public static void CreateRequisition(List <Cart> carts, long empId) { List <long> reqs = RequisitionDAO.GetAllRequisitions(); Employee emp = new Employee(); emp.EmpId = empId; Requisition req = new Requisition(); long arg = reqs.Count == 0 ? 0 : reqs.Max(); req.ReqCode = string.Format(String.Format("#R{0:0000000000}", arg + 1)); req.DateOfRequest = DateTime.Now; req.Status = "Pending Approval"; req.Employee = emp; long reqId = RequisitionDAO.SaveRequisition(req); req.ReqId = reqId; List <RequisitionDetails> reqDetailsList = new List <RequisitionDetails>(); Inventory item = null; foreach (Cart c in carts) { item = new Inventory(); item.ItemId = c.Item.ItemId; RequisitionDetails reqDetail = new RequisitionDetails(); reqDetail.Requisition = req; reqDetail.Item = item; reqDetail.Quantity = c.Quantity; reqDetail.Balance = c.Quantity; reqDetailsList.Add(reqDetail); } RequisitionDetailsDAO.SaveRequisitionDetails(reqDetailsList); CartDAO.DeleteCarts(empId); }
private void checkInventory() { DataTable dt = CartDAO.getCartDT(Session.SessionID); List <Dictionary <string, string> > errorList = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); if (!CommonUtil.DT.isEmptyOrNull(dt)) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); int inventory = AjaxService.getInventory(dt.Rows[i]["SKU"] + ""); if (inventory == 0) { dic.Add("sku", dt.Rows[i]["SKU"] + ""); dic.Add("error", "Oops!! Sorry, Items is Sold Out"); } else if (inventory < Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["QTY"] + "")) { string msg = "Only " + inventory + " Item(s) are left in inventory!!"; dic.Add("sku", dt.Rows[i]["SKU"] + ""); dic.Add("error", msg); } if (dic.Count > 0) { errorList.Add(dic); } } } sendResponse(errorList); }
public static List <Cart> GetCartsByEmpId(long empId) { List <Cart> carts = CartDAO.GetCartsByEmpId(empId); carts = GetCartsWithObjects(carts); return(carts); }
public CartPO Map(CartDAO cartToMap) { // Create an instance of the object CartPO cartToView = new CartPO(); // map the values cartToView.checkOutID = cartToMap.checkOutID; cartToView.supplierID = cartToMap.supplierID; cartToView.supplierName = cartToMap.supplierName; cartToView.productDescription = cartToMap.productDescription; cartToView.productPrice = cartToMap.productPrice; cartToView.checkOutQuantity = cartToMap.checkOutQuantity; cartToView.checkOutTax = cartToMap.checkOutTax; cartToView.checkOutShipping = cartToMap.checkOutShipping; cartToView.checkOutTotal = cartToMap.checkOutTotal; cartToView.checkOutDate = cartToMap.checkOutDate; cartToView.userTableID = cartToMap.userTableID; cartToView.productID = cartToMap.productID; cartToView.userTransactionID = cartToMap.userTransactionID; cartToView.datePurchase = cartToMap.datePurchase; cartToView.productQuantity = cartToMap.productQuantity; // return the values return(cartToView); }
public ActionResult ProfileView() { try { if (Session["Id"] != null) { UserDAO dao = new UserDAO(); User u = dao.SearchById(int.Parse(Session["Id"].ToString())); CountryDAO cdao = new CountryDAO(); LanguageDAO ldao = new LanguageDAO(); CartDAO cardao = new CartDAO(); if (Session["Id"] != null) { ViewBag.Cart = cardao.SearchCartUser(int.Parse(Session["Id"].ToString())); } ViewBag.User = u; ViewBag.Country = cdao.List(); ViewBag.Lang = ldao.List(); ViewBag.UserCountry = cdao.SearchById(u.CountryId); return(View()); } return(RedirectToAction("../Home/Index")); } catch { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } }
public ActionResult Wishlist() { try { if (Session["Id"] != null) { WishlistDAO wdao = new WishlistDAO(); ApplicationDAO adao = new ApplicationDAO(); CartDAO cdao = new CartDAO(); int UserId = int.Parse(Session["Id"].ToString()); IList <Wishlist> wishs = wdao.GetUserList(UserId); IList <Application> apps = new List <Application>(); foreach (var w in wishs) { apps.Add(adao.SearchById(w.ApplicationId)); } ViewBag.Cart = cdao.SearchCartUser(int.Parse(Session["Id"].ToString())); ViewBag.WishApps = wishs; ViewBag.Apps = apps; return(View()); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } catch { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } }
public ActionResult SearchByGenre(int id) { try { ApplicationDAO dao = new ApplicationDAO(); ApplicationGenreDAO agdao = new ApplicationGenreDAO(); IList <ApplicationGenre> agens = agdao.ListByGenre(id); IList <Application> apps = new List <Application>(); CartDAO cdao = new CartDAO(); if (Session["Id"] != null) { ViewBag.Cart = cdao.SearchCartUser(int.Parse(Session["Id"].ToString())); } foreach (var ag in agens) { apps.Add(dao.SearchById(ag.ApplicationId)); } ViewBag.Apps = apps; return(View("Search")); } catch { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } }
public ActionResult Explore(string type) { try { ApplicationDAO dao = new ApplicationDAO(); CartDAO cdao = new CartDAO(); if (Session["Id"] != null) { ViewBag.Cart = cdao.SearchCartUser(int.Parse(Session["Id"].ToString())); } if (type.Equals("Featured")) { ViewBag.Apps = dao.GetTopApps(); } else if (type.Equals("Explore")) { ViewBag.Apps = dao.List(); } else if (type.Equals("Free")) { ViewBag.Apps = dao.GetFreeApps(); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } return(View("Search")); } catch { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } }
public ActionResult Product(int id) { try { ApplicationDAO dao = new ApplicationDAO(); DeveloperDAO ddao = new DeveloperDAO(); ImageDAO idao = new ImageDAO(); UserDAO udao = new UserDAO(); SellItemDAO sidao = new SellItemDAO(); Application app = dao.SearchById(id); Developer dev = ddao.SearchById(app.DeveloperId); CartDAO cdao = new CartDAO(); PegiDAO pdao = new PegiDAO(); ViewBag.SellItem = false; if (Session["Id"] != null) { ViewBag.Cart = cdao.SearchCartUser(int.Parse(Session["Id"].ToString())); ViewBag.SellItem = sidao.SearchUserApp(int.Parse(Session["Id"].ToString()), id); WishlistDAO wdao = new WishlistDAO(); ViewBag.IsInWish = wdao.IsInWishList(int.Parse(Session["Id"].ToString()), id); } ViewBag.App = app; ViewBag.Dev = dev; ViewBag.Pegi = pdao.SearchById(app.PegiId); ViewBag.DevUser = udao.SearchByDev(dev.Id); ViewBag.Img = idao.SearchAppImages(id); ViewBag.Similar = dao.ListLast10(); return(View()); } catch { return(RedirectToAction("../Home/Index")); } }
public int UpdateCartQuantity() { CartDAO dao = new CartDAO(); int result = dao.Update(this); return(result); }
public bool deleteCart(CartDAO cartToDelete) { { bool yes = false; try { //This is creating a connection to the database using (SqlConnection _connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { //This specifies what type of command using (SqlCommand _command = new SqlCommand("SP_Cart_Delete", _connection)) { //This specifies what type of command is being used _command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; //Here is where the Values will be passed to the command _command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CartID", cartToDelete.CartID); //Here is where the connection is opened _connection.Open(); //This will excute the command _command.ExecuteNonQuery(); yes = true; _connection.Close(); } } } catch (Exception error) { Error_Logger Log = new Error_Logger(); Log.Errorlogger(error); } return(yes); } }
public int DeleteItem() { CartDAO dao = new CartDAO(); int result = dao.Delete(this); return(result); }
