void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (CategoryCountLabel != null) { CategoryCountLabel.Dispose(); CategoryCountLabel = null; } if (CategoryImage != null) { CategoryImage.Dispose(); CategoryImage = null; } if (CategoryImageOverlay != null) { CategoryImageOverlay.Dispose(); CategoryImageOverlay = null; } if (CategoryName != null) { CategoryName.Dispose(); CategoryName = null; } }
public void Bind(IOrderContent model) { CellContentRootView?.SetBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.BackroundCell, 5); CategoryImage?.SetImageFromUrl(model.ImagePath); if (!ItemNameText.IsNull()) { ItemNameText.Text = model.OrderName; ItemNameText?.SetTextColor(ColorConstants.WhiteColor); ItemNameText.SetFont(FontsConstant.OpenSansBold, FontsConstant.Size14); } if (!PriceText.IsNull()) { PriceText.Text = "€" + model.Price * Convert.ToInt32(model.Quantity); PriceText?.SetTextColor(ColorConstants.SelectorHome); PriceText?.SetFont(FontsConstant.OpenSansBold, FontsConstant.Size14); } if (QuantityText.IsNull()) { return; } QuantityText.Text = model.Quantity + " pcs"; QuantityText?.SetTextColor(ColorConstants.WhiteColor); QuantityText?.SetFont(FontsConstant.OpenSansBold, FontsConstant.Size14); }
public ActionResult AddCategory(Category cat, List <HttpPostedFileBase> images) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var i = _db.Categories.FirstOrDefault(b => b.categoryName.ToLower() == cat.categoryName.ToLower()); if (i == null) { _db.Categories.Add(cat); _db.SaveChanges(); if (images != null) { foreach (var image in images) { var filePath = Server.MapPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CategoryImagesPath"]); var directory = new DirectoryInfo(filePath); if (directory.Exists == false) { directory.Create(); } string itemImgName = Guid.NewGuid() + image.FileName; image.SaveAs(filePath + itemImgName); CategoryImage img = new CategoryImage(); img.categoryId = cat.categoryId; img.address = itemImgName; _db.CategoryImages.Add(img); _db.SaveChanges(); } TempData["AddCategoryMessage"] = "Category Added Successfully !"; } } } return(View()); }
public void Bind(ICategory model) { CellContentRootView?.SetBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.BackroundCell, 4); if (CellContentRootView != null) { CellContentRootView.Tag = model; CellContentRootView.Click -= CellContentRootView_Click; CellContentRootView.Click += CellContentRootView_Click; } if (CategoryText != null) { CategoryText.Text = model.Name.ToUpperInvariant(); CategoryText.SetTextColor(ColorConstants.WhiteColor); CategoryText.SetBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.SelectorHome, 4); CategoryText.SetFont(FontsConstant.OpenSansBold, FontsConstant.Size12); } if (CategoryImage != null) { CategoryImage.SetImageFromResource(model.Image); CategoryImage.SetBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.TransparentColor, 4); } }
public void SetCategoryImage(CategoryImage image) { MemoryStream targetMemoryStream; Stream sourceStream = image.ImageStream; var imageCat = new byte[image.Size]; using (targetMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(imageCat)) { const int bufferLen = 4096; byte[] buffer1 = new byte[bufferLen]; int count; while ((count = sourceStream.Read(buffer1, 0, bufferLen)) > 0) { targetMemoryStream.Write(buffer1, 0, count); } targetMemoryStream.Close(); sourceStream.Close(); } using (var db = new Northwind()) { var cat = db.Categories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CategoryID == image.CategoryId); if (cat == null) { throw new FaultException <CategoryNotFound>(new CategoryNotFound { CategoryId = image.CategoryId }); } cat.Picture = imageCat; db.SaveChanges(); } }
public IActionResult UpdateGalleryCategory(CategoryImageUploadViewModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { ViewData["GeneralError"] = Messages.RequiredInput; return(View(model)); } CategoryImage categoryImage = new CategoryImage { Name = model.Name, Id = model.Id }; var result = _categoryImageService.Update(categoryImage); if (result.Success) { ViewData["GeneralSuccess"] = result.Message; return(RedirectToAction("ListGalleryCategory", "ManagementPanel")); } ViewData["GeneralError"] = Messages.GeneralError; return(View(model)); }
