public static bool ThingAt_Building_Door(ThingGrid __instance, ref Building_Door __result, IntVec3 c) { Map this_map = map(__instance); CellIndices cellIndices = this_map.cellIndices; __result = null; if (!c.InBounds(this_map)) { __result = default(Building_Door); return(false); } lock (thingGridDict[__instance][cellIndices.CellToIndex(c)]) { List <Thing> thingList = thingGridDict[__instance][cellIndices.CellToIndex(c)]; foreach (Thing t in thingList) { if (t is Building_Door obj) { __result = obj; return(false); } } } __result = default(Building_Door); return(false); }
public int RegionMedianPathCost(Region region) { int num; int result; if (this.minPathCosts.TryGetValue(region, out num)) { result = num; } else { bool ignoreAllowedAreaCost = this.allowedArea != null && region.OverlapWith(this.allowedArea) != AreaOverlap.None; CellIndices cellIndices =; Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = cellIndices.CellToIndex(region.extentsClose.CenterCell) * (region.links.Count + 1); for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { RegionCostCalculator.pathCostSamples[i] = this.GetCellCostFast(cellIndices.CellToIndex(region.RandomCell), ignoreAllowedAreaCost); } Rand.PopState(); Array.Sort <int>(RegionCostCalculator.pathCostSamples); int num2 = RegionCostCalculator.pathCostSamples[4]; this.minPathCosts[region] = num2; result = num2; } return(result); }
public static bool ThingAt(ThingGrid __instance, ref Thing __result, IntVec3 c, ThingDef def) { Map this_map = map(__instance); CellIndices cellIndices = this_map.cellIndices; if (!c.InBounds(this_map)) { __result = null; return(false); } lock (thingGridDict[__instance][cellIndices.CellToIndex(c)]) { List <Thing> thingList = thingGridDict[__instance][cellIndices.CellToIndex(c)]; foreach (Thing t in thingList) { if (t.def == def) { __result = t; return(false); } } } __result = null; return(false); }
protected Step astar(IntVec3 start) { if (stepCache == null) { stepCache = new StepFactory(); } stepCache.Reset(dest, costPerMoveCardinal, costPerMoveDiagonal, Math.Max(Math.Abs(start.x - dest.Cell.x), Math.Abs(start.z - dest.Cell.z)) > maxDistanceBeforeCheating, mapSizeX, mapSizeZ); openlist = openlistShared; if (openlist == null) { openlist = new Priority_Queue.FastPriorityQueue <Step>(limitForSearch + 10); openlistShared = openlist; } else { openlist.Clear(); } List <int> destCells = CalculateAllowedDestCells(map, dest, peMode, traverseParms); // Initialisierung der Open List, die Closed List ist noch leer // (die Priorität bzw. der f Wert des Startknotens ist unerheblich) Step firstStep = stepCache.getCachedOrNewStep(start, cellIndices.CellToIndex(start)); openlist.Enqueue(firstStep, 0); // diese Schleife wird durchlaufen bis entweder // - die optimale Lösung gefunden wurde oder // - feststeht, dass keine Lösung existiert while (openlist.Count != 0) { // Knoten mit dem geringsten f Wert aus der Open List entfernen Step currentStep = openlist.Dequeue(); // Wurde das Ziel gefunden? if (destCells.Contains(currentStep.currentIndx)) { return(currentStep); } if (stepCache.Count >= limitForSearch) { return(null); } // Wenn das Ziel noch nicht gefunden wurde: Nachfolgeknoten // des aktuellen Knotens auf die Open List setzen expandNode(currentStep); // der aktuelle Knoten ist nun abschließend untersucht currentStep.closed = true; //if ( drawPath ) map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(currentStep.current, 0.9f, "closed", 100); } // die Open List ist leer, es existiert kein Pfad zum Ziel return(null); }
private static void SetCellsInRadiusNoRoofNoRock(IntVec3 position, float radius) { foreach (IntVec3 cell in GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(position, radius, true)) { if (cell.InBounds() == false) { continue; } // Unroof cell. if (cell.Roofed()) { Find.RoofGrid.SetRoof(cell, null); } // Remove rock from cell. Building rock = Find.EdificeGrid.InnerArray[CellIndices.CellToIndex(cell)]; if (rock != null) { rock.Destroy(); } // Remove cave roof. List <Thing> thingList = cell.GetThingList(); for (int thingIndex = 0; thingIndex < thingList.Count; thingIndex++) { Thing thing = thingList[thingIndex]; if (thing.def == Util_CaveBiome.CaveRoofDef) { thing.Destroy(); } } } }