public static void SaveToCart(long itemId, long empId, int quantity) { Cart cart = new Cart(); Employee emp = new Employee(); emp.EmpId = empId; Inventory item = new Inventory(); item.ItemId = itemId; cart.Employee = emp; cart.Item = item; cart.Quantity = quantity; List <Cart> carts = CartDAO.GetAllCart(); carts = GetCartsWithObjects(carts); Cart checkCart = carts.Find(c => c.Employee.EmpId == cart.Employee.EmpId && c.Item.ItemId == cart.Item.ItemId); if (null != checkCart) { cart.Quantity = cart.Quantity + checkCart.Quantity; CartDAO.UpdateCart(cart); } else { CartDAO.SaveCart(cart); } }
public ActionResult Checkout() { try { CartDAO cardao = new CartDAO(); IList <Cart> cart = cardao.GetUserCart(int.Parse(Session["Id"].ToString())); if (Session["Id"] != null && cart.Count() != 0) { UserDAO udao = new UserDAO(); CountryDAO cdao = new CountryDAO(); User u = udao.SearchById(int.Parse(Session["Id"].ToString())); ViewBag.User = u; ViewBag.CountryUser = cdao.SearchById(u.CountryId); ViewBag.Cart = cardao.SearchCartUser(int.Parse(Session["Id"].ToString())); ViewBag.FullCart = cart; return(View()); } else { return(RedirectToAction("../Home/Index")); } } catch { return(RedirectToAction("../Home/Index")); } }
public int AddCart() { CartDAO dao = new CartDAO(); int result = dao.Insert(this); return(result); }
public ActionResult Index() { try { ApplicationDAO appdao = new ApplicationDAO(); UpdateNotesDAO updao = new UpdateNotesDAO(); CartDAO cdao = new CartDAO(); IList <Application> apps = appdao.ListLast10(); IList <Application> bapps = appdao.ListTop10(); IList <UpdateNotes> updates = updao.GetLast3(); IList <Application> appsinupdates = new List <Application>(); foreach (var u in updates) { if (u.Value.Length > 144) { u.Value = u.Value.Substring(0, 144); } appsinupdates.Add(appdao.SearchById(u.ApplicationId)); } if (Session["Id"] != null) { ViewBag.Cart = cdao.SearchCartUser(int.Parse(Session["Id"].ToString())); } ViewBag.Updates = updates; ViewBag.AppsinUpdates = appsinupdates; ViewBag.BApps = bapps; ViewBag.NApps = apps; return(View()); } catch { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } }
public ActionResult CheckProductCart(string idProduct) { User user = Session["User"] as User; if (user != null) { string status = "success"; DBModel db = new DBModel(); var cart = db.carts.Where(x => x.ID_ACCOUNT.Equals(user.ID_ACCOUNT) && x.ID_PRODUCT.Equals(idProduct)).FirstOrDefault(); if (cart.CHECKBOX == 1) { cart.CHECKBOX = 0; db.SaveChanges(); } else { cart.CHECKBOX = 1; db.SaveChanges(); } string price = CartDAO.TotalMoney(user.ID_ACCOUNT, true); return(new JsonResult { Data = new { status = status, price = price } }); } else { return(new JsonResult { Data = new { url = Url.Action("Index", "Home") } }); } }
public ActionResult DeleteProductInCart(string idProduct) { User user = Session["User"] as User; if (user != null) { string status = "success"; DBModel db = new DBModel(); var cart = db.carts.Where(x => x.ID_ACCOUNT.Equals(user.ID_ACCOUNT) && x.ID_PRODUCT.Equals(idProduct)).FirstOrDefault(); db.carts.Remove(cart); db.SaveChanges(); int number = CartDAO.NumberOfProduct(user.ID_ACCOUNT); string totalMoneyHeader = CartDAO.TotalMoney(user.ID_ACCOUNT, false); string totalMoneyCart = CartDAO.TotalMoney(user.ID_ACCOUNT, true); return(new JsonResult { Data = new { status = status, number = number, totalMoneyHeader = totalMoneyHeader, totalMoneyCart = totalMoneyCart } }); } else { return(new JsonResult { Data = new { url = Url.Action("Index", "Home") } }); } }
public ActionResult CheckAllProductCart(string number) { User user = Session["User"] as User; if (user != null) { string status = "success"; DBModel db = new DBModel(); var tmp = db.carts.Where(x => x.ID_ACCOUNT.Equals(user.ID_ACCOUNT)); foreach (cart cart in tmp) { cart.CHECKBOX = (short?)int.Parse(number); } db.SaveChanges(); string price = CartDAO.TotalMoney(user.ID_ACCOUNT, true); return(new JsonResult { Data = new { status = status, price = price } }); } else { return(new JsonResult { Data = new { url = Url.Action("Index", "Home") } }); } }
