コード例 #1
    private void PopulateControls()
        // Retrieve DepartmentID from the query string
        string departmentId = Request.QueryString["DepartmentID"];
        // Retrieve CategoryID from the query string
        string categoryId = Request.QueryString["CategoryID"];
        // Retrieve Page from the query string
        string page = Request.QueryString["Page"];

        if (page == null)
            page = "1";
        // Retrieve Search string from query string
        string searchString = Request.QueryString["Search"];
        // How many pages of products?
        int howManyPages = 1;

        // If performing a product search
        if (searchString != null)
            // Retrieve AllWords from query string
            string allWords = Request.QueryString["AllWords"];
            // Perform search
            list.DataSource = CatalogBLO.Search(searchString, allWords, page, out howManyPages);
        // If browsing a category...
        else if (categoryId != null)
            // Retrieve list of products in a category
            list.DataSource = CatalogBLO.GetProductsInCategory(categoryId, page, out howManyPages, odr);
        else if (departmentId != null)
            // Retrieve list of products on department promotion
            list.DataSource = CatalogBLO.GetProductsOnDepartmentPromotion(departmentId, page, out howManyPages, odr);
            // Retrieve list of products on catalog promotion
            //list.DataSource = CatalogAccess.GetProductsOnCatalogPromotion(page, out howManyPages);
        if (list.Items.Count > 0)
            dropDown.Visible = true;
            dropDown.Visible = false;
        // display paging controls
        if (howManyPages > 1)
            // have the current page as integer
            int currentPage = Int32.Parse(page);
            // make controls visible
            pagingLabel.Visible  = true;
            previousLink.Visible = true;
            nextLink.Visible     = true;
            // set the paging text
            pagingLabel.Text = "Page " + page + " of " + howManyPages.ToString();
            // create the Previous link
            if (currentPage == 1)
                previousLink.Enabled = false;
                NameValueCollection query = Request.QueryString;
                string paramName, newQueryString = "?";
                for (int i = 0; i < query.Count; i++)
                    if (query.AllKeys[i] != null)
                        if ((paramName = query.AllKeys[i].ToString()).ToUpper() != "PAGE")
                            newQueryString += paramName + "=" + query[i] + "&";
                previousLink.NavigateUrl = Request.Url.AbsolutePath + newQueryString + "Page=" + (currentPage - 1).ToString();
            // create the Next link
            if (currentPage == howManyPages)
                nextLink.Enabled = false;
                NameValueCollection query = Request.QueryString;
                string paramName, newQueryString = "?";
                for (int i = 0; i < query.Count; i++)
                    if (query.AllKeys[i] != null)
                        if ((paramName = query.AllKeys[i].ToString()).ToUpper() != "PAGE")
                            newQueryString += paramName + "=" + query[i] + "&";
                nextLink.NavigateUrl = Request.Url.AbsolutePath + newQueryString + "Page=" + (currentPage + 1).ToString();