コード例 #1
        public void GetCertificatesSync()
            // Environment variable with the Key Vault endpoint.
            string keyVaultUrl = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_KEYVAULT_URL");

            // Instantiate a certificate client that will be used to call the service. Notice that the client is using default Azure
            // credentials. To make default credentials work, ensure that environment variables 'AZURE_CLIENT_ID',
            // 'AZURE_CLIENT_KEY' and 'AZURE_TENANT_ID' are set with the service principal credentials.
            var client = new CertificateClient(new Uri(keyVaultUrl), new DefaultAzureCredential());

            // Let's create two self-signed certificates using the default policy
            string certName1 = $"defaultCert-{Guid.NewGuid()}";

            CertificateOperation certOp1 = client.StartCreateCertificate(certName1);

            string certName2 = $"defaultCert-{Guid.NewGuid()}";

            CertificateOperation certOp2 = client.StartCreateCertificate(certName1);

            // Next let's wait on the certificate operation to complete. Note that certificate creation can last an indeterministic
            // amount of time, so applications should only wait on the operation to complete in the case the issuance time is well
            // known and within the scope of the application lifetime. In this case we are creating a self-signed certificate which
            // should be issued in a relatively short amount of time.
            while (!certOp1.HasCompleted)


            while (!certOp2.HasCompleted)


            // Let's list the certificates which exist in the vault along with their thumbprints
            foreach (CertificateBase cert in client.GetCertificates())
                Debug.WriteLine($"Certificate is returned with name {cert.Name} and thumbprint {BitConverter.ToString(cert.X509Thumbprint)}");

            // We need to create a new version of a certificate. Creating a certificate with the same name will create another version of the certificate
            CertificateOperation newCertOp = client.StartCreateCertificate(certName1);

            while (!newCertOp.HasCompleted)


            // Let's print all the versions of this certificate
            foreach (CertificateBase cert in client.GetCertificateVersions(certName1))
                Debug.WriteLine($"Certificate {cert.Name} with name {cert.Version}");

            // The certificates are no longer needed.
            // You need to delete them from the Key Vault.

            // To ensure certificates are deleted on server side.
            Assert.IsTrue(WaitForDeletedCertificate(client, certName1));
            Assert.IsTrue(WaitForDeletedCertificate(client, certName2));

            // You can list all the deleted and non-purged certificates, assuming Key Vault is soft-delete enabled.
            foreach (DeletedCertificate deletedCert in client.GetDeletedCertificates())
                Debug.WriteLine($"Deleted certificate's recovery Id {deletedCert.RecoveryId}");

            // If the keyvault is soft-delete enabled, then for permanent deletion, deleted keys needs to be purged.