public override async Task SetPageImpl(int page) { // Deactivate the previous interactive message if necessary if (CurrentInteractiveMessage != null) { await DiscordBot.DeactivateInteractiveMessage(CurrentInteractiveMessage); } // Check if a new message should be sent IUserMessage messageToModify; if (ShouldSendNewMessage || CurrentInteractiveMessage == null) { messageToModify = null; } else { messageToModify = CurrentInteractiveMessage.TargetMessage; } // Flip the message flag if needed if (ShouldSendNewMessage) { ShouldSendNewMessage = false; } switch ((SetupFlowPage)page) { case SetupFlowPage.Root: // Check if a GuildSettings instance exists GuildSettings = Configuration.LoadedConfiguration.DiscordConfig.GuildSettings.Where(g => g.GuildId == Guild.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (GuildSettings != null && GuildSettings.ChannelSettings.Count != 0) { // Go to mode select goto case SetupFlowPage.ModeSelect; } else { // Create a new GuildSettings instance GuildSettings = new GuildSettings(Guild.Id); Configuration.LoadedConfiguration.DiscordConfig.GuildSettings.Add(GuildSettings); // Set mode to add initial Mode = SetupFlowMode.AddInitial; // Go to enter channel goto case SetupFlowPage.ServerLanguageSelect; } case SetupFlowPage.ModeSelect: // Reset some variables TargetChannelId = 0; ChannelSettings = null; CurrentInteractiveMessage = new SetupModeSelectMessage(this, this.User, messageToModify); break; case SetupFlowPage.ServerLanguageSelect: // Check if there is one or no valid language if (ValidLanguages.Count() <= 1) { // Set the only language GuildSettings.SetSetting("default_language", ValidLanguages.FirstOrDefault()); // Set this SetupFlow's language DefaultLanguage = ValidLanguages.FirstOrDefault(); // Skip to select notifications goto case SetupFlowPage.EnterChannel; } CurrentInteractiveMessage = new LanguageChooserMessage(User, messageToModify, ValidLanguages, async(language) => { // Set chosen language GuildSettings.SetSetting("default_language", language); // Set this SetupFlow's language DefaultLanguage = language; // Go to next page await SetPage((int)SetupFlowPage.EnterChannel); }, "discord.setup.language_chooser.server", Language.EnglishUS); break; case SetupFlowPage.ChannelChooser: CurrentInteractiveMessage = new SetupChannelChooserMessage(this, this.User, messageToModify); break; case SetupFlowPage.EnterChannel: CurrentInteractiveMessage = new SetupEnterChannelMessage(this, this.User, messageToModify); break; case SetupFlowPage.SelectEditMode: CurrentInteractiveMessage = new SetupEditModeSelectMessage(this, this.User, messageToModify); break; case SetupFlowPage.SelectLanguage: // Check if there is one or no valid language if (ValidLanguages.Count() <= 1) { // Set the only language ChannelSettings.SetSetting("language", ValidLanguages.FirstOrDefault()); // Skip to select notifications goto case SetupFlowPage.SelectNotifications; } CurrentInteractiveMessage = new LanguageChooserMessage(User, messageToModify, ValidLanguages, async(language) => { // Set chosen language ChannelSettings.SetSetting("language", language); // Check if the message to modify is null if (messageToModify == null) { // Reflip the new message flag ShouldSendNewMessage = true; } // Go to next page await SetPage((int)SetupFlowPage.SelectNotifications); }, "", DefaultLanguage); break; case SetupFlowPage.SelectNotifications: CurrentInteractiveMessage = (InteractiveMessage)Activator.CreateInstance(TypeUtils.GetSubclassOfType <SetupNotificationsSelectorMessage>(), this, this.User, messageToModify); break; case SetupFlowPage.Exit: await CurrentInteractiveMessage.TargetMessage.ModifyAsync(p => { p.Embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle(Localizer.Localize("discord.setup.goodbye.title", DefaultLanguage)) .WithDescription(Localizer.Localize(LastPageIdx != (int)SetupFlowPage.ChannelChooser ? "discord.setup.goodbye.prompt" : "discord.setup.goodbye.prompt_last_deleted", DefaultLanguage)) .Build(); }); await DiscordBot.DeactivateInteractiveFlow(this); return; default: throw new Exception("Invalid Setup page"); } await DiscordBot.SendInteractiveMessageAsync(this.Channel, CurrentInteractiveMessage); }