public static bool ThingAt(ThingGrid __instance, ref Thing __result, IntVec3 c, ThingDef def) { Map this_map = map(__instance); CellIndices cellIndices = this_map.cellIndices; if (!c.InBounds(this_map)) { __result = null; return(false); } List <Thing> thingList = thingGrid(__instance)[cellIndices.CellToIndex(c)]; Thing thing; for (int index = 0; index < thingList.Count; index++) { try { thing = thingList[index]; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { break; } if (thing.def == def) { __result = thing; return(false); } } __result = null; return(false); }
public override void Regenerate() { var ZTracker = Current.Game.GetComponent <ZLevelsManager>(); int curLevel = ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(base.Map); bool[] fogGrid = base.Map.fogGrid.fogGrid; if (curLevel > 0) { foreach (var map in ZTracker.GetAllMaps(base.Map.Tile) .OrderByDescending(x => ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(x))) { int baseLevel = ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(map); CellIndices cellIndices = map.cellIndices; if (curLevel > baseLevel && baseLevel >= 0) { CellRect cellRect = this.section.CellRect; foreach (IntVec3 intVec in this.section.CellRect) { if (intVec.Fogged(map) && !intVec.Fogged(base.Map)) { fogGrid[cellIndices.CellToIndex(intVec)] = true; base.Map.mapDrawer.MapMeshDirty(intVec, MapMeshFlag.FogOfWar); } } } } } }
public static void InitStatusesAndPushStartNode2(ref int curIndex, IntVec3 start, CellIndices cellIndices, PathFinderNodeFast[] pathFinderNodeFast, FastPriorityQueue <CostNode2> fastPriorityQueue, ref ushort local_statusOpenValue, ref ushort local_statusClosedValue) { local_statusOpenValue += 2; local_statusClosedValue += 2; if (local_statusClosedValue >= 65435) { int num = pathFinderNodeFast.Length; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { pathFinderNodeFast[i].status = 0; } local_statusOpenValue = 1; local_statusClosedValue = 2; } curIndex = cellIndices.CellToIndex(start); pathFinderNodeFast[curIndex].knownCost = 0; pathFinderNodeFast[curIndex].heuristicCost = 0; pathFinderNodeFast[curIndex].costNodeCost = 0; pathFinderNodeFast[curIndex].parentIndex = curIndex; pathFinderNodeFast[curIndex].status = local_statusOpenValue; fastPriorityQueue.Clear(); //CostNode2 newCostNode = constructorCostNode.Invoke(new object[] { curIndex, 0 }); fastPriorityQueue.Push(new CostNode2(curIndex, 0)); }
public static void InitStatusesAndPushStartNode3(ref int curIndex, IntVec3 start, CellIndices cellIndices, PathFinderNodeFast[] calcGrid, ref ushort local_statusOpenValue, ref ushort local_statusClosedValue) { local_statusOpenValue += 2; local_statusClosedValue += 2; if (local_statusClosedValue >= 65435) { int num = calcGrid.Length; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { calcGrid[i].status = 0; } local_statusOpenValue = 1; local_statusClosedValue = 2; } openValues[Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId] = local_statusOpenValue; closedValues[Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId] = local_statusClosedValue; curIndex = cellIndices.CellToIndex(start); calcGrid[curIndex].knownCost = 0; calcGrid[curIndex].heuristicCost = 0; calcGrid[curIndex].costNodeCost = 0; calcGrid[curIndex].parentIndex = curIndex; calcGrid[curIndex].status = local_statusOpenValue; //fastPriorityQueue.Clear(); //object newCostNode = constructorCostNode.Invoke(new object[] { curIndex, 0 }); //fastPriorityQueue.Push(newCostNode); }
