コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the display list of what is inside the bag; calls SetHoverStorage in CastledPlayer
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bag"></param>
 /// <param name="modPlayer"></param>
 /// <param name="bagg"></param>
 public static void SetList(Item bag, CastledPlayer modPlayer, BagPickup bagg)
     if (bag != null && !bag.IsAir && bag.GetGlobalItem <SGlobalItem>().storage != null)
         modPlayer.SetHoverStorage(bag.GetGlobalItem <SGlobalItem>().storage.contained);
コード例 #2
 bool WitchQuest(CastledPlayer player, int type, int num, bool greater)
         return(player != null && player.witchQuest != null && player.witchQuest.Length > 0 && greater ? player.witchQuest[type] > num : player.witchQuest[type] < num);
     catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         if (player.witchQuest.Length < 1)
             player.witchQuest = new int[4];
             for (int a = 0; a < player.witchQuest.Length; a++)
                 player.witchQuest[a] = 0;
コード例 #3
        public override void RightClick(Player player)
            CastledPlayer mP      = player.GetModPlayer <CastledPlayer>();
            int           pointer = mP.pointer;

            if (mP.shrineType == EffigyCrim && !WorldGen.crimson)
                mP.shrineType = EffigyCorr;
            if (mP.shrineType == EffigyCorr && WorldGen.crimson)
                mP.shrineType = Drill;
            if (mP.shrineType > Drill)
                mP.shrineType = Trinket;
            if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[ModContent.ProjectileType <ShrinePointer>()] > 0 && Main.projectile[pointer] != null)
コード例 #4
        public override void UpdateInventory(Player player)
            CastledPlayer mod = player.GetModPlayer <CastledPlayer>();

            if (Press(Keys.O))
                for (int a = 0; a < mod.presets.Count; a++)
                    if (mod.presets[a].made)
                if (!ui)
                    if (mod.presets[mod.preset].made)
                        SavePreset(mod, player);
                    ui = true;
                    if (mod.presets[mod.preset].made)
                    ui = false;
            if (ui)
                #region UI
                mod.drawUI = true;
                if (!mod.presets[mod.preset].made)
                    mod.writeName   = true;
                    mod.drawPreview = false;
                    save            = false;
                if (mod.presets[mod.preset].made && !mod.changeName)
                    mod.writeName   = false;
                    mod.drawPreview = true;
                    mod.changeName  = false;
                if (Press(Keys.Up))
                    if (mod.preset > 4)
                        mod.preset = 0;
                if (Press(Keys.Down))
                    if (mod.preset < 0)
                        mod.preset = 4;
                if (Main.keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) && Main.mouseRight && !save)
                    save = true;
                    SavePreset(mod, player);
                if (Press(Keys.Right) && !mod.writeName && mod.presets[mod.preset].made)
                    mod.drawPreview = false;
                    mod.changeName  = true;
                    save            = false;
                if (Press(Keys.Delete) && !mod.changeName && mod.presets[mod.preset].made)
                    mod.presets[mod.preset] = new PlayerPreset();

                 * if (Press(Keys.Left) && !mod.writeName)
                 * {
                 *  Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuClose);
                 *  mod.presets[mod.preset].Load(player);
                 *  ui = false;
                 * }*/
                mod.drawUI      = false;
                mod.writeName   = false;
                mod.drawPreview = false;
                mod.changeName  = false;
コード例 #5
        void SavePreset(CastledPlayer mod, Player player)
            List <Color> colors = new List <Color>
                new Color(),
                new Color(),
                new Color(),
                new Color(),
                new Color(),
                new Color(),
                new Color(),
                new Color()
            List <Item> vanity = new List <Item>
                new Item(),
                new Item(),
                new Item(),
                new Item(),
                new Item(),
                new Item(),
                new Item(),
                new Item()
            List <Item> dye = new List <Item>
                new Item(),
                new Item(),
                new Item(),
                new Item(),
                new Item(),
                new Item(),
                new Item(),
                new Item(),
                new Item(),
                new Item()
            string input = "";

            for (int a = 0; a < 8; a++)
                switch (a)
                case 0:
                    if (player.hairDyeColor != Color.Transparent)
                        colors[a] = player.hairDyeColor;
                        colors[a] = Color.Transparent;

                case 1:
                    colors[a] = player.skinColor;

                case 2:
                    colors[a] = player.hairColor;

                case 3:
                    colors[a] = player.eyeColor;

                case 4:
                    colors[a] = player.shirtColor;

                case 5:
                    colors[a] = player.underShirtColor;

                case 6:
                    colors[a] = player.pantsColor;

