private void CreateTestCellStyle( CellStyle cellStyle, out CellStyle listHeaderStyle, out CellStyle listTextStyle, out CellStyle listNumberStyle, out CellStyle listDateTimeStyle ) { CellFont listHeaderFont = cellStyle.Font .CloneAndSetStyle(cellStyle.Font.Style | FontStyles.IsBold); listHeaderStyle = cellStyle .CloneAndSetFont(listHeaderFont) .CloneAndSetHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.Center) .CloneAndSetBorder(true) .CloneAndSetFont(listHeaderFont); listTextStyle = cellStyle .CloneAndSetBorder(true) .CloneAndSetHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.Left); listNumberStyle = cellStyle .CloneAndSetBorder(true) .CloneAndSetHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.Right); listDateTimeStyle = cellStyle .CloneAndSetBorder(true) .CloneAndSetHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.Right); }
private IFont ParseFont(CellFont font) { // 聽說CellStyle建立太多,可能會出現問題,所以如果有已存在的,就直接使用 if (fonts.ContainsKey(font)) { return fonts[font]; } IFont excelFont = workbook.CreateFont(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(font.Name)) { excelFont.FontName = font.Name; } if (font.Size != 0) { excelFont.FontHeightInPoints = font.Size; } if (font.Color != Color.Empty) { if (excelFont is HSSFFont) { excelFont.Color = ParseColor(font.Color); } else { ((XSSFFont)excelFont).SetColor(new XSSFColor(font.Color)); } } excelFont.IsBold = (font.Style & FontStyles.IsBold) == FontStyles.IsBold; excelFont.IsItalic = (font.Style & FontStyles.IsItalic) == FontStyles.IsItalic; if ((font.Style & FontStyles.HasUnderline) == FontStyles.HasUnderline) { excelFont.Underline = FontUnderlineType.Single; } excelFont.IsStrikeout = (font.Style & FontStyles.IsStrikeout) == FontStyles.IsStrikeout; fonts.Add(font, excelFont); return excelFont; }
public void Constructor_UseAction_ReturnTrue() { CellFont cellFont = new CellFont("新細明體", 10, Color.Black, FontStyles.None); CellStyle cellStyle = new CellStyle(HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Middle, false, false, Color.Empty, cellFont); CreateTestCellStyle(cellStyle, out CellStyle listHeaderStyle, out CellStyle listTextStyle, out CellStyle listNumberStyle, out CellStyle listDateTimeStyle ); SpreadsheetConfiguration actual = new SpreadsheetConfiguration(x => { x.CellStyle = cellStyle; x.ListHeaderStyle = listHeaderStyle; x.ListTextStyle = listTextStyle; x.ListNumberStyle = listNumberStyle; x.ListDateTimeStyle = listDateTimeStyle; }); actual.CellStyle.Should().Be(cellStyle); actual.ListHeaderStyle.Should().Be(listHeaderStyle); actual.ListTextStyle.Should().Be(listTextStyle); actual.ListNumberStyle.Should().Be(listNumberStyle); actual.ListDateTimeStyle.Should().Be(listDateTimeStyle); }
CT_Font ConvertFont(CellFont font) { List <object> item = new List <object>(); List <ItemsChoiceType3> name = new List <ItemsChoiceType3>(); if (font.Name != null) { item.Add(new CT_FontName { val = font.Name }); name.Add(; } if (font.Size.HasValue) { item.Add(new CT_FontSize { val = font.Size.Value }); name.Add(; } if (font.Bold) { item.Add(new CT_BooleanProperty { val = font.Bold }); name.Add(ItemsChoiceType3.b); } if (font.Italic) { item.Add(new CT_BooleanProperty { val = font.Italic }); name.Add(ItemsChoiceType3.i); } if (font.Shadow) { item.Add(new CT_BooleanProperty { val = font.Shadow }); name.Add(ItemsChoiceType3.shadow); } if (font.Outline) { item.Add(new CT_BooleanProperty { val = font.Outline }); name.Add(ItemsChoiceType3.outline); } if (font.Strike) { item.Add(new CT_BooleanProperty { val = font.Strike }); name.Add(ItemsChoiceType3.strike); } if (font.Underline.HasValue) { item.Add(new CT_UnderlineProperty { val = (ST_UnderlineValues)font.Underline.Value }); name.Add(ItemsChoiceType3.u); } if (font.Script.HasValue) { item.Add(new CT_VerticalAlignFontProperty { val = (ST_VerticalAlignRun)font.Script.Value }); name.Add(ItemsChoiceType3.vertAlign); } if (font.Color != null) { item.Add(ConvertColor(font.Color)); name.Add(ItemsChoiceType3.color); } return(new CT_Font() { Items = item.ToArray(), ItemsElementName = name.ToArray() }); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SpreadsheetConfiguration"/> class. /// <para> CellFont: 來自Config的預設字型樣式</para> /// <para> CellStyle: 來自Config的預設樣式</para> /// <para> ListHeaderFont: 預設格式、粗體</para> /// <para> ListHeaderStyle: 預設格式、粗體、置中</para> /// <para> ListTextStyle: 預設格式、置左</para> /// <para> ListNumberStyle: 預設格式、置右</para> /// <para> ListDateTimeStyle: 預設格式、置右</para> /// </summary> public SpreadsheetConfiguration(string basicPath, string jsonFile = "Spreadsheet.json") { IConfigurationRoot config = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(basicPath) .AddJsonFile(jsonFile, optional: false, reloadOnChange: true) .Build(); ChangeToken.OnChange(() => config.GetReloadToken(), () => { Initialize(); }); Initialize(); void Initialize() { ConfigSettings configSettings = config.GetSection("Spreadsheet").Get <ConfigSettings>(); CellSettings cellSettings = configSettings.Cell; FontStyles style = FontStyles.None; if (cellSettings.Font.IsBold) { style |= FontStyles.IsBold; } if (cellSettings.Font.IsItalic) { style |= FontStyles.IsItalic; } if (cellSettings.Font.HasUnderline) { style |= FontStyles.HasUnderline; } if (cellSettings.Font.IsStrikeout) { style |= FontStyles.IsStrikeout; } CellStyle = new CellStyle( cellSettings.HorizontalAlignment, cellSettings.VerticalAlignment, cellSettings.HasBorder, cellSettings.WrapText, Color.Empty, new CellFont( cellSettings.Font.FontName, cellSettings.Font.FontSize, Color.Black, style ) ); CellFont listHeaderFont = CellStyle.Font .CloneAndSetStyle(CellStyle.Font.Style | FontStyles.IsBold); ListHeaderStyle = CellStyle .CloneAndSetFont(listHeaderFont) .CloneAndSetHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.Center) .CloneAndSetBorder(true) .CloneAndSetFont(listHeaderFont); ListTextStyle = CellStyle .CloneAndSetBorder(true) .CloneAndSetHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.Left); ListNumberStyle = CellStyle .CloneAndSetBorder(true) .CloneAndSetHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.Right); ListDateTimeStyle = CellStyle .CloneAndSetBorder(true) .CloneAndSetHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.Right); } }
private void LoadStyles(string path) { var styles = ReadFile<CT_Stylesheet>(path); indexedColors = new List<Color>(); if (styles.colors != null && styles.colors.indexedColors != null) foreach (var color in styles.colors.indexedColors) indexedColors.Add(new Color(color.rgb)); borders = new List<CellBorder>(); if (styles.borders!=null && styles.borders.border!=null) foreach (var border in styles.borders.border) { CellBorder b = new CellBorder { Bottom = ConvertBorderEdge(border.bottom), Right = ConvertBorderEdge(border.right), Left = ConvertBorderEdge(border.left), Top = ConvertBorderEdge(, Diagonal = ConvertBorderEdge(border.diagonal), DiagonalDown = border.diagonalDown, DiagonalUp = border.diagonalUp, Vertical = ConvertBorderEdge(border.vertical), Horizontal = ConvertBorderEdge(border.horizontal), Outline = border.outline }; borders.Add(b); } fills = new List<CellFill>(); if (styles.fills != null && styles.fills.fill != null) foreach (var fill in styles.fills.fill) { CT_PatternFill pf; CellFill f = new CellFill(); if (Util.TryCast(fill.Item, out pf)) { f.Background = ConvertColor(pf.bgColor); f.Foreground = ConvertColor(pf.fgColor); f.Pattern = (FillPattern)pf.patternType; } fills.Add(f); } fonts = new List<CellFont>(); if (styles.fonts!