private static void MonitorPrinter(string printerName, NotifyOptions printerNotifyOptions, PRINTER_CHANGE change) { if (printerNotifyOptions == null && change == 0) { throw new Exception("Either or both of printer changes or fields to monitor must be set."); } using var printerChangeNotification = ChangeNotification.Create(change, printerName, PRINTER_NOTIFY_CATEGORY.PRINTER_NOTIFY_CATEGORY_ALL, printerNotifyOptions); while (true) { printerChangeNotification.WaitHandle.WaitOne(); NotifyInfo printerNotifyInfo; bool refresh = false; do { printerNotifyInfo = printerChangeNotification.FindNextPrinterChangeNotification(refresh); WriteToConsole(printerNotifyInfo); refresh = true; // For next iteration if data overflowed } while ((printerNotifyInfo.Flags & NotifyInfo.PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO_DISCARDED) != 0); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the HTTP POST requests from Facebook for updates. /// </summary> public virtual async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Post() { IEnumerable <string> headerValues; if (Request.Headers.TryGetValues(XHubSignatureHeaderName, out headerValues)) { string signatureHeaderValue = headerValues.FirstOrDefault(); try { string contentString = await Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); FacebookClient client = FacebookConfiguration.ClientProvider.CreateClient(); ChangeNotification notification = client.VerifyPostSubscription(signatureHeaderValue, contentString, typeof(ChangeNotification)) as ChangeNotification; await HandleUpdateAsync(notification); } catch (ArgumentException argumentException) { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, argumentException)); } catch (HttpResponseException responseException) { return(responseException.Response); } } else { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse( HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.MissingRequiredHeader, XHubSignatureHeaderName))); } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); }
public override void HandlePushNotification(string func, object args) { try { if (Application.Current == null) { return; // not ready yet } if (func == "ActivityNotification") { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { ActivityNotification?.Invoke(this, (Priv10Engine.FwEventArgs)args); })); } else if (func == "ChangeNotification") { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { ChangeNotification?.Invoke(this, (Priv10Engine.ChangeArgs)args); })); } else { throw new Exception("Unknown Notificacion"); } } catch (Exception err) { AppLog.Exception(err); } }
public bool Register(string connectionId, Action <string[]> onChanged) { ConcurrentDictionary <string, IDisposable> dict; if (!Listeners.TryGetValue(typeof(TDomainObject), out dict)) { dict = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, IDisposable>(); if (!Listeners.TryAdd(typeof(TDomainObject), dict)) { return(false); } } var name = typeof(TDomainObject).FullName; var listener = ChangeNotification.Track <TDomainObject>().Subscribe(kv => onChanged(kv.Key)); if (!dict.TryAdd(connectionId, listener)) { listener.Dispose(); } else { ConcurrentBag <Type> bag; if (!Connections.TryGetValue(connectionId, out bag)) { bag = new ConcurrentBag <Type>(); Connections.TryAdd(connectionId, bag); } bag.Add(typeof(TDomainObject)); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Reset's the delivery queue for the airing /// </summary> /// <param name="statusQueues"></param> /// <param name="airing"></param> /// <returns>list of status change notifications</returns> private List <ChangeNotification> ResetDeliveryQueue(List <Queue> statusQueues, Airing airing) { IList <string> queuesTobeNotified = new List <string>(); List <string> airingStatusNames = airing.Status.Keys.ToList(); List <ChangeNotification> changeNotifications = new List <ChangeNotification>(); foreach (string statusname in airingStatusNames) { var subscribedQueues = statusQueues.Where(x => x.StatusNames.Contains(statusname)); foreach (var deliveryQueue in subscribedQueues.Select(e => e.Name)) { if (airing.DeliveredTo.Contains(deliveryQueue) || airing.IgnoredQueues.Contains(deliveryQueue) || airing.ChangeNotifications.Select(x => x.QueueName).Contains(deliveryQueue)) { if (changeNotifications.Select(x => x.QueueName).Contains(deliveryQueue)) { var existingChangeNotification = changeNotifications.Where(x => x.QueueName == deliveryQueue).FirstOrDefault(); existingChangeNotification.ChangedProperties.Add(statusname); } else { ChangeNotification newChangeNotification = new ChangeNotification(); newChangeNotification.QueueName = deliveryQueue; newChangeNotification.ChangeNotificationType = ChangeNotificationType.Status.ToString(); newChangeNotification.ChangedProperties.Add(statusname); newChangeNotification.ChangedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; changeNotifications.Add(newChangeNotification); } } } } return(changeNotifications); }
