コード例 #1
ファイル: UnitTest1.cs プロジェクト: sminakar/GameCatalog
        public async void RetriveSingleCatalogsByAPI_ShouldMatch_TheSameCatalog_InDbAsync()
            PropertyInfo[] pinfo = (typeof(CatalogVM)).GetProperties();

            // select a random catalog record from database
            var dbCatalogs    = _repository.GetCatalogsAsync().Result.ToList();
            int selectedIndex = new Random().Next(0, dbCatalogs.Count - 1);
            var expected      = dbCatalogs[selectedIndex];

            // pass Id of above selected record as api parameter
            var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get,

            HttpResponseMessage response = await _client.SendAsync(request);

            Assert.True(response.IsSuccessStatusCode, "Wrong Response");

            var catalogDta = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            dynamic catalogObj      = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(catalogDta);
            var     catalogObj_data = catalogObj.data;

            CatalogVM actual = JsonConvert
                               .DeserializeObject <CatalogVM>(catalogObj_data.ToString());

            foreach (var prop in pinfo)
                var actualVal   = prop.GetValue(actual);
                var expectedVal = prop.GetValue(expected);

                Assert.Equal(expectedVal, actualVal);
コード例 #2
        public IActionResult Shop(int?categoryId, int?brandId)
            var products = _productService.GetProducts(
                new ProductFilter()
                BrandId = brandId, CategoryId = categoryId

            var model = new CatalogVM()
                BrandId    = brandId,
                CategoryId = categoryId,
                Products   = products.Select(p => new ProductVM()
                    Id        = p.Id,
                    ImageUrl  = p.ImageUrl,
                    Name      = p.Name,
                    Order     = p.Order,
                    Price     = p.Price,
                    BrandName = p.Brand?.Name ?? string.Empty
                }).OrderBy(p => p.Order)

コード例 #3
 public ActionResult Add(CatalogVM model)
         var modelAdd = model.search.GetEntity();
         var msgValid = ValidateModel(modelAdd);
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msgValid))
             var obj = _userRepository.Add(modelAdd);
             if (obj)
                 return(Json(new { status = true }));
                 return(Json(new { status = false, msg = "Thêm thất bại" }));
             return(Json(new { status = false, msg = msgValid }));
     catch (Exception ex)
         // chuyển sang page ERR
         return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Error"));
コード例 #4
        public ActionResult Catalog(CatalogVM model, int page = 1)
            var sc = superCategoryRepo.GetSuperCategoryWithCategories(model.SuperCategoryId);

            model.SuperCategoryName = sc.Name;

            int countProducts;

            model.Products = productRepo.GetProductsPerPage
                                 (page, pageSize, model.SuperCategoryId, model.SelectedCategories, out countProducts);

            model.CountProducts = countProducts;

            model.AvailableCategories = sc.Categories;

            model.Pager = new Pager(countProducts, page, pageSize, 3);

            if (model.SortOrder != null)
                model.Products = model.SortOrder.Value ? model.Products.OrderBy(p => p.Price)
                    : model.Products.OrderByDescending(p => p.Price);

コード例 #5
ファイル: UnitTest1.cs プロジェクト: sminakar/GameCatalog
        public async void AddCatalogByAPI_WithWronData_ShoulReturnBadRequestAsync()
            // Store Dummy to database by API with Wrong Company Id

            var catCompany = (await _repository.GetDevelopersAsync())
                             .First(c => c.ClusterID == 1);

            var catGenre = (await _repository.GetGenresAsync())
                           .First(g => g.ID == 1);

            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

            CatalogVM catToAdd = new CatalogVM()
                ID          = id,
                Title       = $"DummyTitle {id}",
                CompanyID   = Guid.Empty,        // wrong Id
                CompanyName = catCompany.CompanyName,
                GenreID     = catGenre.ID,
                GenereTitle = catGenre.Title,
                Price       = 10.0M,
                Rate        = 5,
                ReleaseDate = DateTime.UtcNow

            var catToAddJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(catToAdd);
            var content      = new StringContent(catToAddJson,

            var response = await _client.PostAsync($"{BaseURL}AddCatalog", content);