public ActionResult ChangeAmountProductInCart(string idProduct, string amount) { User user = Session["User"] as User; if (user != null) { string status = "success"; DBModel db = new DBModel(); var cart = db.carts.Where(x => x.ID_ACCOUNT.Equals(user.ID_ACCOUNT) && x.ID_PRODUCT.Equals(idProduct)).FirstOrDefault(); cart.AMOUNT = (decimal?)int.Parse(amount); db.SaveChanges(); int number = CartDAO.NumberOfProduct(user.ID_ACCOUNT); string totalMoneyHeader = CartDAO.TotalMoney(user.ID_ACCOUNT, false); string totalMoneyCart = CartDAO.TotalMoney(user.ID_ACCOUNT, true); string moneyProduct = Tools.StringToVND(CartDAO.TotalMoneyOfProduct(user.ID_ACCOUNT, idProduct).ToString()); return(new JsonResult { Data = new { status = status, number = number, totalMoneyHeader = totalMoneyHeader, totalMoneyCart = totalMoneyCart, moneyProduct = moneyProduct } }); } else { return(new JsonResult { Data = new { url = Url.Action("Index", "Home") } }); } }
public ActionResult ProfileView() { try { if (Session["DevId"] != null) { DeveloperDAO dao = new DeveloperDAO(); ApplicationDAO appdao = new ApplicationDAO(); UserDAO udao = new UserDAO(); CountryDAO cdao = new CountryDAO(); Developer dev = dao.SearchById(int.Parse(Session["DevId"].ToString())); User u = udao.SearchById(int.Parse(Session["Id"].ToString())); CartDAO cardao = new CartDAO(); if (Session["Id"] != null) { ViewBag.Cart = cardao.SearchCartUser(int.Parse(Session["Id"].ToString())); } ViewBag.DevGames = appdao.GetDevGames(dev.Id); ViewBag.Dev = dev; ViewBag.User = u; ViewBag.CountryUser = cdao.SearchById(u.CountryId); return(View()); } else { return(RedirectToAction("../Home/Index")); } } catch { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } }
public ActionResult Header() { User user = Session["User"] as User; var nameProduct = SearchDAO.loadNameProduct(); if (user != null) { var cart = CartDAO.LoadCart(user.ID_ACCOUNT); var numberOfProductsInTheCart = CartDAO.NumberOfProduct(user.ID_ACCOUNT); var totalMoney = CartDAO.TotalMoney(user.ID_ACCOUNT, false); var numberUserLike = new LikeDAO().getNumberUserLike(user.ID_ACCOUNT); ArrayList model = new ArrayList(); model.Add(cart); model.Add(numberOfProductsInTheCart); model.Add(totalMoney); model.Add(numberUserLike); model.Add(nameProduct); return(PartialView(model)); } else { ArrayList model = new ArrayList(); model.Add(nameProduct); return(PartialView(model)); } }
public List <CartDAO> Map(List <CartPO> cartListToMap) { // instaniate a new list of type userPO List <CartDAO> cartListToReturn = new List <CartDAO>(); // create a foreach loop to loop throught the list foreach (CartPO cartToMap in cartListToMap) { CartDAO cartToView = new CartDAO(); // map the values cartToView.checkOutID = cartToMap.checkOutID; cartToView.supplierID = cartToMap.supplierID; cartToView.supplierName = cartToMap.supplierName; cartToView.productDescription = cartToMap.productDescription; cartToView.productPrice = cartToMap.productPrice; cartToView.checkOutQuantity = cartToMap.checkOutQuantity; cartToView.checkOutTax = cartToMap.checkOutTax; cartToView.checkOutShipping = cartToMap.checkOutShipping; cartToView.checkOutTotal = cartToMap.checkOutTotal; cartToView.checkOutDate = cartToMap.checkOutDate; cartToView.userTableID = cartToMap.userTableID; cartToView.productID = cartToMap.productID; cartToView.userTransactionID = cartToMap.userTransactionID; cartToView.datePurchase = cartToMap.datePurchase; cartToView.productQuantity = cartToMap.productQuantity; cartListToReturn.Add(cartToView); } // return the list return(cartListToReturn); }