public void notify(ChangeNotification change, int i, int j, uint val) { if (change == ChangeNotification.VALUE_SET) { this.setNumberPresence(val); this.remainingCount--; } }
public void notify(ChangeNotification change, int i, int j, uint val) { if (change == ChangeNotification.VALUE_SET) { this.remainingCount--; valCountInBoard[val] = valCountInBoard[val] + 1; } }
public void Send(ChangeNotification localChangeNotification) { OnChangeNotification(this, localChangeNotification); foreach (var connectionState in connections) { connectionState.Value.CounterStorage.Send(localChangeNotification); } }
public void NotifyChange(Guid guid) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { ChangeNotification?.Invoke(this, new ProgramList.ChangeArgs() { guid = guid }); })); }
public override void HandlePushNotification(string func, List <byte[]> args) { //try { if (Application.Current == null) { return; // not ready yet } if (func == "ActivityNotification") { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { ActivityNotification?.Invoke(this, new Priv10Engine.FwEventArgs() { guid = GetGuid(args[0]), entry = GetLogEntry(args[1]), progID = GetProgID(args[2]), services = GetStrList(args[3]), update = GetBool(args[4]) }); })); } else if (func == "ChangeNotification") { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { ChangeNotification?.Invoke(this, new Priv10Engine.ChangeArgs() { prog = GetProg(args[0]), rule = GetRule(args[1]), type = GetEnum <Priv10Engine.RuleEventType>(args[2]), action = GetEnum <Priv10Engine.RuleFixAction>(args[3]) }); })); } else if (func == "UpdateNotification") { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { UpdateNotification?.Invoke(this, new Priv10Engine.UpdateArgs() { guid = GetGuid(args[0]), type = GetEnum <Priv10Engine.UpdateArgs.Types>(args[1]) }); })); } else { throw new Exception("Unknown Notificacion"); } } //catch (Exception err) //{ // AppLog.Exception(err); //} }
public void MultipleFields() { // Use a random comment then we don't have t worry about it being set from a previous run. var randomComment = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(); uint priority; var options = new NotifyOptions { Types = new List <NotifyOptionsType> { new NotifyOptionsType() { Fields = new List <ushort> { (ushort)PRINTER_NOTIFY_FIELD.PRINTER_NOTIFY_FIELD_COMMENT, (ushort)PRINTER_NOTIFY_FIELD.PRINTER_NOTIFY_FIELD_LOCATION, (ushort)PRINTER_NOTIFY_FIELD.PRINTER_NOTIFY_FIELD_PRIORITY, }, Type = NOTIFY_TYPE.PRINTER_NOTIFY_TYPE, } } }; using var changeNotification = ChangeNotification.Create(0, NameConstants.PrinterName, PRINTER_NOTIFY_CATEGORY.PRINTER_NOTIFY_CATEGORY_ALL, options); // If we don't close the printer handle before calling WaitOne then WaitOne can block indefinitely using (var printer = new SafePrinter(NameConstants.PrinterName)) { // This should trigger a change var pi2 = printer.GetPrinter(); pi2.pComment = randomComment + "Comment"; pi2.pLocation = randomComment + "Location"; priority = ++pi2.Priority & 0xFF; printer.SetPrinter(pi2, 0); } changeNotification.WaitHandle.WaitOne(); var change = changeNotification.FindNextPrinterChangeNotification(true); Assert.That(change.Change == 0); // We didn't request change monitoring Assert.That(change.Data.Count, Is.EqualTo(3)); var comment = change.Data.First(d => d.Field == (int)PRINTER_NOTIFY_FIELD.PRINTER_NOTIFY_FIELD_COMMENT).Value; Assert.That(comment, Is.EqualTo(randomComment + "Comment")); var location = change.Data.First(d => d.Field == (int)PRINTER_NOTIFY_FIELD.PRINTER_NOTIFY_FIELD_LOCATION).Value; Assert.That(location, Is.EqualTo(randomComment + "Location")); var newPriority = change.Data.First(d => d.Field == (int)PRINTER_NOTIFY_FIELD.PRINTER_NOTIFY_FIELD_PRIORITY).Value; Assert.That(newPriority, Is.EqualTo(priority)); }