            System.Net.HttpStatusCode actual = response.StatusCode;
            Assert.Equal(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, actual);

            catToAdd.CompanyID   = catCompany.ID;
            catToAdd.CompanyName = catCompany.CompanyName;

            catToAdd.GenreID = 0; // this time set request with wron GenreId

            response = await _client.PostAsync($"{BaseURL}AddCatalog", content);

            actual = response.StatusCode;
            Assert.Equal(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, actual);

            catToAdd.GenreID = catGenre.ID;

            catToAdd.Title = String.Empty;  // this time send the request with wrong game title

            response = await _client.PostAsync($"{BaseURL}AddCatalog", content);

            actual = response.StatusCode;
            Assert.Equal(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, actual);
コード例 #6
        public ActionResult GetLstUser(CatalogVM modelSearch, int?page)
            int totalRecord = 0;
            var model       = _userRepository.GetLst(modelSearch.search.GetEntity(), page, NumberRecord, out totalRecord);

                view = RenderRazorViewToString(ControllerContext, "LstView", model)

            //return PartialView(model);
コード例 #7
        public IActionResult UpdateCatalogsAsync([FromBody] CatalogVM catalog)
            var updateResult = _repository.UpdateCatalogAsync(catalog).Result;

            if (updateResult.IsFailure)
                // logger should log the error here

                return(new BadRequestResult());

コード例 #8
        public ActionResult Search(CatalogVM catalog, int page = 1)
            int countProducts;

            catalog.Products      = productRepo.SearchProduct(page, pageSize, catalog.Search, out countProducts);
            catalog.CountProducts = countProducts;
            if (catalog.SortOrder != null)
                catalog.Products = catalog.SortOrder.Value ? catalog.Products.OrderBy(p => p.Price)
                    : catalog.Products.OrderByDescending(p => p.Price);
            catalog.Pager = new Pager(countProducts, page, pageSize, 3);
            return(View("Catalog", catalog));
コード例 #9
        // GET: Catalog
        public ActionResult Index()
            int totalRecord = 0;
            var model       = new CatalogVM
                search     = new CatalogModel(),
                Lst        = _userRepository.GetLst(new catalog(), 1, NumberRecord, out totalRecord),
                PageNumber = 1,
                PageCount  = NumberRecord

            model.ToTalPage = (totalRecord % NumberRecord == 0) ? totalRecord / NumberRecord : totalRecord / NumberRecord + 1;
コード例 #10
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetCatalogsAsync(Guid Id)
            CatalogVM catalog = await _repository.GetCatalogByIdAsync(Id);

            if (catalog is null)
                return(NotFound(new ErrorResult <IActionResult>(
                                    $"Could not find any Game Catalog data with ID {Id} .",
                                    "Catalogs API-v1.0")));

            return(Ok(new Result <CatalogVM> {
                Data = catalog
コード例 #11
        public async Task <Result <Guid> > StoreCatalogAsync(CatalogVM catalog)
            string errSource = "SotreCatalogAsync";

            Genre genre = await _context.Genres.FindAsync(catalog.GenreID);

            if (genre is null)
                return(new ErrorResult <Guid>(
                           code: ErrorCode.NotFound,
                           message: $"Could not find any Genre with Id {catalog.GenreID}",
                           errorSource: errSource));

            Developer developer = await _context.Developers.FindAsync(catalog.CompanyID);

            if (developer is null)
                return(new ErrorResult <Guid>(
                           code: ErrorCode.NotFound,
                           message: $"Could not find any Game developer company with Id {catalog.CompanyID}",
                           errorSource: errSource));

            Guid catalogID = Guid.NewGuid();

            Mapper mapper = new Mapper(new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
                cfg.CreateMap <CatalogVM, Catalog>()
                .AfterMap((src, des) =>
                    des.ID      = catalogID;
                    des.Company = developer;
                    des.Genre   = genre;

            await _context.AddAsync <Catalog>(mapper.Map <Catalog>(catalog));

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new Result <Guid>()
                Data = catalogID
コード例 #12
ファイル: UnitTest1.cs プロジェクト: sminakar/GameCatalog
        public async void AddCatalogByAPI_ShouldAddADummyRecordAndThenDeleteItAsync()
            // Store Dummy to database by API
            var catCompany = (await _repository.GetDevelopersAsync())
                             .First(c => c.ClusterID == 1);

            var catGenre = (await _repository.GetGenresAsync())
                           .First(g => g.ID == 1);

