public override void PostSpawnSetup(bool respawningAfterLoad) { base.PostSpawnSetup(respawningAfterLoad); if (this.parent.Map != null) { CellRect rect = GenAdj.OccupiedRect(parent.Position, parent.Rotation, IntVec2.One); rect = rect.ExpandedBy(5); foreach (IntVec3 current in rect.Cells) { if (current.InBounds(parent.Map)) { List <Thing> list = parent.Map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(current); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].TryGetComp <CompGlower>() != null) { list[i].Kill(); } } } } } }
private void SpawnTrigger(CellRect rectToDefend, IntVec3 root, Map map, GenStepParams parms) { int nextSignalTagID = Find.UniqueIDsManager.GetNextSignalTagID(); string signalTag = "ambushActivated-" + nextSignalTagID; CellRect rect; if (root.IsValid) { rect = CellRect.CenteredOn(root, 17); } else { rect = rectToDefend.ExpandedBy(12); } SignalAction_Ambush signalAction_Ambush = this.MakeAmbushSignalAction(rectToDefend, root, parms); signalAction_Ambush.signalTag = signalTag; GenSpawn.Spawn(signalAction_Ambush, rect.CenterCell, map, WipeMode.Vanish); RectTrigger rectTrigger = this.MakeRectTrigger(); rectTrigger.signalTag = signalTag; rectTrigger.Rect = rect; GenSpawn.Spawn(rectTrigger, rect.CenterCell, map, WipeMode.Vanish); }
protected virtual void HitRoof() { if (def.skyfaller.hitRoof) { CellRect cr = this.OccupiedRect(); if (cr.Cells.Any((IntVec3 x) => x.Roofed(base.Map))) { RoofDef roof = cr.Cells.First((IntVec3 x) => x.Roofed(base.Map)).GetRoof(base.Map); if (!roof.soundPunchThrough.NullOrUndefined()) { roof.soundPunchThrough.PlayOneShot(new TargetInfo(base.Position, base.Map)); } RoofCollapserImmediate.DropRoofInCells(cr.ExpandedBy(1).ClipInsideMap(base.Map).Cells.Where(delegate(IntVec3 c) { if (!c.InBounds(base.Map)) { return(false); } if (cr.Contains(c)) { return(true); } if (c.GetFirstPawn(base.Map) != null) { return(false); } Building edifice = c.GetEdifice(base.Map); if (edifice != null && edifice.def.holdsRoof) { return(false); } return(true); }), base.Map); } } }
private void FindNearbyGlowers(CellRect rect) { Map map =; nearbyGlowers.Clear(); rect = rect.ExpandedBy(4); rect = rect.ClipInsideMap(map); foreach (IntVec3 item in rect) { Region region = item.GetRegion(map); if (region != null && region.Room.PsychologicallyOutdoors) { List <Thing> thingList = item.GetThingList(map); for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++) { CompGlower compGlower = thingList[i].TryGetComp <CompGlower>(); if (compGlower != null) { nearbyGlowers.Add(compGlower); } } } } }
public static void DynamicDrawManagerPostfix(DynamicDrawManager __instance) { Map map = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("map").GetValue <Map>(); var ZTracker = Current.Game.GetComponent <ZLevelsManager>(); foreach (var map2 in ZTracker.GetAllMaps(map.Tile) .OrderBy(x => ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(x))) { int curLevel = ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(map); int baseLevel = ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(map2); if (curLevel > baseLevel && baseLevel >= 0) { HashSet <Thing> drawThings = Traverse.Create(map2.dynamicDrawManager).Field("drawThings").GetValue <HashSet <Thing> >(); if (!DebugViewSettings.drawThingsDynamic) { return; } Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("drawingNow").SetValue(true); try { bool[] fogGrid = map2.fogGrid.fogGrid; CellRect cellRect = Find.CameraDriver.CurrentViewRect; cellRect.ClipInsideMap(map2); cellRect = cellRect.ExpandedBy(1); CellIndices cellIndices = map2.cellIndices; foreach (Thing thing in drawThings) { IntVec3 position = thing.Position; if (position.GetTerrain(map) == ZLevelsDefOf.ZL_OutsideTerrain) { if ((cellRect.Contains(position) || thing.def.drawOffscreen) //&& (!fogGrid[cellIndices.CellToIndex(position)] //|| thing.def.seeThroughFog) && (thing.def.hideAtSnowDepth >= 1f || map2.snowGrid.GetDepth(position) <= thing.def.hideAtSnowDepth)) { try { if (thing.Graphic is Graphic_Mote || thing.Graphic is Graphic_Linked) { } else if (thing.Graphic is Graphic_LinkedCornerFiller || thing.Graphic is Graphic_RandomRotated) { thing.Draw(); } else if (thing is Pawn pawn) { var newRenderer = new PawnRendererScaled(pawn);; =; =; =; =; =; =; =; =; newRenderer.RenderPawnAt(thing.DrawPos, curLevel, baseLevel); } else { Vector2 drawSize = thing.Graphic.drawSize; drawSize.x *= 1f - (((float)(curLevel) - (float)baseLevel) / 5f); drawSize.y *= 1f - (((float)(curLevel) - (float)baseLevel) / 5f); var newGraphic = thing.Graphic.GetCopy(drawSize); newGraphic.Draw(thing.DrawPos, thing.Rotation, thing); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Exception drawing ", thing, ": ", ex.ToString() }), false); } } } } } catch (Exception arg) { Log.Error("Exception drawing dynamic things: " + arg, false); } Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("drawingNow").SetValue(false); } } }
private static void RecalcRootLocY(ref Vector3 rootLoc, Pawn pawn, CompBodyAnimator compAnimator) { Vector3 loc = rootLoc; CellRect viewRect = Find.CameraDriver.CurrentViewRect; viewRect = viewRect.ExpandedBy(1); List <Pawn> pawns = new List <Pawn>(); foreach (Pawn otherPawn in pawn.Map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned) { if (!viewRect.Contains(otherPawn.Position)) { continue; } if (otherPawn == pawn) { continue; } if (otherPawn.DrawPos.x < loc.x - 0.5f) { continue; } if (otherPawn.DrawPos.x > loc.x + 0.5f) { continue; } if (otherPawn.DrawPos.z >= loc.z) { continue; } // ignore above pawns.Add(otherPawn); } // pawns = pawn.Map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned // .Where( // otherPawn => _viewRect.Contains(otherPawn.Position) && // otherPawn != pawn && // otherPawn.DrawPos.x >= loc.x - 1 && // otherPawn.DrawPos.x <= loc.x + 1 && // otherPawn.DrawPos.z <= loc.z).ToList(); // List<Pawn> leftOfPawn = pawns.Where(other => other.DrawPos.x <= loc.x).ToList(); bool flag = compAnimator != null; if (!pawns.NullOrEmpty()) { float pawnOffset = YOffsetPawns * pawns.Count; loc.y -= pawnOffset; if (flag) { compAnimator.DrawOffsetY = pawnOffset; } // loc.y -= 0.1f * leftOfPawn.Count; } else { if (flag) { compAnimator.DrawOffsetY = 0f; } } rootLoc = loc; }
public static bool TryFindSpectatorCellFor(Pawn p, CellRect spectateRect, Map map, out IntVec3 cell, SpectateRectSide allowedSides = SpectateRectSide.All, int margin = 1, List <IntVec3> extraDisallowedCells = null) { spectateRect.ClipInsideMap(map); if (spectateRect.Area == 0 || allowedSides == SpectateRectSide.None) { cell = IntVec3.Invalid; return(false); } CellRect rectWithMargin = spectateRect.ExpandedBy(margin).ClipInsideMap(map); Predicate <IntVec3> predicate = delegate(IntVec3 x) { if (!x.InBounds(map)) { return(false); } if (!x.Standable(map)) { return(false); } if (x.Fogged(map)) { return(false); } if (rectWithMargin.Contains(x)) { return(false); } if ((x.z <= rectWithMargin.maxZ || (allowedSides & SpectateRectSide.Up) != SpectateRectSide.Up) && (x.x <= rectWithMargin.maxX || (allowedSides & SpectateRectSide.Right) != SpectateRectSide.Right) && (x.z >= rectWithMargin.minZ || (allowedSides & SpectateRectSide.Down) != SpectateRectSide.Down) && (x.x >= rectWithMargin.minX || (allowedSides & SpectateRectSide.Left) != SpectateRectSide.Left)) { return(false); } IntVec3 intVec3 = spectateRect.ClosestCellTo(x); if ((float)intVec3.DistanceToSquared(x) > 210.25f) { return(false); } if (!GenSight.LineOfSight(intVec3, x, map, true, null, 0, 0)) { return(false); } if (x.GetThingList(map).Find((Thing y) => y is Pawn && y != p) != null) { return(false); } if (p != null) { if (!p.CanReserveAndReach(x, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Some, 1, -1, null, false)) { return(false); } Building edifice = x.GetEdifice(map); if (edifice != null && edifice.def.category == ThingCategory.Building && edifice.def.building.isSittable && !p.CanReserve(edifice, 1, -1, null, false)) { return(false); } if (x.IsForbidden(p)) { return(false); } if (x.GetDangerFor(p, map) != Danger.None) { return(false); } } if (extraDisallowedCells != null && extraDisallowedCells.Contains(x)) { return(false); } if (!SpectatorCellFinder.CorrectlyRotatedChairAt(x, map, spectateRect)) { int num = 0; for (int k = 0; k < GenAdj.AdjacentCells.Length; k++) { IntVec3 x2 = x + GenAdj.AdjacentCells[k]; if (SpectatorCellFinder.CorrectlyRotatedChairAt(x2, map, spectateRect)) { num++; } } if (num >= 3) { return(false); } int num2 = SpectatorCellFinder.DistanceToClosestChair(x, new IntVec3(-1, 0, 0), map, 4, spectateRect); if (num2 >= 0) { int num3 = SpectatorCellFinder.DistanceToClosestChair(x, new IntVec3(1, 0, 0), map, 4, spectateRect); if (num3 >= 0 && Mathf.Abs(num2 - num3) <= 1) { return(false); } } int num4 = SpectatorCellFinder.DistanceToClosestChair(x, new IntVec3(0, 0, 1), map, 4, spectateRect); if (num4 >= 0) { int num5 = SpectatorCellFinder.DistanceToClosestChair(x, new IntVec3(0, 0, -1), map, 4, spectateRect); if (num5 >= 0 && Mathf.Abs(num4 - num5) <= 1) { return(false); } } } return(true); }; if (p != null && predicate(p.Position) && SpectatorCellFinder.CorrectlyRotatedChairAt(p.Position, map, spectateRect)) { cell = p.Position; return(true); } for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = rectWithMargin.CenterCell + GenRadial.RadialPattern[i]; if (predicate(intVec)) { if (!SpectatorCellFinder.CorrectlyRotatedChairAt(intVec, map, spectateRect)) { for (int j = 0; j < 90; j++) { IntVec3 intVec2 = intVec + GenRadial.RadialPattern[j]; if (SpectatorCellFinder.CorrectlyRotatedChairAt(intVec2, map, spectateRect) && predicate(intVec2)) { cell = intVec2; return(true); } } } cell = intVec; return(true); } } cell = IntVec3.Invalid; return(false); }