internal static SignalRChangeNotification Create(ChangeNotification original) { return(new SignalRChangeNotification { ChangeType = original.ChangeType, SourceFieldNames = original.SourceFieldNames, EntityType = original.EntityType.FullName, EntityKeys = original.EntityKeys }); }
/// <summary> /// Sends a ChangeNotification message to a customer. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">The request.</param> /// <param name="change">The object change.</param> /// <returns>The message identifier.</returns> public long ChangeNotification(IMessageHeader request, ObjectChange change) { var header = CreateMessageHeader(Protocols.StoreNotification, MessageTypes.StoreNotification.ChangeNotification, request.MessageId); var notification = new ChangeNotification() { Change = change }; return(Session.SendMessage(header, notification)); }
public override void ReceiverChange(ChangeNotification notifier) { base.ReceiverChange(notifier); if (Convert.ToDouble(notifier.Item.NewValue) > Convert.ToDouble(maxValue)) { if (Notifier != null) { Notifier(this, notifier); } } }
public override Task HandleUpdateAsync(ChangeNotification notification) { if (notification.Object == "user") { foreach (var entry in notification.Entry) { // 업데이트를 처리하기 위한 사용자의 논리를 입력함 } } throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override void ReceiverChange(ChangeNotification notifier) { base.ReceiverChange(notifier); if (Convert.ToDouble(notifier.Item.NewValue) > Convert.ToDouble(minValue)) { if (Notifier != null) { Notifier(this, notifier); } Console.WriteLine("Alarm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); } }
public override Task HandleUpdateAsync(ChangeNotification notification) { if (notification.Object == "user") { foreach (var entry in notification.Entry) { // Your logic to handle the update here } } throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override void ReceiverChange(ChangeNotification notifier) { double dif = Convert.ToDouble(notifier.Item.NewValue) - Convert.ToDouble(_Value); base.ReceiverChange(notifier); if (Convert.ToDouble(vChange) < dif) { if (Notifier != null) { Notifier(this, notifier); } Console.WriteLine("Alarm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); } }
public bool Register(string connectionId, Type type, string specificationJson, Action <string> onMatched) { Func <TDomainObject, bool> isMatched; try { ISpecification <TDomainObject> specification = (ISpecification <TDomainObject>)Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(specificationJson, type); isMatched = specification.IsSatisfied.Compile(); } catch { return(false); } ConcurrentDictionary <string, IDisposable> dict; if (!Listeners.TryGetValue(typeof(TDomainObject), out dict)) { dict = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, IDisposable>(); if (!Listeners.TryAdd(typeof(TDomainObject), dict)) { return(false); } } var name = typeof(TDomainObject).FullName; var listener = ChangeNotification.Track <TDomainObject>().Subscribe(kv => { foreach (var v in kv.Value.Value) { if (isMatched(v)) { onMatched(v.URI); } } }); if (!dict.TryAdd(connectionId, listener)) { listener.Dispose(); } else { ConcurrentBag <Type> bag; if (!Connections.TryGetValue(connectionId, out bag)) { bag = new ConcurrentBag <Type>(); Connections.TryAdd(connectionId, bag); } bag.Add(typeof(TDomainObject)); } return(true); }
public Task <TEntity> GetOrAdd <TEntity>(string key, Func <Task <TEntity> > valueGetter, MemoryCacheEntryOptions cacheOptions, Dictionary <string, string> tags = null) { if (!_settings.IsEnabled || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) { return(valueGetter()); } _cacheKeyUsage.AddOrUpdate(key, v => new CacheItemUsage { Type = typeof(TEntity), UsageCounter = 0 }, (k, v) => { v.UsageCounter += 1; return(v); }); return(_memoryCache.GetOrCreateAsync(key, v => { if (tags?.Count > 0) { var cancelationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); foreach (var tag in tags) { var sources = GetCancelationTokens(tag.Key, tag.Value); sources.TryAdd(key, cancelationSource); } var changeNotification = new ChangeNotification { Source = cancelationSource, Tags = tags }; cacheOptions.AddExpirationToken(new CancellationChangeToken(cancelationSource.Token)); cacheOptions.RegisterPostEvictionCallback(PostEvictionCallback, changeNotification); } else { cacheOptions.RegisterPostEvictionCallback(PostEvictionCallback); } v.SetOptions(cacheOptions); return valueGetter(); })); }
