static private CardDescription GenerateTrapCard(System.Random random, IHistogram model, ImageGlossary images, CreatureModelIndex creatureModels, NameModel nameModel, CardGenerationFlags flags) { CardDescription card = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(CardDescription)) as CardDescription; card.cardType = CardType.TRAP; card.manaCost = (int)ProceduralUtils.GetRandomValue <ManaCost>(random, model); double powerBudget = PowerBudget.ManaPowerBudgets[card.manaCost]; double powerMargin = PowerBudget.ManaPowerMargin[card.manaCost]; double powerLimit = PowerBudget.ManaPowerLimit[card.manaCost]; card.cardName = "A trap card"; // += "(" + powerBudget.ToString() + ")"; GenerateCardEffects(random, model, creatureModels, card, powerBudget, powerMargin, powerLimit); // Revise the mana cost based on what effects we actually did generate int revisedMana = PowerBudget.PowerLevelToMana(card.PowerLevel()); if (revisedMana != card.manaCost) { Debug.Log("Had to revise the mana cost from " + card.manaCost.ToString() + " to " + revisedMana.ToString()); card.manaCost = revisedMana; } card.image = ProceduralUtils.GetRandomTexture(random, images.GetTrapImages()); CardTags tags = CardTagging.GetCardTags(card); card.cardName = nameModel.GenerateName(random, tags); return(card); }
private int DoSearchOldName(string keyword, int score) { string querystring = string.Format("oldName:\"{0}\"", keyword); CardDescription[] cards = cardLibrary.Search(querystring); if (cards.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < cards.Length; i++) { CardDescription card = cards[i]; DictSearcherNode node = GetSearcherNodeByID(card.ID); string[] ss = card.oldName.Split(','); int len = card.oldName.Length; for (int j = 0; j < ss.Length; j++) { if (ss[j].IndexOf(keyword) >= 0 && len > ss[j].Length) { len = ss[j].Length; } } if (score - len > node.Score) { node.Score = score - len; } } } return(cards.Length); }
private void Clearbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CardID.Clear(); Alias.Text = "0"; CardFormats.SelectedIndex = -1; SetCodeLst.SelectedIndex = -1; OtherSetCodeLst.SelectedIndex = -1; Level.SelectedIndex = -1; Race.SelectedIndex = -1; CardAttribute.SelectedIndex = -1; ATK.Text = "0"; DEF.Text = "0"; CardName.Clear(); CardDescription.Clear(); EffectList.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < CardTypeList.Items.Count; i++) { CardTypeList.SetItemCheckState(i, CheckState.Unchecked); } for (int i = 0; i < CategoryList.Items.Count; i++) { CategoryList.SetItemCheckState(i, CheckState.Unchecked); } m_loadedCard = 0; CardImg.Image = Resources.unknown; m_loadedImage = ""; }
// Use to process your families. protected override void onProcess(int familiesUpdateCount) { foreach (GameObject go in _players) { if (Input.GetKeyDown("s")) { Player playerComponent = go.GetComponent <Player>(); string filePath = Application.dataPath + levelsFolder + this.exportedFileName + ".json"; string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(new PlayerDescription(playerComponent)); Debug.Log(json); File.WriteAllText(filePath, json); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown("l")) { string path = Application.dataPath + levelsFolder + this.exportedFileName + ".json"; PlayerDescription playerDescription = JsonUtility.FromJson <PlayerDescription>(File.ReadAllText(path)); Player playerComponent = go.GetComponent <Player>(); foreach (GameObject gameObject in playerComponent.globalDeck) { GameObjectManager.unbind(gameObject); GameObject.Destroy(gameObject); } foreach (GameObject gameObject in playerComponent.levelDeck) { GameObjectManager.unbind(gameObject); GameObject.Destroy(gameObject); } playerComponent.globalDeck.Clear(); playerComponent.levelDeck.Clear(); playerComponent.globalDeck = CardDescription.getGameObjects(playerDescription.globalDeck, go); } } }