public static void DynamicDrawManagerPostfix(DynamicDrawManager __instance, Map ___map, ref bool ___drawingNow) { var ZTracker = ZUtils.ZTracker; int curLevel = ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(___map); if (curLevel > 0) { foreach (var map2 in ZTracker.GetAllMaps(___map.Tile)) //.OrderBy(x => ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(x))) { int baseLevel = ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(map2); if (curLevel > baseLevel && baseLevel >= 0) { ___drawingNow = true; bool[] fogGrid = map2.fogGrid.fogGrid; CellRect cellRect = Find.CameraDriver.CurrentViewRect; cellRect.ClipInsideMap(map2); cellRect = cellRect.ExpandedBy(1); CellIndices cellIndices = map2.cellIndices; foreach (Thing thing in map2.dynamicDrawManager.drawThings) { IntVec3 position = thing.Position; IntVec3 position2 = position + new IntVec3(0, 0, -1); if (position.GetTerrain(___map) == ZLevelsDefOf.ZL_OutsideTerrain || position2.InBounds(___map) && position.GetTerrain(___map) != ZLevelsDefOf.ZL_OutsideTerrain && position2.GetTerrain(___map) == ZLevelsDefOf.ZL_OutsideTerrain) { if ((cellRect.Contains(position) || thing.def.drawOffscreen) //&& (!fogGrid[cellIndices.CellToIndex(position)] //|| thing.def.seeThroughFog) && (thing.def.hideAtSnowDepth >= 1f || map2.snowGrid.GetDepth(position) <= thing.def.hideAtSnowDepth)) { DrawPos_Patch.ChangeDrawPos = true; DrawPos_Patch.zLevelOffset = (baseLevel - curLevel) / 3.5f; DrawPos_Patch.yLevelOffset = baseLevel - curLevel; try { var graphicType = thing.Graphic.GetType(); if (graphicType == typeof(Graphic_Mote)) { } else if (graphicType == typeof(Graphic_LinkedCornerFiller) || graphicType == typeof(Graphic_RandomRotated) || graphicType == typeof(Graphic_Linked)) { thing.Draw(); } else if (thing is Pawn pawn) { DrawPos_Patch.ChangeDrawPos = false; var newDrawPos = thing.DrawPos; newDrawPos.z += (baseLevel - curLevel) / 2f; newDrawPos.y -= baseLevel - curLevel; newDrawPos.y -= 4.1f; if (cachedPawnRenderers.ContainsKey(pawn)) { cachedPawnRenderers[pawn].RenderPawnAt(newDrawPos, curLevel, baseLevel); } else { var newRenderer = new PawnRendererScaled(pawn, pawn.Drawer.renderer.wiggler);; =; =; =; =; =; =; =; =; newRenderer.RenderPawnAt(newDrawPos, curLevel, baseLevel); cachedPawnRenderers[pawn] = newRenderer; } } else if (thing is Corpse corpse) { DrawPos_Patch.ChangeDrawPos = false; var newDrawPos = thing.DrawPos; newDrawPos.z += (baseLevel - curLevel) / 2f; newDrawPos.y -= baseLevel - curLevel; newDrawPos.y -= 4f; if (cachedCorpseRenderers.ContainsKey(corpse.InnerPawn)) { cachedCorpseRenderers[corpse.InnerPawn].RenderPawnAt(newDrawPos, curLevel, baseLevel); } else { var newRenderer = new PawnRendererScaled(corpse.InnerPawn, corpse.InnerPawn.Drawer.renderer.wiggler);; =; =; =; =; =; =; =; =; newRenderer.RenderPawnAt(newDrawPos, curLevel, baseLevel); cachedCorpseRenderers[corpse.InnerPawn] = newRenderer; } } else if (thing.def.projectile == null && !thing.def.IsDoor) { Vector2 drawSize = thing.Graphic.drawSize; drawSize.x *= 1f - (((float)(curLevel) - (float)baseLevel) / 5f); drawSize.y *= 1f - (((float)(curLevel) - (float)baseLevel) / 5f); var newGraphic = thing.Graphic.GetCopy(drawSize); newGraphic.Draw(thing.DrawPos, thing.Rotation, thing); } else { if (thing is Building_Door door) { DrawPos_Patch.ChangeDrawPos = false; DrawDoor(door, baseLevel, curLevel); } else { thing.Draw(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Exception drawing ", thing, ": ", ex.ToString() }), false); } DrawPos_Patch.ChangeDrawPos = false; } } } ___drawingNow = false; } } } }
public override void MapComponentTick() { base.MapComponentTick(); var currentPawns = new List <Pawn>(); var checkedPawns = new List <Pawn>(); CellRect _viewRect = Find.CameraDriver.CurrentViewRect; _viewRect = _viewRect.ExpandedBy(1); foreach (Pawn pawn in { if (!_viewRect.Contains(pawn.Position)) { continue; } currentPawns.Add(pawn); } if (currentPawns.NullOrEmpty() || currentPawns.Count > 32) { return; } // top to bottom int minX = currentPawns.Min(x => x.Position.x); int maxX = currentPawns.Max(x => x.Position.x); int minZ = currentPawns.Min(x => x.Position.z); int maxZ = currentPawns.Max(x => x.Position.z); // Log.Message(minX + " - " + maxX + " - " + minZ + " - " + maxZ); Dictionary <IntVec3, List <Pawn> > pawnsOn = new Dictionary <IntVec3, List <Pawn> >(); var checkedGrid = new List <IntVec3>(); int currentZ = maxZ; while (currentZ > minZ) { currentZ--; int currentX = minX; while (currentX < maxX) { currentX++; if (currentPawns.Count == checkedPawns.Count) { break; } IntVec3 currentCell = new IntVec3(currentX, 0, currentZ); if (checkedGrid.Contains(currentCell)) { continue; } // start with the topmost pawn List <Pawn> pawnsOnCell = currentPawns.FindAll(x => x.Position.x == currentX && x.Position.z == currentZ); if (pawnsOnCell.NullOrEmpty()) { continue; } checkedGrid.Add(currentCell); pawnsOn.Add(currentCell, pawnsOnCell); checkedPawns.AddRange(pawnsOnCell); } } // string log = "FS values: "; foreach (KeyValuePair <IntVec3, List <Pawn> > x in pawnsOn) { IntVec3 y = x.Key; List <Pawn> z = x.Value; // log += "\n vector at: " + y; foreach (Pawn p in z) { // log += "\n" + p.LabelCap + " - " + p.Position; } } // Log.Message(log); }
private void MakeBlueprintRoom(CellRect mapRect, Map map, MapGeneratorBlueprintDef blueprint, ThingDef stuffDef) { blueprint.buildingData = CleanUpBlueprintData(blueprint.buildingData); blueprint.floorData = CleanUpBlueprintData(blueprint.floorData); blueprint.pawnData = CleanUpBlueprintData(blueprint.pawnData); blueprint.itemData = CleanUpBlueprintData(blueprint.itemData); if (blueprint.buildingData == null && blueprint.floorData == null) { Log.ErrorOnce(string.Format("After cleaning the BlueprintData and FloorData of blueprint {0} -> both are null, nothing will be done!", blueprint.defName), 313001); return; } IntVec3 spawnBaseCell = new IntVec3(mapRect.BottomLeft.x, mapRect.TopRight.y, mapRect.TopRight.z); IntVec3 spawnCell; foreach (IntVec3 cell in mapRect) { // Check all cells and abort if there is something indestructible found if (!CheckCell(cell, map)) { return; } } allSpawnedPawns = null; try { // Work through blueprint. Note: top-left to bottom-right for (int zn = 0; zn < blueprint.size.z; zn++) { for (int x = 0; x < blueprint.size.x; x++) { //// map can be clipped, don't work with the clipped parts //if (x > mapRect.Width - 1 || zn > mapRect.Height - 1) // continue; spawnCell = spawnBaseCell + new IntVec3(x, 0, -zn); int itemPos = x + blueprint.size.x * zn; ThingDef thingDef = TryGetThingDefFromBuildingData(blueprint, itemPos); Rot4 thingRot = TryGetRotationFromBuildingData(blueprint, itemPos); TerrainDef terrainDef = TryGetTerrainDefFromFloorData(blueprint, itemPos); PawnKindDef pawnKindDef = TryGetPawnKindDefFromPawnData(blueprint, itemPos); ThingDef itemDef = TryGetItemDefFromItemData(blueprint, itemPos); List <Thing> list = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(spawnCell); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].def == thingDef) { continue; } } //Only clear the space, if something will be made here if (thingDef != null || terrainDef != null || pawnKindDef != null || itemDef != null) { ClearCell(spawnCell, map); } if ((blueprint.canHaveHoles || (MapGenerator_ModSettings.createAllNonPawnBPsWithHoles && (blueprint.pawnLegend == null || blueprint.pawnLegend.Count <= 0))) && Rand.Value < MapGenerator_ModSettings.chanceForHoles) { continue; } // If placed on water, increase the hole chance, if no pawns are to be placed! if (spawnCell.GetTerrain(map).defName.ToLower().Contains("water") && (blueprint.pawnLegend == null || blueprint.pawnLegend.Count <= 0) && Rand.Value < MapGenerator_ModSettings.chanceForHolesOnWater) { continue; } TrySetCellAs(spawnCell, map, thingDef, thingRot, stuffDef, terrainDef, pawnKindDef, itemDef, blueprint); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warning("Misc. MapGenerator -- Error with blueprint '" + blueprint.defName + "'. Placement position at " + mapRect.CenterCell.ToString() + " on a map of the size " + map.Size.ToString() + "\n" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } // If pawns are spawned, place ancient shrine trigger if (allSpawnedPawns != null && allSpawnedPawns.Count > 0) { int nextSignalTagID = Find.UniqueIDsManager.GetNextSignalTagID(); string signalTag = "ancientTempleApproached-" + nextSignalTagID; SignalAction_Letter signalAction_Letter = (SignalAction_Letter)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.SignalAction_Letter, null); signalAction_Letter.signalTag = signalTag; signalAction_Letter.letter = LetterMaker.MakeLetter("LetterLabelAncientShrineWarning".Translate(), "AncientShrineWarning".Translate(), LetterDefOf.NeutralEvent, new TargetInfo(mapRect.CenterCell, map, false)); GenSpawn.Spawn(signalAction_Letter, mapRect.CenterCell, map); RectTrigger rectTrigger = (RectTrigger)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.RectTrigger, null); rectTrigger.signalTag = signalTag; rectTrigger.Rect = mapRect.ExpandedBy(1).ClipInsideMap(map); rectTrigger.destroyIfUnfogged = true; GenSpawn.Spawn(rectTrigger, mapRect.CenterCell, map); } // also if pawns are spawned make the appropriate LordJob LordJob lordJob; if (allSpawnedPawns != null && allSpawnedPawns.Count > 0) { if (blueprint.factionSelection == FactionSelection.friendly) { lordJob = new LordJob_AssistColony(allSpawnedPawns[0].Faction, allSpawnedPawns[0].Position); } else { if (Rand.Value < 0.5f) { lordJob = new LordJob_DefendPoint(allSpawnedPawns[0].Position); } else { lordJob = new LordJob_AssaultColony(allSpawnedPawns[0].Faction, false, false, false, false, false); } } LordMaker.MakeNewLord(allSpawnedPawns[0].Faction, lordJob, map, allSpawnedPawns); allSpawnedPawns = null; } }