public static void Convert_Old_Stockpiles_To_Lazy(ZoneManager __instance, Zone[] ___zoneGrid) { Zone[] zoneGrid = ___zoneGrid; ZoneManager manager = __instance; Map map =; CellIndices cellIndices =; List <Zone> zones = manager.AllZones; List <Zone_Stockpile> deregister = new List <Zone_Stockpile>(); List <Lazy_Stockpile> register = new List <Lazy_Stockpile>(); for (int i = 0; i < zones.Count; i++) { Zone z = zones[i]; if (z as Zone_Stockpile != null && z as Lazy_Stockpile == null) { Lazy_Stockpile tmp = new Lazy_Stockpile(z as Zone_Stockpile); manager.AllZones.Remove(z); manager.AllZones.Add(tmp); foreach (IntVec3 c in tmp) { zoneGrid[cellIndices.CellToIndex(c)] = tmp; } //deregister.Add(z as Zone_Stockpile); //register.Add(tmp); Log.Message($"The stockpile {z.label} has been converted to a lazy stockpile"); } } }
public static bool ThingsListAtFast(ThingGrid __instance, ref List <Thing> __result, IntVec3 c) { Map this_map = map(__instance); CellIndices cellIndices = this_map.cellIndices; __result = thingGridDict[__instance][cellIndices.CellToIndex(c)]; return(false); }
public static AirNet NetAt(IntVec3 pos, NetLayer layer) { if (!AirNetTicker.doneInit) { AirNetTicker.Initialize(); } return(netGrid[(int)layer][CellIndices.CellToIndex(pos)]); }
public int RegionMedianPathCost(Region region) { if (minPathCosts.TryGetValue(region, out int value)) { return(value); } bool ignoreAllowedAreaCost = allowedArea != null && region.OverlapWith(allowedArea) != AreaOverlap.None; CellIndices cellIndices = map.cellIndices; Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = cellIndices.CellToIndex(region.extentsClose.CenterCell) * (region.links.Count + 1); for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { pathCostSamples[i] = GetCellCostFast(cellIndices.CellToIndex(region.RandomCell), ignoreAllowedAreaCost); } Rand.PopState(); Array.Sort(pathCostSamples); return(minPathCosts[region] = pathCostSamples[4]); }
private bool isBlocked(IntVec3 position, int angleDelta) { Thing thingBlockers = innerArray[CellIndices.CellToIndex(position)]; if (thingBlockers != null) { if (thingBlockers.def.blockLight) { //block this tile addCellIndex(position, true); //block next forward tile to prevent further light going this way addCellIndex(position.TranslateDirection(Orientation), true); //block next left and right tiles to prevent further light going this way and help with "angle" detection addCellIndex(position.TranslateDirection(Orientation, 1), true); addCellIndex(position.TranslateDirection(Orientation, -1), true); } thingBlockers = null; //Log.Message("Blocking by Def: X: " + position.x + " Z: " + position.z); return(true); } /////----------If def.blocked not found scan for previous blocks-------------////// //I pre emtifly block the cell at the building collision level so now I can find it here and carry on blocking //This part feels a bit iffy to me because I have to carry on calculation blockers. Not sure how flag any further //blockers in that particular direction to be forgotten about. possibly a shortfall in my calculation logic. Oh works I suppose GlowGridCache thisCellBlocked = ColorCellIndexCache.FirstOrDefault(deltaZ => position == deltaZ.Position & deltaZ.IsBlocked); if (thisCellBlocked != null) { //block the next cell ahead and repeat el'kapitan! addCellIndex(thisCellBlocked.Position.TranslateDirection(Orientation), true); if (angleDelta < 0) { //pffff.. a bit ugly i know.. but i need to compensate for wide angles over distance addCellIndex(thisCellBlocked.Position.TranslateDirection(Orientation, -1), true); //addCellIndex(thisCellBlocked.Position.TranslateDirection(this.Orientation, -2), true); //addCellIndex(thisCellBlocked.Position.TranslateDirection(this.Orientation, -3), true); } if (angleDelta > 0) { addCellIndex(thisCellBlocked.Position.TranslateDirection(Orientation, 1), true); //addCellIndex(thisCellBlocked.Position.TranslateDirection(this.Orientation, 2), true); //addCellIndex(thisCellBlocked.Position.TranslateDirection(this.Orientation, 3), true); } } return(false); }
