protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); // Set our view from the "main" layout resource SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); // Get our button from the layout resource, // and attach an event to it Button button = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.myButton); EditText amountEditText = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.editTextAmount); TextView resultTextView = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.textViewResult); button.Click += delegate { var converter = new CashConverter.CurrencyConverter(amountEditText.Text); string result = converter.ConvertCurrency(); if (converter.HasInputError()) { resultTextView.Text = string.Empty; Toast.MakeText(this, result, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } else { resultTextView.Text = result; } }; }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. Button.AccessibilityIdentifier = "Button"; Button.TouchUpInside += delegate { var result = new CashConverter.CurrencyConverter(txtAmount.Text); lblResult.Text = result.ConvertCurrency(); if (result.HasInputError()) { var alertController = UIAlertController.Create("ERROR", result.ConvertCurrency(), UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert); alertController.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("OK", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null)); PresentViewController(alertController, true, null); } }; }