public static void MakeColony(params ColonyMakerFlag[] flags) { bool godMode = DebugSettings.godMode; DebugSettings.godMode = true; Thing.allowDestroyNonDestroyable = true; if (Autotests_ColonyMaker.usedCells == null) { Autotests_ColonyMaker.usedCells = new BoolGrid(Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map); } else { Autotests_ColonyMaker.usedCells.ClearAndResizeTo(Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map); } IntVec3 center = Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map.Center; int minX = center.x - 50; IntVec3 center2 = Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map.Center; Autotests_ColonyMaker.overRect = new CellRect(minX, center2.z - 50, 100, 100); Autotests_ColonyMaker.DeleteAllSpawnedPawns(); GenDebug.ClearArea(Autotests_ColonyMaker.overRect, Find.VisibleMap); if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.Animals)) { foreach (PawnKindDef item in from k in DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .AllDefs where k.RaceProps.Animal select k) { CellRect cellRect = default(CellRect); if (Autotests_ColonyMaker.TryGetFreeRect(6, 3, out cellRect)) { cellRect = cellRect.ContractedBy(1); foreach (IntVec3 item2 in cellRect) { Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(item2, TerrainDefOf.Concrete); } GenSpawn.Spawn(PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(item, null), cellRect.Cells.ElementAt(0), Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map); IntVec3 intVec = cellRect.Cells.ElementAt(1); Pawn p = (Pawn)GenSpawn.Spawn(PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(item, null), intVec, Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map); HealthUtility.DamageUntilDead(p); Corpse thing = (Corpse)intVec.GetThingList(Find.VisibleMap).First((Thing t) => t is Corpse); CompRottable compRottable = thing.TryGetComp <CompRottable>(); if (compRottable != null) { compRottable.RotProgress += 1200000f; } if (item.RaceProps.leatherDef != null) { GenSpawn.Spawn(item.RaceProps.leatherDef, cellRect.Cells.ElementAt(2), Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map); } if (item.RaceProps.meatDef != null) { GenSpawn.Spawn(item.RaceProps.meatDef, cellRect.Cells.ElementAt(3), Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map); } continue; } return; } } if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.ConduitGrid)) { Designator_Build designator_Build = new Designator_Build(ThingDefOf.PowerConduit); for (int i = Autotests_ColonyMaker.overRect.minX; i < Autotests_ColonyMaker.overRect.maxX; i++) { for (int j = Autotests_ColonyMaker.overRect.minZ; j < Autotests_ColonyMaker.overRect.maxZ; j += 7) { designator_Build.DesignateSingleCell(new IntVec3(i, 0, j)); } } for (int l = Autotests_ColonyMaker.overRect.minZ; l < Autotests_ColonyMaker.overRect.maxZ; l++) { for (int m = Autotests_ColonyMaker.overRect.minX; m < Autotests_ColonyMaker.overRect.maxX; m += 7) { designator_Build.DesignateSingleCell(new IntVec3(m, 0, l)); } } } if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.PowerPlants)) { List <ThingDef> list = new List <ThingDef>(); list.Add(ThingDefOf.SolarGenerator); list.Add(ThingDefOf.WindTurbine); List <ThingDef> list2 = list; int num = 0; while (num < 8) { if (Autotests_ColonyMaker.TryMakeBuilding(list2[num % list2.Count]) != null) { num++; continue; } Log.Message("Could not make solar generator."); break; } } if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.Batteries)) { for (int n = 0; n < 6; n++) { Thing thing2 = Autotests_ColonyMaker.TryMakeBuilding(ThingDefOf.Battery); if (thing2 == null) { Log.Message("Could not make battery."); break; } ((Building_Battery)thing2).GetComp <CompPowerBattery>().AddEnergy(999999f); } } if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.WorkTables)) { IEnumerable <ThingDef> enumerable = from def in DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs where typeof(Building_WorkTable).IsAssignableFrom(def.thingClass) select def; foreach (ThingDef item3 in enumerable) { Thing thing3 = Autotests_ColonyMaker.TryMakeBuilding(item3); if (thing3 == null) { Log.Message("Could not make worktable: " + item3.defName); break; } Building_WorkTable building_WorkTable = thing3 as Building_WorkTable; if (building_WorkTable != null) { foreach (RecipeDef allRecipe in building_WorkTable.def.AllRecipes) { building_WorkTable.billStack.AddBill(allRecipe.MakeNewBill()); } } } } if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.AllBuildings)) { IEnumerable <ThingDef> enumerable2 = from def in DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs where def.category == ThingCategory.Building && def.designationCategory != null select def; foreach (ThingDef item4 in enumerable2) { if (item4 != ThingDefOf.PowerConduit) { Thing thing4 = Autotests_ColonyMaker.TryMakeBuilding(item4); if (thing4 == null) { Log.Message("Could not make building: " + item4.defName); break; } } } } CellRect rect = default(CellRect); if (!Autotests_ColonyMaker.TryGetFreeRect(33, 33, out rect)) { Log.Error("Could not get wallable rect"); } rect = rect.ContractedBy(1); if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.AllItems)) { List <ThingDef> itemDefs = (from def in DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs where DebugThingPlaceHelper.IsDebugSpawnable(def) && def.category == ThingCategory.Item select def).ToList(); Autotests_ColonyMaker.FillWithItems(rect, itemDefs); } else if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.ItemsRawFood)) { List <ThingDef> list3 = new List <ThingDef>(); list3.Add(ThingDefOf.RawPotatoes); Autotests_ColonyMaker.FillWithItems(rect, list3); } if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.Filth)) { foreach (IntVec3 item5 in rect) { GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.FilthDirt, item5, Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map); } } if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.ItemsWall)) { CellRect cellRect2 = rect.ExpandedBy(1); Designator_Build designator_Build2 = new Designator_Build(ThingDefOf.Wall); designator_Build2.SetStuffDef(ThingDefOf.WoodLog); foreach (IntVec3 edgeCell in cellRect2.EdgeCells) { designator_Build2.DesignateSingleCell(edgeCell); } } if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.ColonistsMany)) { Autotests_ColonyMaker.MakeColonists(15, Autotests_ColonyMaker.overRect.CenterCell); } else if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.ColonistOne)) { Autotests_ColonyMaker.MakeColonists(1, Autotests_ColonyMaker.overRect.CenterCell); } if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.Fire)) { CellRect cellRect3 = default(CellRect); if (!Autotests_ColonyMaker.TryGetFreeRect(30, 30, out cellRect3)) { Log.Error("Could not get free rect for fire."); } ThingDef plantTreeOak = ThingDefOf.PlantTreeOak; foreach (IntVec3 item6 in cellRect3) { GenSpawn.Spawn(plantTreeOak, item6, Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map); } foreach (IntVec3 item7 in cellRect3) { IntVec3 current9 = item7; if (current9.x % 7 == 0 && current9.z % 7 == 0) { GenExplosion.DoExplosion(current9, Find.VisibleMap, 3.9f, DamageDefOf.Flame, null, -1, null, null, null, null, 0f, 1, false, null, 0f, 1, 0f, false); } } } if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.ColonistsHungry)) { Autotests_ColonyMaker.DoToColonists(0.4f, delegate(Pawn col) { = Mathf.Max(0f, Rand.Range(-0.05f, 0.05f)); }); } if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.ColonistsTired)) { Autotests_ColonyMaker.DoToColonists(0.4f, delegate(Pawn col) { = Mathf.Max(0f, Rand.Range(-0.05f, 0.05f)); }); } if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.ColonistsInjured)) { Autotests_ColonyMaker.DoToColonists(0.4f, delegate(Pawn col) { DamageDef def2 = (from d in DefDatabase <DamageDef> .AllDefs where d.externalViolence select d).RandomElement(); col.TakeDamage(new DamageInfo(def2, 10, -1f, null, null, null, DamageInfo.SourceCategory.ThingOrUnknown)); }); } if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.ColonistsDiseased)) { foreach (HediffDef item8 in from d in DefDatabase <HediffDef> .AllDefs where d.hediffClass != typeof(Hediff_AddedPart) && (d.HasComp(typeof(HediffComp_Immunizable)) || d.HasComp(typeof(HediffComp_GrowthMode))) select d) { Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(Faction.OfPlayer.def.basicMemberKind, Faction.OfPlayer); CellRect cellRect4 = default(CellRect); Autotests_ColonyMaker.TryGetFreeRect(1, 1, out cellRect4); GenSpawn.Spawn(pawn, cellRect4.CenterCell, Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map);, null, null); } } if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.Beds)) { IEnumerable <ThingDef> source = from def in DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs where def.thingClass == typeof(Building_Bed) select def; int freeColonistsCount = Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsCount; int num2 = 0; while (num2 < freeColonistsCount) { if (Autotests_ColonyMaker.TryMakeBuilding(source.RandomElement()) != null) { num2++; continue; } Log.Message("Could not make beds."); break; } } if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.Stockpiles)) { Designator_ZoneAddStockpile_Resources designator_ZoneAddStockpile_Resources = new Designator_ZoneAddStockpile_Resources(); IEnumerator enumerator11 = Enum.GetValues(typeof(StoragePriority)).GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator11.MoveNext()) { StoragePriority priority = (StoragePriority)enumerator11.Current; CellRect cellRect5 = default(CellRect); Autotests_ColonyMaker.TryGetFreeRect(7, 7, out cellRect5); cellRect5 = cellRect5.ContractedBy(1); designator_ZoneAddStockpile_Resources.DesignateMultiCell(cellRect5.Cells); Zone_Stockpile zone_Stockpile = (Zone_Stockpile)Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map.zoneManager.ZoneAt(cellRect5.CenterCell); zone_Stockpile.settings.Priority = priority; } } finally { IDisposable disposable; if ((disposable = (enumerator11 as IDisposable)) != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } } if (flags.Contains(ColonyMakerFlag.GrowingZones)) { Zone_Growing dummyZone = new Zone_Growing(Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map.zoneManager); foreach (ThingDef item9 in from d in DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs where d.plant != null && GenPlant.CanSowOnGrower(d, dummyZone) select d) { CellRect cellRect6 = default(CellRect); if (!Autotests_ColonyMaker.TryGetFreeRect(6, 6, out cellRect6)) { Log.Error("Could not get growing zone rect."); } cellRect6 = cellRect6.ContractedBy(1); foreach (IntVec3 item10 in cellRect6) { Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(item10, TerrainDefOf.Soil); } Designator_ZoneAdd_Growing designator_ZoneAdd_Growing = new Designator_ZoneAdd_Growing(); designator_ZoneAdd_Growing.DesignateMultiCell(cellRect6.Cells); Zone_Growing zone_Growing = (Zone_Growing)Autotests_ColonyMaker.Map.zoneManager.ZoneAt(cellRect6.CenterCell); zone_Growing.SetPlantDefToGrow(item9); } dummyZone.Delete(); } Autotests_ColonyMaker.ClearAllHomeArea(); Autotests_ColonyMaker.FillWithHomeArea(Autotests_ColonyMaker.overRect); DebugSettings.godMode = godMode; Thing.allowDestroyNonDestroyable = false; }
public Stencil Expand(int amount) { return(new Stencil(map, pos, rot, bounds.ExpandedBy(amount))); }
public override void PassingParameters(ResolveParams rp) { string defChair = "DiningChair"; string defLamp = "Jecrell_GasLamp"; ThingDef lampDef = Cthulhu.Utility.IsIndustrialAgeLoaded() ? ThingDef.Named(defLamp) : ThingDefOf.TorchLamp; ThingDef lampStuffDef = Cthulhu.Utility.IsIndustrialAgeLoaded() ? ThingDefOf.Steel : null; Map map =; bool @bool = Rand.Bool; bool hasLamp = false; ThingDef thingDef = ThingDefOf.Bed; ThingDef chairDef = ThingDef.Named(defChair); foreach (IntVec3 current in rp.rect) { if (@bool) { if (current.x % 3 != 0 || current.z % 3 != 0) { continue; } } else if (current.x % 3 != 0 || current.z % 3 != 0) { continue; } Rot4 rot = (!@bool) ? Rot4.South : Rot4.West; if (!GenSpawn.WouldWipeAnythingWith(current, rot, thingDef, map, (Thing x) => x.def.category == ThingCategory.Building)) { bool flag = false; foreach (IntVec3 current2 in GenAdj.CellsOccupiedBy(current, rot, thingDef.Size)) { if (BaseGenUtility.AnyDoorAdjacentCardinalTo(current2, map)) { flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { ///Bed ThingDef stuff = null; if (thingDef.MadeFromStuff) { stuff = ThingDefOf.WoodLog; } Thing thing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(thingDef, stuff); thing.SetFaction(rp.faction, null); GenSpawn.Spawn(thing, current, map, rot); if (thing != null) { if (thing.Spawned && thing.Position.InBounds(map)) { CellRect thingRect = thing.OccupiedRect(); if (thingRect != null) { thingRect = thingRect.ExpandedBy(1); List <IntVec3> possibleCells = new List <IntVec3>(); possibleCells.AddRange(thingRect.GetEdgeCells(Rot4.North)); possibleCells.AddRange(thingRect.GetEdgeCells(Rot4.South)); possibleCells.AddRange(thingRect.GetEdgeCells(Rot4.East)); possibleCells.AddRange(thingRect.GetEdgeCells(Rot4.West)); possibleCells.Remove(Cthulhu.Utility.GetCornerPos(thingRect, 0)); possibleCells.Remove(Cthulhu.Utility.GetCornerPos(thingRect, 1)); possibleCells.Remove(Cthulhu.Utility.GetCornerPos(thingRect, 2)); possibleCells.Remove(Cthulhu.Utility.GetCornerPos(thingRect, 3)); IntVec3 spawnPos = IntVec3.Invalid; spawnPos = possibleCells.FirstOrDefault((IntVec3 x) => x.InBounds(map) && x.Walkable(map)); if (spawnPos != null) { possibleCells.Remove(spawnPos); Thing thing2 = ThingMaker.MakeThing(chairDef, stuff); thing2.SetFaction(rp.faction, null); GenSpawn.Spawn(thing2, spawnPos, map, rot.Opposite); } if (!hasLamp) { hasLamp = true; spawnPos = possibleCells.FirstOrDefault((IntVec3 x) => x.InBounds(map) && x.Walkable(map)); if (spawnPos != null) { possibleCells.Remove(spawnPos); Thing thing3 = ThingMaker.MakeThing(lampDef, lampStuffDef); thing3.SetFaction(rp.faction, null); GenSpawn.Spawn(thing3, spawnPos, map, rot.Opposite); } } } } } } } } //List<int> corners = new List<int>() { 0, 1, 2, 3 }; //foreach (int corner in corners.InRandomOrder<int>()) //{ // IntVec3 loc = Cthulhu.Utility.GetCornerPos(rp.rect.ContractedBy(1), corner); // if (!GenSpawn.WouldWipeAnythingWith(loc, Rot4.South, lampDef, map, (Thing x) => x.def.category == ThingCategory.Building)) // { // ThingDef singleThingDef3 = (Cthulhu.Utility.IsIndustrialAgeLoaded()) ? lampDef : ThingDefOf.TorchLamp; // Thing thing3 = ThingMaker.MakeThing(singleThingDef3, ThingDefOf.Steel); // GenSpawn.Spawn(thing3, loc, map); // break; // } //} }
public static void DebugDraw() { if (DebugViewSettings.drawInfestationChance) { if (tmpCachedInfestationChanceCellColors == null) { tmpCachedInfestationChanceCellColors = new List <Pair <IntVec3, float> >(); } if (Time.frameCount % 8 == 0) { tmpCachedInfestationChanceCellColors.Clear(); Map currentMap = Find.CurrentMap; CellRect currentViewRect = Find.CameraDriver.CurrentViewRect; currentViewRect.ClipInsideMap(currentMap); currentViewRect = currentViewRect.ExpandedBy(1); CalculateTraversalDistancesToUnroofed(currentMap); CalculateClosedAreaSizeGrid(currentMap); CalculateDistanceToColonyBuildingGrid(currentMap); float num = 0.001f; int num2 = 0; while (true) { int num3 = num2; IntVec3 size = currentMap.Size; if (num3 >= size.z) { break; } int num4 = 0; while (true) { int num5 = num4; IntVec3 size2 = currentMap.Size; if (num5 >= size2.x) { break; } IntVec3 cell = new IntVec3(num4, 0, num2); float scoreAt = GetScoreAt(cell, currentMap); if (scoreAt > num) { num = scoreAt; } num4++; } num2++; } int num6 = 0; while (true) { int num7 = num6; IntVec3 size3 = currentMap.Size; if (num7 >= size3.z) { break; } int num8 = 0; while (true) { int num9 = num8; IntVec3 size4 = currentMap.Size; if (num9 >= size4.x) { break; } IntVec3 intVec = new IntVec3(num8, 0, num6); if (currentViewRect.Contains(intVec)) { float scoreAt2 = GetScoreAt(intVec, currentMap); if (!(scoreAt2 <= 7.5f)) { float second = GenMath.LerpDouble(7.5f, num, 0f, 1f, scoreAt2); tmpCachedInfestationChanceCellColors.Add(new Pair <IntVec3, float>(intVec, second)); } } num8++; } num6++; } } for (int i = 0; i < tmpCachedInfestationChanceCellColors.Count; i++) { IntVec3 first = tmpCachedInfestationChanceCellColors[i].First; float second2 = tmpCachedInfestationChanceCellColors[i].Second; CellRenderer.RenderCell(first, SolidColorMaterials.SimpleSolidColorMaterial(new Color(0f, 0f, 1f, second2))); } } else { tmpCachedInfestationChanceCellColors = null; } }
public override void CompTick() { base.CompTick(); if (this.parent.IsHashIntervalTick(7500)) { float num = this.parent.Map.glowGrid.GameGlowAt(this.parent.Position, false); if (num < 0.5) { CellRect rect = GenAdj.OccupiedRect(parent.Position, parent.Rotation, IntVec2.One); rect = rect.ExpandedBy(3); IntVec3 current = rect.Cells.RandomElement(); while (current == this.parent.Position) { current = rect.Cells.RandomElement(); } bool buildingFound = false; List <Thing> list = parent.Map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(current); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if ((list[i].def == InternalDefOf.GR_FleshGrowth_Building) || list[i].def.IsDoor) { buildingFound = true; } } if (!buildingFound) { Room room = current.GetRoom(this.parent.Map); if (current.InBounds(parent.Map) && room?.OutdoorsForWork == false) { Thing thing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(InternalDefOf.GR_FleshGrowth_Building, null); thing.Rotation = Rot4.North; thing.Position = current; thing.SpawnSetup(parent.Map, false); } } } } if (this.parent.IsHashIntervalTick(30000)) { if (this.parent.Map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(InternalDefOf.GR_FleshFlies.race).Count < 40) { Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(new PawnGenerationRequest(InternalDefOf.GR_FleshFlies, null, fixedBiologicalAge: 1, fixedChronologicalAge: 1, newborn: false, forceGenerateNewPawn: true)); IntVec3 near = CellFinder.StandableCellNear(this.parent.Position, this.parent.Map, 1f); if (near.InBounds(parent.Map)) { GenSpawn.Spawn(pawn, near, this.parent.Map); pawn.mindState.mentalStateHandler.TryStartMentalState(MentalStateDefOf.ManhunterPermanent, null, true, false, null, false);; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Catch All for vehicle related Things spawned in. Handles GodMode placing of vehicle buildings, corrects immovable spawn locations, and registers air defenses /// </summary> /// <param name="newThing"></param> /// <param name="loc"></param> /// <param name="map"></param> /// <param name="rot"></param> /// <param name="__result"></param> /// <param name="wipeMode"></param> /// <param name="respawningAfterLoad"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool RegisterThingSpawned(Thing newThing, ref IntVec3 loc, Map map, Rot4 rot, Thing __result, WipeMode wipeMode, bool respawningAfterLoad) { if (newThing.def is VehicleBuildDef def) { if (!VehicleMod.settings.debug.debugSpawnVehicleBuildingGodMode && newThing.HitPoints == newThing.MaxHitPoints) { VehiclePawn vehiclePawn = VehicleSpawner.GenerateVehicle(def.thingToSpawn, newThing.Faction); // (VehiclePawn)PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(def.thingToSpawn); if (def.soundBuilt != null) { def.soundBuilt.PlayOneShot(new TargetInfo(loc, map, false)); } VehiclePawn vehicleSpawned = (VehiclePawn)GenSpawn.Spawn(vehiclePawn, loc, map, rot, WipeMode.FullRefund, false); vehicleSpawned.Rename(); __result = vehicleSpawned; AchievementsHelper.TriggerVehicleConstructionEvent(vehicleSpawned); return(false); } } else if (newThing is VehiclePawn vehicle) { bool standable = true; foreach (IntVec3 c in vehicle.PawnOccupiedCells(loc, rot)) { if (!c.InBounds(map) || (vehicle.IsBoat() ? GenGridVehicles.Impassable(c, map) : GenGrid.Impassable(c, map))) { standable = false; break; } } bool validator(IntVec3 c) { foreach (IntVec3 c2 in vehicle.PawnOccupiedCells(c, rot)) { if (vehicle.IsBoat() ? GenGridVehicles.Impassable(c, map) : GenGrid.Impassable(c, map)) { return(false); } } return(true); } if (standable) { return(true); } if (!CellFinder.TryFindRandomCellNear(loc, map, 20, validator, out IntVec3 newLoc, 100)) { Log.Error($"Unable to find location to spawn {newThing.LabelShort} after 100 attempts. Aborting spawn."); return(false); } loc = newLoc; } else if (newThing is Pawn pawn && !pawn.Dead) { try { var positionManager = map.GetCachedMapComponent <VehiclePositionManager>(); if (positionManager.PositionClaimed(loc)) { VehiclePawn inPlaceVehicle = positionManager.ClaimedBy(loc); CellRect occupiedRect = inPlaceVehicle.OccupiedRect().ExpandedBy(1); Rand.PushState(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { IntVec3 newLoc = occupiedRect.EdgeCells.Where(c => GenGrid.InBounds(c, map) && GenGrid.Standable(c, map)).RandomElementWithFallback(inPlaceVehicle.Position); if (occupiedRect.EdgeCells.Contains(newLoc)) { loc = newLoc; break; } occupiedRect = occupiedRect.ExpandedBy(1); } Rand.PopState(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error($"Pawn {newThing.Label} could not be readjusted for spawn location. Exception={ex.Message}"); } }
public override void PassingParameters(ResolveParams rp) { string defChair = "DiningChair"; string defLamp = "Jecrell_GasLamp"; ThingDef lampDef = Cthulhu.Utility.IsIndustrialAgeLoaded() ? ThingDef.Named(defLamp) : ThingDefOf.TorchLamp; ThingDef lampStuffDef = Cthulhu.Utility.IsIndustrialAgeLoaded() ? ThingDefOf.Steel : null; Map map =; bool @bool = Rand.Bool; bool hasLamp = false; ThingDef thingDef = ThingDefOf.SleepingSpot; ThingDef chairDef = ThingDef.Named(defChair); foreach (IntVec3 current in rp.rect) { if (@bool) { if (current.x % 3 != 0 || current.z % 3 != 0) { continue; } } else if (current.x % 3 != 0 || current.z % 3 != 0) { continue; } Rot4 rot = (!@bool) ? Rot4.South : Rot4.West; if (!GenSpawn.WouldWipeAnythingWith(current, rot, thingDef, map, (Thing x) => x.def.category == ThingCategory.Building)) { bool flag = false; foreach (IntVec3 current2 in GenAdj.CellsOccupiedBy(current, rot, thingDef.Size)) { if (BaseGenUtility.AnyDoorAdjacentCardinalTo(current2, map)) { flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { ///Bed ThingDef stuff = null; if (thingDef.MadeFromStuff) { stuff = ThingDefOf.WoodLog; } Thing thing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(thingDef, stuff); thing.SetFaction(rp.faction, null); GenSpawn.Spawn(thing, current, map, rot); if (thing != null) { if (thing.Spawned && thing.Position.InBounds(map)) { CellRect thingRect = thing.OccupiedRect(); if (thingRect != null) { thingRect = thingRect.ExpandedBy(1); List <IntVec3> possibleCells = new List <IntVec3>(); possibleCells.AddRange(thingRect.GetEdgeCells(Rot4.North)); possibleCells.AddRange(thingRect.GetEdgeCells(Rot4.South)); possibleCells.AddRange(thingRect.GetEdgeCells(Rot4.East)); possibleCells.AddRange(thingRect.GetEdgeCells(Rot4.West)); possibleCells.Remove(Cthulhu.Utility.GetCornerPos(thingRect, 0)); possibleCells.Remove(Cthulhu.Utility.GetCornerPos(thingRect, 1)); possibleCells.Remove(Cthulhu.Utility.GetCornerPos(thingRect, 2)); possibleCells.Remove(Cthulhu.Utility.GetCornerPos(thingRect, 3)); IntVec3 spawnPos = IntVec3.Invalid; spawnPos = possibleCells.InRandomOrder <IntVec3>().FirstOrDefault((IntVec3 x) => x.InBounds(map) && x.Walkable(map)); if (spawnPos != null) { possibleCells.Remove(spawnPos); Thing thing2 = ThingMaker.MakeThing(chairDef, ThingDefOf.WoodLog); thing2.SetFaction(rp.faction, null); GenSpawn.Spawn(thing2, spawnPos, map, rot.Opposite); } if (!hasLamp) { hasLamp = true; spawnPos = possibleCells.FirstOrDefault((IntVec3 x) => x.InBounds(map) && x.Walkable(map)); if (spawnPos != null) { possibleCells.Remove(spawnPos); Thing thing3 = ThingMaker.MakeThing(lampDef, lampStuffDef); thing3.SetFaction(rp.faction, null); GenSpawn.Spawn(thing3, spawnPos, map, rot.Opposite); } } } } } } } } //if (!Cthulhu.Utility.IsCosmicHorrorsLoaded()) //{ PawnGroupKindDef groupKind = rp.pawnGroupKindDef ?? PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat; PawnGroupMakerParms pawnGroupMakerParms = new PawnGroupMakerParms() { faction = (from x in Find.FactionManager.AllFactions where x.HostileTo(rp.faction) && x.def.pawnGroupMakers != null && x.def.pawnGroupMakers.Count > 0 && x.def.humanlikeFaction && IsCosmicHorrorFaction(x) == false && (x.def.pawnGroupMakers.FirstOrDefault((PawnGroupMaker y) => y.kindDef == PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat) != null) select x).RandomElement <Faction>(), tile = map.Tile, points = 5000, generateFightersOnly = false, }; int num = 0; foreach (Pawn current in PawnGroupMakerUtility.GeneratePawns(pawnGroupMakerParms, true)) { num++; ResolveParams resolveParams = rp; resolveParams.singlePawnToSpawn = current; BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("pawn", resolveParams); if (num == 3) { break; } } //} //else //{ // Faction tempFaction = Find.FactionManager.AllFactions.InRandomOrder<Faction>().FirstOrDefault((Faction z) => IsCosmicHorrorFaction(z)); // PawnGroupKindDef groupKind = rp.pawnGroupKindDef ?? PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat; // PawnGroupMakerParms pawnGroupMakerParms = new PawnGroupMakerParms() // { // faction = tempFaction, // map = map, // points = 5000, // generateFightersOnly = false, // generateMeleeOnly = false // }; // int num = 0; // foreach (Pawn current in PawnGroupMakerUtility.GeneratePawns(groupKind, pawnGroupMakerParms, true)) // { // num++; // ResolveParams resolveParams = rp; // resolveParams.singlePawnToSpawn = current; // resolveParams.singlePawnLord = null; // BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("pawn", resolveParams); // if (num == 3) break; // } //} //List<int> corners = new List<int>() { 0, 1, 2, 3 }; //foreach (int corner in corners.InRandomOrder<int>()) //{ // IntVec3 loc = Cthulhu.Utility.GetCornerPos(rp.rect.ContractedBy(1), corner); // if (!GenSpawn.WouldWipeAnythingWith(loc, Rot4.South, lampDef, map, (Thing x) => x.def.category == ThingCategory.Building)) // { // ThingDef singleThingDef3 = (Cthulhu.Utility.IsIndustrialAgeLoaded()) ? lampDef : ThingDefOf.TorchLamp; // Thing thing3 = ThingMaker.MakeThing(singleThingDef3, ThingDefOf.Steel); // GenSpawn.Spawn(thing3, loc, map); // break; // } //} }
public override void CompTick() { base.CompTick(); if (AnimalBehaviours_Settings.flagCorpseDecayingEffect) { tickCounter++; //Only check every 2 rare ticks (8 seconds) if (tickCounter > Props.tickInterval) { Pawn pawn = this.parent as Pawn; //Null map check if (pawn.Map != null) { //Check on radius CellRect rect = GenAdj.OccupiedRect(pawn.Position, pawn.Rotation, IntVec2.One); rect = rect.ExpandedBy(Props.radius); foreach (IntVec3 current in rect.Cells) { if (current.InBounds(pawn.Map)) { HashSet <Thing> hashSet = new HashSet <Thing>(current.GetThingList(pawn.Map)); if (hashSet != null) { foreach (Thing thingInCell in hashSet) { Corpse corpse = thingInCell as Corpse; //If anything in those cells was a corpse if (corpse != null) { //A FLESHY corpse, no mechanoid munching if (corpse.InnerPawn.def.race.IsFlesh) { //Damage the corpse, and feed the animal corpse.HitPoints -= 5; += Props.nutritionGained; //This is for achievements if (ModLister.HasActiveModWithName("Alpha Animals") && (pawn.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) && (corpse.InnerPawn.def.race.Humanlike)) {"AA_CorpseFeast")); } //If the corpse can rot, do it CompRottable compRottable = corpse.TryGetComp <CompRottable>(); if (compRottable.Stage == RotStage.Fresh) { compRottable.RotProgress += 100000; } //If the corpse reaches 0 HP, destroy it, and spawn corpse bile if (corpse.HitPoints < 0) { corpse.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { IntVec3 c; CellFinder.TryFindRandomReachableCellNear(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, 2, TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoors, Danger.Deadly, false), null, null, out c); FilthMaker.TryMakeFilth(c, pawn.Map, ThingDefOf.Filth_CorpseBile, pawn.LabelIndefinite(), 1, FilthSourceFlags.None); SoundDef.Named(Props.corpseSound).PlayOneShot(new TargetInfo(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, false)); } } FilthMaker.TryMakeFilth(current, pawn.Map, ThingDefOf.Filth_CorpseBile, pawn.LabelIndefinite(), 1, FilthSourceFlags.None); flagOnce = true; } } } } } if (flagOnce) { flagOnce = false; break; } } } tickCounter = 0; } } }