public static List <Thing> ThingsListAt2(ThingGrid __instance, IntVec3 c) { Map this_map = map(__instance); CellIndices cellIndices = this_map.cellIndices; if (c.InBounds(this_map)) { return(thingGridDict[__instance][cellIndices.CellToIndex(c)]); } Log.ErrorOnce("Got ThingsListAt out of bounds: " + c, 495287, false); return(EmptyThingList); }
public void DeRegister(Building ed) { CellIndices cellIndices = map.cellIndices; CellRect cellRect = ed.OccupiedRect(); for (int i = cellRect.minZ; i <= cellRect.maxZ; i++) { for (int j = cellRect.minX; j <= cellRect.maxX; j++) { innerArray[cellIndices.CellToIndex(j, i)] = null; } } }
//Returns things that are in area public static IEnumerable <Thing> searcher(Area area, List <Thing> things) { List <Thing> results = new List <Thing>(); foreach (Thing thing in things) { if (area.GetCellBool(CellIndices.CellToIndex(thing.Position))) { yield return(thing); } } yield break; }
public static void NotifyNetCreated(AirNet newNet) { foreach (var node in newNet.nodes) { //For every cell occupied by a node var occupiedRect = node.parent.OccupiedRect(); foreach (var current in occupiedRect) { //Register the cell as the new net netGrid[newNet.LayerInt][CellIndices.CellToIndex(current)] = newNet; } } }
public static void NotifyNetDeregistered(AirNet oldNet) { foreach (var node in oldNet.nodes) { //For every cell occupied by a node var occupiedRect = node.parent.OccupiedRect(); foreach (var current in occupiedRect) { //Delete the cell's registered net netGrid[oldNet.LayerInt][CellIndices.CellToIndex(current)] = null; } } }
public static bool ThingsAt(ThingGrid __instance, ref IEnumerable <Thing> __result, IntVec3 c) { Map this_map = map(__instance); CellIndices cellIndices = this_map.cellIndices; __result = null; if (c.InBounds(this_map)) { __result = thingGridDict[__instance][cellIndices.CellToIndex(c)]; return(false); } return(false); }
public void Register(Building ed) { CellIndices cellIndices = map.cellIndices; CellRect cellRect = ed.OccupiedRect(); for (int i = cellRect.minZ; i <= cellRect.maxZ; i++) { for (int j = cellRect.minX; j <= cellRect.maxX; j++) { IntVec3 c = new IntVec3(j, 0, i); innerArray[cellIndices.CellToIndex(c)] = ed; } } }
public static bool ThingsListAt(ThingGrid __instance, ref List <Thing> __result, IntVec3 c) { Map this_map = map(__instance); CellIndices cellIndices = this_map.cellIndices; if (c.InBounds(this_map)) { __result = thingGridDict[__instance][cellIndices.CellToIndex(c)]; return(false); } Log.ErrorOnce("Got ThingsListAt out of bounds: " + c, 495287, false); __result = EmptyThingList; return(false); }
internal void SetAllFogged(Map map) { CellIndices cellIndices = map.cellIndices; if (map.fogGrid?.fogGrid != null) { foreach (IntVec3 c in map.AllCells) { map.fogGrid.fogGrid[cellIndices.CellToIndex(c)] = true; } if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing) { map.roofGrid.Drawer.SetDirty(); } } }
protected void InitStatusesAndPushStartNode(ref int curIndex, IntVec3 start) { statusOpenValue += 2; statusClosedValue += 2; if (statusClosedValue >= 65435) { ResetStatuses(); } curIndex = cellIndices.CellToIndex(start); calcGrid[curIndex].knownCost = 0; calcGrid[curIndex].heuristicCost = 0; calcGrid[curIndex].costNodeCost = 0; calcGrid[curIndex].parentIndex = curIndex; calcGrid[curIndex].status = statusOpenValue; openList.Clear(); openList.Push(new CostNode(curIndex, 0)); }