=null && styles.fonts.font!=null) foreach (var font in styles.fonts.font) { CellFont f = null; if (font.ItemsElementName != null && font.Items != null) { f = new CellFont(); for (int i = 0; i < font.ItemsElementName.Length; i++) { var item = font.Items[i]; CT_BooleanProperty bp; switch (font.ItemsElementName[i]) { case CT_FontName name; if (Util.TryCast(item, out name)) f.Name = name.val; break; case CT_FontSize size; if (Util.TryCast(item, out size)) f.Size = size.val; break; case ItemsChoiceType3.b: if (Util.TryCast(item, out bp)) f.Bold = bp.val; break; case ItemsChoiceType3.strike: if (Util.TryCast(item, out bp)) f.Strike = bp.val; break; case ItemsChoiceType3.shadow: if (Util.TryCast(item, out bp)) f.Shadow = bp.val; break; case ItemsChoiceType3.outline: if (Util.TryCast(item, out bp)) f.Outline = bp.val; break; case ItemsChoiceType3.i: if (Util.TryCast(item, out bp)) f.Italic = bp.val; break; case ItemsChoiceType3.u: CT_UnderlineProperty up; if (Util.TryCast(item, out up)) f.Underline = (FontUnderline)up.val; break; case ItemsChoiceType3.vertAlign: CT_VerticalAlignFontProperty vafp; if (Util.TryCast(item, out vafp)) f.Script = (FontScript)vafp.val; break; case ItemsChoiceType3.color: CT_Color1 color; if (Util.TryCast(item, out color)) f.Color = ConvertColor(color); break; } } } fonts.Add(f); } if (fonts.Count > 0) workbook.DefaultFont = fonts[0]; numFmts = new Dictionary<uint, string>(); if (styles.numFmts!=null && styles.numFmts.numFmt!=null) foreach (var nfmt in styles.numFmts.numFmt) { numFmts[nfmt.numFmtId] = nfmt.formatCode; } xfs = new List<CellStyle>(); if (styles.cellXfs != null && styles.cellXfs.xf!=null) foreach (var xf in styles.cellXfs.xf) { var entry = new CellStyle(); if (xf.applyBorderSpecified && xf.applyBorder && xf.borderIdSpecified) entry.Border = GetBorder((int)xf.borderId); if (xf.applyFillSpecified && xf.applyFill && xf.fillIdSpecified) entry.Fill = GetFill((int)xf.fillId); if (xf.applyFontSpecified && xf.applyFont && xf.fontIdSpecified) entry.Font = GetFont((int)xf.fontId); if (xf.applyNumberFormatSpecified && xf.applyNumberFormat && xf.numFmtIdSpecified) entry.Format = GetNumFmt(xf.numFmtId); if (xf.applyAlignmentSpecified && xf.applyAlignment && xf.alignment != null) entry.Alignment = ConvertAlignment(xf.alignment); xfs.Add(entry); } dxfs = new List<CellStyle>(); if (styles.dxfs != null && styles.dxfs.dxf != null) { foreach (CT_Dxf dxf in styles.dxfs.dxf) { var entry = new CellStyle(); if (dxf.font != null) entry.Font = ConvertDxfFont(dxf.font); if (dxf.numFmt != null) entry.format = GetNumFmt(dxf.numFmt.numFmtId); if (dxf.fill != null) entry.fill = ConvertDxfCellFill(dxf.fill); if (dxf.alignment != null) entry.alignment = ConvertAlignment(dxf.alignment); if (dxf.border != null) entry.border = ConvertDxfBorder(dxf.border); dxfs.Add(entry); } } }
private CellFont ConvertDxfFont(CT_Font font) { var cellFont = new CellFont(); List<object> items = font.Items.ToList(); List<ItemsChoiceType3> name = new List<ItemsChoiceType3>(); int counter = 0; foreach (var item in items) { if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == { var fontName = item as CT_FontName; if (fontName != null) cellFont.Name = fontName.val; } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == { var fontSize = item as CT_FontSize; if (fontSize != null) cellFont.Size = fontSize.val; } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == ItemsChoiceType3.b) { var boldItem = item as CT_BooleanProperty; if (boldItem != null) cellFont.Bold = boldItem.val; } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == ItemsChoiceType3.i) { var italicItem = item as CT_BooleanProperty; if (italicItem != null) cellFont.Italic = italicItem.val; } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == ItemsChoiceType3.shadow) { var