protected override void ScatterAt(IntVec3 loc, Map map, int stackCount = 1) { // Once a mapcenter blueprint is placed, don't do anything more if (mapCenterBlueprintUsed) { return; } // After 5 min reset the saved cells! if (usedCells_lastChange.AddMinutes(5) < DateTime.UtcNow) { usedCells.Clear(); usedCells_lastChange = DateTime.UtcNow; } // update the usedSpots if (usedSpots != null && usedSpots.Count > 0) { foreach (IntVec3 usedSpot in usedSpots) { usedCells.Add(usedSpot); } usedCells_lastChange = DateTime.UtcNow; } MapGeneratorBlueprintDef blueprint; // Safety: only use blueprints where the size is smaller than the map size => Safety really needed? blueprint = DefDatabase <MapGeneratorBlueprintDef> .AllDefsListForReading .RandomElementByWeight((MapGeneratorBlueprintDef b) => b.chance); if (!blueprint.mapCenterBlueprint && blueprint.pawnLegend != null && blueprint.pawnLegend.Count > 0) { // Check if the loc is near the spawn location IntVec2 nogoCenter = new IntVec2( / 2, / 2); CellRect nogoCenterRect = new CellRect(nogoCenter.x, nogoCenter.z, 1, 1); nogoCenterRect = nogoCenterRect.ExpandedBy(20); if (nogoCenterRect.Contains(loc)) { // If loc is near the center, find new blueprint that doesn't contain any pawns blueprint = DefDatabase <MapGeneratorBlueprintDef> .AllDefsListForReading .Where(b => (b.pawnLegend == null || b.pawnLegend.Count == 0)) .RandomElementByWeight((MapGeneratorBlueprintDef b) => b.chance); } } if (blueprint == null) { return; } // if the blueprint is a map center blueprint, set the loc so that the center is at the map center if (blueprint.mapCenterBlueprint) { loc = new IntVec3(map.Center.x - (blueprint.size.x / 2), map.Center.y, map.Center.z - (blueprint.size.z / 2)); mapCenterBlueprintUsed = true; } // place a blueprint ruin //ScatterBlueprintAt(loc, map, blueprint, ref selectedWallStuff, this.usedSpots); ScatterBlueprintAt(loc, map, blueprint, ref selectedWallStuff, usedCells); // reset selectedWallStuff = null; }
public override void Resolve(ResolveParams rp) { ThingDef thingDef = (from d in DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs where d.IsStuff && d.stuffProps.CanMake(ThingDefOf.Wall) && d.stuffProps.categories.Contains(StuffCategoryDefOf.Stony) && d != ThingDef.Named("Jade") select d).ToList <ThingDef>().RandomElementByWeight((ThingDef x) => 3f + 1f / x.BaseMarketValue); rp.wallStuff = thingDef; rp.floorDef = BaseGenUtility.CorrespondingTerrainDef(thingDef, true); int num = Rand.RangeInclusive(30, 40); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { int minX = Rand.RangeInclusive(rp.rect.minX, rp.rect.maxX - 1); int minZ = Rand.RangeInclusive(rp.rect.minZ, rp.rect.maxZ - 1); ResolveParams resolveParams = rp; resolveParams.rect = new CellRect(minX, minZ, Rand.RangeInclusive(1, 3), Rand.RangeInclusive(1, 3)); BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("pathOfDestruction", resolveParams, null); } for (int j = 0; j < Rand.RangeInclusive(2, 5); j++) { int minX2 = Rand.RangeInclusive(rp.rect.minX + 4, rp.rect.maxX - 10); int minZ2 = Rand.RangeInclusive(rp.rect.minZ + 4, rp.rect.maxZ - 10); ResolveParams resolveParams2 = rp; resolveParams2.rect = new CellRect(minX2, minZ2, Rand.RangeInclusive(5, 8), Rand.RangeInclusive(5, 8)); BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("emptyRoom", resolveParams2, null); } ResolveParams resolveParams3 = rp; resolveParams3.rect = resolveParams3.rect.ContractedBy(21); ResolveParams resolveParams4 = resolveParams3; resolveParams4.rect.Width = (int)(0.25 * (double)resolveParams3.rect.Width); resolveParams4.rect.Height = resolveParams4.rect.Width; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("roomWithDoor", resolveParams4, null); resolveParams4.rect = new CellRect(resolveParams4.rect.minX, resolveParams4.rect.maxZ, resolveParams4.rect.Width, resolveParams4.rect.Height); } resolveParams3.SetCustom <char[]>("hasDoor", new char[] { 'N' }, false); BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("roomWithDoor", resolveParams3, null); ResolveParams resolveParams5 = rp; resolveParams5.rect = rp.rect.ContractedBy(5); ResolveParams resolveParams6 = resolveParams5; for (int l = 0; l < 25; l++) { int width = Rand.RangeInclusive(4, 6); int height = Rand.RangeInclusive(4, 7); if (resolveParams6.rect.minX > resolveParams5.rect.maxX - 3) { break; } resolveParams6.rect = new CellRect(resolveParams6.rect.minX, resolveParams5.rect.minZ, width, height); if (Rand.Chance(0.15f)) { resolveParams6.rect.minX = resolveParams6.rect.minX + 3; } else { char c = (!Rand.Chance(0.1f)) ? 'N' : 'W'; resolveParams6.SetCustom <char[]>("hasDoor", new char[] { c }, false); BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("roomWithDoor", resolveParams6, null); resolveParams6.rect.minX = resolveParams6.rect.maxX; } } resolveParams6 = resolveParams5; for (int m = 0; m < 25; m++) { int width2 = Rand.RangeInclusive(4, 6); int num2 = Rand.RangeInclusive(4, 7); if (resolveParams6.rect.minX > resolveParams5.rect.maxX - 3) { break; } resolveParams6.rect = new CellRect(resolveParams6.rect.minX, resolveParams5.rect.maxZ + 1 - num2, width2, num2); if (Rand.Chance(0.15f)) { resolveParams6.rect.minX = resolveParams6.rect.minX + 3; } else { char c2 = (!Rand.Chance(0.1f)) ? 'S' : 'W'; resolveParams6.SetCustom <char[]>("hasDoor", new char[] { c2 }, false); BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("roomWithDoor", resolveParams6, null); resolveParams6.rect.minX = resolveParams6.rect.maxX; } } resolveParams6 = resolveParams5; resolveParams6.rect.minZ = resolveParams6.rect.minZ + 4; for (int n = 0; n < 25; n++) { int width3 = Rand.RangeInclusive(4, 6); int height2 = Rand.RangeInclusive(4, 7); if (resolveParams6.rect.minZ > resolveParams5.rect.maxZ - 4) { break; } resolveParams6.rect = new CellRect(resolveParams5.rect.minX, resolveParams6.rect.minZ, width3, height2); if (Rand.Chance(0.15f)) { resolveParams6.rect.minZ = resolveParams6.rect.minZ + 3; } else { char c3 = (!Rand.Chance(0.1f)) ? 'E' : 'S'; resolveParams6.SetCustom <char[]>("hasDoor", new char[] { c3 }, false); BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("roomWithDoor", resolveParams6, null); resolveParams6.rect.minZ = resolveParams6.rect.maxZ; } } resolveParams6 = resolveParams5; resolveParams6.rect.minZ = resolveParams6.rect.minZ + 4; for (int num3 = 0; num3 < 25; num3++) { int num4 = Rand.RangeInclusive(4, 6); int height3 = Rand.RangeInclusive(4, 7); if (resolveParams6.rect.minZ > resolveParams5.rect.maxZ - 4) { break; } resolveParams6.rect = new CellRect(resolveParams5.rect.maxX + 1 - num4, resolveParams6.rect.minZ, num4, height3); if (Rand.Chance(0.15f)) { resolveParams6.rect.minZ = resolveParams6.rect.minZ + 3; } else { char c4 = (!Rand.Chance(0.1f)) ? 'W' : 'S'; resolveParams6.SetCustom <char[]>("hasDoor", new char[] { c4 }, false); BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("roomWithDoor", resolveParams6, null); resolveParams6.rect.minZ = resolveParams6.rect.maxZ; } } ResolveParams resolveParams10; ResolveParams resolveParams9; ResolveParams resolveParams8; ResolveParams resolveParams7 = resolveParams8 = (resolveParams9 = (resolveParams10 = rp)); CellRect cellRect = new CellRect(rp.rect.maxX, rp.rect.maxZ, 1, 1); resolveParams8.rect = cellRect.ExpandedBy(4); CellRect cellRect2 = new CellRect(rp.rect.minX, rp.rect.maxZ, 1, 1); resolveParams7.rect = cellRect2.ExpandedBy(4); CellRect cellRect3 = new CellRect(rp.rect.maxX, rp.rect.minZ, 1, 1); resolveParams9.rect = cellRect3.ExpandedBy(4); CellRect cellRect4 = new CellRect(rp.rect.minX, rp.rect.minZ, 1, 1); resolveParams10.rect = cellRect4.ExpandedBy(4); resolveParams8.SetCustom <char[]>("hasDoor", new char[] { 'S', 'W' }, false); resolveParams7.SetCustom <char[]>("hasDoor", new char[] { 'S', 'E' }, false); resolveParams9.SetCustom <char[]>("hasDoor", new char[] { 'N', 'W' }, false); resolveParams10.SetCustom <char[]>("hasDoor", new char[] { 'N', 'E' }, false); BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("roomWithDoor", resolveParams8, null); BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("roomWithDoor", resolveParams7, null); BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("roomWithDoor", resolveParams9, null); BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("roomWithDoor", resolveParams10, null); ResolveParams resolveParams11 = rp; resolveParams11.rect = resolveParams11.rect.ContractedBy(3); BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("edgeShields", resolveParams11, null); ResolveParams resolveParams12 = rp; BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("doors", resolveParams12, null); BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("edgeWalls", resolveParams12, null); BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("floor", resolveParams12, null); }
public override void CompTick() { //null map check if (this.parent.Map != null) { tickCounter++; //Only do every electroRate ticks if (tickCounter >= electroRate) { Pawn pawn = this.parent as Pawn; CellRect rect = GenAdj.OccupiedRect(pawn.Position, pawn.Rotation, IntVec2.One); rect = rect.ExpandedBy(electroRadius); List <Building> batteriesInRange = new List <Building>(); foreach (IntVec3 current in rect.Cells) { if (current.InBounds(pawn.Map)) { Building edifice = current.GetEdifice(pawn.Map); //If any buildings were found in the requested area if (edifice != null) { //Check their defNames, and see if they are in the list of provided batteries //in the XML. They can be modded batteries. Example nice list of modded batteries: //< li > Battery </ li > //< li > Battery_Silver </ li > //< li > Battery_Gold </ li > //< li > Battery_Plasteel </ li > //< li > Battery_Uranium </ li > //< li > Battery_Advanced </ li > //< li > Battery_Vanometric </ li > //< li > Battery4k </ li > //< li > Battery16k </ li > //< li > Battery64k </ li > //< li > Battery256k </ li > //< li > ChargeBack_Battery_Prototype </ li > //< li > ChargeBack_Battery </ li > //< li > SpeedCharge_Battery </ li > //< li > ResonanceCell_Battery </ li > //< li > VoidCell_Battery </ li > //< li > VFE_LargeBattery </ li > //< li > VFE_SmallBattery </ li > //< li > VFE_AdvancedBattery </ li > //< li > VFE_LargeAdvancedBattery </ li > foreach (string defNameOfBattery in Props.batteriesToAffect) { if (edifice.def.defName == defNameOfBattery) { batteriesInRange.Add(edifice); } } } } } //If any battery was found if (batteriesInRange.Count > 0) { //Affect a random one if more than one was found Building batteryToAffect = batteriesInRange.RandomElement(); MoteMaker.ThrowMicroSparks(batteryToAffect.Position.ToVector3(), batteryToAffect.Map); foreach (CompPowerBattery current2 in batteryToAffect.GetComps <CompPowerBattery>()) { //Add 1 energy. The rate it fills is thus defined by electroRate current2.AddEnergy((float)1); break; } } tickCounter = 0; } } }
