コード例 #1
    // this is run once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))

        // only perform if we are actually connected
        if (isConnected)
            // check for keypresses to request texture
            if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.T) && playerActor != -1)

            // make sure we lock access before doing anything

            // remove actor objects for actors that have disappeared
            List <int> actorsToRemove = new List <int>();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, GameObject> kvp in actorObjects)
                if (actors.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))

            foreach (int id in actorsToRemove)

            // fetch current pose for all skeletons
            int i = -1;
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, CapturyActor> kvp in actors)
                // get the actor id
                int actorID = kvp.Key;

                // add game object for actor
                if (!actorObjects.ContainsKey(actorID))
                    GameObject actor = (GameObject)Instantiate(actorTemplateObject);
                    Debug.Log("lol: " + actorTemplateObject.name);
                    actorObjects.Add(actorID, actor);
                    ConnectSkeleton(actorID, actor.transform);

                // check if we need to initialize the player
                if (playerActor == -1 && i == playerActorIndex)
                    playerActor = actorID;

                // check if the actor is mapped to something, if not, ignore
                if (skeletons[actorID].reference == null)

                // check whether we can calibrate the coordinate systems against each other

/*                if (headTransform != null && headTransforms.ContainsKey(actorID) && !headTransforms[actorID].consumed && headTransforms[actorID].timestamp > Captury_getTime() - 500000)
 *              {
 *                  Camera cam = GameObject.Find("/OVRController/Camera").GetComponent<Camera>();
 *                  GameObject cube = GameObject.Find("/Cube");
 *                  cube.transform.rotation = headTransforms[actorID].rotation;
 *                  Quaternion delta = headTransforms[actorID].rotation * Quaternion.Inverse(cam.transform.localRotation);
 *                  float angle;
 *                  Vector3 axis;
 *                  cam.transform.localRotation.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis);
 *                  Debug.Log(String.Format("oculus angle {0} axis {1} {2} {3} ", angle, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z));
 *                  headTransforms[actorID].rotation.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis);
 *                  Debug.Log(String.Format("head angle {0} axis {1} {2} {3} ", angle, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z));
 *                  delta.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis);
 *                  float dist = (headTransforms[actorID].translation - headTransform.position).magnitude;
 *                  Debug.Log(String.Format("delta angle {0} axis {1} {2} {3} dist {4}", angle, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z, dist));
 *                  if (dist < 0.2 && Math.Abs(axis.y) > headTransforms[actorID].bestAccuracy)
 *                  {
 *                      CameraFollower cfScript = GameObject.Find("/OVRController").GetComponent<CameraFollower>();
 *                      cfScript.orientationOffset = Quaternion.Euler(0,180,0) * delta;// Quaternion.Inverse(delta);
 *                      headTransforms[actorID].bestAccuracy = Math.Abs(axis.y);
 *                  }
 *                  headTransforms[actorID].consumed = true;
 *              }
 *              // send head orientation back to captury live to refine the tracking
 *              if (playerActor == actorID && cameraTransform != null)
 *              {
 *                  Quaternion q = ConvertRotationToLive(cameraTransform.rotation);
 *                  float[] array = new float[4];
 *                  array[0] = q.x;
 *                  array[1] = q.y;
 *                  array[2] = q.z;
 *                  array[3] = q.w;
 *                  GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(array, GCHandleType.Pinned);
 *                  IntPtr data = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
 *                  // TODO: only send constraint back when we have a common calibration between live and the oculus
 *                  //int result = Captury_setRotationConstraint(actorID, 7, data, 0, 1.0f);
 *                  if (handle.IsAllocated)
 *                      handle.Free();
 *              }
                // get pointer to pose
                IntPtr poseData = Captury_getCurrentPose(actorPointers[actorID]);

                // check if we actually got data, if not, continue
                if (poseData == IntPtr.Zero)
                    // something went wrong, get error message
                    IntPtr msg    = Captury_getLastErrorMessage();
                    string errmsg = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(msg);
                    Debug.Log("Stream error: " + errmsg);

                //               Debug.Log("received pose for " + actorID);

                // convert the pose
                CapturyPose pose = (CapturyPose)Marshal.PtrToStructure(poseData, typeof(CapturyPose));