                case 7:
                    colors[a] = player.shoeColor;
            for (int a = 0; a < 7; a++)
                if (!player.armor[a + 10].IsAir)
                    vanity[a] = player.armor[a + 10].Clone();
            for (int a = 0; a < 9; a++)
                if (!player.dye[a].IsAir)
                    dye[a] = player.dye[a].Clone();
            if (mod.writeName || mod.changeName)
                input = Main.chatText;
            else if (!mod.writeName && !mod.changeName)
                input = mod.presets[mod.preset].name;
            if (!mod.presets[mod.preset].made || !mod.changeName)
                mod.presets[mod.preset].Save(colors, player.hair, player.Male, vanity, dye, input, player.hairDye, player.skinVariant);
                mod.presets[mod.preset].name = input;
            Main.chatText = "";
            mod.writeName = false;
            if (!mod.changeName)
                ui = false;
            mod.changeName         = false;
            Main.drawingPlayerChat = false;
コード例 #6
        public override void ModifyTooltips(List <TooltipLine> tooltips)
            CastledPlayer modPlayer = Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetModPlayer <CastledPlayer>();
            bool          click     = ModContent.GetInstance <ClientConfig>().bagDoubleClick;

            foreach (TooltipLine tip in tooltips)
                if (tip.mod == "Terraria" && tip.Name == "ItemName")
                    if (IsPackage)
                        tip.overrideColor = new Color(255, 115, 65);
                    if (item.type == ModContent.ItemType <TileSack>())
                        tip.overrideColor = new Color(50, 15, 0);
                    if (item.type == ModContent.ItemType <SlatestoneBag>() || item.type == ModContent.ItemType <RunicBag>())
                        tip.overrideColor = new Color(100, 15, 50);
            int num  = -1;
            int num2 = 0;

            while (num2 < tooltips.Count)
                if (!tooltips[num2].Name.Equals("ItemName"))
                num = num2;
            if (click && modPlayer.hoverStorage != null && modPlayer.listMade)
                tooltips.Insert(num + 1, new TooltipLine(mod, "StorageShow", Storage()));
                if (BagLimit - modPlayer.hoverStorage.Count > 0)
                    tooltips.Insert(num + 2, new TooltipLine(mod, "StorageLeft", $"Available Space: {BagLimit - modPlayer.hoverStorage.Count} slots"));
                    tooltips.Insert(num + 2, new TooltipLine(mod, "StorageLeft", "No space left"));
            tooltips.Insert(num + 1, new TooltipLine(mod, "StorageBasic", "Holds a set amount of items.\nRight-Click with a selected item to put inside the bag"));
            tooltips.Insert(num + 2, new TooltipLine(mod, "StorageCount", $"Holds a maximum of {BagLimit} items"));
            if (MagicPickup)
                tooltips.Insert(num + 3, new TooltipLine(mod, "StorageMagic", $"Picks up and contains stray items when your inventory is full"));
            if (IsPackage)
                tooltips.Insert(num + 3, new TooltipLine(mod, "StoragePackage1", $"Placeable storage that can be picked back up again"));
                tooltips.Insert(num + 4, new TooltipLine(mod, "StoragePackage2", $"Can only be placed if this item is in the current use slot"));
            if (InfStack != null && InfStack.Count > 0)
                tooltips.Insert(num + 3, new TooltipLine(mod, "StorageInfStack", $"This bag can hold the following items to near-infinite amounts"));
                tooltips.Insert(num + 4, new TooltipLine(mod, "StorageInfStackShow", EndlessStacks()));
            if (EquipTooltips != null && EquipTooltips.Count > 0)
                int tooltip = 1;
                foreach (string s in EquipTooltips)
                    tooltips.Insert(num + tooltip, new TooltipLine(mod, $"StorageAccessoryTT{tooltip}", s));
            string EndlessStacks()
                int    lines      = InfStack.Count;
                int    continuing = 0;
                string storage    = string.Empty;

                foreach (int i in InfStack)
                    if (i > -1)
                        storage = storage.Insert(storage.Length, $"[i/s1:{i}] ");
                if (continuing > 15)
                    storage = storage.Insert(storage.Length, $"... and {lines} more items");

            string Storage()
                int    lines      = modPlayer.hoverStorage.Count;
                int    continuing = 0;
                string storage    = "Empty Storage";

                if (modPlayer.hoverStorage.Count > 0)
                    storage = "";
                foreach (Item i in modPlayer.hoverStorage)
                    if (i != null && !i.IsAir)
                        if (lines >= modPlayer.hoverStorage.Count - 15 && lines > 0)
                            storage = storage.Insert(storage.Length, $"[i/s{i.stack}:{i.type}] ");
                if (continuing > 15 && lines > 0)
                    storage = storage.Insert(storage.Length, $"... and {lines} more items");
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines an action of what happens when this bag is right clicked
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player"></param>
        /// <param name="bag"></param>
        public void CheckRightClick(Player player, Item bag)
            bool          view      = ModContent.GetInstance <ClientConfig>().bagDoubleClick;
            CastledPlayer modPlayer = Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetModPlayer <CastledPlayer>();
            Item          item      = Main.mouseItem;