public static SpectateRectSide FindSingleBestSide_NewTemp(CellRect spectateRect, Map map, SpectateRectSide allowedSides = SpectateRectSide.All, int margin = 1, Func <IntVec3, SpectateRectSide, int, float> scoreOffset = null) { for (int i = 0; i < scorePerSide.Length; i++) { scorePerSide[i] = 0f; } usedCells.Clear(); int num = 30; CellRect cellRect = spectateRect.ExpandedBy(margin).ClipInsideMap(map); for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { if (!TryFindSpectatorCellFor(null, spectateRect, map, out var cell, allowedSides, margin, usedCells)) { break; } usedCells.Add(cell); SpectateRectSide spectateRectSide = SpectateRectSide.None; if (cell.z > cellRect.maxZ) { spectateRectSide |= SpectateRectSide.Up; } if (cell.x > cellRect.maxX) { spectateRectSide |= SpectateRectSide.Right; } if (cell.z < cellRect.minZ) { spectateRectSide |= SpectateRectSide.Down; } if (cell.x < cellRect.minX) { spectateRectSide |= SpectateRectSide.Left; } float num2 = Mathf.Lerp(1f, 0.35f, (float)j / (float)num); float num3 = num2 + (scoreOffset?.Invoke(cell, spectateRectSide, j) ?? 0f); Building correctlyRotatedChairAt = GetCorrectlyRotatedChairAt(cell, map, spectateRect); foreach (SpectateRectSide allSelectedItem in spectateRectSide.GetAllSelectedItems <SpectateRectSide>()) { if (allSelectedItem.ValidSingleSide() && allowedSides.HasFlag(allSelectedItem)) { scorePerSide[allSelectedItem.AsInt()] += num3; if (correctlyRotatedChairAt != null && correctlyRotatedChairAt.Rotation == allSelectedItem.AsRot4()) { scorePerSide[allSelectedItem.AsInt()] += 1.2f * num2; } } } } float num4 = 0f; int num5 = -1; for (int k = 0; k < scorePerSide.Length; k++) { if (scorePerSide[k] != 0f && (num5 <0 || scorePerSide[k]> num4)) { num5 = k; num4 = scorePerSide[k]; } } usedCells.Clear(); return(num5.ToSpectatorSide()); }
protected override void ScatterAt(IntVec3 loc, Map map, GenStepParams parms, int stackCount = 1) { var randomInRange = ShrinesCountX.RandomInRange; var randomInRange2 = ShrinesCountZ.RandomInRange; var randomInRange3 = ExtraHeightRange.RandomInRange; IntVec2 standardAncientShrineSize = SymbolResolver_AncientShrinesGroupMedieval.StandardAncientShrineSize; var num = 1; var num2 = (randomInRange * standardAncientShrineSize.x) + ((randomInRange - 1) * num); var num3 = (randomInRange2 * standardAncientShrineSize.z) + ((randomInRange2 - 1) * num); var num4 = num2 + 2; var num5 = num3 + 2 + randomInRange3; var rect = new CellRect(loc.x, loc.z, num4, num5); rect.ClipInsideMap(map); if (rect.Width != num4 || rect.Height != num5) { return; } foreach (IntVec3 c in rect.Cells) { List <Thing> list = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(c); for (var i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].def == ThingDefOf.AncientCryptosleepCasket) { return; } } } if (!CanPlaceAncientBuildingInRange(rect, map)) { return; } var resolveParams = default(RimWorld.SketchGen.ResolveParams); resolveParams.sketch = new Sketch(); resolveParams.monumentSize = new IntVec2?(new IntVec2(num2, num3)); SketchGen.Generate(SketchResolverDefOf.MonumentRuin, resolveParams).Spawn(map, rect.CenterCell, null, Sketch.SpawnPosType.Unchanged, Sketch.SpawnMode.Normal, false, false, null, false, false, delegate(SketchEntity entity, IntVec3 cell) { var result = false; foreach (IntVec3 b in entity.OccupiedRect.AdjacentCells) { IntVec3 c2 = cell + b; if (c2.InBounds(map)) { Building edifice = c2.GetEdifice(map); if (edifice == null || !edifice.def.building.isNaturalRock) { result = true; break; } } } return(result); }, null); var nextSignalTagID = Find.UniqueIDsManager.GetNextSignalTagID(); var signalTag = "ancientTempleApproached-" + nextSignalTagID; var signalAction_Letter = (SignalAction_Letter)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.SignalAction_Letter, null); signalAction_Letter.signalTag = signalTag; signalAction_Letter.letter = LetterMaker.MakeLetter("LetterLabelAncientShrineWarning".Translate(), "AncientShrineWarning".Translate(), LetterDefOf.NeutralEvent, new TargetInfo(rect.CenterCell, map, false)); GenSpawn.Spawn(signalAction_Letter, rect.CenterCell, map); var rectTrigger = (RectTrigger)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.RectTrigger, null); rectTrigger.signalTag = signalTag; rectTrigger.Rect = rect.ExpandedBy(1).ClipInsideMap(map); rectTrigger.destroyIfUnfogged = true; GenSpawn.Spawn(rectTrigger, rect.CenterCell, map); }
// Token: 0x06000004 RID: 4 RVA: 0x00002428 File Offset: 0x00000628 private void MakeBlueprintRoom(CellRect mapRect, MapGeneratorBlueprintDef blueprint, Map map, ThingDef stuffDef) { blueprint.buildingData = CleanUpBlueprintData(blueprint.buildingData); blueprint.floorData = CleanUpBlueprintData(blueprint.floorData); blueprint.pawnData = CleanUpBlueprintData(blueprint.pawnData); blueprint.itemData = CleanUpBlueprintData(blueprint.itemData); if (blueprint.buildingData == null && blueprint.floorData == null) { Log.ErrorOnce( $"After cleaning the BlueprintData and FloorData of blueprint {blueprint.defName} -> both are null, nothing will be done!", 313001); } else { var a = new IntVec3(mapRect.BottomLeft.x, mapRect.TopRight.y, mapRect.TopRight.z); foreach (var c in mapRect) { if (!CheckCell(c, map)) { return; } } allSpawnedPawns = null; for (var i = 0; i < blueprint.size.z; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < blueprint.size.x; j++) { var c2 = a + new IntVec3(j, 0, -i); var itemPos = j + (blueprint.size.x * i); var thingDef = TryGetThingDefFromBuildingData(blueprint, itemPos); var thingRot = TryGetRotationFromBuildingData(blueprint, itemPos); var terrainDef = TryGetTerrainDefFromFloorData(blueprint, itemPos); var pawnKindDef = TryGetPawnKindDefFromPawnData(blueprint, itemPos); var thingDef2 = TryGetItemDefFromItemData(blueprint, itemPos); var list = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(c2); foreach (var thing in list) { if (thing.def == thingDef) { } } if (thingDef != null || terrainDef != null || pawnKindDef != null || thingDef2 != null) { ClearCell(c2, map); } if (!(blueprint.canHaveHoles && Rand.Value < 0.08f)) { TrySetCellAs(c2, thingDef, thingRot, map, stuffDef, terrainDef, pawnKindDef, thingDef2, blueprint); } } } if (allSpawnedPawns != null && allSpawnedPawns.Count > 0) { var rectTrigger = (RectTrigger)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.RectTrigger); rectTrigger.Rect = mapRect.ExpandedBy(1).ClipInsideMap(map); //rectTrigger.letter = new Letter(Translator.Translate("LetterLabelAncientShrineWarning"), Translator.Translate("AncientShrineWarning"), 1, mapRect.CenterCell); rectTrigger.destroyIfUnfogged = false; GenSpawn.Spawn(rectTrigger, mapRect.CenterCell, map); } if (allSpawnedPawns == null || allSpawnedPawns.Count <= 0) { return; } LordJob lordJob; if (blueprint.factionSelection == FactionSelection.friendly) { lordJob = new LordJob_AssistColony(allSpawnedPawns[0].Faction, allSpawnedPawns[0].Position); } else { if (Rand.Value < 0.5f) { lordJob = new LordJob_DefendPoint(allSpawnedPawns[0].Position); } else { lordJob = new LordJob_AssaultColony(allSpawnedPawns[0].Faction, false, false); } } LordMaker.MakeNewLord(allSpawnedPawns[0].Faction, lordJob, map, allSpawnedPawns); allSpawnedPawns = null; } }
public static SpectateRectSide FindSingleBestSide(CellRect spectateRect, Map map, SpectateRectSide allowedSides = SpectateRectSide.All, int margin = 1) { for (int i = 0; i < SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide.Length; i++) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[i] = 0f; } SpectatorCellFinder.usedCells.Clear(); int num = 30; CellRect cellRect = spectateRect.ExpandedBy(margin).ClipInsideMap(map); for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { IntVec3 intVec; if (!SpectatorCellFinder.TryFindSpectatorCellFor(null, spectateRect, map, out intVec, allowedSides, margin, SpectatorCellFinder.usedCells)) { break; } SpectatorCellFinder.usedCells.Add(intVec); float num2 = Mathf.Lerp(1f, 0.35f, (float)j / (float)num); float num3 = num2; Building correctlyRotatedChairAt = SpectatorCellFinder.GetCorrectlyRotatedChairAt(intVec, map, spectateRect); if (intVec.z > cellRect.maxZ && (allowedSides & SpectateRectSide.Up) == SpectateRectSide.Up) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[0] += num3; if (correctlyRotatedChairAt != null && correctlyRotatedChairAt.Rotation == Rot4.South) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[0] += 1.2f * num2; } } if (intVec.x > cellRect.maxX && (allowedSides & SpectateRectSide.Right) == SpectateRectSide.Right) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[1] += num3; if (correctlyRotatedChairAt != null && correctlyRotatedChairAt.Rotation == Rot4.West) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[1] += 1.2f * num2; } } if (intVec.z < cellRect.minZ && (allowedSides & SpectateRectSide.Down) == SpectateRectSide.Down) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[2] += num3; if (correctlyRotatedChairAt != null && correctlyRotatedChairAt.Rotation == Rot4.North) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[2] += 1.2f * num2; } } if (intVec.x < cellRect.minX && (allowedSides & SpectateRectSide.Left) == SpectateRectSide.Left) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[3] += num3; if (correctlyRotatedChairAt != null && correctlyRotatedChairAt.Rotation == Rot4.East) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[3] += 1.2f * num2; } } } float num4 = 0f; int num5 = -1; for (int k = 0; k < SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide.Length; k++) { if (SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[k] != 0f) { if (num5 < 0 || SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[k] > num4) { num5 = k; num4 = SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[k]; } } } SpectatorCellFinder.usedCells.Clear(); switch (num5) { case 0: return(SpectateRectSide.Up); case 1: return(SpectateRectSide.Right); case 2: return(SpectateRectSide.Down); case 3: return(SpectateRectSide.Left); default: return(SpectateRectSide.None); } }
