private void OnGestureDetected(object sender, GestureEventArgs e, int bodyIndex) { var isDetected = e.IsBodyTrackingIdValid && e.IsGestureDetected; // Debug.Log(_canvasExerciseManager.IsReady()); // Debug.Log("GESTUREID: " + e.GestureID); // if ((e.GestureID == _leanRightGestureName.ToString()) && _canvasExerciseManager.GetReadyState() == "true" ) if ((e.GestureID == gestureName.ToString() ) && _canvasExerciseManager.GetReadyState() == "true" ) { GestureTextGameObject.text = "if Gesture: " + isDetected; ConfidenceTextGameObject.text = "if Confidence: " + e.DetectionConfidence; if (e.DetectionConfidence > 0.3f) { /* if (timer.IsRunning) { if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 5000f) { Debug.Log("5sec"); } } else { timer.Start(); } var testtimer = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds * 0.001f; TimeTextGameObjectSW.text = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString(); TimeTextGameObjectSW2.text = testtimer.ToString();*/ // Fill the bar for duration _canvasExerciseManager.StartTime(); } else { GestureTextGameObject.text = "Gesture: " + isDetected; /* timer.Reset(); var testtimer = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds * 0.001f; TimeTextGameObjectSW.text = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString(); TimeTextGameObjectSW2.text = testtimer.ToString(); */ // Stop the timer _canvasExerciseManager.StopTime(); } } }// OnGestureDetected
private void OnGestureDetected(object sender, GestureEventArgs e, int bodyIndex) { var isDetected = e.IsBodyTrackingIdValid && e.IsGestureDetected; // Debug.Log(_canvasExerciseManager.IsReady()); if ((e.GestureID == _leanRightGestureName || e.GestureID == _leanLeftGestureName) && _canvasExerciseManager.GetReadyState() == "true" ) { GestureTextGameObject.text = "Gesture: " + isDetected; ConfidenceTextGameObject.text = "Confidence: " + e.DetectionConfidence; _time2 += Time.deltaTime; if (e.DetectionConfidence > 0.4f) { // Fill the bar for duration _canvasExerciseManager.StartTime(); /* ConfidenceTextGameObject.text += " WHOOP "; _time += Time.deltaTime; TimeTextGameObject.text = _time.ToString(); TimeImage.fillAmount = _time/5.0f; if (TimeImage.fillAmount >= 1.0f) { readyState = false; //AttemptSuccess; */ } } }// OnGestureDetected