                // get the data into a float array
                float[] values = new float[pose.numValues * 6];
                Marshal.Copy(pose.values, values, 0, pose.numValues * 6);

                Debug.Log("Value :" + values.Length);

                Debug.Log("received pose with numvalues: " + pose.numValues + " skeleton has joints: " + skeletons[actorID].joints.Length);
                Debug.Log("Send values over photon network...");
                this.photonView.RPC("sendValues", PhotonTargets.Others, values);
                // now loop over all joints
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3();
                Vector3 rot = new Vector3();
                for (int jointID = 0; jointID < skeletons[actorID].joints.Length; jointID++)
                    // ignore any joints that do not map to a transform
                    if (skeletons[actorID].joints[jointID].transform == null)

                    // set offset and rotation
                    int baseIndex = jointID * 6;
                    pos.Set(values[baseIndex + 0], values[baseIndex + 1], values[baseIndex + 2]);
                    rot.Set(values[baseIndex + 3], values[baseIndex + 4], values[baseIndex + 5]);

                    skeletons[actorID].joints[jointID].transform.position = ConvertPosition(pos);
                    skeletons[actorID].joints[jointID].transform.rotation = ConvertRotation(rot);
//				    if (jointID == 0)
//					Debug.Log("updating joint" + skeletons[actorID].joints[jointID].name + " " +  pos);

                // finally, free the pose data again, as we are finished

コード例 #2
    // this is run once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))

        // only perform if we are actually connected
        if (isConnected)
            // check for keypresses to request texture
            if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.T) && playerActor != -1)

            // make sure we lock access before doing anything

            // remove actor objects for actors that have disappeared
            List <int> actorsToRemove = new List <int>();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, GameObject> kvp in actorObjects)
                if (actors.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))

            foreach (int id in actorsToRemove)

            // fetch current pose for all skeletons
            int i = -1;
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, CapturyActor> kvp in actors)
                // get the actor id
                int actorID = kvp.Key;

                // add game object for actor
                if (!actorObjects.ContainsKey(actorID))
                    GameObject actor = (GameObject)Instantiate(actorTemplateObject);
                    actorObjects.Add(actorID, actor);

                // check if we need to initialize the player
                if (playerActor == -1 && i == playerActorIndex)
                    playerActor = actorID;

                // check if the actor is mapped to something, if not, ignore
                if (skeletons[actorID].reference == null)
                // get pointer to pose
                IntPtr poseData = Captury_getCurrentPose(actorPointers[actorID]);

                // check if we actually got data, if not, continue
                if (poseData == IntPtr.Zero)
                    // something went wrong, get error message
                    IntPtr msg    = Captury_getLastErrorMessage();
                    string errmsg = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(msg);
                    Debug.Log("Stream error: " + errmsg);

                //               Debug.Log("received pose for " + actorID);

                // convert the pose
                CapturyPose pose = (CapturyPose)Marshal.PtrToStructure(poseData, typeof(CapturyPose));

                // get the data into a float array
                float[] values = new float[pose.numValues];
                Marshal.Copy(pose.values, values, 0, pose.numValues);

                this.photonView.RPC("sendValues", PhotonTargets.Others, values, actorID);

                // now loop over all joints
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3();
                Vector3 rot = new Vector3();
                for (int jointID = 0; jointID < skeletons[actorID].joints.Length; jointID++)
                    // ignore any joints that do not map to a transform
                    if (skeletons[actorID].joints[jointID].transform == null)

                    // set offset and rotation
                    int baseIndex = jointID * 6;
                    pos.Set(values[baseIndex + 0], values[baseIndex + 1], values[baseIndex + 2]);
                    rot.Set(values[baseIndex + 3], values[baseIndex + 4], values[baseIndex + 5]);

                    skeletons[actorID].joints[jointID].transform.position = ConvertPosition(pos);
                    skeletons[actorID].joints[jointID].transform.rotation = ConvertRotation(rot);
//				    if (jointID == 0)
//					Debug.Log("updating joint" + skeletons[actorID].joints[jointID].name + " " +  pos);

                // finally, free the pose data again, as we are finished