protected override void ScatterAt(IntVec3 c, Map map, GenStepParams parms, int stackCount = 1) { Log.Message("Horrors: Initiating Hive Spawn"); var noiseArray = new double[map.Size.x, map.Size.z]; var caveNoise = GeneratePerlinNoiseForCaves(map); Log.Message("Horrors: Noise Generated Successfully"); Log.Message("Horrors: Stepping through noise grid"); for (var i = 0; i < map.Size.x; i++) { for (var n = 0; n < map.Size.z; n++) { noiseArray[i, n] = caveNoise.layeredNoise(Convert.ToDouble(i) / 10, Convert.ToDouble(n) / 10); } } Log.Message("Horrors: Digging out tunnels"); for (var i = 0; i < map.Size.x; i++) { for (var n = 0; n < map.Size.z; n++) { var loc = new IntVec3(i, 0, n); if (CoverUtility.TotalSurroundingCoverScore(loc, map) > 0.2) { GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("HorrorWeb"), loc, map); } if (!(noiseArray[i, n] > 0.5)) { continue; } if (loc.GetEdifice(map) != null) { loc.GetEdifice(map).Destroy(DestroyMode.KillFinalize); } if (map.fogGrid.IsFogged(loc)) { map.fogGrid.Unfog(loc); } // map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(loc, TerrainDef.Named("FloorWebs")); } } Log.Message("Horrors: Generating Hive Rect"); var rect = new CellRect(0, 0, 0, 0); Faction faction; if ( == null || == Faction.OfPlayer) { faction = Find.FactionManager.RandomEnemyFaction(); } else { faction =; } rect = rect.ExpandedBy(4); rect.ClipInsideMap(map); var resolveParams = default(ResolveParams); resolveParams.rect = rect; resolveParams.faction = faction; = map; Log.Message("Horrors: Validating Spawns"); bool Validator(IntVec3 p) { return(DropCellFinder.IsGoodDropSpot(p, map, true, true)); } // Pawns var queenPawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(PawnKindDef.Named("Pirate"), faction); Log.Message("Horrors: Spawning Sinkhole"); CellFinder.TryFindRandomCellNear(map.Center, map, 20, Validator, out var cellReturned); GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("SinkHole"), map.Center, map); Log.Message("Horrors: Spawning Sinkhole"); CellFinder.TryFindRandomCellNear(map.Center, map, 20, Validator, out cellReturned); GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("SinkHole"), cellReturned, map); Log.Message("Horrors: Spawning Sinkhole"); CellFinder.TryFindRandomCellNear(map.Center, map, 20, Validator, out cellReturned); GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("SinkHole"), cellReturned, map); Log.Message("Horrors: Spawning Sinkhole"); CellFinder.TryFindRandomCellNear(map.Center, map, 20, Validator, out cellReturned); GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("SinkHole"), cellReturned, map); Log.Message("Horrors: Spawning Sinkhole"); CellFinder.TryFindRandomCellNear(map.Center, map, 20, Validator, out cellReturned); var queen = GenSpawn.Spawn(queenPawn, cellReturned, map); var pawnToSpawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(PawnKindDef.Named("BroodLord"), faction); GenSpawn.Spawn(pawnToSpawn, cellReturned, map);, (Pawn)queen); }
public Stencil Expand(int amount) { return(new Stencil(map, pos, rot, bounds.ExpandedBy(amount).ClipInsideMap(map))); }
public static SpectateRectSide FindSingleBestSide(CellRect spectateRect, Map map, SpectateRectSide allowedSides = SpectateRectSide.All, int margin = 1) { for (int i = 0; i < SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide.Length; i++) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[i] = 0f; } SpectatorCellFinder.usedCells.Clear(); int num = 30; CellRect cellRect = spectateRect.ExpandedBy(margin).ClipInsideMap(map); int num2 = 0; IntVec3 intVec = default(IntVec3); while (num2 < num && SpectatorCellFinder.TryFindSpectatorCellFor((Pawn)null, spectateRect, map, out intVec, allowedSides, margin, SpectatorCellFinder.usedCells)) { SpectatorCellFinder.usedCells.Add(intVec); float num3 = Mathf.Lerp(1f, 0.35f, (float)num2 / (float)num); float num4 = num3; Building correctlyRotatedChairAt = SpectatorCellFinder.GetCorrectlyRotatedChairAt(intVec, map, spectateRect); if (intVec.z > cellRect.maxZ && (allowedSides & SpectateRectSide.Up) == SpectateRectSide.Up) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[0] += num4; if (correctlyRotatedChairAt != null && correctlyRotatedChairAt.Rotation == Rot4.South) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[0] += (float)(1.2000000476837158 * num3); } } if (intVec.x > cellRect.maxX && (allowedSides & SpectateRectSide.Right) == SpectateRectSide.Right) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[1] += num4; if (correctlyRotatedChairAt != null && correctlyRotatedChairAt.Rotation == Rot4.West) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[1] += (float)(1.2000000476837158 * num3); } } if (intVec.z < cellRect.minZ && (allowedSides & SpectateRectSide.Down) == SpectateRectSide.Down) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[2] += num4; if (correctlyRotatedChairAt != null && correctlyRotatedChairAt.Rotation == Rot4.North) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[2] += (float)(1.2000000476837158 * num3); } } if (intVec.x < cellRect.minX && (allowedSides & SpectateRectSide.Left) == SpectateRectSide.Left) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[3] += num4; if (correctlyRotatedChairAt != null && correctlyRotatedChairAt.Rotation == Rot4.East) { SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[3] += (float)(1.2000000476837158 * num3); } } num2++; } float num5 = 0f; int num6 = -1; for (int j = 0; j < SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide.Length; j++) { if (SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[j] != 0.0 && (num6 <0 || SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[j]> num5)) { num6 = j; num5 = SpectatorCellFinder.scorePerSide[j]; } } SpectatorCellFinder.usedCells.Clear(); switch (num6) { case 0: return(SpectateRectSide.Up); case 1: return(SpectateRectSide.Right); case 2: return(SpectateRectSide.Down); case 3: return(SpectateRectSide.Left); default: return(SpectateRectSide.None); } }
public static void ClearThingsFor(Map map, IntVec3 spot, IntVec2 size, Rot4 rot, int expandedBy = 0, bool cutPlants = true, bool teleportHaulables = true) { if (!cutPlants && !teleportHaulables) { return; } CellRect removeCells = GenAdj.OccupiedRect(spot, rot, size).ExpandedBy(expandedBy); CellRect moveToCells = removeCells.ExpandedBy(2).ClipInsideMap(map); foreach (IntVec3 cell in removeCells) { if (cutPlants) { Plant plant = cell.GetPlant(map); if (plant != null && plant.def.plant.harvestWork >= 200f) // from GenConstruct.BlocksFramePlacement() { Designation des = new Designation(plant, DesignationDefOf.CutPlant); map.designationManager.AddDesignation(des); plant.SetForbiddenIfOutsideHomeArea(); // does nothing } } if (teleportHaulables) { Thing haulable = cell.GetFirstHaulable(map); if (haulable != null) { IntVec3 moveToSpot = haulable.Position; IntVec3 tempSpot; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { if (i < 15) { tempSpot = moveToCells.EdgeCells.RandomElement(); } else { tempSpot = moveToCells.RandomCell; } if (!removeCells.Contains(tempSpot)) { if (tempSpot.Standable(map)) { moveToSpot = tempSpot; break; } } } if (moveToSpot == haulable.Position) { Log.Error("Found no spot to teleport " + haulable + " to."); continue; } // Teleport the f****r //haulable.Position = moveToSpot; GenPlace.TryMoveThing(haulable, moveToSpot, map); } } } }
private void SpawnRoofOver(Thing thing) { CellRect cellRect = thing.OccupiedRect(); bool flag = true; CellRect.CellRectIterator iterator = cellRect.GetIterator(); while (!iterator.Done()) { if (!iterator.Current.Roofed(thing.Map)) { flag = false; break; } iterator.MoveNext(); } if (flag) { return; } int num = 0; CellRect cellRect2 = cellRect.ExpandedBy(2); CellRect.CellRectIterator iterator2 = cellRect2.GetIterator(); while (!iterator2.Done()) { if (iterator2.Current.InBounds(thing.Map) && iterator2.Current.GetRoofHolderOrImpassable(thing.Map) != null) { num++; } iterator2.MoveNext(); } if (num < 2) { ThingDef stuff = Rand.Element <ThingDef>(ThingDefOf.WoodLog, ThingDefOf.Steel); foreach (IntVec3 intVec in cellRect2.Corners) { if (intVec.InBounds(thing.Map)) { if (intVec.Standable(thing.Map)) { if (intVec.GetFirstItem(thing.Map) == null && intVec.GetFirstBuilding(thing.Map) == null && intVec.GetFirstPawn(thing.Map) == null) { if (!GenAdj.CellsAdjacent8Way(new TargetInfo(intVec, thing.Map, false)).Any((IntVec3 x) => !x.InBounds(thing.Map) || !x.Walkable(thing.Map))) { if (intVec.SupportsStructureType(thing.Map, ThingDefOf.Wall.terrainAffordanceNeeded)) { Thing thing2 = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.Wall, stuff); GenSpawn.Spawn(thing2, intVec, thing.Map, WipeMode.Vanish); thing2.SetFaction(thing.Faction, null); num++; } } } } } } } if (num > 0) { CellRect.CellRectIterator iterator3 = cellRect2.GetIterator(); while (!iterator3.Done()) { if (iterator3.Current.InBounds(thing.Map) && !iterator3.Current.Roofed(thing.Map)) { thing.Map.roofGrid.SetRoof(iterator3.Current, RoofDefOf.RoofConstructed); } iterator3.MoveNext(); } } }