コード例 #1
ファイル: OrderScript.cs プロジェクト: chriskok/ProjectBistro
 public Order(int food, int x, int y, ChairModelScript c, int custID)
     this.food   = food;
     this.x      = x;
     this.y      = y;
     this.c      = c;
     this.custID = custID;
コード例 #2
ファイル: TileScript.cs プロジェクト: chriskok/ProjectBistro
    //Set the item chosen to be displayed on this tile
    public void SetItem(ItemScript.itemType it)
        if (chosen)
            this.it = it;
            if (model.GetComponent <ItemScript> () != null)
                model.GetComponent <ItemScript> ().enabled = false;
            currentModel = Instantiate(this.model, new Vector3(transform.position.x, yOffset, transform.position.z), model.transform.rotation);
            currentModel.transform.parent = this.transform;

            if (it == ItemScript.itemType.table)
                //Check all neighbours, if any are chairs call UpdateTableChosen on their ChairModelScripts
                foreach (TileScript t in neighbours)
                    if (t.it == ItemScript.itemType.chair)
                        ChairModelScript c = t.currentModel.GetComponent <ChairModelScript> ();
                GameManager.itemAmount [0]++;
                GameManager.money -= GameManager.itemPrices [0];

            if (it == ItemScript.itemType.chair)
                foreach (TileScript t in neighbours)
                    if (t.it == ItemScript.itemType.table)
                        ChairModelScript c = currentModel.GetComponent <ChairModelScript> ();
                GameManager.itemAmount [1]++;
                GameManager.money -= GameManager.itemPrices [1];

            //Wont set an item down if it's waiter: will cause blockage.
            if (it != ItemScript.itemType.waiter)
                itemSet = true;
            else if (it == ItemScript.itemType.waiter)
                GameManager.itemAmount [2]++;
                GameManager.money -= GameManager.itemPrices [2];
            Debug.Log("Tile has not been chosen");
コード例 #3
ファイル: OrderScript.cs プロジェクト: chriskok/ProjectBistro
    public void AssignRandomSeat()
        List <ChairModelScript> c = new List <ChairModelScript> ();

        foreach (TileScript t in GameManager.mapArray)
            if (t.it == ItemScript.itemType.chair)
                ChairModelScript currentScript = t.GetComponentInChildren <ChairModelScript> ();
                if (currentScript.tableChosen && currentScript.TableHasSpace() && !currentScript.occupied)
                    //Debug.Log ("Adding this chair at " + t.x + ", " + t.y);

        if (c.Count > 0)
            //Choose a random unoccupied seat
            int randomSeat = Random.Range(0, c.Count);
            //Debug.Log ("Random seat index: " + randomSeat);
            while (c [randomSeat].occupied == true)
                randomSeat = Random.Range(0, c.Count);
                //Debug.Log ("Next seat: " + randomSeat);

            int randomCust = Random.Range(0, GameManager.custNumber);
            //Debug.Log ("Random customer index: " + randomCust);
            while (GameManager.custList [randomCust].GetComponent <CustomerScript> ().isSeated == true)
                randomCust = Random.Range(0, GameManager.custNumber);
                //Debug.Log ("Next customer: " + randomCust);

            Vector2 freeSpacePosition = c [randomSeat].GetFreeSpace();
            c [randomSeat].occupied = true;

            GameManager.custList [randomCust].transform.position = c [randomSeat].transform.position;
            GameManager.custList [randomCust].transform.LookAt(c [randomSeat].tableModel.transform);
            GameManager.custList [randomCust].GetComponent <CustomerScript> ().isSeated = true;

            AddOrder((int)freeSpacePosition.x, (int)freeSpacePosition.y, c[randomSeat], randomCust);
            Debug.Log("No chairs to seat customers");
コード例 #4
ファイル: OrderScript.cs プロジェクト: chriskok/ProjectBistro
    public IEnumerator DeassignSeat(int foodType, ChairModelScript c, int custID)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(timeToLeave));

        // Send the customer back to the waiting zone and make the chair unoccupied
        GameManager.custList [custID].transform.position = new Vector3(31f, 0, 0);
        GameManager.custList [custID].GetComponent <CustomerScript> ().isSeated = false;
        c.occupied = false;

        //Pay the player for the type of food purchased
        GameManager.money += GameManager.foodPrices [foodType];

        //TODO: Don't take orders that have negatives and deassign the seat anyway.
コード例 #5
ファイル: OrderScript.cs プロジェクト: chriskok/ProjectBistro
    public void AddOrder(int x, int y, ChairModelScript c, int custID)
        //Formula to make the customer order the cheaper food item more often
        float[] percentages = new float[GameManager.foodPrices.Length];

        int totalPrice = 0;

        foreach (int f in GameManager.foodPrices)
            totalPrice += f;
        for (int i = 0; i < percentages.Length; i++)
            percentages [i] = (GameManager.foodPrices [i] / (float)totalPrice);
            //Debug.Log (i + ": " + percentages [i]);

        float inversePercent = 0;

        foreach (float f in percentages)
            inversePercent += 1 - f;
        for (int i = 0; i < percentages.Length; i++)
            percentages [i] = ((1 - percentages [i]) / inversePercent);
            //Debug.Log (i + ": " + percentages [i]);

        float rand       = Random.Range(0, 1f);
        bool  randChosen = false;

        while (!randChosen)
            if (rand < percentages [0] && GameManager.foodAmount [0] > 0)
                GameManager.foodAmount [0]--;
                orderList.Add(new Order(0, x, y, c, custID));

                Debug.Log("Burger order recieved at " + x + "," + y + ". Burgers left: " + GameManager.foodAmount [0]);
                randChosen = true;
            else if (rand < percentages [0] + percentages [1] && GameManager.foodAmount [1] > 0)
                GameManager.foodAmount [1]--;
                orderList.Add(new Order(1, x, y, c, custID));

                Debug.Log("Pasta order recieved at " + x + "," + y + ". Pastas left: " + GameManager.foodAmount [1]);
                randChosen = true;
            else if (rand < 1 && GameManager.foodAmount [2] > 0)
                GameManager.foodAmount [2]--;
                orderList.Add(new Order(2, x, y, c, custID));

                Debug.Log("Beverage order recieved at " + x + "," + y + ". Beverages left: " + GameManager.foodAmount [2]);
                randChosen = true;
            else if (GameManager.foodAmount [0] + GameManager.foodAmount [1] + GameManager.foodAmount [2] <= 0)
                Debug.Log("Ran out of food!");
                GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GM").GetComponent <GameManager>().ClearCustomers();
                randChosen = true;
                rand = Random.Range(0, 1f);
                //Debug.Log ("new rand: " + rand);

        //TODO: give the order to the closest free waiter.