//ADD or UPDATE category protected void lnkaddTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string category = txtCategory.Text.Trim(); if (lnkaddTest.Text == "Update Category") // Update Category { if (Checks.Empty(category)) { lblmsg.Text = "*Category Name is Required!!"; } else { CategoryInfoData data = new CategoryInfoData(); data.CategoryName = category; data.CategoryId = int.Parse(hfCategoryId.Value); int result = new CategoryInfoAction().UpdateCategory(data); //method caling to update news if (result > 0) { ViewCategory(); txtCategory.Text = ""; } } } else { //Add category if (Checks.Empty(category)) { lblmsg.Text = "*Category Name is Required!!"; } else { CategoryInfoData data = new CategoryInfoData(); data.CategoryName = category; int ans = new CategoryInfoAction().AddCategory(data); //method calling to submit new News if (ans > 0) { txtCategory.Text = ""; ViewCategory(); lblmsg.Text = "*Category is successfully Added!"; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.Contains("UNIQUE")) { lblmsg.Text = "*This category already exists!"; } else { lblmsg.Text = ex.Message; } } }
// Add new Category public int AddCategory(CategoryInfoData Nidata) { crazyTattoosEntities apData = new crazyTattoosEntities(); categoryInfo data = new categoryInfo(); data.CategoryName = Nidata.CategoryName; apData.categoryInfoes.Add(data); int ans = apData.SaveChanges(); return(ans); }
//Update Category info public int UpdateCategory(CategoryInfoData data) { crazyTattoosEntities nidata = new crazyTattoosEntities(); categoryInfo ni = new categoryInfo(); var nsd = from p in nidata.categoryInfoes where p.CategoryId == data.CategoryId select p; foreach (categoryInfo nifo in nsd) { nifo.CategoryId = data.CategoryId; nifo.CategoryName = data.CategoryName; } int ans = nidata.SaveChanges(); return(ans); }