public ActionResult IsCartEmpty() { if (!Authentication.IsValid()) { return(Json(new { Error = "Not Authenticated" })); } return(Json(new { isEmpty = CartDAO.IsCartEmpty() })); }
private void updateSessionIdInTable() { CartDAO.updateCart(Session[Constant.Session.LOGED_IN_USER_ID] + "", Session.SessionID); FavDAO.updateFavList(Session[Constant.Session.LOGED_IN_USER_ID] + "", Session.SessionID); Session.Remove(Constant.Session.CART_ITEMS); Session.Remove(Constant.Session.FAV_LIST); Session.Remove(Constant.Session.TOTAL); }
public BaseResponse <Cart> Update(Cart obj) { bool result = new CartDAO().Update(obj); var status = result ? StatusResponse.Success : StatusResponse.Fail; BaseResponse <Cart> response = new BaseResponse <Cart>(status, "", null); return(response); }
public BaseResponse <Cart> Delete(string userName, int productID) { bool result = new CartDAO().Delete(userName, productID); var status = result ? StatusResponse.Success : StatusResponse.Fail; BaseResponse <Cart> response = new BaseResponse <Cart>(status, "", null); return(response); }
public BaseResponse <Cart> Add(Cart cart) { bool result = new CartDAO().AddProduct(cart); var status = result ? StatusResponse.Success : StatusResponse.Fail; BaseResponse <Cart> response = new BaseResponse <Cart>(status, "", null); return(response); }
public Exception AddToCart(string productID, string description) { if (CartDAO.FindByProductID(productID) == null) { return(CartDAO.Insert(productID, 1, description) ? null : new Exception("Have something wrong!")); } return(CartDAO.UpdateQuantity(productID) ? null : new Exception("Have something wrong!")); }
public List <CartDAO> ViewTransactions(int userTableID) { // create a new instance of productDOA that is a list List <CartDAO> itemList = new List <CartDAO>(); // create try catch to catch any possible errors try { // create a using statment to use the connection string using (SqlConnection _Connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { // create using statment to specify the stored procedure using (SqlCommand _Command = new SqlCommand("sp_UserTransactionViewAllTransactions ", _Connection)) { // specify the command is a stored procedure _Command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; _Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userTableID", userTableID); // open the connection _Connection.Open(); // create a using statement using the reader to reader through the list using (SqlDataReader _Reader = _Command.ExecuteReader()) { // create a while loop to read throught the whole record while (_Reader.Read()) { CartDAO itemToList = new CartDAO(); itemToList.userTransactionID = Convert.ToInt32(_Reader["userTransactionID"]); itemToList.datePurchase = Convert.ToDateTime(_Reader["datePurchase"]); itemToList.userTableID = Convert.ToInt32(_Reader["userTableID"]); itemToList.productID = Convert.ToInt32(_Reader["productID"]); itemToList.checkOutID = Convert.ToInt32(_Reader["checkOutID"]); itemToList.supplierID = Convert.ToInt32(_Reader["supplierID"]); itemToList.supplierName = (String)_Reader["supplierName"]; itemToList.productDescription = (String)_Reader["productDescription"]; itemToList.productPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(_Reader["productPrice"]); itemToList.checkOutQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(_Reader["checkOutQuantity"]); itemToList.checkOutShipping = 10.00M; //itemToList.checkOutTotal = Convert.ToDecimal(_Reader["checkOutTotal"]); itemList.Add(itemToList); } } //close the connection _Connection.Close(); //DeleteCart(userTableID); } } } //pass the error message catch (Exception error) { // call the error method and pass the error ErrorMessage.logger(error); } // return the list return(itemList); }