            if (item != null && !item.IsAir && NotStorage(item) && !BagTag())
            if (BagTag())
                foreach (Item i in player.inventory)
                    if (i != null && !i.IsAir && i.GetGlobalItem <SGlobalItem>().bagTag)
            else if (item == null || item.IsAir)
                if (StarterBag())
                    StartingBag.RollItems(bag.GetGlobalItem <SGlobalItem>().storage);
                    SetList(bag, modPlayer, this);
                if (PotionPouch())
                    bool        used   = false;
                    bool[]      canUse = new bool[3];
                    List <Item> list   = bag.GetGlobalItem <SGlobalItem>().storage.contained;
                    for (int a = 0; a < list.Count; a++)
                        if (list[a].stack > 0)
                            if (list[a].buffType > 0 && list[a].buffTime > 0)
                                if (PotionPouchType(2) && !player.HasBuff(list[a].buffType))
                                    canUse[0] = true;
                                else if (PotionPouchType(1))
                                    canUse[0] = true;
                            if (list[a].healLife > 0 && !player.HasBuff(BuffID.PotionSickness))
                                canUse[1] = true;
                            if (list[a].healMana > 0)
                                canUse[2] = true;
                            if (canUse[0])
                                player.AddBuff(list[a].buffType, list[a].buffTime);
                            if (canUse[1])
                                player.AddBuff(BuffID.PotionSickness, player.pStone ? 2700 : 3600);
                            if (canUse[2])
                                player.AddBuff(BuffID.ManaSickness, 300);
                            if (IsUseable())
                                if (list[a].consumable)
                                    bag.GetGlobalItem <SGlobalItem>().storage.contained[a].stack--;
                                if (list[a].stack < 1)
                                    bag.GetGlobalItem <SGlobalItem>().storage.contained.RemoveAt(a);
                                used = true;
                            for (int b = 0; b < canUse.Length; b++)
                                canUse[b] = false;
                            bool IsUseable()
                                foreach (bool b in canUse)
                                    if (b)
                            bag.GetGlobalItem <SGlobalItem>().storage.contained.RemoveAt(a);
                    if (used)
                    SetList(bag, modPlayer, this);
                if (!OtherInteraction())
                    SetList(bag, modPlayer, this);
                    if (contained.Count > 0)
                        if (CheckOpenCondition(bag.GetGlobalItem <SGlobalItem>().storage))
                            for (int a = 0; a < player.inventory.Length - 9; a++)
                                if (player.inventory[a] == null || player.inventory[a].IsAir)
                                    if (contained.Count > 0)
                                        Item slotItem = contained[0].Clone();
                                        if (ModContent.GetInstance <ClientConfig>().bagTagBoolean)
                                            player.inventory[a] = slotItem;
                                            player.inventory[a].GetGlobalItem <SGlobalItem>().bagTag    = true;
                                            player.inventory[a].GetGlobalItem <SGlobalItem>().tagExpire = ModContent.GetInstance <ClientConfig>().bagTagExpire * 1000;
                                        if (bag.type == ModContent.ItemType <StartingBag>() && !starterBagOpened)
                                            player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.GoldCoin, Main.rand.Next(1, 2));
                                            player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.SilverCoin, Main.rand.Next(49, 99));
                                            player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.Wood, Main.rand.Next(79, 119));
                                            player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.Torch, Main.rand.Next(14, 29));
                                            player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.RecallPotion, Main.rand.Next(4, 9));
                                            player.QuickSpawnItem(WorldGen.IronTierOre == TileID.Iron ? ItemID.IronOre : ItemID.LeadOre, Main.rand.Next(14, 27));
                                            starterBagOpened = true;
                            SetList(bag, modPlayer, this);
                            modPlayer.listMade = false;
                    modPlayer.listMade = true;
            bool OtherInteraction() => PotionPouch() || StarterBag();

            bool PotionPouch()
                if (bag.type == ModContent.ItemType <NPCs.Witch.PotionPouch>())
                    return(PotionPouchType(1) || PotionPouchType(2));

            bool PotionPouchType(int type)
                if (bag.type == ModContent.ItemType <NPCs.Witch.PotionPouch>())
                    switch (type)
                    case 1:
                        return(Main.keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift) || Main.keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.RightShift));

                    case 2:
                        return(Main.keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl) || Main.keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.RightControl));

            bool StarterBag()
                if (!starterBagOpened && bag.type == ModContent.ItemType <StartingBag>())
                    return(Main.keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift) || Main.keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.RightShift));

            void ContainItem(Item item1)
                if (item1 != null && !item1.IsAir && NotStorage(item1))
                    bool canStack = false;
                    for (int a = 0; a < contained.Count; a++)
                        if (contained[a].type == item1.type && contained[a].prefix == item1.prefix && EndlessStack(this, item1.type, a))
                            canStack            = true;
                            contained[a].stack += item1.stack;
                    if (contained.Count < limit && !canStack)
                        Item addBag = item1.Clone();

            bool BagTag()
                bool found = false;

                foreach (Item i in player.inventory)
                    if (i != null && !i.IsAir && i.GetGlobalItem <SGlobalItem>().bagTag)
                        found = true;

            bool CheckOpenCondition(BagPickup baggy)
                if (view && baggy != null)
コード例 #8
        public override void SetupShop(Chest shop, ref int nextSlot)
            CastledPlayer player = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <CastledPlayer>();
            int           value  = player.witchQuest[1] > 2 ? 25000 : 50000;

