コード例 #1
        public CessCategoryReportModel GetCessCategoryReport(string fromDate, string toDate, int categoryId, int foodMenuId)
            CessCategoryReportModel cessReport = new CessCategoryReportModel();

            using (var db = new SqlConnection(appSettings.GetConnectionString()))
                string cessSummaryQuery = string.Empty;
                string cessDetailQuery  = string.Empty;

                cessSummaryQuery = " SELECT FoodmenucategoryName," +
                                   " SUM(isnull(COI.VatableAmount, 0.00) + isnull(COI.NonVatableAmount, 0.00)) AS NetSales, SUM(isnull(COI.VatableAmount, 0)) as Vatable, SUM(isnull(COI.NonVatableAmount, 0.00)) AS NonVatable," +
                                   " SUM(isnull(COI.FoodMenuVat, 0.00)) AS TotalTax, SUM(ISNULL(COI.Grossamount, 0.00)) AS GrandTotal," +
                                   " convert(numeric(18, 2), round(((SUM(isnull(COI.VatableAmount, 0) + isnull(COI.NonVatableAmount, 0))) * 2) / 100, 2)) As CateringLevy" +
                                   " FROM CustomerOrder CO" +
                                   " INNER join CustomerOrderItem coi on CO.Id = COI.CustomerOrderId" +
                                   " inner join Foodmenu FM on FM.Id = COI.Foodmenuid" +
                                   " inner join Foodmenucategory FMC on FMC.ID = FM.FoodCAtegoryId" +
                                   " where CO.Orderstatus = 4 ";
                if (categoryId != -1)
                    cessSummaryQuery += " And FMC.Id = " + categoryId;
                if (foodMenuId != -1)
                    cessSummaryQuery += " And FM.Id = " + foodMenuId;

                cessSummaryQuery += " AND Convert(Date, CO.Orderdate, 103)  between Convert(Date, '" + fromDate + "', 103)  and Convert(Date, '" + toDate + "' , 103)  and CO.Isdeleted = 0 AND CO.OutletId = " + LoginDetail.OutletId +
                                    " group by FoodmenucategoryName ORDER BY FoodmenucategoryName";

                cessDetailQuery = " SELECT convert(varchar(10), CO.Orderdate, 103) AS BillDate, CO.SalesInvoiceNumber AS InvoiceNumber,(ISNULL(CO.VatableAmount, 0.00) + ISNULL(CO.NonVatableAmount, 0.00)) AS NetSales, ISNULL(CO.VatableAmount, 0.00) AS Vatable, ISNULL(CO.NonVatableAmount, 0.00) AS NonVatable, ISNULL(CO.TaxAmount, 0.00) AS TotalTax, ISNULL(CO.GrossAmount, 0.00) AS GrandTotal " +
                                  ", convert(numeric(18, 2), round(((isnull(CO.VatableAmount, 0.00) + isnull(CO.NonVatableAmount, 0.00)) * 2) / 100, 2)) As  CateringLevy" +
                                  "  FROM BILL B " +
                                  " INNER JOIN CustomerOrder CO ON CO.ID = B.CustomerOrderId " +
                                  " Where Convert(Date, CO.Orderdate, 103)  between Convert(Date, '" + fromDate + "', 103)  and Convert(Date, '" + toDate + "' , 103) And CO.OrderStatus = 4 AND CO.OutletId = " + LoginDetail.OutletId +
                                  " ORDER BY BillDate";

                cessReport.CessSummaryList = db.Query <CessCategorySummaryModel>(cessSummaryQuery).ToList();
                cessReport.CessDetailList  = db.Query <CessDetailModel>(cessDetailQuery).ToList();

コード例 #2
        private void btnCessReportExport_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            int categoryId = -1, foodMenuId = -1;

                if (!DateValidated(dpFromDate, dpToDate))
                    var messageBoxResult = WpfMessageBox.Show(StatusMessages.AppTitle, "Please select FROM DATE grater than or equal to TO DATE", MessageBoxButton.OK, EnumUtility.MessageBoxImage.Warning);

                CommonMethods           commonMethods = new CommonMethods();
                string                  path = string.Empty, firstLine = string.Empty;
                CustomerOrderViewModel  customerOrderViewModel  = new CustomerOrderViewModel();
                CessReportModel         cessReportModel         = new CessReportModel();
                CessCategoryReportModel cessCategoryReportModel = new CessCategoryReportModel();

                if (chkCess.IsChecked == false)
                    cessReportModel = customerOrderViewModel.GetCessReport(dpFromDate.SelectedDate.Value.ToString(CommonMethods.DateFormat), dpToDate.SelectedDate.Value.ToString(CommonMethods.DateFormat));

                    string fileName       = "CessReport_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy_HHmmss");
                    var    saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog
                        FileName   = fileName != "" ? fileName : "gpmfca-exportedDocument",
                        DefaultExt = ".xlsx",
                        Filter     = "Common Seprated Documents (.xlsx)|*.xlsx"

                    if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                        path      = saveFileDialog.FileName;
                        firstLine = LoginDetail.ClientName;
                        commonMethods.WriteCessExcelFile(commonMethods.ConvertToDataTable(cessReportModel.CessSummaryList), commonMethods.ConvertToDataTable(cessReportModel.CessDetailList), path, firstLine);
                    cessCategoryReportModel = customerOrderViewModel.GetCessCategoryReport(dpFromDate.SelectedDate.Value.ToString(CommonMethods.DateFormat), dpToDate.SelectedDate.Value.ToString(CommonMethods.DateFormat), categoryId, foodMenuId);

                    string fileName       = "CategoryWiseCessReport_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy_HHmmss");
                    var    saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog
                        FileName   = fileName != "" ? fileName : "gpmfca-exportedDocument",
                        DefaultExt = ".xlsx",
                        Filter     = "Common Seprated Documents (.xlsx)|*.xlsx"

                    if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                        path      = saveFileDialog.FileName;
                        firstLine = LoginDetail.ClientName;
                        commonMethods.WriteCessCategoryExcelFile(commonMethods.ConvertToDataTable(cessCategoryReportModel.CessSummaryList), commonMethods.ConvertToDataTable(cessCategoryReportModel.CessDetailList), path, firstLine);
            catch (Exception ex)