public HttpResponseMessage Put(int id, [FromBody] CategoryImage category) { try { using (Store2DoorEntities entities = new Store2DoorEntities()) { var entity = entities.CategoryImages.FirstOrDefault(e => e.category_id == id); if (entity == null) { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Category image with id " + id.ToString() + " not found to edit")); } else { entity.images = category.images; entities.SaveChanges(); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, entity)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, ex)); } }
public IActionResult Put(string id, [FromBody] CategoryImage image) { CategoryImageBO categoryImageBO; ObjectResult response; try { _log.LogInformation($"Starting Put( {id}, '{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(image, Formatting.None)}')"); categoryImageBO = new CategoryImageBO(_loggerFactory, _config); image.BlobFile.ID = id; image = categoryImageBO.Update(image); response = Ok(image); _log.LogInformation($"Finishing Put( {id} )"); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.LogError(ex.Message); response = StatusCode(500, ex.Message); } return(response); }
protected CategoryBase(Guid id, string name, string description, int order, CategoryImage imageCategory) { Id = id; Name = name; Description = description; Order = order; CategoryImage = imageCategory; IsActive = true; }
public CategoryImage Update(CategoryImage image) { CategoryBO categoryBO; BlobFileBO blobFileBO; Category category; try { categoryBO = new CategoryBO(_loggerFactory, _config); blobFileBO = new BlobFileBO(_loggerFactory, _config); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.BlobFile?.ID)) { throw new Exception("ID vazio, avalie a utilização do POST"); } else { category = categoryBO.Get(image.CategoryID); if (category != null) { image.BlobFile = blobFileBO.Update(image.BlobFile); switch (image.Destination) { case CategoryImage.CategoryImageDestination.Desktop: category.DesktopSpotlightImageID = image.BlobFile.ID; break; case CategoryImage.CategoryImageDestination.Mobile: category.MobileSpotlightImageID = image.BlobFile.ID; break; default: break; } categoryBO.Update(category); } else { throw new Exception("Produto não encontrado"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(image); }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (CategoryImage != null) { CategoryImage.Dispose(); CategoryImage = null; } if (lblName != null) { lblName.Dispose(); lblName = null; } }
public async Task <int> AddImageToCategoryAsync(string imageUrl, string categoryName) { var result = await this.cloudinaryImageService.UploadCategoryImageToCloudinaryAsync(imageUrl, categoryName); var image = new CategoryImage { ImageUrl = result.ImageUrl, PublicId = result.PublicId, }; await this.imageRepository.AddAsync(image); await this.imageRepository.SaveChangesAsync(); return(image.Id); }
private static void SeedCategoryImage(CatalogContext context, Guid categoryId, Guid mediaId) { if (!context.CategoryImages.Any(x => x.CategoryId == categoryId)) { var categoryImage = new CategoryImage { CategoryId = categoryId, MediaId = mediaId, Order = 0 }; context.CategoryImages.Add(categoryImage.FillCommonProperties()); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public Task <CreateCategoryCommandResponse> Handle(CreateCategoryCommand command) { _categoryDomainService.CheckCategoryName(command.Name); var parentCategory = _repository.Find(command.ParentCategory); if (parentCategory == null) { throw new DomainException("دسته بندی پدر یافت نشد"); } var category = new Category(command.Id, command.Name, command.Description, parentCategory.SubCategories.Count, CategoryImage.CreateNullImage()) { SubCategories = new List <Category>() }; parentCategory.SubCategories.Add(category); return(Task.FromResult(new CreateCategoryCommandResponse())); }
public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody] CategoryImage category) { try { using (Store2DoorEntities entities = new Store2DoorEntities()) { entities.CategoryImages.Add(category); entities.SaveChanges(); var message = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, category); message.Headers.Location = new Uri(Request.RequestUri + category.category_id.ToString()); return(message); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex)); } }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (CategoryImage != null) { CategoryImage.Dispose(); CategoryImage = null; } if (CategoryName != null) { CategoryName.Dispose(); CategoryName = null; } if (frameView != null) { frameView.Dispose(); frameView = null; } }