            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

            CatalogVM catToAdd = new CatalogVM()
                ID          = id,
                Title       = $"DummyTitle {id}",
                CompanyID   = catCompany.ID,
                CompanyName = catCompany.CompanyName,
                GenreID     = catGenre.ID,
                GenereTitle = catGenre.Title,
                Price       = 10.0M,
                Rate        = 5,
                ReleaseDate = DateTime.UtcNow

            var catToAddJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(catToAdd);
            var content      = new StringContent(catToAddJson,

            var response = await _client.PostAsync($"{BaseURL}AddCatalog", content);

            System.Net.HttpStatusCode actual = response.StatusCode;
            Assert.Equal(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK, actual);

            string result         = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
            string addedCatalogId = (JObject.Parse(result))["CId"].ToString();

            // Retrieve directly stored Dummy from db
            CatalogVM dbCatalog = await _repository.GetCatalogByIdAsync(Guid.Parse(addedCatalogId));


            // Delete added Dummy from db
コード例 #13
        public ActionResult Search(string text, int page = 1)
            if (text == null)
            CatalogVM catalog       = new CatalogVM();
            int       countProducts = 0;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                catalog.Products = productRepo.SearchProduct(page, pageSize, text, out countProducts);
            catalog.CountProducts = countProducts;
            catalog.Pager         = new Pager(countProducts, page, pageSize, 3);
            catalog.Search        = text;
            return(View("Catalog", catalog));
コード例 #14
        public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(int id, CatalogVM catalog)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            catalog.Id      = id;
            catalog.Creator = GetLoggedUserAsVM();

                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    var token = Base64Encode(HttpContext.Session.GetCurrentUserCredentials("loggedUser"));
                    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_NAME, token);

                    var serializedContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(catalog);
                    var stringContent     = new StringContent(serializedContent, Encoding.UTF8, JSON_MEDIA_TYPE);

                    HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PutAsync($"{catalogUri}/{id}", stringContent);

                    if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        return(RedirectToAction(nameof(HomeController.Error), "Home"));

                    if (GetLoggedUser() != null && GetLoggedUser().isAdmin)
                        return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
                return(RedirectToAction(nameof(HomeController.Error), "Home"));
コード例 #15
        public async Task <ActionResult> AddProductsManually([FromBody] IAddProductsToBasket items)
            items.ProductAmount = Math.Abs(items.ProductAmount);
            var username = User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "FullName").Value;

            var situation = await CatalogService.AddProductsToCatalogManually(items);

            if (situation == ProblemWithBasket.AllIsOkey)
                var catalogFromDB = await DB.CatalogDB.Include(x => x.Warehouse).FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == items.CatalogId);

                var catalogVM = new CatalogVM
                    Id            = catalogFromDB.Id,
                    ProductPrice  = catalogFromDB.ProductPrice,
                    CurrentAmount = catalogFromDB.CurrentAmount,
                    MaximumAmount = catalogFromDB.MaximumAmount,
                    MinimumAmount = catalogFromDB.MinimumAmount,
                    WarehouseId   = catalogFromDB.WarehouseId,
                    Name          = catalogFromDB.Name.Name,
                var log = new SimpleLogTable()
                    Date        = DateTime.Now,
                    UserName    = username,
                    Action      = "Pievienots",
                    What        = items.Name,
                    Amount      = items.ProductAmount,
                    Manually    = "Manuāli",
                    WarehouseId = catalogFromDB.WarehouseId.Value,
                    Where       = catalogFromDB.Warehouse.Name
                await SimpleLogTableService.AddLog(log);

                return(BadRequest(new { message = "Something went wrong." }));
コード例 #16
        public async Task <ActionResult> CreateCatalog([FromBody] CatalogVM Catalog)
            var username = User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "FullName").Value;
            var catalog  = new Catalog()
                Name = new CatalogName()
                    Name = Catalog.Name
                Id            = Catalog.Id,
                ProductPrice  = Catalog.ProductPrice,
                CurrentAmount = Catalog.CurrentAmount,
                MaximumAmount = Catalog.MaximumAmount,
                MinimumAmount = Catalog.MinimumAmount,
                WarehouseId   = Catalog.WarehouseId,
                CatalogNameId = Catalog.CatalogNameId
            // Adding new Catalog by calling a method that will add it to DB
            var newCatalog = await CatalogService.SaveCatalog(catalog, username);

            if (newCatalog == null)
                return(BadRequest(new { message = "There is no such catalog name." }));

            var catalogVM = new CatalogVM
                Id            = newCatalog.Id,
                ProductPrice  = newCatalog.ProductPrice,
                CurrentAmount = newCatalog.CurrentAmount,
                MaximumAmount = newCatalog.MaximumAmount,
                MinimumAmount = newCatalog.MinimumAmount,
                WarehouseId   = newCatalog.WarehouseId,
                Name          = newCatalog.Name.Name,
                Type          = Catalog.Type