            shop.item[0].SetDefaults(ModContent.ItemType <DistortedFlask>());
            shop.item[0].value = value;
            shop.item[1].value = 125;
            if (player.witchQuest[1] > 0)
                shop.item[10].value = shop.item[10].value * 4;
                shop.item[20].value = shop.item[20].value * 4;
            if (player.witchQuest[1] > 1)
                shop.item[11].value = shop.item[11].value * 4;
                shop.item[21].value = shop.item[21].value * 4;
            if (player.witchQuest[1] > 2)
                shop.item[12].value = shop.item[12].value * 4;
                shop.item[22].value = shop.item[22].value * 4;
            if (player.witchQuest[1] > 3)
                shop.item[13].value = shop.item[13].value * 4;
                shop.item[14].value = shop.item[14].value * 4;
            if (player.witchQuest[1] > 4)
                shop.item[15].value = shop.item[15].value * 4;
                shop.item[16].value = shop.item[16].value * 4;
            if (player.witchQuest[1] > 5)
                shop.item[23].value = shop.item[23].value * 4;
                shop.item[24].value = shop.item[24].value * 4;
            if (player.witchQuest[1] > 6)
                shop.item[25].value = shop.item[25].value * 4;
            if (player.witchQuest[1] > 7)
                List <int> potions = new List <int>
                for (int a = 30; a < 38; a++)
                    shop.item[a].SetDefaults(potions[38 - a]);
                    shop.item[a].value = shop.item[a].value * 4;
コード例 #9
        public override void OnChatButtonClicked(bool firstButton, ref bool shop)
            string        allQuestsComplete = "I appreciate the kindness, but I don't need any help anymore. You helped me with everything, and all that I have is available for you to buy!";
            Player        player            = Main.LocalPlayer;
            CastledPlayer modPlayer         = player.GetModPlayer <CastledPlayer>();

            int[] quest = modPlayer.witchQuest;
            if (firstButton)
                shop = true;
                if (reaction[1] < 1)
                    if (quest[0] < 1)
                        Main.npcChatText = ChatMessageQuest();
                        if (quest[1] < 5)
                            player.QuickSpawnItem(ModContent.ItemType <DistortedFlask>(), 3);
                        string ChatMessageQuest()
                            switch (quest[1])
                            case 0:
                                return("So you want to help me, huh? That's nice of you, but you're going to have to make quite a few sacrifices to get the things that I would request. To start off, I need an aged skull, mainly to act as a jug. Throw one of these flasks at [c/FFFF00:someone who is experienced with explosive munitions], and get rid of the waste afterwards. Stand back after you do so, otherwise, you yourself may be waste.");

                            case 1:
                                return("You wanna help again? Alright. I need a book. Not just any book, but a book held by [c/FFFF00:a knowledgeable person]. I know that he loves archaeology, so what better than to make his dream come true and turn him into an archaeologist? Throw one of these flasks at him, and forcefully take the book from him. There's a side effect that occurs when he loses his hat though, so just be prepared when that happens.");

                            case 2:
                                return("Back for more? Alright. I'll give you a bit of a break this time: I need a ruby so that I can shine a very specific amount of light onto a cauldron. I believe that [c/FFFF00:a female druid] usually has one for a hairclip. Throw one of my flasks at one of the dryads, then relieve them of their misery. There's no special last stands that they do, they just simply succumb.");

                            case 3:
                                return("Ah, you're here. I have recently found out that the material that those 'illegal gun parts' have a very reactive property with rose petals. Conveniently enough, I also learned that [c/FFFF00:a gunsmith and a doctor] are planning to go out on a date, a perfect opportunity to do some corrupting, and take their stuff! They both have to stand close to each other in order for them to be affected, however.");

                            case 4:
                                return("Welcome back. I just found out that a similar situation like the last one, but with [c/FFFF00:goblin and human mechanics] is going on. This time, I don't need ingredients, but rather tools so that I can be very specific with my ingredients. You know what to do; throw a flask at both of them, and bring some powerful artillery with you to break the bond.");

                            case 5:
                                return("If you haven't, you're gonna have to find [c/FFFF00:a wizard]. It might be impossible to find him if this world isn't imbued with spirits, though. I have a raging surge of spite going through me, and I need you to help me relieve it. Throw one of these flasks at the old chum, and get ready for a fight. Bring me his hat if you win so I can keep it as a trophy!");

                            case 6:
                                return("I don't think I need anymore ingredients from now on, it's really either just for utility, or for my own sake. Speaking of utility, I need some fabric to make a glove; these flasks become really hard to hold at times! I think that an eyepatch from [c/FFFF00:a powerful pirate] would do quite nicely. You know the drill; throw a flask at friendly pirate, then kill the villanous pirate. He doesn't have any special properties, I think.");