public CategoryImage GetCategoryImage(CategoryImage image) { using (var db = new Northwind()) { var id = image.CategoryId; var cat = db.Categories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CategoryID == id); if (cat == null) { throw new FaultException <CategoryNotFound>(new CategoryNotFound { CategoryId = id }); } var imageStream = new MemoryStream(cat.Picture); return(new CategoryImage { CategoryId = id, ImageStream = imageStream, Size = cat.Picture.Length }); } }
public async Task <CategoryServiceModel> CreateAsync(CreateCategoryServiceModel model) { var category = new Category { Parentid = model.ParentId, IsLeaf = true }; var parentCategory = await this.context.Categories.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == model.ParentId && x.IsActive); category.Level = parentCategory.Level + 1; this.context.Categories.Add(category.FillCommonProperties()); var categoryTranslation = new CategoryTranslation { CategoryId = category.Id, Name = model.Name, Language = model.Language }; this.context.CategoryTranslations.Add(categoryTranslation.FillCommonProperties()); foreach (var file in model.Files.OrEmptyIfNull()) { var categoryImage = new CategoryImage { CategoryId = category.Id, MediaId = file, }; this.context.CategoryImages.Add(categoryImage.FillCommonProperties()); } await this.context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(await this.GetAsync(new GetCategoryServiceModel { Id = category.Id, Language = model.Language, OrganisationId = model.OrganisationId, Username = model.Username })); }
public CategoryImage GetCategoryImage(CategoryImage image) { using (var db = new Northwind()) { var id = image.CategoryId; var cat = db.Categories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CategoryID == id); if (cat == null) { throw new FaultException <CategoryFault>(new CategoryFault() { CategoryId = id, Message = "Категория с заданным Id не найдена" }); } var imageStream = new MemoryStream(cat.Picture); return(new CategoryImage { CategoryId = id, ImageStream = imageStream, Size = cat.Picture.Length }); } }
private void btnSet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tbPath.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(@"Не выбрано изображение."); return; } using (var service = _factory.CreateChannel()) { using (var stream = new FileStream(tbPath.Text, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { var image = new CategoryImage { CategoryId = (int)cbCategories.SelectedValue, Size = (int)stream.Length, ImageStream = stream }; try { service.SetCategoryImage(image); } catch { MessageBox.Show(@"Изображение не отправлено."); if (service.State == CommunicationState.Faulted) { service.Abort(); } else { service.Close(); } return; } } } MessageBox.Show(@"Изображение отправлено"); }
private void btnGet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Stream stream = new MemoryStream(); int id = (int)cbCategories.SelectedValue; var img = new CategoryImage { ImageStream = stream, CategoryId = id }; using (var service = _factory.CreateChannel()) { try { img = service.GetCategoryImage(img); } catch { if (service.State == CommunicationState.Faulted) { service.Abort(); } else { service.Close(); } } } #region Сохранение в файл /*FileStream targetStream = null; * Stream sourceStream = stream; * * string filePath = @"D:\Temp\getFile.jpg"; * * using (targetStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, * FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) * { * const int bufferLen = 4096; * byte[] buffer1 = new byte[bufferLen]; * int count = 0; * while ((count = sourceStream.Read(buffer1, 0, bufferLen)) > 0) * { * targetStream.Write(buffer1, 0, count); * } * targetStream.Close(); * sourceStream.Close(); * }*/ #endregion MemoryStream targetMemoryStream; var imageCat = new byte[img.Size]; using (targetMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(imageCat)) { const int bufferLen = 4096; byte[] buffer1 = new byte[bufferLen]; int count; while ((count = img.ImageStream.Read(buffer1, 0, bufferLen)) > 0) { targetMemoryStream.Write(buffer1, 0, count); } try { pbCategoryImage.Image = Image.FromStream(targetMemoryStream); } catch { MessageBox.Show(@"Ошибка при показе изображения."); Clear(); } targetMemoryStream.Close(); img.ImageStream.Close(); } }