            // Returning new Catalog
コード例 #17
        public ActionResult Catalog(int?superCategoryId, int?categoryId, int page = 1)
            if (superCategoryId == null)

            var sc = superCategoryRepo.GetSuperCategoryWithCategories((int)superCategoryId);

            if (sc == null)

            CatalogVM catalog = new CatalogVM();

            catalog.SuperCategoryId   = sc.Id;
            catalog.SuperCategoryName = sc.Name;

            int countProducts;

            catalog.Products = productRepo.GetProductsPerPage
                                   (page, pageSize, superCategoryId.Value, categoryId ?? null, out countProducts);

            catalog.CountProducts = countProducts;

            catalog.AvailableCategories = sc.Categories;

            catalog.Pager = new Pager(countProducts, page, pageSize, 3);

            if (categoryId != null)

コード例 #18
        public IActionResult AddCatalogsAsync([FromBody] CatalogVM catalog)
            Guid companyId;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(catalog.Title) ||
                catalog.GenreID == 0 ||
                !Guid.TryParse(catalog.CompanyID.ToString(), out companyId) ||
                catalog.Price <= 0)
                return(new BadRequestResult());

            var addResult = _repository.StoreCatalogAsync(catalog).Result;

            if (addResult.IsFailure)
                // logger should log the error here

                return(new BadRequestResult());

            return(Ok("{'CId':'" + addResult.Data + "'}"));
コード例 #19
ファイル: UnitTest1.cs プロジェクト: sminakar/GameCatalog
        public void RetriveAllCatalogsByAPI_ShouldMatch_AllCatalog_InDB()
            PropertyInfo[] pinfo  = (typeof(CatalogVM)).GetProperties();
            APIClient      client = new APIClient(BaseURL + "Catalogs", string.Empty, "json", _client);


            string  result    = client.Result.Result;
            JObject resObject = JObject.Parse(result);

            var apiResults = from d in resObject["data"]
                             select d;

            var dbCatalogs = _repository.GetCatalogsAsync().Result.ToList();

            int expected = dbCatalogs.Count();
            int actual   = apiResults.Count();

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);

            if (apiResults.Any())
                foreach (var item in apiResults)
                    CatalogVM actualDta   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CatalogVM>(item.ToString());
                    CatalogVM expectedDta = dbCatalogs.FirstOrDefault(f => f.ID == actualDta.ID);

                    foreach (var prop in pinfo)
                        var actualVal   = prop.GetValue(actualDta);
                        var expectedVal = prop.GetValue(expectedDta);

                        Assert.Equal(expectedVal, actualVal);
コード例 #20
        public async Task <ActionResult> GetCatalogByWarehouseId([FromBody] WarehouseCatalogFiltrationByType catalogFiltrater)
            // Getting Catalog by id
            var catalogsList = await CatalogService.GetCatatolgListByWarehouseId(catalogFiltrater);

            List <CatalogVM> catalogListVM = new List <CatalogVM>();

            catalogsList.ForEach(x => {
                var catalogVM = new CatalogVM
                    Id            = x.Id,
                    ProductPrice  = x.ProductPrice,
                    CurrentAmount = x.CurrentAmount,
                    MaximumAmount = x.MaximumAmount,
                    MinimumAmount = x.MinimumAmount,
                    WarehouseId   = x.WarehouseId,
                    Name          = x.Name.Name,

            // Returning Catalog
コード例 #21
        public async Task <ActionResult <CatalogVM> > Products(CatalogVM catalogVm, uint page)
            CatalogFacetsCriteriesDTO criteriesDto = await _catalogManager.FacetsCriteries(catalogVm?.Category);