                            case 7:
                                return("You know what? I feel like doing something good for once. I once met [c/FFFF00:a dead fellow with an interest in yo-yoing] underground, and I asked him what his greatest desire was. He said that he always wanted to be a wizard. I really think that the flask will do just the thing, but this time, there won't be side effects. Just throw it at him, and if he has any thank you gifts, bring them to me; I was the one that told you to turn him into a wizard, after all.");
                        if (HasQuestItem())
                            Main.PlaySound(SoundLoader.customSoundType, npc.Center, mod.GetSoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Custom/Achievement"));
                            Main.npcChatText = ChatMessageQuestComplete();
                            quest[0] = 0;
                            quest[2] = 0;
                            void Rewards()
                                switch (quest[1])
                                case 0:
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.GoldCoin, 5);
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.SilverCoin, 50);
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(Main.rand.NextBool(1) ? ItemID.MiningShirt : ItemID.MiningPants);

                                case 1:
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.GoldCoin, 7);
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.SilverCoin, 50);
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.JungleGrassSeeds, 15);

                                case 2:
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.GoldCoin, 10);

                                case 3:
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.GoldCoin, 17);
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.SilverCoin, 50);

                                case 4:
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.GoldCoin, 25);
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ModContent.ItemType <Items.Storage.Cardboard>(), 20);

                                case 5:
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.GoldCoin, 40);
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.SoulofNight, 15);
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.SoulofLight, 15);
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ModContent.ItemType <Items.Storage.SealedVaccuum>(), 5);

                                case 6:
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.GoldCoin, 75);
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ModContent.ItemType <PirateVanity>());

                                case 7:
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ItemID.GoldCoin, 50);
                                    player.QuickSpawnItem(ModContent.ItemType <PotionPouch>());

                            string ChatMessageQuestComplete()
                                switch (quest[1])
                                case 0:
                                    return("Not too bad. This skull has the right texture to hold some flasks. I also found a piece of clothing at the blast site, you can have it; I don't need it. Still, thanks for the help: I'll keep some more things available in my shop each time you help me.");

                                case 1:
                                    return("Once again, great work. I needed to learn more about cultivation, and I think I now know enough. You can have it back. Also, there seemed to be a lot of jungle seeds in there, he must have liked exploring then.");

                                case 2:
                                    return("Ah, you have it! It's so pristine as well, oh my... I suppose that I should give you something to help you with gardening with such a nature theme, here, have this Staff of Regrowth. As well as that, I'll be providing a discount on any flasks that you buy, just in case you have to do some... 'retrieval' often.");

                                case 3:
                                    return("I hate to just ruin a relationship like that, but man was it worth it! These parts seem to be made of unknown materials. When mixed with those rose petals, it creates a bright blue color! I found a shotgun in the gunsmith's appartment, and a heart ring in the doctor's appartment. I don't know about you, but that seemed to be a very close call.");

                                case 4:
                                    return("Wow, you're incredible at this! You really did all of these favors for me? I'll give you something special; this is a gift that I was given back at my home, I think it's best that you to have it now. And the cardboard? You can make some packages with them to store your stuff; it's pretty neat.");

                                case 5:
                                    return("Let me tell you, it feels great to not have anymore competition. Hm, what's this? Whoa! That's a lot of souls, was he stashing them? For what? There also seems to be floating balls of gas. I do know that those can be used for a lot of storage, and even those packages that I said before. Again, thank you so much for the help!");

                                case 6:
                                    return("There you are! And there's the eyepatch. I think that throwing that flask was really more of just getting rid of his cool more than anything, what a rough guy. Speaking of which, I found this bag in his room, it smells really awful. Maybe put a clothes line clip on your nose while you open it.");

                                case 7:
                                    return("He gave you a heart crystal? I thought that he would just give you a star but a heart crystal? I really do think that I should change my ways... Maybe everything isn't just about evil, and whatnot. I think that this is deservant of a special reward; this is my pouch that I use for storing potions. You can put potions inside and use them directly from the bag.");
                            Main.npcChatText = ChatMessageOngoingQuest();
                            if (quest[2]++ > 1)
                                quest[2] = 1;
                            string ChatMessageOngoingQuest()
                                if (quest[2] < 1)
                                    switch (quest[1])
                                    case 0:
                                        return($"Need a reminder, huh? I need you to throw a Flask of Distortion [i/1:{ModContent.ItemType<DistortedFlask>()}] at [c/FFFF00:someone who is experienced with explosives], then get rid of the waste. Make sure you're careful while doing so!");

                                    case 1:
                                        return($"Alright, so you have to throw one of those glitched flasks [i/1:{ModContent.ItemType<DistortedFlask>()}] at [c/FFFF00:someone with orange hair, and an arrogant attitude.] Kill him afterwards, and make sure that you're ready to jump so that you won't get flattened.");

                                    case 2:
                                        return($"A bit tired, eh? I need you to throw a Flask of Distortion [i/1:{ModContent.ItemType<DistortedFlask>()}] at [c/FFFF00:an ancient idol of nature], then knock their hairclip off.");

                                    case 3:
                                        return($"Tough crowd, huh? You gotta throw a glitch in a bottle [i/1:{ModContent.ItemType<DistortedFlask>()}] at [c/FFFF00:a gun enthusiast and a nurse] who are standing close to each other. They will fall in love if they are able to see each other directly, making them really sturdy. Bring back anything special that they drop.");