public static CardTags GetCardTags(CardDescription cardDesc) { CardTags tags = GetCardTagsFromCardType(cardDesc.cardType); tags |= GetCardTagsFromManaCost(cardDesc.manaCost); switch (cardDesc.cardType) { case CardType.CREATURE: CreatureCardDescription creatureDesc = cardDesc as CreatureCardDescription; tags |= GetCardTagsFromCreatureType(creatureDesc.creatureType); foreach (KeywordAttribute keywords in creatureDesc.GetAttributes()) { tags |= GetCardTagsFromKeywordAttributes(keywords); } break; case CardType.SPELL: case CardType.TRAP: foreach (CardEffectDescription effect in cardDesc.cardEffects) { if (effect.GetAlignment() == Alignment.POSITIVE) { tags |= GetCardTagsFromTargetType(effect.targettingType); } } break; } return(tags); }
public CardDescription GetCardByShortName(string shortname) { int count = Cards.Length; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CardDescription card = Cards[i]; if (string.Equals(shortname, card.shortName)) { return(card); } if (card.shortName.IndexOf(shortname) >= 0) { string[] names = card.shortName.Split(',', ','); foreach (string s in names) { if (s.Trim() == shortname.Trim()) { return(card); } } } } return(null); }
public CardDescription GetCardByCheatCode(string cheatcode) { string code = cheatcode.PadLeft(8, '0'); int count = Cards.Length; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CardDescription card = Cards[i]; if (card.cheatcode.Equals(code)) { return(card); } } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CardDescription card = Cards[i]; if (card.cheatcode.Contains(code)) { return(card); } } return(null); }
// Update is called once per frame public void ToggleCard(Sprite cardSprite, string name, string description, Sprite contamination, string rarity, string type) { // Populate baseball card // Get card preview picture cardPicture = gameObject.transform.Find("BaseballCard/CardPicture").GetComponent <CardPicture>(); cardPicture.m_Image.sprite = cardSprite; // Get card item name cardTitle = gameObject.transform.Find("BaseballCard/CardTitle").GetComponent <CardTitle>(); cardTitle.m_Title.text = name; // Get card item description cardDescription = gameObject.transform.Find("BaseballCard/CardDescription").GetComponent <CardDescription>(); cardDescription.m_Description.text = description; // Get card contamination cardContamination = gameObject.transform.Find("BaseballCard/Contamination").GetComponent <Quality_Sprite>(); cardContamination.m_Quality.sprite = contamination; // Get card rarity cardRarity = gameObject.transform.Find("BaseballCard/Rarity").GetComponent <Quality_Sprite>(); cardRarity.m_Quality.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>(rarity); // Get card type cardType = gameObject.transform.Find("BaseballCard/Type").GetComponent <Quality_Sprite>(); cardType.m_Quality.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>(type); // Show baseball card ApparateCard(); }
private void ShowDeckList(CardDescription[] Cards, VirtualListView listview) { ListViewItem[] resultItem = new ListViewItem[Cards.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < Cards.Length; i++) { CardDescription card = Cards[i]; bool largeicon = false; if (listViewEx1.View == View.LargeIcon) { largeicon = true; } resultItem[i] = ListViewItemFactory.GetItemByCard(card, largeicon); } listview.BeginUpdate(); if (listview.VirtualMode) { View v = listview.View; listview.View = View.List; listview.VirtualListSize = Cards.Length; listview.View = v; } else { listview.Items.Clear(); listview.Items.AddRange(resultItem); } listview.EndUpdate(); }
private void listViewEx1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { VirtualListView listViewEx = CurrentListView(); if (e.Clicks == 2 && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { ListViewItem item = listViewEx.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y); if (item == null) { return; } int id = int.Parse(item.SubItems[8].Text); CardDescription card = CardLibrary.GetInstance().GetCardByID(id); if (CardDescription.isExtraCard(card)) { Global.frmDeckEditHolder.AddToFusionDeck(card.ID); } else { Global.frmDeckEditHolder.AddToMainDeck(card.ID); } } }