private IList <ChangeNotification> GetChangeNotifications(IList <string> queueNames, Airing currentAiring) { IList <ChangeNotification> changeNotifications = new List <ChangeNotification>(); foreach (var queueName in queueNames) { if (currentAiring.DeliveredTo.Contains(queueName) || currentAiring.ChangeNotifications.Select(x => x.QueueName).Contains(queueName) || currentAiring.IgnoredQueues.Contains(queueName)) { ChangeNotification changenotification = new ChangeNotification(); changenotification.QueueName = queueName; changenotification.ChangeNotificationType = ChangeNotificationType.Package.ToString(); changenotification.ChangedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; changeNotifications.Add(changenotification); } } return(changeNotifications); }
public void AddJob() { var options = new NotifyOptions { Types = new List <NotifyOptionsType> { new NotifyOptionsType { Fields = new List <ushort> { (ushort)JOB_NOTIFY_FIELD.JOB_NOTIFY_FIELD_PRINTER_NAME }, Type = NOTIFY_TYPE.JOB_NOTIFY_TYPE, } } }; using var changeNotification = ChangeNotification.Create(0, NameConstants.PrinterName, PRINTER_NOTIFY_CATEGORY.PRINTER_NOTIFY_CATEGORY_ALL, options); using var localPrintServer = new LocalPrintServer(); var defaultPrintQueue = localPrintServer.GetPrintQueue(NameConstants.PrinterName); var myPrintJob = defaultPrintQueue.AddJob(); // Write a Byte buffer to the JobStream and close the stream var myByteBuffer = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes("This is a test string for the print job stream."); using var myStream = myPrintJob.JobStream; myStream.Write(myByteBuffer, 0, myByteBuffer.Length); myStream.Close(); using var myStream2 = myPrintJob.JobStream; myStream2.Write(myByteBuffer, 0, myByteBuffer.Length); myStream2.Close(); changeNotification.WaitHandle.WaitOne(); var changes = changeNotification.FindNextPrinterChangeNotification(false); Assert.That(changes.Data.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(changes.Data.First().Value, Is.EqualTo(NameConstants.PrinterName)); }
public void Comment() { // Use a random comment then we don't have t worry about it being set from a previous run. var randomComment = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(); var options = new NotifyOptions { Types = new List <NotifyOptionsType> { new NotifyOptionsType() { Fields = new List <ushort> { (ushort)PRINTER_NOTIFY_FIELD.PRINTER_NOTIFY_FIELD_COMMENT }, Type = NOTIFY_TYPE.PRINTER_NOTIFY_TYPE, } } }; using var changeNotification = ChangeNotification.Create(0, NameConstants.PrinterName, PRINTER_NOTIFY_CATEGORY.PRINTER_NOTIFY_CATEGORY_ALL, options); // If we don't close the printer handle before calling WaitOne then WaitOne can block indefinitely using (var printer = new SafePrinter(NameConstants.PrinterName)) { // This should trigger a change var pi2 = printer.GetPrinter(); pi2.pComment = randomComment; pi2.pSecurityDescriptor = IntPtr.Zero; printer.SetPrinter(pi2, 0); } changeNotification.WaitHandle.WaitOne(); var change = changeNotification.FindNextPrinterChangeNotification(false); Assert.That(change.Change == 0); // We didn't request change monitoring Assert.That(change.Data.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(change.Data[0].Value, Is.EqualTo(randomComment)); }
public void Send(ChangeNotification notification) { var counterPrefix = CounterUtils.GetFullCounterName(notification.GroupName, notification.CounterName); if (watchAllCounters > 0 || matchingChanges.Contains(counterPrefix)) { var value = new { Value = notification, Type = changeNotificationType }; enqueue(value); } if (matchingPrefixes.Any(prefix => counterPrefix.StartsWith(prefix))) { var value = new { Value = notification, Type = startingWithNotification }; enqueue(value); } if (matchingGroups.Contains(notification.GroupName)) { var value = new { Value = notification, Type = inGroupNotificationType }; enqueue(value); } }
