コード例 #1
		public void LoadFrom (ChangeLogPolicy policy)
			switch (policy.UpdateMode) {
			case ChangeLogUpdateMode.None:
				noneRadioButton.Active = true;				
			case ChangeLogUpdateMode.Nearest:
				nearestRadioButton.Active = true;				
			case ChangeLogUpdateMode.ProjectRoot:
				oneChangeLogInProjectRootDirectoryRadioButton.Active = true;				
			case ChangeLogUpdateMode.Directory:
				oneChangeLogInEachDirectoryRadioButton.Active = true;				
			checkVersionControl.Active = policy.VcsIntegration != VcsIntegration.None;
			checkRequireOnCommit.Active = policy.VcsIntegration == VcsIntegration.RequireEntry;
			style = new CommitMessageStyle ();
			style.CopyFrom (policy.MessageStyle);
			var format = new CommitMessageFormat ();
			format.MaxColumns = 70;
			format.Style = style;
			SolutionItem item = null;
			if (parent.ConfiguredSolutionItem != null)
				item = parent.ConfiguredSolutionItem;
			else if (parent.ConfiguredSolution != null)
				item = parent.ConfiguredSolution.RootFolder;
			messageWidget.Load (format, item != null ? item.AuthorInformation : AuthorInformation.Default);
コード例 #2
 public ChangeLogInterceptor(Func<IPlatformRepository> repositoryFactory, ChangeLogPolicy policy, string[] entityTypes, IUserNameResolver userNameResolver)
     _repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
     _policy = policy;
     _entityTypes = entityTypes;
     _userNameResolver = userNameResolver;
コード例 #3
		// Returns the path of the ChangeLog where changes of the provided file have to be logged.
		// Returns null if no ChangeLog could be found.
		// Returns an empty string if changes don't have to be logged.
		public static string GetChangeLogForFile (string baseCommitPath, string file, out SolutionItem parentEntry, out ChangeLogPolicy policy)
			parentEntry = null;
			policy = null;
			if (!IdeApp.Workspace.IsOpen)
				return null;
			// Find the project that contains the file. If none is found
			// find a combine entry at the file location
			string bestPath = null;
			file = FileService.GetFullPath (file);
			foreach (SolutionItem e in IdeApp.Workspace.GetAllSolutionItems ()) {
				if (e is Project && ((Project)e).Files.GetFile (file) != null) {
					parentEntry = e;
				string epath = FileService.GetFullPath (e.BaseDirectory) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
				if (file.StartsWith (epath) && (bestPath == null || bestPath.Length < epath.Length)) {
					bestPath = epath;
					parentEntry = e;
			if (parentEntry == null)
				return null;
			policy = GetPolicy (parentEntry);
			if (baseCommitPath == null)
				baseCommitPath = parentEntry.ParentSolution.BaseDirectory;
			baseCommitPath = FileService.GetFullPath (baseCommitPath);
			if (policy.VcsIntegration == VcsIntegration.None)
				return "";
			switch (policy.UpdateMode)
				case ChangeLogUpdateMode.None:
					return string.Empty;
				case ChangeLogUpdateMode.Nearest: {
					string dir = FileService.GetFullPath (Path.GetDirectoryName (file));
					do {
						string cf = Path.Combine (dir, "ChangeLog");
						if (File.Exists (cf))
							return cf;
						dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (dir);
					} while (dir.Length >= baseCommitPath.Length);
					return null;
				case ChangeLogUpdateMode.ProjectRoot:				
					return Path.Combine (parentEntry.BaseDirectory, "ChangeLog");
				case ChangeLogUpdateMode.Directory:
					string fileDir = Path.GetDirectoryName (file);
					return Path.Combine (fileDir, "ChangeLog");

					LoggingService.LogError ("Could not handle ChangeLogUpdateMode: " + policy.UpdateMode);
					return null;
コード例 #4
		public static CommitMessageStyle GetMessageStyle (SolutionItem item)
			ChangeLogPolicy policy;
			if (item != null)
				policy = GetPolicy (item);
				policy = new ChangeLogPolicy ();
			return policy.MessageStyle;
コード例 #5
 public ChangeLogInterceptor(Func<IPlatformRepository> repositoryFactory, ChangeLogPolicy policy, string[] entityTypes)
     _repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
     _entityTypes = entityTypes;
     _policy = policy;