            ProductsListDTO productsListDto;

            if (catalogVm == null)
                productsListDto = await _catalogManager.Catalog(null);

                catalogVm = new CatalogVM
                    Category         = null,
                    SortField        = CatalogSortField.Price,
                    SortingDirection = SortingDirection.Ascending
                productsListDto = await _catalogManager.Catalog(new CatalogFiltersDTO
                    Brands           = catalogVm.Brands,
                    Characteristics  = catalogVm.Characteristics,
                    Countries        = catalogVm.Countries,
                    Category         = catalogVm.Category,
                    SortField        = catalogVm.SortField,
                    SortingDirection = catalogVm.SortingDirection,
                    EndPrice         = catalogVm.EndPrice,
                    EndWeight        = catalogVm.EndWeight,
                    StartPrice       = catalogVm.StartPrice,
                    StartWeight      = catalogVm.StartWeight,
                    PageSize         = PageSize,
                    Page             = page

            // При одинаковом названии характеристик и свойств продукта выбросится исключение!
            catalogVm.FacetsCriteries = criteriesDto.Characteristics
                                        .Select(c =>
                HashSet <string> values = null;
                catalogVm.Characteristics?.TryGetValue(c.Key, out values);

                var facetCriterionVm = new FacetCriterionVM(c.Key, nameof(catalogVm.Characteristics))
                    All      = c.Value,
                    Selected = values

                                        .Append(new FacetCriterionVM(nameof(catalogVm.Countries))
                All      = criteriesDto.Countries,
                Selected = catalogVm.Countries
                                        .Append(new FacetCriterionVM(nameof(catalogVm.Brands))
                All      = criteriesDto.Brands,
                Selected = catalogVm.Brands

            catalogVm.MaxPrice  = criteriesDto.MaxPrice;
            catalogVm.MaxWeight = criteriesDto.MaxWeight;
            catalogVm.MinPrice  = criteriesDto.MinPrice;
            catalogVm.MinWeight = criteriesDto.MinWeight;

            catalogVm.Products = productsListDto.Products.Select(p => new ProductShortVM
                Id      = p.Id,
                Name    = p.Name,
                Brand   = p.Brand?.Name,
                Country = p.Country?.Name,
                Image   = p.Image,
                Price   = p.Price,
                Weight  = p.Weight

            catalogVm.PagingInfo = new PagingInfoVM
                CurrentPage  = productsListDto.PagingInfo.CurrentPage,
                TotalItems   = productsListDto.PagingInfo.TotalItems,
                ItemsPerPage = productsListDto.PagingInfo.ItemsPerPage

コード例 #22
        public async Task <Result <bool> > UpdateCatalogAsync(CatalogVM catalogVM)
            string errSource = "UpdateCatalogAsync";

            var dbCatalog = await _context.Catalogs
                            .Include(g => g.Genre)
                            .Include(c => c.Company)
                            .FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.ID == catalogVM.ID);

            if (dbCatalog is null)
                return(new ErrorResult <bool>(
                           code: ErrorCode.NotFound,
                           message: $"Could not find any Game Catalog to update. CatalogID: {catalogVM.ID}",
                           errorSource: errSource));

            Genre     dbGenre    = dbCatalog.Genre;
            Developer dbDevloper = dbCatalog.Company;

            if (dbCatalog.Company.ID != catalogVM.CompanyID)      // developer company changed
                dbDevloper = await _context.FindAsync <Developer>(catalogVM.CompanyID);

                if (dbDevloper is null)
                    return(new ErrorResult <bool>(
                               code: ErrorCode.NotFound,
                               message: $"Could not find updated game developer company  ID: {catalogVM.CompanyID}",
                               errorSource: errSource));

                dbCatalog.Company = dbDevloper;

            if (dbCatalog.Genre.ID != catalogVM.GenreID)      // Catalog Genre changed
                dbGenre = await _context.FindAsync <Genre>(catalogVM.GenreID);

                if (dbGenre is null)
                    return(new ErrorResult <bool>(
                               code: ErrorCode.NotFound,
                               message: $"Could not find updated game's Genre  ID: {catalogVM.GenreID}",
                               errorSource: errSource));

                dbCatalog.Genre = dbGenre;

            Mapper mapper = new Mapper(new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
                cfg.CreateMap <CatalogVM, Catalog>()
                .AfterMap((src, des) =>
                    des.Company    = dbDevloper;
                    des.Genre      = dbGenre;
                    des.ModifyDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var x = mapper.Map <Catalog>(catalogVM);


            return(new Result <bool>()
                Data = await _context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0