                                    case 4:
                                        return($"Tough crowd, huh? You gotta throw a glitch in a bottle [i/1:{ModContent.ItemType<DistortedFlask>()}] at [c/FFFF00:a greedy goblin and a dextrous woman] who are standing close to each other. They will fall in love if they are able to see each other directly, making them really sturdy. Bring back anything special that they drop.");

                                    case 5:
                                        return($"Having trouble finding [c/FFFF00:the wizard]? He should be found tied up underground if it's hardmode. Once you find him, throw a flask [i/1:{ModContent.ItemType<DistortedFlask>()}] at him, and kill the remanining rune wizard. Bring me his hat!");

                                    case 6:
                                        return($"Arr ye having trouble? Search [c/FFFF00:for gold (the pirate)], then throw a sample of me rum [i/1:{ModContent.ItemType<DistortedFlask>()}] at 'im. Pull out ye' arrrtillery and peg him until his eyepatch falls.");

                                    case 7:
                                        return($"Having trouble finding [c/FFFF00:the skeleton merchant]? I believe that he sometimes appears below the surface. Do him a favor and throw a Flask of Distortion [i/1:{ModContent.ItemType<DistortedFlask>()}] at him. He would appreciate being a wizard. ");
                                if (quest[2] >= 1)
                                    switch (quest[1])
                                    case 0:
                                        return($"I don't think it should be that hard to remember, now. I need you to throw a Flask of Distortion [i/1:{ModContent.ItemType<DistortedFlask>()}] at [c/FFFF00:a dwarf who loves dynamite]. Get rid of the remaining skeleton, and stand far back after you do so; he'll lob grenades as a last stand.");

                                    case 1:
                                        return($"Come on, now. All you have to do is throw one of my flasks [i/1:{ModContent.ItemType<DistortedFlask>()}] at [c/FFFF00:a suitable sacrifice for a flesh wall], then retreive the book that he drops. He will drop two boulders upon losing his hat, so be wary of that.");

                                    case 2:
                                        return($"Maybe it's more than drousiness... You have to throw one of my glitch bottles [i/1:{ModContent.ItemType<DistortedFlask>()}] at [c/FFFF00:a female druid], and then kill the resulting nymph. Bring back the hairclip, or rather, ruby that they drop");

                                    case 3:
                                        return((player.Male ? "Lad" : "Lass") + $", do you have gel in your ears? Throw a Flask of Distortion [i/1:{ModContent.ItemType<DistortedFlask>()}] at [c/FFFF00:an arms dealer and a nurse] who are standing close to each other. They will form a strong bond if they can see each other.");

                                    case 4:
                                        return((player.Male ? "Lad" : "Lass") + $", do you have gel in your ears? Throw a Flask of Distortion [i/1:{ModContent.ItemType<DistortedFlask>()}] at [c/FFFF00:a goblin tinkerer and a mechanic] who are standing close to each other. They will form a strong bond if they can see each other.");

                                    case 5:
                                        return($"Hmm, are you sure that he isn't in your town? Make sure that you know where [c/FFFF00:the wizard] is, then throw some of my medicine [i/1:{ModContent.ItemType<DistortedFlask>()}] at him. Give him a taste of your medicine, then bring me his hat!");

                                    case 6:
                                        return($"Don't make me walk you off the plank! Bring your eyes to the attention of [c/FFFF00:the cap'n (a friendly pirate)], then throw some of my rum [i/1:{ModContent.ItemType<DistortedFlask>()}] at 'im. Then swab the deck with his face and bring me his eyepatch.");

                                    case 7:
                                        return($"Don't leave me hanging! You can find [c/FFFF00:the skeleton merchant] deep below. His greatest wish is to be a wizard, so I'm pretty sure that the effects of my flask [i/1:{ModContent.ItemType<DistortedFlask>()}] on him would grant that wish.");
                    Main.npcChatText = "NO! I don't want help! Please, just leave me alone!";
            bool HasQuestItem()
                if (quest[1] != 3 || quest[1] != 4)
                    for (int a = 0; a < player.inventory.Length - 9; a++)
                        if (ItemExists(player.inventory[a]) && player.inventory[a].type == QuestItem() && player.inventory[a].GetGlobalItem <DistortItem>().distorted)
                if (quest[1] == 3)
                    Item parts = new Item();
                    Item rose  = new Item();
                    for (int a = 0; a < player.inventory.Length - 9; a++)
                        if (ItemExists(player.inventory[a]) && player.inventory[a].GetGlobalItem <DistortItem>().distorted)
                            if (player.inventory[a].type == ItemID.IllegalGunParts)
                                parts = player.inventory[a];
                            if (player.inventory[a].type == ItemID.JungleRose)
                                rose = player.inventory[a];
                    if (parts != null && !parts.IsAir && rose != null && !rose.IsAir)
                if (quest[1] == 4)
                    Item goggles = new Item();
                    Item ruler   = new Item();
                    for (int a = 0; a < player.inventory.Length - 9; a++)
                        if (ItemExists(player.inventory[a]) && player.inventory[a].GetGlobalItem <DistortItem>().distorted)
                            if (player.inventory[a].type == ItemID.Goggles)
                                goggles = player.inventory[a];
                            if (player.inventory[a].type == ItemID.LaserRuler)
                                ruler = player.inventory[a];
                    if (goggles != null && !goggles.IsAir && ruler != null && !ruler.IsAir)