shadowItem = item as CT_BooleanProperty; if (shadowItem != null) cellFont.Shadow = shadowItem.val; } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == ItemsChoiceType3.outline) { var outlineItem = item as CT_BooleanProperty; if (outlineItem != null) cellFont.Outline = outlineItem.val; } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == ItemsChoiceType3.strike) { var strikeItem = item as CT_BooleanProperty; if (strikeItem != null) cellFont.Strike = strikeItem.val; } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == ItemsChoiceType3.u) { var underlineItem = item as CT_UnderlineProperty; if (underlineItem != null) cellFont.Underline = (FontUnderline)underlineItem.val; } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == ItemsChoiceType3.vertAlign) { var vertAlignItem = item as CT_VerticalAlignFontProperty; if (vertAlignItem != null) cellFont.Script = (FontScript)vertAlignItem.val; } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == ItemsChoiceType3.color) { var colorItem = item as CT_Color1; if (colorItem != null) cellFont.Color = ConvertColor(colorItem); } counter++; } return cellFont; }
private CellFont ConvertDxfFont(CT_Font font) { var cellFont = new CellFont(); List <object> items = font.Items.ToList(); List <ItemsChoiceType3> name = new List <ItemsChoiceType3>(); int counter = 0; foreach (var item in items) { if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == { var fontName = item as CT_FontName; if (fontName != null) { cellFont.Name = fontName.val; } } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == { var fontSize = item as CT_FontSize; if (fontSize != null) { cellFont.Size = fontSize.val; } } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == ItemsChoiceType3.b) { var boldItem = item as CT_BooleanProperty; if (boldItem != null) { cellFont.Bold = boldItem.val; } } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == ItemsChoiceType3.i) { var italicItem = item as CT_BooleanProperty; if (italicItem != null) { cellFont.Italic = italicItem.val; } } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == ItemsChoiceType3.shadow) { var shadowItem = item as CT_BooleanProperty; if (shadowItem != null) { cellFont.Shadow = shadowItem.val; } } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == ItemsChoiceType3.outline) { var outlineItem = item as CT_BooleanProperty; if (outlineItem != null) { cellFont.Outline = outlineItem.val; } } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == ItemsChoiceType3.strike) { var strikeItem = item as CT_BooleanProperty; if (strikeItem != null) { cellFont.Strike = strikeItem.val; } } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == ItemsChoiceType3.u) { var underlineItem = item as CT_UnderlineProperty; if (underlineItem != null) { cellFont.Underline = (FontUnderline)underlineItem.val; } } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == ItemsChoiceType3.vertAlign) { var vertAlignItem = item as CT_VerticalAlignFontProperty; if (vertAlignItem != null) { cellFont.Script = (FontScript)vertAlignItem.val; } } if (font.ItemsElementName[counter] == ItemsChoiceType3.color) { var colorItem = item as CT_Color1; if (colorItem != null) { cellFont.Color = ConvertColor(colorItem); } } counter++; } return(cellFont); }
