コード例 #1
ファイル: Maze.cs プロジェクト: mw2691/MazeTutorialPartII
    // random

     * private void DoNextGenerationStep(List<MazeCell> activeCells)
     * {
     *  int currentIndex = activeCells.Count - 1;
     *  MazeCell currentCell = activeCells[currentIndex];
     *  MazeDirection direction = MazeDirections.RandomValue;
     *  CellVector coordinates = currentCell.coordinates + direction.ToCellVector();
     *  if (ContainsCoordinates(coordinates))
     *  {
     *      MazeCell neighbor = this.GetCellAt(coordinates);
     *      if (neighbor == null)
     *      {
     *          neighbor = this.CreateCell(coordinates);
     *          this.CreatePassage(currentCell, neighbor, direction);
     *          activeCells.Add(neighbor);
     *      }
     *      else
     *      {
     *          this.CreateWall(currentCell, neighbor, direction);
     *          activeCells.RemoveAt(currentIndex);
     *      }
     *  }
     *  else
     *  {
     *      this.CreateWall(currentCell, null, direction);
     *      activeCells.RemoveAt(currentIndex);
     *  }
     * }
    // with connection check
    private void DoNextGenerationStep(List <MazeCell> activeCells)
        //int currentIndex = activeCells.Count / 2;
        int      currentIndex = activeCells.Count - 1;
        MazeCell currentCell  = activeCells[currentIndex];

        if (currentCell.IsFullyInitialized)
        MazeDirection direction   = currentCell.RandomUninitializedDirection;
        CellVector    coordinates = currentCell.coordinates + direction.ToCellVector();

        if (ContainsCoordinates(coordinates))
            MazeCell neighbor = this.GetCellAt(coordinates);
            if (neighbor == null)
                neighbor = this.CreateCell(coordinates);
                this.CreatePassage(currentCell, neighbor, direction);
                this.CreateWall(currentCell, neighbor, direction);
                // No longer remove the cell here.
            this.CreateWall(currentCell, null, direction);
            // No longer remove the cell here.
コード例 #2
    private void DoFirstGenerationStep(List <MazeCell> activeCells)
        // TODO: create a new cell at the center of the maze
        CellVector middleCoordinates = new CellVector(0, 0);

コード例 #3
ファイル: SimpleMaze.cs プロジェクト: mw2691/MazeTutorial
 public bool ContainsCoordinates(CellVector coordinate)
     // TODO: implement this check
     if (coordinate.x == 0 && coordinate.z == 0)
コード例 #4
ファイル: Maze.cs プロジェクト: mw2691/MazeTutorialPartII
    private MazeCell CreateCell(CellVector coordinates)
        MazeCell newCell = Instantiate(this.CellPrefab) as MazeCell;

        cells[coordinates.x, coordinates.z] = newCell;
        newCell.name                    = "Maze Cell " + coordinates.x + ", " + coordinates.z;
        newCell.coordinates             = coordinates;
        newCell.transform.parent        = this.transform;
        newCell.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(coordinates.x - this.size.x * 0.5f + 0.5f, 0f, coordinates.z - this.size.z * 0.5f + 0.5f);
コード例 #5
    private MazeCell CreateCell(CellVector coordinates)
        MazeCell newCell = Instantiate(this.CellPrefab) as MazeCell;

        cells[coordinates.x, coordinates.z] = newCell;
        newCell.name        = "Maze Cell " + coordinates.x + ", " + coordinates.z;
        newCell.coordinates = coordinates;
        // we create a hierarchy where each cell is a child of the gameobject with the GrowingTreeMaze script
        newCell.transform.parent        = this.transform;
        newCell.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(coordinates.x - this.size.x * 0.5f + 0.5f, 0f, coordinates.z - this.size.z * 0.5f + 0.5f);
コード例 #6
ファイル: SimpleMaze.cs プロジェクト: mw2691/MazeTutorial
    public IEnumerator Generate()
        // TODO: add a delay to pause after each cell generation
        WaitForSeconds delay = new WaitForSeconds(CreationStepDelay);

        this.cells = new MazeCell[this.size.x, this.size.z];
        CellVector coordinates = this.RandomCoordinates;

        // TODO: implement the ContainsCoordinates check
        while (this.ContainsCoordinates(coordinates) && this.GetCellAt(coordinates) == null)
            coordinates += MazeDirections.RandomValue.ToCellVector();
            yield return(delay);

        yield return(null);
コード例 #7
    private void DoNextGenerationStep(List <MazeCell> activeCells)
        // TODO: implement the maze generation
        // 1st: get the index of the cell you want to work with, lets take the last one in the list
        int      currentIndex = activeCells.Count - 1;
        MazeCell currentCell  = activeCells[currentIndex];

        // if the cell has already all walls and connections, we do not want to change it anymore
        if (currentCell.IsFullyInitialized)
            // TODO: the cell should be removed from the list
        // TODO: we need to find the next edge (north, east, south, or west), we want to connect. Change this to a random direction,
        // there is a convenient method for this defined in MazeCell
        MazeDirection direction = currentCell.RandomUninitializedDirection;
        //MazeDirection direction = MazeDirection.NORTH;

        // TODO: determine the new coordinates, have a look into the MazeDirections class on how to obtain CellVector from a direction
        CellVector coordinates = currentCell.coordinates + direction.ToCellVector();

        // TODO: if the coordinates are valid, we might add a new cell, otherwise we create a wall (see functions below)
        if (ContainsCoordinates(coordinates))
            // TODO: fetch the cell, if its null, create a cell, add a passage (see functions below), and add the cell to the list; create a wall otherwise
            MazeCell neighbor = this.GetCellAt(coordinates);
            if (neighbor == null)
                neighbor = CreateCell(coordinates);
                CreatePassage(currentCell, neighbor, direction);
                CreateWall(currentCell, neighbor, direction);
            // TODO: create a wall
            CreateWall(currentCell, null, direction);
コード例 #8
ファイル: Maze.cs プロジェクト: mw2691/MazeTutorialPartII
 public bool ContainsCoordinates(CellVector coordinate)
     return(coordinate.x >= 0 && coordinate.x < this.size.x && coordinate.z >= 0 && coordinate.z < this.size.z);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Maze.cs プロジェクト: mw2691/MazeTutorialPartII
 private MazeCell GetCellAt(CellVector coordinates)
     return(this.cells[coordinates.x, coordinates.z]);