// We want to dynamically generate the buttons and their text based on the number of "IDs" gathered in the View Model // Unfortunately, XAML doesn't support looping statements of any kind, so I had to move the parent XAML code into this code-behind class // This feels messy, but I'm sure there's a better way by creating a custom control? private Grid CreateGridOfButtons(CategoriesViewModel vmContext) { var tileGrid = new Grid { Padding = ButtonGridPadding, VerticalOptions = ButtonGridVertOptions, HorizontalOptions = ButtonGridHorzOptions, RowSpacing = ButtonGridRowSpacing, ColumnSpacing = ButtonGridColumnSpacing, RowDefinitions = CreateRowDefinitions(vmContext), ColumnDefinitions = CreateColumnDefinitions(vmContext) }; for (var i = 0; i < vmContext.GetIDsCount(); i++) { tileGrid.Children.Add(new ThemedPopupButton { Text = vmContext.GetChildIDText(i), Command = vmContext.AlertDataPopup(i), BackgroundColor = ThemedNavigationButton.ButtonBackgroundColor, TextColor = ThemedNavigationButton.ButtonTextColor, FontSize = ThemedNavigationButton.ButtonFontSize, FontAttributes = ThemedNavigationButton.ButtonFontAttributes }, 0, i); } return(tileGrid); }
private RowDefinitionCollection CreateRowDefinitions(CategoriesViewModel vmContext) { var rowDefinitionCollection = new RowDefinitionCollection(); for (var i = 0; i < vmContext.GetIDsCount(); i++) { rowDefinitionCollection.Add(new RowDefinition { Height = ButtonGridRowDefHeight }); } return(rowDefinitionCollection); }