protected override void FillInventory() { inventory[0, 0] = new CardDescription() { action = CardAction.Damage, bonus = new Bonus() { type = BonusType.Poison }, condition = new Condition() { type = ConditionType.Min, number = 4 }, }; inventory[1, 0] = new CardDescription() { action = CardAction.Damage, bonus = new Bonus() { type = BonusType.Poison }, condition = new Condition(), }; }
void initializeALLservants() { menu = new Menu(); servants.Add(menu); setting = new Setting(); servants.Add(setting); selectDeck = new selectDeck(); servants.Add(selectDeck); room = new Room(); servants.Add(room); cardDescription = new CardDescription(); deckManager = new DeckManager(); servants.Add(deckManager); ocgcore = new Ocgcore(); servants.Add(ocgcore); selectServer = new SelectServer(); servants.Add(selectServer); book = new Book(); servants.Add(book); selectReplay = new selectReplay(); servants.Add(selectReplay); puzzleMode = new puzzleMode(); servants.Add(puzzleMode); aiRoom = new AIRoom(); servants.Add(aiRoom); }
public CardInstance(PlayerController src, int seed, CardGenerationFlags flags = CardGenerationFlags.NONE) { srcPlayer = src; cardSeed = seed; cardFlags = flags; baseCard = src.cardGenerator.GenerateCard(seed, flags); modifiers = new List <IModifier>(); }
public void ShowNoResult() { CurrentCard = null; richTextBox1.Clear(); richTextBox1.AppendText("对不起,没有找到任何卡片!"); richTextBox1.Visible = true; panel2.Visible = true; splitContainer1.Visible = false; }
private void buttonItem8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listViewEx1.SelectedIndices == null || listViewEx1.SelectedIndices.Count == 0) { return; } CardDescription card = Cards[listViewEx1.SelectedIndices[0]]; Global.frmDeckEditHolder.AddToTempDeck(card.ID); }
public GameObject getObject() { string name = "Player" + ((int)(Random.value * 100)); GameObject go = new GameObject(name); Player player = go.AddComponent <Player>(); player.globalDeck = CardDescription.getGameObjects(this.globalDeck, go); GameObjectManager.bind(go); return(go); }
public CardDescription[] GetCards() { CardDescription[] cards = new CardDescription[decklist.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < decklist.Count; i++) { Card card = (Card)decklist[i]; cards[i] = cardLibrary.GetCardByID(card.ID); } return(cards); }
public CardDescription GetCardByEnName(string enname) { CardDescription card = GetCardByEnName(enname, Cards); if (card == null && AllowDIY) { card = GetCardByEnName(enname, DiyCards); } return(card); }
public bool isFull(int id) { CardDescription card = CardLibrary.GetInstance().GetCardByID(id); int limit = card.limit; string s = CLConfig.GetInstance().GetSetting("AllowForbiddenCard"); if (string.Equals(s, "True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { limit = 3; } return(GetCount(id) >= limit); }
protected override void FillInventory() { inventory[0, 0] = new CardDescription() { action = CardAction.Damage, bonus = new Bonus(), condition = new Condition() { type = ConditionType.Odd }, }; }
private static int GetImageIndexByIndex(int index, bool largeicon) { CardDescription card = CardLibrary.GetInstance().GetCardByIndex(index); if (largeicon) { return(Global.largePicLoader.GetLargeIcoIndex(card.ID)); } else { return(card.iCardType); } }
//废弃的搜索方法 /* * public oldDictSearcher() * { * cardLibrary = CardLibrary.GetInstance(); * CardDescription[] cards = cardLibrary.GetCards(); * * nametable = new Hashtable(cards.Length); * japnametable = new Hashtable(cards.Length); * ennametable = new Hashtable(cards.Length); * * for (int i = 1; i <= cards.Length; i++) * { * CardDescription card = cards[i - 1]; * nametable.Add(, card.ID); * //if (card.japName != "") * // japnametable.Add(card.japName, i); * //if (card.enName != "") * // ennametable.Add(card.enName, i); * japnametable[card.japName] = card.ID; * ennametable[card.enName] = card.ID; * } * } */ private void AddToResultList(CardDescription card) { foreach (Object o in resultlist) { CardDescription c = (CardDescription)o; if (c.ID == card.ID) { return; } } resultlist.Add(card); }