                int QuestItem()
                    switch (quest[1])
                    case 0:

                    case 1:

                    case 2:

                    case 5:

                    case 6:

                    case 7:

            bool ItemExists(Item item) => item != null && !item.IsAir;
コード例 #10
        public override string GetChat()
            Player                  player = Main.LocalPlayer;
            CastledPlayer           mP     = player.GetModPlayer <CastledPlayer>();
            WeightedRandom <string> chat   = new WeightedRandom <string>();

            chat.Add("Word of advice, never use a popsicle for farming: it's too small to even collect any crops, and it even melts after a half hour for pete sake!", 1.25);
            chat.Add("Could you stop tugging on that? Yeesh, that's the only thing I can wear.", 0.25);
            chat.Add("What's the secret with these flasks? I mix every ingredient with an exception of every kind.", 1.5);
            chat.Add("I once visited the castle of my former ruler for ONE night, and when I ate one of the sugar biscuits in the queen's kitchen, it really felt like I stayed there for much longer than ONE night.", 1);
            if (NPC.downedSlimeKing)
                chat.Add("I once tried to create a potion with different colored gels, and well, it was a blur after I added the third gel.", 1.5);
            if (Main.hardMode)
                chat.Add("Those pixies out there remind me of the people from a place that my former ruler used to groan about. Difference being that those balls of yellow light are freakishly strong...", 0.75);
                chat.Add("A sand witch? I think I have seen a flying sand witch in the desert before, though it was really hard to see during that time.", 0.5);
                if (NPC.downedPlantBoss && !mP.witchEgg && reaction[1] < 1)
                    chat.Add((player.Male ? "Mister" : "Mistress") + ", I do belive that my soon-to-be son has been abducted by a pumpkin, is that true?", 2);
                    if (HasEgg())
                        mP.witchEgg = true;
                        return("There he is! I suppose you're a better person than I thought... Have this coin; it's all I can repay you with.");
            if (Main.dayTime)
                chat.Add("I don't know what they were talking about, it looks great during the morning!", 1.25);
                chat.Add("Good morning, refined sugar cane. Heh-", 0.33);
            if (!Main.dayTime)
                chat.Add("What in the world are you doing past your curfew, sweetie?", 0.95);
                chat.Add("Good evening, bee vomit... HAHAHAHA", 0.33);
            if (Main.bloodMoon)
                chat.Add("You're arachnophobic? Then go away. I don't want to cause another heart attack tonight.", 1.25);
                chat.Add("*manical laugh followed by a maniacal coughing fit*", 1.25);
                chat.Add("It is the night of bloodlust... yes, I will harvest the organs of everyone! FOR CA- oh, um... greetings?", 1.25);
                if (NPCName(NPCID.Nurse) != string.Empty)
                    chat.Add($"I visited {NPCName(NPCID.Nurse)} tonight, and frankly, she look terrified when she tried to call 'The Stylist' and didn't get an answer.", 1.25);
            if (NPCName(NPCID.DD2Bartender) != string.Empty)
                chat.Add($"{NPCName(NPCID.DD2Bartender)} told me a tale about the commander of an ethereal army: he's never fought without his armor on... what a wuss.", 0.75);
            if (NPCName(NPCID.ArmsDealer) != string.Empty)
                chat.Add($"A bayonetta? You mean those spear things that {NPCName(NPCID.ArmsDealer)} always puts under his rifle when he sees me?", 0.45);
            if (NPCName(NPCID.Dryad) != string.Empty)
                chat.Add("A dryad? Anyone can be a druid. Do they specialize in nature magic? Are they at least 200 years old? Can they do thi- oops, that's a hex, my apollogies.", 0.75);
            if (mP.witchQuest[3] < 4)
                mP.witchQuest[3] = 4;
                return($"Oh, damn it, my favorite disguise is ruined! I suppose I should be more calm next time- oh right, you. I suppose I'll tell a bit about myself: my name is {npc.FullName}, and I am the fourth descendant of the Arachne dynasty, originating from a far away kingdom. I am half-human, half-black recluse, and I can eat you inside-out. Don't worry, I won't do that last part... you don't look that appetizing anyways.");
            if (BirthdayParty.PartyIsUp)
                chat.Add("Yeah, this hairpin is made of pure obsidian, why do you ask?", 1.25);
                chat.Add("A party hat? Pfft. I'm not gonna insult myself.", 1.25);
                chat.Add("I asked if anyone wanted me to perform any party tricks. Everyone just looked at me with a sheepish face afterwards.", 0.75);
            if (mP.witchQuest[1] > 2)
                chat.Add("Do you remember that ruby that you gave me? It reminded me of my home; my mortifying, wretched home... Forget I said anything.", 0.75);
            if (mP.witchQuest[1] > 7)
                chat.Add("Thanks for all of those supplies. I can finally get around to making a real project now.", 1.25);
            if (reaction[1] > 0)
                List <string> chatter = new List <string>();
                chatter.Add("I can't plead to god, and I can't plead to satan... my time is over.");
                chatter.Add("Are you 'pretending' to hold that? If so, haha, VERY funny.");
                chatter.Add("You're just like the reset of them, huh?");
                if (mP.witchQuest[1] > 5)
                    chatter.Add("After everything you've done to help me... You're doing this?");
                if (mP.witchEgg)
                    chatter.Add("Let me live! I have a family now!");
            string NPCName(int type)
                foreach (NPC n in Main.npc)
                    if (n.type == type)