private static Room FindCurrentRegionGroupNeighborWithMostRegions2(RegionAndRoomUpdater __instance, out bool multipleOldNeighborRooms) { multipleOldNeighborRooms = false; Room room = null; for (int i = 0; i < currentRegionGroup(__instance).Count; i++) { foreach (Region item in currentRegionGroup(__instance)[i].NeighborsOfSameType) { Region currentRegionGroup3 = item; Map map2 = currentRegionGroup3.Map; CellIndices cellIndices = map2.cellIndices; Region[] directGrid = map2.regionGrid.DirectGrid; bool cellExists = false; foreach (IntVec3 intVec3 in currentRegionGroup3.extentsClose) { if (directGrid[cellIndices.CellToIndex(intVec3)] == currentRegionGroup3) { cellExists = true; break; } } if (!cellExists) { Log.Error("still bad regions"); } if (item.Room != null && !reusedOldRooms(__instance).Contains(item.Room)) { if (room == null) { room = item.Room; } else if (item.Room != room) { multipleOldNeighborRooms = true; if (item.Room.RegionCount > room.RegionCount) { room = item.Room; } } } } } return(room); }
private static void AddRoomsToFog(List <Room> allRooms, Map map, bool fogDoors = false) { CellIndices cellIndices = map.cellIndices; foreach (var room in allRooms) { foreach (var cell in room.Cells) { if (cell.GetDoor(map) != null && !fogDoors) { continue; } map.fogGrid.fogGrid[cellIndices.CellToIndex(cell)] = true; map.mapDrawer.MapMeshDirty(cell, MapMeshFlag.FogOfWar); } } }
//EdificeGrid //TODO Make transpiler public static bool RegisterDoorExpanded(EdificeGrid __instance, Building ed) { //Log.Message("Register"); //Log.Message(ed.Label); //Log.Message(ed.def.thingClass.ToString()); if (isExceptionForEdificeRegistration(ed)) { //<VanillaCodeSequence> CellIndices cellIndices = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("map").GetValue <Map>().cellIndices; CellRect cellRect = ed.OccupiedRect(); for (int i = cellRect.minZ; i <= cellRect.maxZ; i++) { for (int j = cellRect.minX; j <= cellRect.maxX; j++) { IntVec3 intVec = new IntVec3(j, 0, i); var oldBuilding = __instance[intVec]; if (UnityData.isDebugBuild && oldBuilding != null && !oldBuilding.Destroyed && !isExceptionForEdificeRegistration(oldBuilding)) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Added edifice ", ed.LabelCap, " over edifice ", oldBuilding.LabelCap, " at ", intVec, ". Destroying old edifice, despite DoorsExpanded code." })); oldBuilding.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); return(false); } Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("innerArray").GetValue <Building[]>()[ cellIndices.CellToIndex(intVec)] = ed; } } //</VanillaCodeSequence> return(false); } return(true); }
/* * public static void Postfix_Constructor(ThingGrid __instance, Map map) * { * = map; * CellIndices cellIndices = map.cellIndices; * List<Thing>[] thingGrid = new List<Thing>[cellIndices.NumGridCells]; * thingGridDict.Add(__instance, thingGrid); * for (int i = 0; i < cellIndices.NumGridCells; ++i) * thingGrid[i] = new List<Thing>(4); * } */ public static bool RegisterInCell(ThingGrid __instance, Thing t, IntVec3 c) { Map this_map = map(__instance); CellIndices cellIndices = this_map.cellIndices; if (!c.InBounds(this_map)) { Log.Warning(t.ToString() + " tried to register out of bounds at " + c + ". Destroying.", false); t.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } else { int index = cellIndices.CellToIndex(c); lock (thingGrid(__instance)[index]) { thingGrid(__instance)[index].Add(t); } } return(false); }
public static bool get_AnyCell(Region __instance, ref IntVec3 __result) { Map map = Find.Maps[__instance.mapIndex]; CellIndices cellIndices = map.cellIndices; Region[] directGrid = map.regionGrid.DirectGrid; foreach (IntVec3 item in __instance.extentsClose) { if (directGrid[cellIndices.CellToIndex(item)] == __instance) { __result = item; return(false); } } Log.Warning("Couldn't find any cell in region " + __instance.ToString()); __result = __instance.extentsClose.RandomCell; return(false); }
public static bool WithinRangeOfRoofHolder(IntVec3 c, Map map) { CellIndices cellIndices = map.cellIndices; Building[] innerArray = map.edificeGrid.InnerArray; for (int i = 0; i < RoofCollapseUtility.RoofSupportRadialCellsCount; i++) { IntVec3 c2 = c + GenRadial.RadialPattern[i]; if (c2.InBounds(map)) { Building building = innerArray[cellIndices.CellToIndex(c2)]; if (building != null && building.def.holdsRoof) { return(true); } } } return(false); }