private void LoadStyles(string path) { var styles = ReadFile <CT_Stylesheet>(path); indexedColors = new List <Color>(); if (styles.colors != null && styles.colors.indexedColors != null) { foreach (var color in styles.colors.indexedColors) { indexedColors.Add(new Color(color.rgb)); } } borders = new List <CellBorder>(); if (styles.borders != null && styles.borders.border != null) { foreach (var border in styles.borders.border) { CellBorder b = new CellBorder { Bottom = ConvertBorderEdge(border.bottom), Right = ConvertBorderEdge(border.right), Left = ConvertBorderEdge(border.left), Top = ConvertBorderEdge(, Diagonal = ConvertBorderEdge(border.diagonal), DiagonalDown = border.diagonalDown, DiagonalUp = border.diagonalUp, Vertical = ConvertBorderEdge(border.vertical), Horizontal = ConvertBorderEdge(border.horizontal), Outline = border.outline }; borders.Add(b); } } fills = new List <CellFill>(); if (styles.fills != null && styles.fills.fill != null) { foreach (var fill in styles.fills.fill) { CT_PatternFill pf; CellFill f = new CellFill(); if (Util.TryCast(fill.Item, out pf)) { f.Background = ConvertColor(pf.bgColor); f.Foreground = ConvertColor(pf.fgColor); f.Pattern = (FillPattern)pf.patternType; } fills.Add(f); } } fonts = new List <CellFont>(); if (styles.fonts != null && styles.fonts.font != null) { foreach (var font in styles.fonts.font) { CellFont f = null; if (font.ItemsElementName != null && font.Items != null) { f = new CellFont(); for (int i = 0; i < font.ItemsElementName.Length; i++) { var item = font.Items[i]; CT_BooleanProperty bp; switch (font.ItemsElementName[i]) { case CT_FontName name; if (Util.TryCast(item, out name)) { f.Name = name.val; } break; case CT_FontSize size; if (Util.TryCast(item, out size)) { f.Size = size.val; } break; case ItemsChoiceType3.b: if (Util.TryCast(item, out bp)) { f.Bold = bp.val; } break; case ItemsChoiceType3.strike: if (Util.TryCast(item, out bp)) { f.Strike = bp.val; } break; case ItemsChoiceType3.shadow: if (Util.TryCast(item, out bp)) { f.Shadow = bp.val; } break; case ItemsChoiceType3.outline: if (Util.TryCast(item, out bp)) { f.Outline = bp.val; } break; case ItemsChoiceType3.i: if (Util.TryCast(item, out bp)) { f.Italic = bp.val; } break; case ItemsChoiceType3.u: CT_UnderlineProperty up; if (Util.TryCast(item, out up)) { f.Underline = (FontUnderline)up.val; } break; case ItemsChoiceType3.vertAlign: CT_VerticalAlignFontProperty vafp; if (Util.TryCast(item, out vafp)) { f.Script = (FontScript)vafp.val; } break; case ItemsChoiceType3.color: CT_Color1 color; if (Util.TryCast(item, out color)) { f.Color = ConvertColor(color); } break; } } } fonts.Add(f); } } if (fonts.Count > 0) { workbook.DefaultFont = fonts[0]; } numFmts = new Dictionary <uint, string>(); if (styles.numFmts != null && styles.numFmts.numFmt != null) { foreach (var nfmt in styles.numFmts.numFmt) { numFmts[nfmt.numFmtId] = nfmt.formatCode; } } xfs = new List <CellStyle>(); if (styles.cellXfs != null && styles.cellXfs.xf != null) { foreach (var xf in styles.cellXfs.xf) { var entry = new CellStyle(); if (xf.applyBorderSpecified && xf.applyBorder && xf.borderIdSpecified) { entry.Border = GetBorder((int)xf.borderId); } if (xf.applyFillSpecified && xf.applyFill && xf.fillIdSpecified) { entry.Fill = GetFill((int)xf.fillId); } if (xf.applyFontSpecified && xf.applyFont && xf.fontIdSpecified) { entry.Font = GetFont((int)xf.fontId); } if (xf.applyNumberFormatSpecified && xf.applyNumberFormat && xf.numFmtIdSpecified) { entry.Format = GetNumFmt(xf.numFmtId); } if (xf.applyAlignmentSpecified && xf.applyAlignment && xf.alignment != null) { entry.Alignment = ConvertAlignment(xf.alignment); } xfs.Add(entry); } } dxfs = new List <CellStyle>(); if (styles.dxfs != null && styles.dxfs.dxf != null) { foreach (CT_Dxf dxf in styles.dxfs.dxf) { var entry = new CellStyle(); if (dxf.font != null) { entry.Font = ConvertDxfFont(dxf.font); } if (dxf.numFmt != null) { entry.format = GetNumFmt(dxf.numFmt.numFmtId); } if (dxf.fill != null) { entry.fill = ConvertDxfCellFill(dxf.fill); } if (dxf.alignment != null) { entry.alignment = ConvertAlignment(dxf.alignment); } if (dxf.border != null) { entry.border = ConvertDxfBorder(dxf.border); } dxfs.Add(entry); } } }