpdateCurrentTile(); //if(CurrentCell.Occupied) CurrentCell.NoLongerOccupied(self); } //Если мы не в точке назначения else if (Path != null && Path.Count > 0) { //Двигаемся согласно пути MoveForward(); if (Part.isPlaying) { Part.Stop(); } //Обновить текущий тайл UpdateCurrentTile(); } if ((ACell != null) && (ACell != Map.GetClosestTile(target.position))) { ACell = Map.GetClosestTile(target.position); CurrentCell = Map.GetClosestTile(transform.position); FindObjectOfType <ThreadManager>().AddPathfindingThread(new GetPathThread(self, CurrentCell, target.position, Const.BLOCKINGLEVEL_Normal)); } if (target.GetComponent <PlayerVars>().HP <= 0) { target = transform; charS = CharS.Idle; } } } //Контроллер анимаций if (anim) { anim.CrossFade(CHAR[(int)charS]); } }