private async Task ProcessNotification(ChangeNotification notification, ILogger log) { var graphClient = _clientService.GetAppGraphClient(log); // The resource field in the notification has the URL to the // message, including the user ID and message ID. Since we // have the URL, use a MessageRequestBuilder instead of the fluent // API var msgRequestBuilder = new MessageRequestBuilder( $"{notification.Resource}", graphClient); var message = await msgRequestBuilder.Request() .Select(m => new { m.Subject }) .GetAsync(); log.LogInformation($"The following message was {notification.ChangeType}:"); log.LogInformation($"Subject: {message.Subject}, ID: {message.Id}"); }
public void SetPrinter() { using var changeNotification = ChangeNotification.Create(PRINTER_CHANGE.PRINTER_CHANGE_PRINTER, NameConstants.PrinterName, PRINTER_NOTIFY_CATEGORY.PRINTER_NOTIFY_CATEGORY_ALL, null); // Make sure changeNotification isn't signaled before we start Assert.That(changeNotification.WaitHandle.WaitOne(0), Is.False); // If we don't close the printer handle before calling WaitOne then WaitOne can block indefinitely using (var printer = new SafePrinter(NameConstants.PrinterName)) { // This should trigger a change var pi2 = printer.GetPrinter(); pi2.pComment = "A printer comment"; printer.SetPrinter(pi2, 0); } changeNotification.WaitHandle.WaitOne(); var change = changeNotification.FindNextPrinterChangeNotification(false); Assert.That(change.Change == PRINTER_CHANGE.PRINTER_CHANGE_SET_PRINTER); }
public abstract Task HandleUpdateAsync(ChangeNotification notification);
/// <summary> /// Retrieve status notifications for both file/video and filetype/status. Both /// are based on queue settings /// </summary> /// <param name="statusQueues"></param> /// <param name="airing"></param> /// <returns>list of status change notifications</returns> private List <ChangeNotification> GetNotificationList(Airing airing, List <string> statuses) { List <Queue> activeQueues = _queueSvc.GetByStatus(true); IList <string> queuesTobeNotified = new List <string>(); List <string> notifiableStatuses = statuses; List <ChangeNotification> changeNotifications = new List <ChangeNotification>(); // Prepare for file/video notification // Find all queues that are subscribed for video change notification // and prepare for notification List <string> videoQueueNames = activeQueues .Where(q => q.DetectVideoChanges) .Select(q => q.Name).ToList(); foreach (string queue in videoQueueNames) { if (airing.DeliveredTo.Contains(queue) || airing.IgnoredQueues.Contains(queue) || airing.ChangeNotifications.Select(x => x.QueueName).Contains(queue)) { ChangeNotification newChangeNotification = new ChangeNotification(); newChangeNotification.QueueName = queue; newChangeNotification.ChangeNotificationType = ChangeNotificationType.File.ToString(); newChangeNotification.ChangedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; changeNotifications.Add(newChangeNotification); } } // Prepare for filetype/status notifications foreach (string statusname in notifiableStatuses) { List <Queue> subscribedQueues = activeQueues.Where(x => x.StatusNames.Contains(statusname)).ToList(); foreach (string deliveryQueue in subscribedQueues.Select(e => e.Name)) { if (airing.DeliveredTo.Contains(deliveryQueue) || airing.IgnoredQueues.Contains(deliveryQueue) || airing.ChangeNotifications.Select(x => x.QueueName).Contains(deliveryQueue)) { if (!changeNotifications .Where(c => { return(c.QueueName.Contains(deliveryQueue) && c.ChangeNotificationType == ChangeNotificationType.Status.ToString()); }).IsNullOrEmpty()) { ChangeNotification existingChangeNotification = changeNotifications.Where(c => { return(c.QueueName.Contains(deliveryQueue) && c.ChangeNotificationType == ChangeNotificationType.Status.ToString()); }).FirstOrDefault(); existingChangeNotification.ChangedProperties.Add(statusname); } else { ChangeNotification newChangeNotification = new ChangeNotification(); newChangeNotification.QueueName = deliveryQueue; newChangeNotification.ChangeNotificationType = ChangeNotificationType.Status.ToString(); newChangeNotification.ChangedProperties.Add(statusname); newChangeNotification.ChangedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; changeNotifications.Add(newChangeNotification); } } } } return(changeNotifications); }
public void Send(ChangeNotification changeNotification) { var onCounterChangeNotification = OnChangeNotification; onCounterChangeNotification?.Invoke(changeNotification); }
public static void MiMetodo(object sender, ChangeNotification var) { Console.WriteLine("Alarm!!!!! " + var.Item.Name + " " + var.Item.NewValue); }