public void Bind(IOrderContent model) { CellContentRootView?.SetBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.BackroundCell, 5); CategoryImage?.SetImageFromUrl(model.ImagePath); if (!RemoveOrderImage.IsNull()) { RemoveOrderImage?.SetImageFromResource(DrawableConstants.OrderRemoveIcon); RemoveOrderImage.Tag = model; RemoveOrderImage.Click -= RemoveOrderImage_Click; RemoveOrderImage.Click += RemoveOrderImage_Click; } if (!ItemNameText.IsNull()) { ItemNameText.Text = model.OrderName; ItemNameText?.SetTextColor(ColorConstants.WhiteColor); ItemNameText.SetFont(FontsConstant.OpenSansBold, FontsConstant.Size14); } if (!PriceText.IsNull()) { PriceText.Text = "€" + model.Price * Convert.ToInt32(model.Quantity); PriceText?.SetTextColor(ColorConstants.SelectorHome); PriceText?.SetFont(FontsConstant.OpenSansBold, FontsConstant.Size14); } if (!MinusText.IsNull()) { MinusText?.SetTextColor(ColorConstants.WhiteColor); MinusText?.SetFont(FontsConstant.OpenSansRegular, FontsConstant.Size20); MinusText?.SetBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.SelectorHome, type: RadiusType.Aspect); MinusText?.SetSelectedColor(ColorConstants.SelectorHome.SelectorTransparence(ColorConstants.Procent50)); MinusText.Text = "-"; MinusText.Tag = new { Model = model }; MinusText.Click -= MinusText_Click; MinusText.Click += MinusText_Click; } if (!QuantityText.IsNull()) { QuantityText.Text = model.Quantity; QuantityText?.SetTextColor(ColorConstants.WhiteColor); QuantityText?.SetFont(FontsConstant.OpenSansBold, FontsConstant.Size14); } if (PlusText.IsNull()) { return; } PlusText?.SetTextColor(ColorConstants.WhiteColor); PlusText?.SetFont(FontsConstant.OpenSansRegular, FontsConstant.Size20); PlusText.Text = "+"; PlusText?.SetBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.SelectorHome, type: RadiusType.Aspect); PlusText?.SetSelectedColor(ColorConstants.SelectorHome.SelectorTransparence(ColorConstants.Procent50)); PlusText.Tag = new { Model = model }; PlusText.Click -= PlusText_Click; PlusText.Click += PlusText_Click; }
public IResult Add(CategoryImage categoryImage) { _categoryImageDal.Add(categoryImage); return(new SuccessResult(Messages.CategoryImageAdded)); }
public CategoryRoot(Guid id, string name, string description, int order, CategoryImage imageCategory) : base(id, name, description, order, imageCategory) { }
public IResult Update(CategoryImage categoryImage) { _categoryImageDal.Update(categoryImage); return(new SuccessResult(Messages.CategoryImageUpdated)); }
public async Task <CategoryServiceModel> UpdateAsync(UpdateCategoryServiceModel model) { var category = await this.context.Categories.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == model.Id && x.IsActive); if (category == null) { throw new CustomException(this.productLocalizer.GetString("CategoryNotFound"), (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } var parentCategory = await this.context.Categories.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == model.ParentId && x.IsActive); if (parentCategory == null) { throw new CustomException(this.productLocalizer.GetString("ParentCategoryNotFound"), (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } category.Parentid = model.ParentId; category.Level = parentCategory.Level + 1; category.IsLeaf = !await this.context.Categories.AnyAsync(x => x.Parentid == category.Id && x.IsActive); category.LastModifiedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; var categoryTranslation = await this.context.CategoryTranslations.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.CategoryId == model.Id && x.Language == model.Language && x.IsActive); if (categoryTranslation != null) { categoryTranslation.Name = model.Name; } else { var newCategoryTranslation = new CategoryTranslation { CategoryId = category.Id, Name = model.Name }; this.context.CategoryTranslations.Add(newCategoryTranslation.FillCommonProperties()); } categoryTranslation.LastModifiedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; var categoryImages = this.context.CategoryImages.Where(x => x.CategoryId == model.Id); foreach (var categoryImage in categoryImages) { this.context.CategoryImages.Remove(categoryImage); } if (model.Files != null) { foreach (var file in model.Files) { var categoryImage = new CategoryImage { CategoryId = model.Id.Value, MediaId = file }; this.context.CategoryImages.Add(categoryImage.FillCommonProperties()); } } await this.context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(await this.GetAsync(new GetCategoryServiceModel { Id = category.Id, Language = model.Language, OrganisationId = model.OrganisationId, Username = model.Username })); }