            bool HasEgg()
                for (int a = 0; a < player.inventory.Length - 9; a++)
                    if (ItemExists(player.inventory[a]) && player.inventory[a].type == ItemID.SpiderEgg)
                    bool ItemExists(Item item) => item != null && !item.IsAir;

コード例 #11
        public override void ModifyTooltips(List <TooltipLine> list)
            //Player player = Main.player[Main.myPlayer];
            foreach (TooltipLine item in list)
                if (item.mod == "Terraria" && item.Name == "ItemName")
                    item.overrideColor = new Color(150, 75, 5);
            int num  = -1;
            int num2 = 0;

            while (num2 < list.Count)
                if (!list[num2].Name.Equals("ItemName"))
                num = num2;
            list.Insert(num + 1, new TooltipLine(mod, "SuperintendentTag", "Minigame"));
            if (LMan.chooseRandom)
                string hasContra = "[c/FF7D00:TBD]";
                if (CastledPlayer.hasContra && LMan.counter > 0)
                    hasContra = "[c/ff0000:Yes]";
                else if (!CastledPlayer.hasContra && LMan.counter > 0)
                    hasContra = "[c/00FF00:No]";

                list.Insert(num + 2, new TooltipLine(mod, "StatusTag", "Status: [c/00FF00:Online]"));
                list.Insert(num + 2, new TooltipLine(mod, "RoundTag", $"Current Round: {LMan.roundNum}"));
                list.Insert(num + 3, new TooltipLine(mod, "ItemCycleTag", $"[i/1:{LMan.synci1}] [i/1:{LMan.synci2}] [i/1:{LMan.synci3}]"));
                if (LMan.displayAltTitles)
                    list.Insert(num + 4, new TooltipLine(mod, "PocketCycleTag", $"Pocket Check : [i/1:{LMan.ib1}] [i/1:{LMan.ib2}]"));
                    list.Insert(num + 5, new TooltipLine(mod, "TitleTag", $"{LMan.displayTitle}"));
                list.Insert(num + 6, new TooltipLine(mod, "BoolHasContra", $"Has Contrabande? {hasContra}"));
                #region Serves
                if (CastledPlayer.serves == 0)
                    list.Insert(num + 7, new TooltipLine(mod, "FailContraLine1", $"You have not possessed any contrabande yet"));
                else if (CastledPlayer.serves == 1)
                    list.Insert(num + 7, new TooltipLine(mod, "FailContraLine2", $"You possessed Contrabande during {CastledPlayer.serves} round"));
                else if (CastledPlayer.serves > 1)
                    list.Insert(num + 7, new TooltipLine(mod, "FailContraLine3", $"You possessed Contrabande during {CastledPlayer.serves} rounds"));
                #region Materialized
                list.Insert(num + 8, new TooltipLine(mod, "MaterializedTag", $"{Materialized(0)} {Materialized(1)} {Materialized(2)} {Materialized(3)} {Materialized(4)} {Materialized(5)} {Materialized(6)} {Materialized(7)} {Materialized(8)} {Materialized(9)} {Materialized(10)} {Materialized(11)} {Materialized(12)} {Materialized(13)} {Materialized(14)}"));
                string Materialized(int type)
                    if (LMan.setupShop[type] != -1)

            else if (!LMan.chooseRandom)
                list.Insert(num + 2, new TooltipLine(mod, "RandomItemTag", "Status: [c/FF0000:Offline]"));
                list.Insert(num + 3, new TooltipLine(mod, "ChargesTag", DetermineCharge()));
            foreach (TooltipLine item2 in list)
                if (item2.mod == "CastledsContent" && item2.Name == "RobotInvasionTag")
                    item2.overrideColor = new Color(90, 25, 0);
            for (int a = 0; a < list.Count; a++)
                if (list[a].Name == "TitleTag" && list[a].mod == "CastledsContent")
                    list[a].overrideColor = LMan.titleColor;
            string DetermineCharge()
                CastledPlayer player = Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetModPlayer <CastledPlayer>();

                if (player.superintendentDelay <= 162000 && player.superintendentDelay > 108000)
                    return("0/3 charges");
                if (player.superintendentDelay > 54000 && player.superintendentDelay <= 108000)
                    return("1/3 charges");
                if (player.superintendentDelay > 0 && player.superintendentDelay <= 54000)
                    return("2/3 charges");
                if (player.superintendentDelay <= 0)
                    return("[c/00FF00:Fully Charged]");
                return("Charge Info not available");