public static Card Parse(string toParse) { Card c = null; switch (toParse.Length) { case 2: c = new Card(toParse[0].ToString(), toParse[1]); break; case 3: c = new Card(toParse.Substring(0, 2), toParse[2]); break; default: throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Must be in format VS where V is one of [{0}] and S is one of [{1}]", ValidValues, ValidSuites), nameof(toParse)); } ChainValidation <Card> Validation = CardValidationFactory.GetValidator(); var validationResult = Validation.Validate(c); if (!validationResult.IsValid) { throw validationResult.Exception; } return(c); }
private void AuthenticateUser(string email) { var result = authenticateUserValidation.Validate(new User { Email = email }); if (result.IsValid) { principalHelper.SetAuthenticatedUser(userRepository.Get(email)); Console.WriteLine("Authentication successful"); } else { Console.WriteLine(result.Exception.Message); } }
private void CreateNewUser(string email, string userName, int tenantId) { User user = new User { Email = email, UserName = userName, TenantId = tenantId }; var result = userCreationValidation.Validate(user); if (result.IsValid) { userRepository.Add(user); } else { Console.WriteLine(result.Exception); } }