//Made this its own class so that we could use a for loop to draw 5 cards public void DrawCard() { //looping through each deck in play foreach (Deck deck in GameManager.Instance.Decks) { //finding the correct deck to be used if (deck.DeckId == GameManager.Instance.deckPicked) { //checking to make sure there are cards left in the deck if (deck.Cards.Count != 0) { //retrieving the object created in the form of the "instance" earlier holder = ScriptableObject.FindObjectOfType <CardRetrievalFromDeck>(); //calling the object's CardDrawRandomizer function, which selects a random card from the deck holder.CardDrawRandomizer(); //calling this script's generateCardObject function, which creates an object to represent the card generateCardObject(); //calling the script object's setSprite function, which passes in the SpriteRenderer, and sets it's sprite to the corresponding card chosen in CardDrawRandomizer holder.setSprite(sr); if (deck.Cards.Count == 0) { //calling this script's changeDeck function, which replaces the deck with an out of cards image changeDeck(); } } else { } } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { scriptInstance = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("CardRetrievalFromDeck"); //so you can use the script holder = ScriptableObject.FindObjectOfType <CardRetrievalFromDeck>(); //access to script changePlayer = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent <HideShowBoards>(); //to change players cameraHolder = GameObject.Find("Main Camera"); // to access the scripts of the main camera if (GameManager.Instance.round == 1) //will only happen in the first round { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { holder.drawCP3Deck(); //adds the cards to the computers hand //draws a card and puts it into the hand cardParent = GameObject.Find("Computer Three Board/CP3Hand").transform; holder.cardNameHolder = "back_of_card"; generateCardObject(); holder.setSpriteCP1(sr); //generating the card object to be placed into the panel } } round = 0; //starts at 1, goes to 10 sort = 5; //starts at 5 StartCoroutine("computerPerforms"); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Cursor.visible = false; //hides the mouse from the user Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; //you cannot use the cursor scriptInstance = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("CardRetrievalFromDeck"); //so you can use the script holder = ScriptableObject.FindObjectOfType <CardRetrievalFromDeck>(); //access to script changePlayer = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent <HideShowBoards>(); //to change players cameraHolder = GameObject.Find("Main Camera"); //sets the object to just the main camera if (GameManager.Instance.round == 1) //only happens in the first round { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { holder.drawCP1Deck(); //adds the cards to the computers hand //draws a card and puts it into the hand cardParent = GameManager.Instance.cp1AI; holder.cardNameHolder = "back_of_card"; generateCardObject(); holder.setSpriteCP1(sr); //generating the card object to be placed into the panel } } StartCoroutine("computerPerforms"); //goes through the function needed for the AI }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { threeCard = GameManager.Instance.threeCardBurst; holder = ScriptableObject.FindObjectOfType <CardRetrievalFromDeck>(); //gets access to the script playerDraw = ScriptableObject.FindObjectOfType <DebugDealer>(); //gets access to the script cardParent = GameObject.Find("Game Board Container/Player Board/Board/Player/Hand").transform; }
//code that executes on the script load public void Start() { holder = ScriptableObject.FindObjectOfType <CardRetrievalFromDeck>(); //gets access to the script playerDraw = ScriptableObject.FindObjectOfType <DebugDealer>(); //gets access to the script }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { holder = ScriptableObject.FindObjectOfType <CardRetrievalFromDeck>(); //gets access to the script }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { showBoard = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent <CheckDeckAndDiscardPlayer>(); //sets object holder = ScriptableObject.FindObjectOfType <CardRetrievalFromDeck>(); //gets access to the script playerDraw = ScriptableObject.FindObjectOfType <DebugDealer>(); //gets access to the script }