private void buttonItem30_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { VirtualListView listViewEx = CurrentListView(); CardDescription[] Cards = CurrentCards(); if (listViewEx.SelectedIndices == null || listViewEx.SelectedIndices.Count == 0) { return; } CardDescription card = Cards[listViewEx.SelectedIndices[0]]; Global.frmDeckEditHolder.AddToTempDeck(card.ID); }
private bool SetLimit(int id, int limit) { for (int i = 0; i < Cards.Length; i++) { CardDescription card = Cards[i]; if (card.ID == id) { card.limit = limit; return(true); } } return(false); }
private CardDescription GetCardByName(string name, CardDescription[] cards) { int count = cards.Length; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CardDescription card = cards[i]; if (string.Equals(name, { return(card); } } return(null); }
public CardDescription GetCardByEnName(string enname, CardDescription[] cards) { int count = cards.Length; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CardDescription card = cards[i]; if (string.Equals(enname, card.enName)) { return(card); } } return(null); }
public CardDescription[] Search(string queryString, SortField[] sortFields) { try { if (queryString != null) { queryString = queryString.Trim(); } Query query = null; if (queryString == null || queryString == "") { query = new MatchAllDocsQuery(); } else { QueryParser parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(MyLucene.GetLuceneVersion(), new string[] { "name", "oldName", "shortName", "japName", "enName", "effect", "effectType", "cardType", "tribe", "element", "level", "atk", "def", "aliasList", "package", "infrequence" }, AnalyzerFactory.GetAnalyzer()); query = parser.Parse(queryString); } TopDocs docs = null; if (sortFields == null) { docs = searcher.Search(query, null, searcher.MaxDoc()); } else { docs = searcher.Search(query, null, searcher.MaxDoc(), new Sort(sortFields)); } ScoreDoc[] sdocs = docs.scoreDocs; int length = sdocs.Length; CardDescription[] cards = new CardDescription[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { cards[i] = GetCardByIndex(sdocs[i].doc); } return(cards); } catch { return(new CardDescription[0]); } }
protected override void FillInventory() { inventory[0, 0] = new CardDescription() { action = CardAction.Damage, slotsCount = true, bonus = new Bonus() { type = BonusType.Fire }, condition = new Condition() { type = ConditionType.Doubles }, }; }
//根据卡片ID返回大图文件名 public static string GetImagePath(int id) { //先随便找张卡测试一下图片是以密码名来存的,还是以狐查的序号名来存的 bool isCheatCodeMode = false; string testfilename = "92377303.jpg"; if (File.Exists(PicLoader.commonImagePath + testfilename) || File.Exists(PicLoader.imagePath + testfilename)) { isCheatCodeMode = true; } if (isCheatCodeMode) { //如果是密码名保存的,不用尝试OCGSOFT的公用卡图目录,但要考虑多版本卡图的情况 CardDescription card = CardLibrary.GetInstance().GetCardByID(id); string[] ss = card.cheatcode.Split(','); foreach (string s in ss) { string filename = s.TrimStart(new char[] { '0' }) + ".jpg"; string path = PicLoader.imagePath + filename; if (File.Exists(path)) { return(path); } } return(null); } else { //如果是以序号名来存的,优先使用OCGSOFT的公用卡图目录 string filename = id.ToString() + ".jpg"; string path = PicLoader.commonImagePath + filename; if (File.Exists(path)) { return(path); } path = PicLoader.imagePath + filename; if (File.Exists(path)) { return(path); } return(null); } }
private void buttonItem2_PopupOpen(object sender, DevComponents.DotNetBar.PopupOpenEventArgs e) { VirtualListView listViewEx = CurrentListView(); CardDescription[] Cards = CurrentCards(); if (listViewEx.SelectedIndices == null || listViewEx.SelectedIndices.Count == 0) { buttonItem28.Enabled = false; buttonItem29.Enabled = false; buttonItem30.Enabled = false; } else { CardDescription card = null; try { card = Cards[listViewEx.SelectedIndices[0]]; } catch { card = null; } if (card == null) { buttonItem6.Enabled = false; buttonItem7.Enabled = false; buttonItem8.Enabled = false; return; } if (CardDescription.isExtraCard(card)) { buttonItem28.Text = "至额外卡组"; buttonItem28.Enabled = true; buttonItem29.Enabled = true; buttonItem30.Enabled = true; } else { buttonItem28.Enabled = true; buttonItem29.Enabled = true; buttonItem30.Enabled = true; } } }